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 — Why is little Jimmy so naughty today?              A. will be     B. is being

— He is bored, so he _____ a little silly.             C. had been     D. would be



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



 [1] I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day. But I became in visible, absent from the conversation.

[2] The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Recently I was in a car with three friends. The driver told us to be quiet because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends going down the highway, unable to talk to one another because of a tool designed to make communication easier.

[3]Why is it that the more connected we get, ________________________ ? Every advance in communications technology is a hurt to the closeness of human interaction (互动). With e-mail and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.

[4] More and more. l find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation. Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn’t really have time to talk. The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.

 [5] So I've put myself on technology restriction: no instant messaging with people who live near me, no cell-phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the voice mail pick up when I' m home.

76. What does the author say about communications technology according to the first two paragraphs? (within 15 words)


77. Which sentences in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

However, I felt left out as if we were not conducting the conversation.


78. Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (within 10 words)


79. Does the author restrict his own activity to improving the situation? (within 15 words)


80. Translate the underlined sentences in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届甘肃天水一中甘谷一中高三第八次联考检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I credit my typing skill to so many hours of chatting online. Unfortunately, as my typing speed increased on the Internet, all grammatical rules went out of the window. You see instant messages have their own shorthand language and grammar isn’t important, of which even a newbie (新手) is aware. They can leave out articles, subjects (主语), pronouns, etc. They can misspell or “respell” almost any word. They often ask “A/S/L” when they first chat. Abbreviations (缩写) and capitalizations (大写) are particularly important. English-speaking instant messengers also refuse to burden themselves with punctuation and capitalization.
After I came back China, I discovered not one but two instant messaging crazes. The first, which brought back memories of my previous addiction to the computer, was QQ. I can see evidence that the Chinese have the same kind of separate instant messaging language, even when they chat in English. My first word in this language, for example, was “ft”. This abbreviation for “faint” is used whenever there is a need to express surprise. I also discovered that Chinese use the same kind of abbreviation for a laugh. And there is an extraordinary number of smileys (表情符) to the “vomit” and “army soldier” smileys. There is even a SARA smiley.
After QQ, there is another, perhaps more widespread messaging trend. You guessed it --- cell phone text messaging. I now understand how useful text messaging is and why it is so common. I admit that I have been guilty of sending text messages while walking outside or sitting on the subway. Who hasn’t ? No matter where I go, I see people on their cell phones, messaging. In fact, it’s rare to see someone actually talking on their phone!
So it looks as if there is no escape from the instant messaging crazes, no matter where in the world I go. And that’s plainly not going to change. In the end, though, I can’t complain: instant messaging is quick, it’s cheap, it’s easy and it’s extremely fun too. And after all, everyone’s doing it.
【小题1】The underlined phrase “went out of the window” in Paragraph 1 probably means        .

【小题2】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Grammar and correct spelling are very important while chatting online.
B.There are enough smileys and icons to express yourselves while chatting on line.
C.The writer is skilled at typing and once was addicted to online games.
D.It is impolite to leave out some unimportant words or letters while chatting online.
【小题3】The writer believes that instant messaging is          .
A.full of fun but time-consuming
B.widespread but unnecessary
C.quick but difficult to do
D.common, used and cheap
【小题4】Which might be the main idea of the passage?
A.Who can escape QQ and cell phone text messaging?
B.Why is instant messaging so popular?
C.Chatting online is good for your typing skill.
D.Chatting on QQ is natural for people.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省沈阳铁路实验中学高二寒假验收英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Online education is becoming a popular learning choice to traditional colleges. Most colleges offer online programs in various fields and levels, which allows students to go on with their education over the Internet. Students must keep in mind that the college they wish to apply to must be approved by a related recognized organization.
So who can really benefit from an online program? Well, anybody, and everybody! Online programs can turn out to be a pocket-friendly choice to a traditional college for many people. Here’s a list of people who usually consider joining in an online degree program;
l Stay-at-home parents. Online education is perfect choice for stay-at-home parents and those who have very young kids. Online classes give them the flexibility to complete or further their education while looking after home and family and without worrying about childcare.
l Working professionals who want to further their education but travel a lot or have extremely busy schedules, as well as those who want to make a career change but do not have the time to enroll in a full-time degree program.
l People who cannot commute(乘车上下班)to a college campus.
l Shy students who might feel embarrassed among a group of people and prefer to study by themselves and at their own pace.
l People who want to save money. Online programs can turn out to be more cost-effective than attending a physical classroom.
l People who do not get distracted (分心的)easily — something many people overlook when considering online education. If you are someone who can easily ignore the ringing of a phone, stay away from TV, and resist all other things that may draw your attention, online programs are for you.
So do you think online education is for you? If you feel you belong to any of the above listed categories, then online education could work out very well for you.
【小题1】What should students consider when they apply to an online program?

A.They are interested in its course.
B.The college should be approved by authority.
C.Their homes are not far from the college.
D.Teachers in the college must be top-ranking.
【小题2】Why is online education a perfect choice for a young stay-at-home mother?
A.She can learn while taking care of her family.
B.She should learn more to teach her baby.
C.There is no such school for both mothers and babies.
D.She will feel less embarrassed by learning online.
【小题3】According to the author, who is fit for online education?
A.Emily, an easy-going girl who dislikes doing things on her own.
B.Mrs. Clark, far from campus, who is hoping to learn at any price.
C.Jack, a busy engineer who wants to further education.
D.George, a single father who has difficulty in concentration.
【小题4】 Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Less Money, More Resources
B.Try to Be Attentive Students
C.Online Educaiton— Everyone’s Perfect Choice
D.Who Can Benefit from an Online Program


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年甘肃天水一中甘谷一中高三第八次联考检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I credit my typing skill to so many hours of chatting online. Unfortunately, as my typing speed increased on the Internet, all grammatical rules went out of the window. You see instant messages have their own shorthand language and grammar isn’t important, of which even a newbie (新手) is aware. They can leave out articles, subjects (主语), pronouns, etc. They can misspell or “respell” almost any word. They often ask “A/S/L” when they first chat. Abbreviations (缩写) and capitalizations (大写) are particularly important. English-speaking instant messengers also refuse to burden themselves with punctuation and capitalization.

After I came back China, I discovered not one but two instant messaging crazes. The first, which brought back memories of my previous addiction to the computer, was QQ. I can see evidence that the Chinese have the same kind of separate instant messaging language, even when they chat in English. My first word in this language, for example, was “ft”. This abbreviation for “faint” is used whenever there is a need to express surprise. I also discovered that Chinese use the same kind of abbreviation for a laugh. And there is an extraordinary number of smileys (表情符) to the “vomit” and “army soldier” smileys. There is even a SARA smiley.

After QQ, there is another, perhaps more widespread messaging trend. You guessed it --- cell phone text messaging. I now understand how useful text messaging is and why it is so common. I admit that I have been guilty of sending text messages while walking outside or sitting on the subway. Who hasn’t ? No matter where I go, I see people on their cell phones, messaging. In fact, it’s rare to see someone actually talking on their phone!

So it looks as if there is no escape from the instant messaging crazes, no matter where in the world I go. And that’s plainly not going to change. In the end, though, I can’t complain: instant messaging is quick, it’s cheap, it’s easy and it’s extremely fun too. And after all, everyone’s doing it.

1.The underlined phrase “went out of the window” in Paragraph 1 probably means        .





2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Grammar and correct spelling are very important while chatting online.

B.There are enough smileys and icons to express yourselves while chatting on line.

C.The writer is skilled at typing and once was addicted to online games.

D.It is impolite to leave out some unimportant words or letters while chatting online.

3.The writer believes that instant messaging is          .

A.full of fun but time-consuming

B.widespread but unnecessary

C.quick but difficult to do

D.common, used and cheap

4.Which might be the main idea of the passage?

A.Who can escape QQ and cell phone text messaging?

B.Why is instant messaging so popular?

C.Chatting online is good for your typing skill.

D.Chatting on QQ is natural for people.



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省2009-2010学年高二校内竞赛试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Romantic love is a culture trait found primarily in industrialized societies. Elsewhere in the world, pragmatic(重实效的) considerations rather than flights of fancy are often used to make a choice of partner, and romantic love is seen as an unfortunate inconvenience that gets in the way of the ordinary, rational process of mate selection. Traces of this attitude persist in the American upper classes, where daughters are expected to marry “well”-----that is, to a male who is eligible by reason of family background and earning potential. Most Americans, however, see romantic love as essential for a successful marriage, and tend to look askance(轻蔑地)at anyone who marries for a more practical reason in which love plays no part.

The phenomenon of romantic love occurs when two young people meet and find one another personally and physically attractive. They become mutually absorbed, start to behave in what appears to be a flighty(充满幻想的), even irrational manner, decide that they are right for one another, and may then enter a marriage whose success is expected to be guaranteed by their enduring love. Behavior of this kind is portrayed and warmly endorsed(赞同)throughout American popular culture, by books, magazines, comics, records, popular songs, movies, and TV.

Romantic love is a noble ideal, and it can certainly provide a basis for the spouses to “live happily ever after.” But a marriage can equally well be founded on much more practical considerations”----as indeed they have been in most societies throughout most of history. Why is romantic love of such importance in the modern world? The reason seems to be that it has some basic functions in maintaining the institution of the nuclear family(小家庭).

1. Romantic love is less frequently found in many non-industrial societies because people in these societies_______.

A . firmly believe that only money can make the world go round

B. fail to bring the imaginative power of the mind into full play

C. fondly think that flights of fancy prevent them from making a correct choice of partner

D. have far more practical considerations to determine who will marry whom

2. The word eligible (in Line5, Para. l), could best be replaced by ____.

A . qualified   B. available  C. chosen  D. influential

3. According to the passage, most Americans _____.

A. expect their daughters to fall in love with a male at first sight

B. regard romantic love as the basis for a successful marriage

C. look up to those who marry for the sake of wealth

D. consider romantic love to be the most desirable thing in the world

4. What can we learn from the second paragraph about romantic love?

A. It is a common occurrence among the old.

B. It is primarily depicted by books.

C. It is characterized by mutual attraction and absorption.

D. It is rejected as unreasonable.

5. The author seems to believe that ___________

A. romantic love makes people unable to think clearly in the process of mate selection

B. only romantic love can make a marriage happy ever after

C. much more practical considerations can also be the basis for a successful marriage

D. romantic love plays an insignificant role in maintaining the institution of the nuclear family                           

