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Kate Hashimoto was picking up a few groceries at the Upper West Side Food Emporium when she ran into a friend. “Hey Kate, do you like wraps? Here's a chicken wrap," her pal said. “But be careful, it's kind of wet.” They weren't in the food store. They were in front of the store, digging through three overflowing trash bins.
Hashimoto Dumpster-dives(拾荒) for all her food, doesn't use toilet paper or do laundry, and hasn't bought makeups in 10 years. She doesn't have to live this way — she's an employed CPA(注册会计师). “I've always been money-saving, but it was when I was fired that I became extreme,” Hashimoto explained. “No job is guaranteed, so I live as if I could be fired at any time.”
Manhattan, she said, is a gold mine for dumpster divers. “Consumers in wealthy areas expect their products to be perfect, so upscale stores throw out a lot of items that are still good. “New York can be the most expensive place to live, but it can also be the least expensive if you know how to work the system.”
Hashimoto let the reporter of a newspaper spend a day with her learning how to work the system. She lives in Harlem, where she bought a studio in 2010 and paid it off in nine months, but walks down to the Upper West Side three times a week for good, free food. Her other money-saving methods include using soap to wash herself after using the toilet, taking surveys online to earn gift cards, participating in medical trials, testing products for free samples, cutting her own hair, washing her clothes while she showers, and running to work to avoid using subway. “I was very angry about the latest round of subway fare rises,” she said.
Hashimoto does have her limits. Her furniture is a collection of found free gifts— but she won't take an old mattress for fear of bedbugs, and sleeps instead on used yoga mats. And she won't stay in a relationship with a boyfriend for free meals. “I've been in a relationship where I stayed because I was getting free gifts, but I got out of it,” she says. “It's better to be single and dumpster-diving than to be with someone you can't stand.”
(1)The author mentions Kate's friend at the beginning to ______.
A.show there are too many dumpster divers
B.introduce the topic of the text
C.show they have the same lifestyle
D.show the close relationship between them
(2)The underlined word “upscale”(in Para.3) is closest in meaning to_______.
(3)How does the author develop the fourth paragraph?
A.Offering the sufferings of Kate.
B.Making comparisons.
C.Discussing the high living cost in New York.
D.Providing details of Kate's daily life.

【解析】 本文讲述的是抠门的女白领,如厕不用纸,食物家具全靠捡垃圾。
(1)C 考查细节理解题。根据第一段提到Hey Kate, do you like wraps? Here's a chicken wrap," her pal said. “But be careful, it's kind of wet.” They weren't in the food store. They were in front of the store, digging through three overflowing trash bins. “嘿凯特,你喜欢肉卷吗?这有个鸡肉卷,” 她朋友说道。“但是小心,还有点湿。” 她们的对话并不是在什么杂货店的走廊里。她们站在商店前,在三个漫出来的垃圾箱翻找着,可知她们有着同样的生活方式,故选C项。
(2)B 考查词意猜测。根据第三段提到Manhattan, she said, is a gold mine for dumpster divers. “Consumers in wealthy areas expect their products to be perfect, so upscale stores throw out a lot of items that are still good. 曼哈顿是一座金矿,她说,生活在富裕地区的人们,往往希望他们的一切生活用品保持完美,所以那些高档的商店会把很多还很新的产品扔掉,故选B项。
(3)D 考查推理判断题。根据第四段提到Hashimoto let the reporter of a newspaper spend a day with her learning how to work the system桥本邀请记者用一天的时间和她学学如何像她一样生活,可知选D项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Have you ever been to an Irish wedding? I have just returned from one. It is a quarter to five in the morning: the sun has already climbed above the horizon; the birds are busy celebrating the new day and have eagerly been in search of food. But some of the guests have not yet left. They are still prolonging the night: dancing, singing, gossiping, putting off the unfortunate necessity of undertaking a day’s work in the fields after a sleepless night.
Throughout most of her life, Bridget Mary, the bride, has been living in the small whitewashed thatched cottage I have just left. Twelve children have been brought up there but only two are still living at home. The eldest son, heir (继承人) to the small farm, is helping his father with the farm work (they employ no farm laborers); the youngest daughter is still at school. Two years ago, Bridget Mary went to England to take up domestic work in a hospital and it was while she was living there that she met her future husband, Terry. He himself is an Irishman who used to live in Dublin and now has a well paid job in a light engineering works in England. They got engaged and started saving. Now they are thinking of buying a small house near Terry’s factory.
The wedding ceremony was performed in the church in the nearest town at half past eight yesterday morning. Another couple were being married at the same time. Nobody worried about the cost of the celebrations: four luxurious cars brought the bride, bridegroom, family and friends home, and forty people were crowded into the tiled kitchen and the tiny living room, hung with framed school certificates and religious pictures. A big meal was given; the wedding cake was cut and toasts were drunk in whisky or wine. And while the remains of the feast were being cleared away and the rooms swept, the four cars set out again, taking the married couple and relations for a drive round the countryside.
(1)What makes it clear that this is a country wedding?
A.People are up so early.
B.Birds are singing.
C.The people’s occupations.
D.The bride is one of a large family. 
(2)The young couple will not live on the farm after their marriage because________.
A.there is no room for them
B.they have a house in England
C.they are both employed elsewhere
D.it's the bride's brother who will inherit (继承) the farm
(3)Why were the guests taken for a ride round the countryside?
A.To give them an opportunity of ride round the countryside.
B.To get them out of the way.
C.To enable the neighbors to see the married people.
D.As a way of passing the time.
(4)What is the best title of the passage?
A.A Newly Married Couple
B.A Irish Wedding in the Country
C.Celebrations of Irish Wedding
D.Irish Married in the Country


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Do you feel the cold? the answer is “yes”, then why not try a cold bath or shower? This unusual advice comes from a natural health therapist(治疗专家) in Germany, research is about the effects of cold water.
Most people are brought up to believe that it’s important for them (keep) warm during the cold weather, with extra clothing and heaters, but research shows that the opposite (be) true. At a German health centre, hundreds of (visit) follow this advice by taking (they)first cold bath at 6 am, and come out feeling much more (relax). This is due to the fact that the cold water (increase) blood sugar levels, the heart beat and breathing rate. Research at the medical centre of Hanover has shown that those taking daily cold baths have 50% (few)colds and breathing problems than those who don’t. Studies in London have also proven that such treatment will help protect against heart attacks. For those people who find the idea of such behaviour unthinkable, then doing exercise such as running or cycling regularly is a good alternative. So, next time you’re suffering the cold, don't sit and comp lain, take action!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




修改:在错的词下划一横线( ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



According to a new report,more than one in five people are lived in extreme poverty around the globe. Therefore,China's continued economic growth has improved the lives of million of people.The poverty rate in the world's largest developing country had decreased by nearly three-quarters in the past six years.The report is made of a research company in the U.S.It says that the trend has resulted from the economic reforms in the country in last ten years.One reason for this soclo-economic success lies in the rapidly development of the country.Another reason is that why more and more people are moving from many poorer rural areas to look for better jobs in urban centers.The improvement of education but healthcare has also played an important part in help many people get out of poverty in China.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Mike,

I've just learned that you'd like me to introduce to you my favorite English teacher,Mr.Smith._______________






Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 每个同学准备一个才艺节目;

2. 积极参加游戏;

3. 做文明观众


1. 词数100左右;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。

Boys and girls,









That’s all. Thank you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Cell Phones: Hang Up or Keep Talking?
Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places it is actually considered unusual not to use one. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication----having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.
The explosions around the world in mobile phone use make some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas.
On the other hand, why do some medical studies show changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones? Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning(扫描)equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer's doctor didn't agree.
The answer is radiation. High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.
As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it's best to use mobile phones less often. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it's wise not to use your mobile phone too often.
A. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time.
B. They will possibly affect their benefits.
C. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people.
D. He couldn't remember even simple tasks.
E. What do the doctors worry about?
F. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.
G. What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Richard Williams works hard. He’s clever, careful, and fast. His work is dangerous. Richard thinks of himself as a professional—a professional thief.

Yesterday was a typical day. Richard dressed in a business suit, took his briefcase, and drove to a town about ten miles from his home. He parked his car in a busy area, then began to walk along the street. No one looked at him. He was another businessman walking to work.

At 8:05, Richard saw what he wanted. A man was leaving his house. Richard walked around the block again. At 8:10, he watched a woman leave the same house. After she left, Richard worked quickly. He walked to the side of the house and stood behind a tree. He took a screwdriver (螺丝刀) out of his briefcase and quickly opened the window and climbed in. First, he looked through the desk in the living room. He found $200 in cash. In the dining room, he put the silverware (银器) into his briefcase. The next stop was the bedroom. Richard stole a diamond ring and an emerald (祖母绿宝石) necklace. Richard passed a color TV, a stereo, and a camera, but he didn’t touch them. Everything had to fit into his briefcase. In less than five minutes, Richard climbed back out the window. He looked around carefully, then began his walk down the street again. No one looked at him. He was just another businessman, walking to work.

1Why did Richard wear a business suit?

A. Because he is a professional.

B. Because he didn’t want to draw others’ attention to him.

C. Because he works hard.

D. Because he is a thief.

2No one saw Richard get into the house because ________.

A. it was night time B. he ran very fast

C. he stood behind a tree D. he was very clever

3The reason why Richard didn’t take the TV set is that ________.

A. it is too big to carry

B. it is too heavy to carry

C. it is worth nothing

D. it is difficult for him to carry such a thing without being noticed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A man lived at the foot of a hill. For a long time, he heard of tales of the other side of the hill—stories of rich land, 1 weather and beautiful scenery.
One day, he was 2 life in his hometown and thought it was 3 to improve it, so he packed his bags, left his home and started climbing the hill, 4 to live a better life.
The climb was very 5.The man had to stop to rest many times. At some 6 , the hill was very steep(陡峭的) indeed, and he almost wanted to 7. But his dream of a better life 8 him going.
One afternoon, the man came to another steep part of the hill. And at the top stood some thick plants. The same 9 had happened to him many times before. 10 this time it was a little hard to get it over, he surely was able to do it.
11 , the man was too tired after all those days of 12 and pushing through high plants. He was 13 that he still had no results to show, no fruit to enjoy. He just didn't want to 14 any more. He said to himself, “Maybe life on the other side of the hill is not like what the 15 told. My old home isn't that 16 anyway.” He finally made his decision, 17 and set off for his home.
Actually the man didn't know that 18 he climbed over that slope (斜坡), he could see the other side of the hill and all he had heard about that place was 19. The man had already done the hard part, but he 20 to stop trying when things were going to get much better.
(1)A.bad B.hot C.perfect D.cold
(2)A.interested in B.bored of C.surprised at D.nervous about
(3)A.easy B.necessary C.simple D.right
(4)A.wishing B.beginning C.refusing D.helping
(5)A.astonishing B.interesting C.tiring D.attractive
(6)A.afternoons B.days C.points D.corners
(7)A.get up B.give up C.sit down D.run away
(8)A.stopped B.asked C.noticed D.kept
(9)A.trouble B.steep C.dream D.illness
(10)A.If B.Because C.When D.Although
(11)A.Luckily B.However C.Or D.So
(12)A.running B.playing C.climbing D.waiting
(13)A.happy B.angry C.excited D.lucky
(14)A.try B.help C.escape D.learn
(15)A.films B.books C.tales D.lessons
(16)A.strange B.terrible C.useless D.dangerous
(17)A.looked around B.turned around C.went on D.slowed down
(18)A.as if B.so that C.as long as D.as well as
(19)A.false B.true C.funny D.important
(20)A.prepared B.agreed C.chose D.failed

