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Way back in 1662,John Evelyn,a brilliant Englishman known for his detailed diaries,wrote about disastrous effects of coal-burning on the city of London .In it,he described an infernal scene of smog.air filled with “Columns and Clouds of Smoke’’given out by small industries and residences that burned coal for fuel.
I found the description in the 2003 book When Smoke Ran like Water,by epidemiologist(流行病学家)and environmental advocator(倡导者)Devra Davis.In it,Davis looks back at several historic pollution events and their disastrous effect on human human health-and at how these phenomena were often Ignored or even actively covered up by then people in charge at that time.
As Davis points out,John Evelyn was ahead of his time when writing about how London’s polluted air affected  the well-being of its residents.It wasn’t  until nearly 300 years later,after what became well-known as the Great Smog of 1952,that the government began to address the problem in a systematic way.
For four days.Between December 5th“and 9th“,due to all accident of the weather pattern,the city was buried in a heavy fog .People were still burning coal for fuel,and low-grade coal at that time, because 0f wartime condition.A temperature inversion(转向)trapped the smoke from the city’s fires, creating a black cloud in which people could barely find their way down the most familiar streets
Some tried to protect themselves,but most people simply went about their business. But l952’s fog was far worse than any other in memory.In the same week of the previous year, 1852 people had died in London;inl952,that number was 4703 And the deaths didn’t stop when the weather changed and the fog lifted.Davis and her colleagues analyzed data from the next several months and found that about 13000 more people died between December and March than one would have predicted from historical averages Many of them died of pneumonia(肺炎).The government,she writes.Tried to blame a bad flu season.Her detailed analysis found that explanation simply did
not pan out.
Davis writes that even today in this country ,we still have not completely absorbed the lessons of similar events.Sixty years the killer fog lifted in London,people are dying preventable deaths and suffering life.changing illnesses,simply because they must breathe the air of the cities where they live
小题1:The passage is written to     
A.warn people of the danger from air pollution
B.introduce London’s Great Smog of l952
C.blame the government for the smog
D.explain the reasons for air pollution
小题2:The underlined word‘‘infernal” in the first paragraph probably means“    ”
小题3:One of the reasons for the Great Smog of l952wasthat——
A.people burned wood for fuel
B.a forest fire created a black cloud over the city
C.the government ignored the smog
D.most people went abouttheirbusine00
小题4:How does the writer feel about the present air condition in London?
A. lndifferent   B Concerned    C.Hopeless.D. Panic


小题1:主旨大意题。 全文讲了空气污染对人们生活健康的危害,并有事实事例和学者观点加以证明,所以是在警告我们空气污染的危害性。故选A。
小题2:词义猜测题 。结合上下文可知书中描述了一个充满烟雾的世界,然人觉得如地狱般。imaginary虚构的;adventurous 爱冒险的; unbelievable难以置信的;annoying恼人的,讨厌的。故选D。
小题3:细节理解题。由 “The government,she writes.Tried to blame a bad flu season.Her detailed analysis found that explanation simply did not pan out.”可知,政府讲责任推卸给糟糕的流感季节而没有深入研究原因导致了事件的一再延续。故选C。
小题4:细节理解题。由“Sixty years  the killer fog lifted in London,people are dying preventable deaths and suffering life.”可知,作者对于伦敦的空气质量现状是“关心的”indifferent 漠不关心的; Concerned 关切的;Hopeless充满希望的;Panic疼痛的 。故选B。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

German study suggests that people who were too optimistic about their future actually faced greater risk of disability or death within 10 years than those pessimists who expected their future to be worse.
The paper,published this March in Psychology and Aging,examined health and welfare surveys from roughly 40,000 Germans between ages 18 and 96.The surveys were conducted every year from 1993 to 2003.
Survey respondents (受访者) were asked to estimate their present and future life satisfaction on a scale of 0 to 10,among other questions.
The researchers found that young adults (age 18 to 39) routinely overestimated their future life satisfaction,while middle­aged adults (age 40 to 64) more accurately predicted how they would feel in the future.Adults of 65 and older,however,were far more likely to underestimate their future life satisfaction.Not only did they feel more satisfied than they thought they would,the older pessimists seemed to suffer a lower ratio (比率) of disability and death for the study period.
“We observed that being too optimistic in predicting a better future than actually observed was associated with a greater risk of disability and a greater risk of death within the following decade,”wrote Frieder R.Lang,a professor at the University of Erlangen­Nuremberg.
Lang and his colleagues believed that people who were pessimistic about their future may be more careful about their actions than people who expected a rosy future.
“Seeing a dark future may encourage positive evaluations of the actual self and may contribute to taking improved precautions (预防措施),”the authors wrote.
Surprisingly,compared with those in poor health or who had low incomes,respondents who enjoyed good health or income were associated with expecting a greater decline.Also,the researchers said that higher income was related to a greater risk of disability.
The authors of the study noted that there were limitations to their conclusions.Illness,medical treatment and personal loss could also have driven health outcomes.
However,the researchers said a pattern was clear.“We found that from early to late adulthood,individuals adapt their expectations of future life satisfaction from optimistic,to accurate,to pessimistic,”the authors concluded.
小题1:According to the study,who made the most accurate prediction of their future life satisfaction?
A.Optimistic adults.
B.Middle­aged adults.
C.Adults in poor health.
D.Adults of lower income.
小题2:Pessimism may be positive in some way because it causes people________.
A.to fully enjoy their present life
B.to estimate their contribution accurately
C.to take measures against potential risks
D.to value health more highly than wealth
小题3:How do people of higher income see their future?
A.They will earn less money.
B.They will become pessimistic.
C.They will suffer mental illness.
D.They will have less time to enjoy life.
小题4:What is the clear conclusion of the study?
A.Pessimism guarantees chances of survival.
B.Good financial condition leads to good health.
C.Medical treatment determines health outcomes.
D.Expectations of future life satisfaction decline with age.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you consider what subject to study in college, chances are that you and your parents will think about what you can make out of it after graduation. You will likely ask the question: “Can I find a well-paid job or simply a job with a degree in this in the future?”
This consideration also influences students when they come to choose between studying science or humanities (人文学科) at college. People generally believe that the humanities, which include literature ,  history, cultural studies and philosophy,  do not prepare students for a specific vocation (职业). Science subjects, however, are considered vocational courses that produce scientists, engineers and economists (经济学家).
“I've decided to take finance as my college major. My parents and I think this subject will help me get a good job or start a business,” said Huachen Yueru, 17, a science student at Wuxi No. 1 High School.
Even those who choose a liberal arts (文科) education often pick the humanities subject which they think will best help them later find a job.
“I'm going to study Spanish in college, which I believe will open doors to a high-paying job for me,” said Liu Chao, 18, a Senior 2 student at Dalian No 20 High School. He said few of his classmates show interest in subjects like philosophy and history, which are seen as “less promising” in job markets.
The popularity of liberal arts subjects among college students has also been decreasing in the United States. American scholars (学者) and universities are concerned that in the ongoing economic crisis (经济危机) liberal arts subjects will be hit hardest. As money tightens (紧缩), they worry that the humanities may become “a great luxury (奢侈品) that many cannot afford”, according to the New York Times.
小题1: When you consider what to study in college, what does you and your parents usually think about ?
A.whether you are interested in the subject.
B.if you can lead a happy life.
C.what you can make out of it after graduation.
D.How much you can learn in the college.
小题2:Why do students show little interest in the subjects, like philosophy or history ?
A.Because they are not interested in them.
B.Because they think these subjects are useless.
C.Because they see these subjects as less-promising in job market.
D.Because they like the science subjects.
小题3: What can we infer from the passage ?
A.Humanities are becoming less and less popular with the students.
B.Studying science subjects is sure to find a well-paid job.
C.The humanities in college should be cancelled.
D.The writer thinks those who choose the liberal arts education will choose their favorite subjects.
小题4: What does the underlined word “it” refer to in the first paragraph ?
A.the subject you study in collegeB.scienceC.humanitiesD.liberal arts
体裁:说明文        词数:326       难度系数:☆☆☆☆       建议用时:8分钟
类别:细节理解+推理判断题+词义猜测题             本文标题 :…Arts in crisis…


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There has been much discussion recently about reducing the weight of English in China's high-stake tests such as the national college entrance examination. It is argued by some applauding the recent change to reduce the importance of English in tests so that it will lead students to focus more on learning Chinese. The TV program Writing in Chinese has exposed the problem that students and the general public cannot write in Chinese as they used to do.
Some blame the design of the curriculum for giving English an equal or greater amount of emphasis, which might have contributed to the failure in teaching Chinese. But this is probably not a fair accusation since children in English speaking countries cannot spell either.
I doubt that studying English in itself hurts the study of Chinese. In fact, high achievers in English or another foreign language are more likely to be high achievers in Chinese. It has been proved many times in recent Chinese history that those capable of using a foreign language are also masters in their mother tongue. Qian Zhongshu, Lu Xun and Lin Yutang are just a few examples.
Another trend of thought for curriculum reform is related to the perception of "worth". It is true that English is one of the subjects that students do spend too much time on, with pitiful results. This makes some doubt if it is worth giving it priority. But this is not a sound argument either as students still need to study things that matter more to their future in spite of challenges learning English presents to them.
Improvements in Chinese language education should not be achieved by sacrificing another important subject. There should be a robust(健康的) foreign language education program, as a foreign language improves a student's future job prospects. Bashing(抨击) English education as a waste of time or using it as a goat for failures in Chinese education are both harmful tendencies.
To be constructive, we ought to start a dialogue on ways to make improvements in learning outcomes so that students' time learning English is spent more effectively. There are a few things that could improve English education, such as assessment design,learner motivation and teaching style,
I am sure there are many other areas where changes can greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of English learning. The public discourse at present is a little oversimplified. People are arguing for or against English having less weight in major tests, when the dialogue should be taken a step further, to the improvement of learning or teaching methods that may benefit the teaching of other subjects as well, Chinese included.
小题1:In paragraph 3 Qian Zhongshu, Lu Xun and Lin Yutang are mentioned to _____.
A.show respect for their capabilities of learning languages
B.prove English and Chinese are not contradictory
C.confirm the importance of learning English in China
D.tell the readers English Education is to blame
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following statements is right?
A.The TV program Writing in Chinese is very popular at present.
B.Good results of learning English are not worth so much time.
C.Some are in favor of attaching less importance to English in exams.
D.Sacrificing English can improve Chinese language education.
小题3:In the writer’s opinion, what should be done to solve the argument?
A.Increasing time spent in learning Chinese.
B.Increasing time spent in learning English.
C.Reducing the weight of English in examinations.
D.Improving the learning outcomes effectively.
小题4:Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
A.English education is still important in China.
B.Chinese education is more important in China.
C.English contributes to the failure in teaching Chinese
D.Ways to make improvements in learning Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If your preschoolers turn up their noses at carrots or celery, a small reward like a sticker(贴画) for taking even a taste may help get them to eat previously disliked foods, a UK study said.
Though it might seem obvious that a reward could encourage young children to eat their vegetables, the idea is actually controversial, researchers wrote in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. That’s because some studies have shown that rewards can backfire and cause children to lose interest in foods they already liked, said Jane Wardle, a researcher at University College London who worked on the study. Verbal praise, such as “Brilliant! You’re a great vegetable taster”, did not work as well.
The study found that when parents gave their small children a sticker each time they took a “tiny taste” of a disliked vegetable, it gradually changed their attitudes. The children were also willing to eat more of the vegetables—either carrots, celery, cucumber, red pepper, cabbage or sugar snap peas—in laboratory taste tests, the study said.
Researchers randomly assigned (分派) 173 families to one of these groups. In one, parents used stickers to reward their children each time they took a tiny sample of a disliked vegetable. A second group of parents used verbal praise. The third group, where Parents used no special vegetable-promoting methods, served as a “control”.
Parents in the reward groups offered their children a taste of the “target” vegetable every day for 12 days. Soon after, children in the sticker group were giving higher ratings to the vegetables—and were willing to eat more in the research lab, going from an average of 5 grams at the start to about 10 grams after the 12-day experience. The turnaround(转机) also seemed to last, with preschoolers in the sticker group still willing to eat more of the once-disliked vegetable three months later.
Why didn’t the verbal praise work? Wardle said the parents’ words may have seemed “insincere” to their children.
小题1:The purpose of writing the passage is      .
A.to show the procedure of an experiment on children’s diet
B.to introduce a practical method of making children eat vegetables
C.to explain why children hate to eat vegetables
D.to present a proper way of verbal praise to parents
小题2:The underlined word “backfire” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_______”.
A.shoot from behind the back
B.make a fire in the backyard
C.produce an unexpected result
D.achieve what was planned
小题3:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Most children are born to dislike carrots or celery.
B.Children in the sticker group will never lose interest in eating vegetables.
C.Oral praise works quite well in encouraging children to eat vegetables.
D.It remains a question whether rewarding is a good way to get children to eat vegetables.
小题4:What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Children like rewards, not verbal praise.
B.Parents should give up verbal praise.
C.Children are difficult to inspire.
D.Parents should praise their children in a sincere tone.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A study suggests that although most students at UK universities are happy with their courses, dissatisfaction has grown as fees rise.The study highlights a big variation in teaching time, and lists different ideas about the value of getting university degrees.
Katharine Collins, a second-year college student
The course has been very interesting, but I was expecting a little more one-to-one time with my teacher.
We do about four assignments (作业) each term, each of which is about 3,000 words.However, sometimes they are not that helpful.We hope to be given the right to write feedback (反馈) after every assignment, but we had no feedback at all throughout the first year.We are given grades about three weeks after we hand the assignments in.There is no feedback on where we have gone wrong or how we might improve.
Lee Millington, a creative-writing student
I choose the courses because of its reputation.There is a lack of one-to-one teaching.I would like personalized feedback from an expert in my field of writing.Some of the lectures have been quite helpful but they try to use too many different styles of writing.For example, if you want to be a poet, you might find that the lectures focus too much on novels.
I think there is too much attention paid to sharing our work in workshops and giving each other feedback.I think there should be more time given to actual teaching, rather than to feedback from people who are at a similar level to me.
Reporters from Hounsdown Secondary School, Ella, 16
When I work independently, I feel I have more freedom to develop my ideas and come up with more original viewpoints.The price of university will still be worth it to get the qualifications (资格证书)necessary for better jobs.
Tyier, 16
Although the cost of university is very high now, I think university is required for gaining a good and well-paid job.
小题1:We can learn from the beginning of the article that           .
A.Most of the university students at UK are dissatisfied with their courses.
B.The higher and higher pay for their courses accounts for the rise of the UK students’ dissatisfaction.
C.All the students at UK universities hold a similar attitude towards the value of getting university degrees.
D.The student’s purpose is to highlight the importance of gaining a university diploma.
小题2:According to Katharine Collins in Paragraph 2, we can infer that           .
A.She is content with the assignments given in each term.
B.She has never been given one-to-one time with her teacher before.
C.She didn’t think highly of the value of the assignments at the university.
D.She benefits from the assignments a lot because they are helpful.
小题3:Why does Lee Millington choose the course-- writing?
A.Because he wants to be a great writer in the future.
B.Because he is interested in it from his heart.
C.Because he hope to make a better living before long.
D.Because the course has a high reputation in society.
小题4:Who will most tend to be a professional novelist among the students mentioned in the passage?
小题5:What does the author mainly tell us at UK in this passage?
A.The value for university degrees.
B.The higher pay for courses at university.
C.The terrible assignments at university.
D.The puzzle of the students at university.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most people know precious gemstones (宝石) by their appearances. An emerald flashes deep green, a ruby seems to hold a red fire inside, and a diamond shines like a star. It’s more difficult to tell where the gem was mined, since a diamond from Australia or Arkansas may appear the same to one from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, recently, a team of scientists has found a way to identify a gemstone’s origin.
Beneath the surface of a gemstone, on the tiny level of atoms and molecules(分子), lie clues (线索) to its origin. At this year’s meeting of the Geological Society of America in Minneapolis, Catherine McManus reported on a technique that uses lasers (激光) to clarify these clues and identify a stone’s homeland. McManus directs scientific research at Materialytics, in Killeen, Texas. The company is developing the technique. “With enough data, we could identify which country, which mining place, even the individual mine a gemstone comes from,” McManus told Science News.
Some gemstones, including many diamonds, come from war-torn countries. Sales of those “blood minerals” may encourage violent civil wars where innocent people are injured or killed. In an effort to reduce the trade in blood minerals, the U.S. government passed law in July 2010 that requires companies that sell gemstones to determine the origins of their stones.
To figure out where gemstones come from, McManus and her team focus a powerful laser on a small sample of the gemstone. The technique is called laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Just as heat can turn ice into water or water into steam, energy from the laser changes the state of matter of the stone. The laser changes a miniscule part of the gemstone into plasma, a gas state of matter in which tiny particles(微粒)called electrons separate from atoms.
The plasma, which is superhot, produces a light pattern. (The science of analyzing this kind of light pattern is called spectroscopy.) Different elements(元素)produce different patterns, but McManus and her team say that gemstones from the same area produce similar patterns. Materialytics has already collected patterns from thousands of gemstones, including more than 200 from diamonds. They can compare the light pattern from an unknown gemstone to patterns they do know and look for a match. The light pattern acts like a signature, telling the researchers the origin of the gemstone.
In a small test, the laser technique correctly identified the origins of 95 out of every 100 diamonds. For gemstones like emeralds and rubies, the technique proved successful for 98 out of every 100 stones. The scientists need to collect and analyze more samples, including those from war-torn countries, before the tool is ready for commercial use.
Scientists like Barbara Dutrow, a mineralogist from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, find the technique exciting. “This is a basic new tool that could provide a better fingerprint of a material from a particular locality,” she told Science News.
小题1:We learn from Paragraph 1 that __________________.
A.an emerald and a ruby are names of diamonds.
B.it’s not difficult to tell where the gem was mined.
C.appearances help to identify the origin of gemstones.
D.diamonds from different places may appear the same.
小题2:Why did the U.S. government pass law that requires companies selling gemstones to determine the origins of their stones?
A.To look for more gemstones.
B.To encourage violent civil wars.
C.To reduce the trade in blood minerals.
D.To develop the economy.
小题3:Which of the following facts most probably helps McManus and her team in identifying the origin of stones?
A.Heat can turn ice into water or water into steam.
B.Gemstones from the same area produce similar light patterns.
C.Laser can changes a miniscule part of the gemstone into plasma.
D.Materialytics has already collected patterns from thousands of gemstones.
小题4:From the last two paragraphs, what can be inferred about the laser technique?
A.It is ready for commercial use.
B.People can use the new tool to find more gemstones.
C.It can significantly reduce the gemstones trade in blood minerals.
D.It will bring about a revolutionary change in identifying the origin of minerals.
小题5:The author wrote this passage mainly to ________.
A.tell us how to identify the origin of diamonds.
B.introduce a laser technique in identifying a stone’s origin
C.prove identifying the origin of gemstones are difficult
D.attract our attention to reducing trade in blood minerals


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

With 10, 600 bicycles in circulation,Paris city officials are hoping the program will provide people with more environmentally friendly transportation.

It seems both Parisians and tourists are taking advantage of the program.Since its launch a little over two weeks ago,Vélib has already seen almost half a million rentals.And,with the addition of 10,000 more bikes and 700 more stations in the next 12 months,city officials expect at least 200,000 regular users by year end.
Parisian Olivier Bioret has already gone for a spin on one of Vélib’s vehicles and plans to make use of them more often.
“It’s a real pleasure—when,like me,you don’t have space enough in your flat to have your
own bike—to be able to discover.to cross Paris and not have to take the subway,”he said.
As a socialist and longtime green activist,Mayor Bertrand Delanoe regards Vélib as just a part of his plan to reduce car traffic and,thus,lower pollution by 2020.
Apart from its environmental benefits,Vélib is also being praised as a way of collecting money for the city,for all the money from rentals goes to the city government.
Paris is not alone in its attempt to profit from the power of the bicycles.
Across the globe,cities such as Barcelona,which stated its bike-share program in March with 1,500 vehicles and 100 stations,and New York,which launched a five-day trial program last month,are using bicycles as a way to cut back on both traffic and pollution.
However,it remains to be seen whether people’s acceptance of these programs is simply a
passing fashion or whether this movement has the power to take root and transform the face of public transportation around the world.
小题1:The real purpose of Vélib is________.
A.to help people save money and space
B.to make some money for the city government
C.to provide convenience to both Parisians and tourists
D.to reduce traffic and pollution in the city
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There will be 700 stations in one year’s time.
B.There will be over 20, 000 bikes in use in a year.
C.In the first two weeks there were nearly a million rentals.
D.There will be 200, 000 regular rentals each day by year end.
小题3:We can know from the passage that_________.
A.other cities also have such programs
B.Parisians can use the bicycles free of charge
C.Paris sets an example to many other cities
D.Paris is the first city to start such a program
小题4:As to the future of the program,the author is_________.
A.criticalB.optimisticC.uncertain D.negative


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children. And they must have        how difficult it is to write a        children's book.  Either the author has aimed too     . , so that the children can't follow what is in his (or more often, her) story,        the story seems to be talking to the readers.
The best children's books are        very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy both the     who hears the story and the adult who         it. Unfortunately, there are in fact       books like this,       the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not        to solve.
This may be why many of books regarded as        of children's literature were in fact written for      . “Alice's Adventure in Wonderland” is perhaps the most        of this.
Children, left for themselves, often      the worst possible interest in literature. Just  leave a child in bookshop or      and he will more  willingly choose the books    in an imaginative way, or have a look at most children's comics ( 连环画 ), full of the stories and jokes to which both teachers and right-thinking parents     .
Perhaps we parents should stop trying to persuade children into        our taste in literature. After all children and adults are so       that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the      books. So I suppose we'll just have to compromise(妥协) over that bedtime story.
A.libraryB.school C.homeD.office
A.favor B.interestC.objectD.read

