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A man was walking on a mountain when he found an amazing cave. Stored inside were all kinds of treasure and precious stones. When he saw it, he concealed the cave entrance and stayed there, guarding it.

From that day on, the man hid all his valuables in the cave, and to avoid anyone suspecting he was rich, he gave up his job, his home, and his friends. He constantly watched the approaches to his cave, wanting no one to find out about it. Fearing thieves, he guarded the cave all night long.

He was so devoted to the cave that he hardly ate or drank. Before long, he fell ill. Many days passed, and he got thinner and sicker, losing all his strength. One day, when he could hardly move at all, he realized that it was his greed that had brought him to this extreme end. He understood that guarding his treasure had been of no use and no good. He decided to share it with others.

He crawled (爬) into the cave to fetch some jewels, but discovered that the cave was almost empty. All he could find was a small emerald (绿宝石). He took it and left the cave, intending to give it to the first person passing by. Soon a woman approached and accepted the emerald with great joy. The man said to her, “I could have given you many more riches, but I don’t know where they went. This is all I have now.”

“Are you sure there’s nothing else?” replied the woman. The man shook his head and pointed to the cave. He found that some riches were still there; he saw some gold coins. He said, “Take them with you.” The woman took both the emerald and the coins, and went away happily.

In a while, an old man passed by and asked the man what he was doing there. The man replied, “What bad luck! Just a moment ago I gave a woman the few riches left over from the treasure I was guarding.”

“Are you sure there’s nothing else?” The old man asked him.

The man showed him the cave, and they found a box filled with jewels and gold. The man was shocked. The old man explained to him, “At last! At last someone has freed himself from the spell (咒语) of this cave. You see, this is a magic cave, and you’re the first to pass its great test. Many people have devoted their lives to this cave, only to end up realizing there’s nothing here ...”

“And why does this happen?” said the man. “Why does the treasure appear and disappear?”

“My son, this magic cave has as many riches as does your own heart. When someone discovers it, the cave fills with the treasure they bring with them, but later, when they all devote themselves to guarding the treasure, their hearts begin emptying, and so does the cave. The only way to fill it is to fill your heart with all that is good, as you did by giving that last jewel to the woman. That’s the reason why the cave was filling up again ...”

And so, the man understood it was better to share than to keep things to himself. And, from that day, thanks to the cave and the old man, the man became ever more noble (高尚的) and generous.

1.The underlined word “concealed” in the first paragraph can be replaced by “_____”.

A. built B. covered

C. discovered D. used

2.After the man fell ill, he intended to ______.

A. tell others about his story

B. take all the treasure home

C. give some of the treasure to other people

D. return the treasure to the woman and the old man

3.What happened to the man in the end?

A. He became more generous.

B. He became the richest man in the world.

C. He became more careful about his health.

D. He became more grateful to others for their help.

4.What can we learn from this passage?

A. Be a good listener.

B. Don’t be angry with others.

C. We should learn to share.

D. We ought to help each other.







1.When he saw it, he concealed the cave entrance and stayed there, guarding it.可以推测出conceal为“掩盖”之意。故B正确。

2.He understood that guarding his treasure had been of no use and no good. He decided to share it with others.可知他打算给一些珠宝给其他人。故C正确。

3.And, from that day, thanks to the cave and the old man, the man became ever more noble (高尚的) and generous.可知这个男人最后变得更加慷慨了。故A正确。




科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏东台三仓中学高一12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Every year, typhoons and losses ______ lead to are frightening though measures have been taken.

A. which B. that C. they D. ones


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北长阳第一高级中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Thank you for speaking for me at the dinner party. You __________ me from an unpleasant


A. rescued B. requested

C. recognized D. persuaded


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南扶沟高级中学高一上第一次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Li Hua: Hi, Li Lei. Long time no see. What did you do during your winter holiday?

Li Lei: Hi, Li Hua. I found a part-time job in a real estate (房地产) company as 1.salesman for twenty days.

Li Hua: Really? That must be 2. (extreme) interesting.

Li Lei: Yes, interesting 3. tiring. I stood for ten hours a day and introduced the houses to customers that I met. Sometimes I was laughed at, but most of the time, I 4.(praise) for my wonderful work by many people.

Li Hua: I guess you 5. have gained a lot from this part-time job.

Li Lei: Yes, I really have learnt a lot about how to express my opinion, how to communicate 6.different people and how to work in a team.

Li Hua: I also took part in a great many social activities, some of 7. were really impressive. Through these activities, I not only gained a lot of social experience but also improved my practical skills, such as interpersonal skills and organizing ability. As far as I’m 8., acquiring practical skills is of great 9.(important) to us students. Besides, the experience 10. (gain) may pave the way for our future career development.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南扶沟高级中学高二上第一次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假设你叫李华,你的一位朋友John刚从国外归来,邀请你参加本周日在他 家举办的朋友聚会,但你不能参加。请你根据以下要点给他写一封电子邮件:

1. 表达想参加的意愿;

2. 忙于准备期末考试;

3. 由于感冒,身体不适;

4. 表示歉意并另约时间。


2. 可适当增加细节,以便行文连贯;

Dear John,

I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday.

I 'm looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃省高一上第一学段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park. The park was full of beauty of spring, with the sun shining and birds sing. When I was enjoying the fantastic scenery around, something unpleasant caught their eyes. A young couple in a boat was eating, talking and laughing loudly as if they were the only people in the world. Which is worse, they spat and even threw rubbish into the lake, total ignoring the noticeable sign “No Littering” nearby. What shame!

Such behavior leaves me deep in thought. If all visitors to the Fairy Lake Park do as the couple did so, the lake will be severely polluted or soon turned into a huge dustbin.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃省高一上第一学段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

At the foot of the mountain _________ .

A. a village lies B. does a village lie

C. lies a village D. lying a village


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建闽清高级中学等四校高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mr Wang devoted all his time to_______ his spoken English before going abroad.

A.improve B. being improved

C.improved D. improving


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽宿州市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Norwegian government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control. A new law limits exploration to an area south of the southern end of the long coastline, production limits have been laid down, and oil companies have not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers. But the oil industry has a way of getting over such problems, and few people believe that the government will be able to hold things back for long.

Ever since the war, the government has been carrying out a program of development in the area north of the Arctic Circle. During the past few years this program has had a great deal of success. Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospital and a healthy industry. But the oil industry has already started to draw people south, and within a few years the whole northern policy could be in ruins.

The effects of the oil industry would not be limited to the north, however. With nearly 100 percent employment, everyone can see a situation developing in which the service industries and the tourist industry will lose most of their workers to the oil industry. Some smaller industries might even disappear altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.

1.The Norwegian Government would prefer the oil industry to _____.

A. provide more jobs for foreign workers

B. slow down the rate of its development

C. sell the oil it is producing abroad

D. develop more quickly than at present

2.The Norwegian Government has tried to ____.

A. encourage the oil companies to discover new oil sources

B. prevent oil companies employing people from Northern Norway

C. help the oil companies solve many of their problems

D. keep the oil industry to something near its present size

3.According to the text, the oil industry might lead in Northern Norway to ____.

A. the development of industry

B. a growth in population

C. the failure of the development program

D. the development of new towns

4.In the south, one effect of the development of the oil industry might be _____.

A. a large reduction in unemployment

B. a growth in the tourist industry

C. a reduction in the number of existing industries

D. the development of a number of service industry.

