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8.The number 2008is a special number,       I think,that will be remembered by the Chinese forever.(  )

分析 2008是一个特殊的数字,一个我认为将被中国人永远铭记的数字.

解答 答案选C.本题考查不定代词的用法.此句话中,主句是"The number 2008 is a special number",one可用来指代前文提到的名词"number",同名异物,泛指"一个数字","I think"是插入语.that引导的从句来修饰one.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.This ferryboat _____ to transport passengers between the harbor and the island for years.(  )
A.is usedB.was being usedC.is being usedD.has been used


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Observational Learning:To See Is to Know
A group of psychologists,led by Albert Bandura,developed social learning theory,which emphasizes the fact that much learning occurs in a social context.This kind of learning,which results simply from observing and imitating the behaviors of others,is called observational learning.Observational learning helps people acquire proper behaviors in their families and cultures:By watching others,we learn how to greet people,eat,laugh and tell jokes.Do you still remember your first few days in senior grade one?By watching others,you learned how people talked to each other,what clothes were"fashionable,"and how to interact with instructors.
The people from whom you learn new behaviors through observing function as models,presenting a behavior to be imitated.With modeling,you observe others'behaviors,and then none,some,or all of these behaviors may be learned and repeated,or modified.In one of Bandura's classic studies,children were divided into three groups:One group watched an adult beating up a Bobo doll,one group watched an adult ignoring the Bobo doll,and the third didn't see an adult at all.After being mildly frustrated by being placed in a room with toys,but not being allowed to play with some of them,all of the children were then placed in another room with a variety of toys,including a Bobo doll.Children in the first group tended to imitate what they had seen,mistreating the doll (and inventing new ways to abuse it) and being aggressive with the other toys in the room.
Researchers have discovered that several characteristics of models can make learning through observation more effective.Not surprisingly,the more you pay attention to the model,the more you learn.You are more likely to pay attention if the model is an expert,is good looking,has high status,or is socially powerful.Second,by watching others,we learn about what behaviors are appropriate for people like ourselves,so models who are seen as similar are more readily imitated.All students need to see successful,capable models who look and sound like them.
Then,as teachers,how can you apply observational learning?Here are a few guidelines.Above all,model the behaviors and attitudes you desire your students to learn.For example,show enthusiasm for the subject you teach.Be willing to demonstrate both the mental and the physical tasks you expect the students to perform.Second,use peers,especially class leaders,as models.For example,in group work,pair students who do well with those who are having difficulties.Third,you may seek the help of class leaders in modeling behaviors.Examples include letting high-status students lead an activity when you need class cooperation or when students are likely to be reluctant at first.
Observational Learning:To See Is to Know


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.California has a new program called the Digital Textbook Initiative."Starting this fall with high school math and science,we will be the first state in the nation to provide schools with a state-approved list of digital textbooks."That was Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in June,talking about his effort to get schools to use materials available free online.He listed reasons why he thinks digital textbooks make sense.
California approves traditional textbooks in six-year cycles.Digital ones can offer the latest information.They lighten the load of school bags.They save paper and trees,and make learning more fun and interactive.And above all,he said,they help schools with their finances.
The state has had to make severe cuts in school spending because of deep financial problems.More than six million students attend California public schools.
Earlier this year,California invited content developers to offer digital math and science materials for high schools.These had to meet at least 90% of the state's learning requirements.Specially trained teachers examined 16 textbooks and approved ten of them.Six of the ten were published by the CK 12 Foundation,a nonprofit group that had been developing digital science and math books for about two years.The foundation paid teachers and other education professionals to write and edit them.The money came from a group financed by the Khosla Family.
California cannot require schools to use the digital textbooks.Individual school districts will have to decide for themselves.Susan Martimo,a California Department of Education official,says she does not expect widespread use right away.Her best guess is that some schools with a lot of technology will be the first to use them,but only in addition to their traditional books.
School administrators point out that the texts may be free online,but students need a way to access them.Not everyone has a computer or electronic reader.Schools could print out copies,but that would not help the environment.Also,there is the cost to train teachers to use digital textbooks effectively.

36.The Digital Textbook InitiativeD.
A.will probably take effect in six years
B.covers all the high school subjects
C.has been approved by all states
D.is advocated by California state governor
37.Digital textbooks are most meaningful in that they are toA.
A.help save money                  
B.benefit the environment
C.provide interesting materials    
D.reduce students'heavy burden
38.Which of the following is TRUE of the CK 12 Foundation?D
A.It publishes all the books for students free of charge                   
B.It provides money to write and edit all the textbooks in the USA
C.It is organized and supported by Khosla Family                   
D.It offers digital math and science materials for high schools
39.According to Susan Martimo,digital textbooks willC.
A.come into fashion from now on
B.soon replace traditional ones
C.first be adopted by well-equipped schools
D.surely be approved by school districts
40.It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatB.
A.schools are reluctant to print out copies
B.the program is not easy to carry out
C.students have no access to the computers
D.teachers fail to use the textbooks effectively.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.-Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?
-        .They are both expensive and of little use.(  )
A.BothB.NeitherC.NoneD.No one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.The British royal family is about to be slimmed down.The queen plans to reduce the number of real royals,it was recently announced.However,there seems little sign of the monarchy (君主)
disappearing completely.
Up till the 17th century,the British king or queen was believed to rule by"divine (神的)right",which was the idea that God chose the king or queen to rule and that he or she was therefore above the law.However,this idea ended with the English Revolution,in which King Charles the first was imprisoned and then killed in 1649.
So what role does the British royal family have today?
Well,the Queen has important formal duties:as Head of State,the Queen represents the UK on visits abroad and invites other world leaders to visit the UK.As Head of the Armed Forces,only the Queen can declare when the UK is at war or when war was over.The Queen also has constitutional duties:She has to sign many government and Commonwealth documents every day.
In addition,the royal family spends a great deal of its time traveling up and down the country in support of different charity projects.
But the public in Britain do not believe there should be a royal family.Sometimes,the press and media criticize the royal family as well.
One criticism is that British people should not have to pay for the royal family through their taxes.
Today,the royal family works hard to be relevant in,the modem world.The queen's speech on TV is less formal every Christmas,and is now available as a podcast (播客).In 2005,after graduation from university,Prince William spent time teaching English in Uruguay,the sort of work many young British people do at some time in their lives.

55.What can be concluded from the first two paragraphs?B
A.The British king or queen is about to become common people.
B.The British king or queen is no longer believed to rule by divine right.
C.The English Revolution put an end to the British royal family in 1649.
D.The royal family's role was most important in Britain in the 17th century.
56.Which of the following is NOT among formal duties of the Queen?A
A.Travelling around the world for charity projects.
B.Declaring when the UK is at war.
C.Inviting other world leaders to visit the UK.
D.Signing Commonwealth documents every day.
57.Prince William is mentioned in the passage to show thatD.
A.he is popular in the UK
B.many young British people do voluntary work
C.he has tried to win young people's admiration
D.the royal family is trying to change their image
58.We can infer from the passage thatC.
A.British people are all in favor of the royal family
B.the public are encouraged to oppose the royal family
C.the British royal family are facing surviving challenges
D.British youths are required to teach English in Uruguay in their lives.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Make sure you have checked the information in the passage       you make the choice.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.______ the company's increasing third-generation,or 3G,China Unicom Ltd saw new profits.(  )
A.Rather thanB.As forC.According toD.Thanks to

