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The rain ruined our plan.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


101. This c                (关系到) the healthy growth of the children.

102. This would threaten the e                (全面的) peace of the Middle East.

103. I am g                (感谢) to you for lending me the money.

104. When I retire, I shall make a long sea v                (旅行).

105. She looks young, but she’s a                (实际上) 50.

106. Go s                (一直)down the road and then turn left.

107. The No.3 bus t                (运送) the passengers from the station to No.1 Middle School.

108. The weather man has f                (预报) that it will be fine tomorrow.

109. The rain r                (毁了) my painting.

110. He spoke in a f                (令人害怕) manner. 


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年河南大学附属中学高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

101. 【小题1】 This c               (关系到) the healthy growth of the children.
102. 【小题2】This would threaten the e               (全面的) peace of the Middle East.
103. 【小题3】I am g               (感谢) to you for lending me the money.
104. 【小题4】 When I retire, I shall make a long sea v               (旅行).
105. 【小题5】 She looks young, but she’s a               (实际上) 50.
106. 【小题6】Go s               (一直)down the road and then turn left.
107. 【小题7】The No.3 bus t               (运送) the passengers from the station to No.1 Middle School.
108. 【小题8】The weather man has f               (预报) that it will be fine tomorrow.
109. 【小题9】The rain r               (毁了) my painting.
110. 【小题10】He spoke in a f               (令人害怕) manner. 


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届福建省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


I’ll never forget the day when I went home after school.

It was raining so       (大) that I had to wait for the rain to

stop. But       half an hour it was still raining. Seeing this,

the guard at the gate offered to       (借给) me his umbrella.

I accepted at once. With his help, I got home on time w    

getting wet. The next morning, when I r     the umbrella to

the guard, I said “thank you” to him,       (留) him a note to

express my        sincerely. To my surprise, he said no one had

e     written him to say “thank you”, and it meant a lot to him.

So in my ______, saying “thank you” to others is not only easy

     also meaningful to the person who says it and the receiver!



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年河南大学附属中学高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:单词拼写


101. 1. This c               (关系到) the healthy growth of the children.

102. 2.This would threaten the e               (全面的) peace of the Middle East.

103. 3.I am g               (感谢) to you for lending me the money.

104. 4. When I retire, I shall make a long sea v               (旅行).

105. 5. She looks young, but she’s a               (实际上) 50.

106. 6.Go s               (一直)down the road and then turn left.

107. 7.The No.3 bus t               (运送) the passengers from the station to No.1 Middle School.

108. 8.The weather man has f               (预报) that it will be fine tomorrow.

109. 9.The rain r               (毁了) my painting.

110. 10.He spoke in a f               (令人害怕) manner. 



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年浙江省高一下学期期中考试英语试题(重点班) 题型:单词拼写


1.It is healthier to keep a b_______ diet every day.

2. The little boy e________ his living by selling newspapers.

3. I’ll come tomorrow,  if the weather p___________

4. Finally, they were able to s_______ shelter from the rain.

5. The first s________ of the play was moving.

6. It’s r_______ to interrupt, so you had better wait.

7. To succeed, we must c___________ talent with hard work.

8. The flower is i________ beautiful, but it produces no fruit.



