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3. These men are totally different. (what)

4. We got everything except the house.(the only thing)

3. What these men are is totally different.

4. The only thing we didn* t get was the house.

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第36期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


4. We would understand what had happened that night only later.

what had happened that night.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. It was      (直到我去了医院) that I began to learn about this kind of disease.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

11. Oh,Jenny, (it is,I am) so nice to meet you again! (They are,It has been) years since the last time we met.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Snow White. Paper. Freak(怪人) . These are some of the not-so-nice names that I was called in sixth and seventh grade. That's because I was bom with a medical condition called albinism(白化病) , which I'11 have for the rest of my life.

   It's not just school that can be difficult,though. When I'm walking down the street,strangers stare. People come up and pet my hair,like I'm a little dog. Other times they talk to me like I'm 5 years old. My brain works just fine. Thank you very much!

   Living with the condition has its challenges. My skin bums really easily,so I have to wear sunscreen every day. I have trouble seeing super-small things and super-faraway things. Reading a menu or the chalkboard at school is hard,so I use a cool handheld telescope that works as a magnifier(放大镜) .I also have an eye condition called nystagmus,which makes it hard for me to focus. I use a cane(手杖) whenever I'm walking in an unfamiliar area to detect any obstacles(障碍物) .

   In eighth grade,things started to change for the better because I met a girl named Rachel,who is now my best fhend. She doesn't judge me. I love the fact that she doesn't care what anyone else thinks of her. It has helped me realize that I don't need to care what anyone thinks of me,either.

   There are actually benefits to my condition. For one,I might qualify for a scholarship. And I got a free iPad,because it helps enlarge some of the text I need to read at sphool. And check out my eyes!I have a special eye color. I iove looking unique.

   I know that I will always have to deal with being bullied and having visual problem,but when you go through stuff that's hard,it makes you a stronger person.

11. Why do people pet the author's hair?

   A. Because her hair looks beautiful.

   B. Because they want to comfort her.

   C. Because they think she looks strange.

   D. Because there is something on her hair.

12. The author uses a cane.

   A. to fight against bullying

   B. to support her body

   C. to help her to focus

   D. to find her way

13. What does the author learn from her friend Rachel?

   A. Never judge by appearances alone.

   B. Where there is a will,there is a way.

   C. Never care much about what people think of you.

   D. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

14. The illness makes the author learn to.

   A. be tough   B. be proud

   C. study hard   D. make friends


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     One of the most historic and significant landmarks in the United States is the San Francisco cable car system. It 1. (run) by the San rancisco Municipal Transportation Agency. The system dates back to 1878. 2. the California Street line first opened. In all,there are three lines 3. (current) operating in the city. There used to be 23 lines in use throughout the city 4. (connect) the diverse communities that make up San Francisco.

     Initially,the simple reason cable cars were used in the city 5. (be) because of its landscape.San Francisco is very hilly,which makes 6.impossible for buses to climb. The solution for this problem was the cable car.

     There are two types of cars today. Single-ended cars and double-ended cars. The single-ended cars have open-sided sections. These cars seat 29 passengers. They travel in both 7. (direction) by using a turntable that turns the car at the end of the line. The double-ended cars are a bit 8.(large) , and can hold up to 68 passengers. It has 34 seats,and grips(把手) for 9. (addition) 34 standing passengers. People who ride the San Francisco cable cars are stepping into part 10.California’s history.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. The boy remained (你告诉他去站着的地方) for over half an hour.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. You don't work as hard as (you should,you do) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. What a long way (it,there) is from here to your hometown!

