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My Experience in a Free School

At first I couldn’t believe it! There were no ___1___ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to ___2___. Although we all lived 搃n? ___3___ made us go to bed at a certain time; there was no 搇ights out?

The ___4___ thing was that practically all the students went to class, ___5___ very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or ___6___ class. The new ones always went wild ___7___, but this never lasted long. The ___8___ took some getting used to. Our teachers treated us like ___9___; never did we have to ___10___ “stand up”, “sit down”, “speak out”. I don’t ___11___ one student who didn’t try his best.

The subjects were the same as those in ___12___ school, but what a difference in the approach(方式)! For example, in botany(植物学) we had ___13___ classes in the spring or fall, but instead we ___14___ two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden. ___15___ in winter we each studied a few ___16___ things about what we had grown. In math the students built three different kinds of storerooms ?small ones ___17___, but usable. They did this instead of having lessons in the classroom. They really had a ___18___ time too, designing everything, drawing the blueprints, ___19___ the angles(角度) and so on. I didn’t take ___20___. I can’t stand it! Besides, I could do the basic things with numbers. That’s ___21___!

___22___ I think I am a ___23___ person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else my age, and I can think better. That’s probably a real big ___24___ between the free school and regular school ?the amount of ___25___.

1. A. desks     B. lights  C. students      D. buildings

2. A. home     B. bed     C. class   D. work

3. A. anybody B. nobody      C. teachers      D. parents

4. A. sad B. last     C. good   D. strange

5. A. and B. but     C. so       D. yet

6. A. attended B. took    C. missed       D. studied

7. A. from then on B. at first C. once more  D. just then

8. A. freedom B. habit   C. time    D. people

9. A. workers  B. pupils C. gardeners   D. grown-ups

10. A. understand   B. study  C. play    D. say

11. A. hear from    B. feel like     C. think about D. know of

12. A. night    B. regular       C. small  D. real

13. A. all B. short   C. no      D. indoor

14. A. planted B. studied       C. drew   D. toured

15. A. Still     B. Then   C. Yet     D. Next

16. A. wild     B. successful   C. usual   D. particular

17. A. as well B. after a whileC. of course   D. as a result

18. A. funny   B. great   C. convenient  D. thoughtful

19. A. looking out  B. taking out   C. finding out D. figuring out

20. A. math    B. care    C. botany       D. notice

21. A. dull      B. interesting  C. enough       D. dangerous

22. A. On the whole      B. Once again C. Sooner or later   D. After a while

23. A. careful B. better  C. busier D. lovely

24. A. problem      B. chance       C. difference   D. change

25. A. reading B. gardening   C. teaching     D. thinking

1---25    ACBDA   CBADC   DBCAB   DCBDA   CABCD      


本文讲述了“我”在一所 free school 的经历。free school 与一般学校不同:教室里没有成排的桌椅,没有上课的铃声,学生可以不必在教室上课,也不必按时就寝…总之,free school 充分体现 free。但是令“我”意想不到的是,那儿的学生却非常自觉。

1. A。根据常识和题目中提到的 free school以及空格后的in rows,可知答案选A。

2 C。由于学校一切都很 free,不仅没有上课的铃声,而且也没有人要求学生一定要去上课(go to class)。

3. B。根据前面几句的句意和句子结构可知答案选 B。

4. D。在一般人看来,在如此 free 的学校里,学生一定会为所欲为,但事实完全不是那样,所以作者这是件很“奇怪的”(strange)事。(注:本句中的 practically 意为“几乎”)

5. A。and 表并列关系。

6. C。作者在此将新生与老生作了个对照:老生按时上课和就寝,而有的新生则熬夜(即不按时就寝)和缺课(miss class)。

7. B。根据其后的 but this never lasted long 可知此处应填 at first(起初)。

8. A。指学生需要一定的时间来适应 free school 里的这种特殊的“自由”(freedom)。此句也可说成 It took the students some time to get used to the freedom。

9. D。一般情况下,老师都把学生当孩子看待,但这里的老师却把学生当作grown-ups(成年人)看待——这也是 free school 与一般学校不同的地方。

10. C。比较四个选项,同时联系空格后用作宾语的 stand up, sit down, speak out,可知选 C 最佳。这里的 play 表示“做”,同时含有“表演”的意思。

11. D。比较四个短语的意思可知 D 最佳。

12. B。答案依据是文章最后一句…between the free school and the regular school。

13. C。/ 14. A。春秋两季不上植物课,取而代之去 …planted two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden——这正是这所 free school 与一般学校不同之处。

15. B。then 表示时间顺序。即春秋先播种,然后冬天再研究所种植物。

16. D。particular 在此表示“特定的”。

17. C。在数学课上同学们学习建造储藏室——这当然(of course)是小房子而不是大房子。

18. B。had a great time 意为“过得愉快”。

19. D。figure out 意为“算出”。如:Please figure out the total cost. 请计算出总费用。

20. A。作者在文中介绍 free school 中的一般情况时,均用了主语 we,但在谈到 math 时,作者则说 In math the students built… / They did this… / They really had… 等,这说明作者把自己排除在学数学之外,故此题 A。I didn’t take math 的意思是“我没有选修数学”。

21. C。作者没有选修数学有两方面的原因:一是认为他受不了学数学过程中的设计、绘图、计算等烦琐事;二是认为只要会进行基本的数字运算,就够(enough)了。

22. A。on the whole(总的说来)在此表示概括和总结。

23. B。作者认为自己与同龄人一样能读会写,而且能 think better,所以他认为自己“更优秀”(better)。

24. C。这是在概括 free school 与 regular school 的区别。

25. D。由于作者与同龄人一样能读会写,而且能 think better,这说明 free school 与 regular school 的最大区别就在于 the amount of thinking。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

He told his friends that he ___ what he was reading at the same time the day before.

A. was just asked      B. just asked      C. had just asked     D. had just been asked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Before you make a speech,you should  your thoughts and ideas.

A.get     B.take    C.bring   D.collect


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Be Brave With New Things

   The old advertising slogan, “so simple a child can do it ,” has taken on new meaning to me. A few weeks ago I got a computer, but I an mechanically illiterate. I knew that children had no fear of the future, so that seemed a good place to seek help. I asked my nephew, twelve years old, at an elementary school, to help me.

   My nephew took the machine for granted and has simply accepted the fact that computers are now a way of life. He plays with them and does his homework on them and even creates programs for them. I , on the other hand, are terrified by what this equipment can do. It can interchange paragraphs, switch words around and even correct my spelling. It informs me of Its limitations, takes commands and asks questions. It even seems to have a sense of communication. Rather than accusing me of making an error, it prints “One of us has made a mistake!” It never gets tired and is always patient and ready to go when I am.

   I think it was somewhat normal for me to be suspicious of computers. They represent a break with some very familiar habits and traditions. It is only human to instinctively avoid anything that shifts thoroughly from the acceptable, comfortable past. But the world is governed by ceaseless change and we must therefore establish links with the present and future as well as the past. Computer technology is an excellent case in point, as the newest systems grow out of date in only a few years, or even months.

   This ability to see, experience and accept the new is one of our saving characteristics. To be fearful of tomorrow, to close ourselves to possibilities, to resist the inevitable, to advocate standing still when all else is moving forward, is to lose touch. If we accept the new with joy and wonder, we can move gracefully into each tomorrow. More often than not, the children shall lead us.

19.What is the new meaning of  “So simple a child can do it” for the author?

A.computers are so easy to operate that even a child can play them well

B.A child can always do more complex things than an adult.

C.It is easier for a child to accept new things than for an adult.

D.A child has greater ability than an adult in operating computers.

20.According to the second paragraph, which of the following statements is true?

A.The nephew thought it is natural to accept the fact that computers are now a way of life.

B.The nephew believed that machines were made for people to do whatever they wanted.

C.computers are not only used to communicate, but also to remove their limitations.

D.It is a fact that both adults and children have accepted computers as a way of life.

21.Which of the following doesn’t the author’s computer do ?

A.It asks the author if she has made a mistake.

B.It accuses the author of making mistakes.

C.It corrects the author’s spelling mistakes.

D.It informs the author of her mistakes.

22.According to the third paragraph, it is human nature that we resist those things which   

A.only represent the comfortable and acceptable past

B.change thoroughly into the comfortable and acceptable past

C.make people stand still when all else is moving forward

D.change completely from the acceptable and comfortable past


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    PITTSBURGH – For most people, snakes seem unpleasant or even threatening. But Howie Choset sees in their delicate movements a way to save lives.

    The 37-year-old Carnegie Mellon University professor has spent years developing snake-like robots he hopes will eventually slide through fallen buildings in search of victims trapped after natural disasters or other emergencies.

     Dan Kara is president of Robotics Trends, a Northboro, Mass.-based company that publishes an online industry magazine and runs robotics trade shows. He said there are other snake-like robots being developed, mainly at universities, but didn’t know of one that could climb pipes.

     The Carnegie Mellon machines are designed to carry cameras and electronic sensors and can be controlled with a joystick(操纵杆). They move smoothly with the help of small electric motors, or servos, commonly used by hobbyists in model airplanes.

     Built from lightweight materials, the robots are about the size of a human arm orsmaller.   They can sense which way is up, but are only as good as their human operators, Choset added.

    Sam Stover, a search term manager with the Federal Emergency Management Agency based in Indiana, said snake-type robots would offer greater mobility than equipment currently available, such as cameras attached to extendable roles.

   “It just allows us to do something we’ve not been able to do before,” Stover said,   “We needed them yesterday.”

     He said sniffer dogs are still the best search tool for rescue workers, but that they can only be used effectively when workers have access to damaged buildings.

     Stover, among the rescue workers who handled the aftermath (后果) of Hurricane Katrina, said snake robots would have helped rescuers search flooded houses in that disaster.

     Choset said the robots may not be ready for use for another five to ten years, depending on funding.

72. Which institution is responsible for the development of Choset’s robots?

A. Robotics Trends.        B. Pittsburgh City Council.

C. Carnegie Mellon University.      D. Federal Emergency Management Agency.

73. Choset believes that his invention ______.

A. can be attached to an electronic arm               B. can be used by hobbyists in model airplanes

C. can find victims more quickly than a sniffer dog

D. can sense its way no better than its operators

74. By saying “We needed them yesterday” (paragraph 7), Stover means that snake-like robots _____.

A. could help handle the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

B. would have been put to use in past rescue work

C. helped rescuers search flooded houses yesterday

D. were in greater need yesterday than today

75. What is the text mainly about?

A. Snake-like robots used in industries.                     B. Snake-like robots made to aid in rescues.

C. The development of snake-like robots.            D. The working principles of snake-like robots.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One of the political issues that is heard a lot about in the States lately is campaign(竞选)finance reform(改革). The people who are  36  for reform usually want the  37  to pay for campaigns and/or limit the amount of money that candidates(候选人)and their  38  can spend.

One reason that reform is called for is that it costs so much to  39  for political office. Candidates have to spend a great deal of time and effort  40  money. The incumbents (those already in office) have less time to do chief jobs since they must  41  so many money raising events.

Another  42  is the fear that candidates will be owned or  43  by the “special interest groups” that give money to their campaigns. Sometimes this certainly seems to be the  44 .

On the  45  side are those who say that it doesn’t mean it’s really  46  just because you call something “reform”. They argue that the right to freedom of speech is  47  if the government can limit anyone’s ability to get his or her message out to the people.

If one person or a group of people want to tell the  48  what they think about an issue or candidate, they have to buy  49  on TV, radio, and in newspapers and magazines. They might want to put up advertisements along highways and on websites. All this costs a lot of  50 .

Those against laws that control or limit spending say that you don’t really have freedom of  51  or freedom of the press if you can’t get your message out. They say the government should never be able to control  52  discussions. They believe that this is most important when the voters are about to make  53 .

What do you think about this  54 ? Listen to what the candidates for national office have to say. Which candidates  55  the most sense to you?

36.A.waiting                   B.calling                    C.standing                  D.preparing

37.A.government            B.president                 C.candidates               D.citizens

38.A.leaders                   B.bosses                     C.supporters               D.states

39.A.pay                        B.compete                  C.wait                       D.work

40.A.raising                    B.earning                   C.giving                    D.getting

41.A.notice                     B.report                     C.guard                            D.attend

42.A.event                      B.cost                        C.reason                    D.office

43.A.encouraged             B.forced                    C.controlled               D.ordered

44.A.joke                       B.purpose                  C.case                        D.example

45.A.other                      B.same                      C.another                   D.different

46.A.worse                     B.better                            C.easier                            D.harder

47.A.meaningless            B.unimportant            C.unnecessary             D.impossible

48.A.reporters                 B.truth                       C.story                      D.public

49.A.time                       B.copies                     C.rights                            D.advertising

50.A.energy                    B.effort                            C.time                       D.money

51.A.argument                B.opinion                   C.speech                    D.election

52.A.common                 B.political                  C.general                   D.special

53.A.profit                            B.trouble                   C.plans                      D.decisions

54.A.quarrel                   B.problem                  C.issue                       D.affair

55.A.find                       B.make                      C.create                     D.produce


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

This is the last chance to go abroad for further education ; don’t ____  .

         A.take it away      B.give it away      C.put it away        D.throw it away


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

This shirt______you very well but it is______me.

A.fits for;not fit for                               B.fits;not fit for

C.fits;not fit                                           D.fits for;not fit


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I’ve left the washing outside. If it ________ rain, can you bring it in?

A. would    B. should   C. may      D. can

