精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】 It was the first day of our youth group ski trip. While I waited for the ski lift, I saw a booth (亭子) _______ ski lessons. I considered taking an hour-long lesson, but then I heard my voice in my head: Nah, you don’t need any help. _______, you’ve skied once before.

As I stood on the edge of the beginner’s slope (斜坡), my _______ shrank, for I hadn’t skied for two years. But _______ enough, I’d be able to figure it out.

So, I pushed off and _______. I was like a _______ moose (驼鹿) on roller skates. My skis crossed each other. I couldn’t stop or _______. I fell about eight times on that beginner’s slope _______ I finally came to a stop by hitting a small tree. The second time down, I only fell four times, so I _______ I was getting better. I rode up for a third try with my friend Jen.

“Todd, you might really hurt yourself,” Jen said gently. “I think you should take a ________.”

I don’t need help! I screamed in my head. With that, I ________ down the hill. Near the bottom, my left ski rocketed out from under me. My upper body threw ________. My entire weight ________ on my face.

As my head pounded and my face started to swell, I finally ________ that I needed help. I swallowed my ________ and marched up to the ski lessons booth.


2A.Above allB.All in allC.In allD.After all



5A.calmed downB.sped upC.gave inD.stood out






























考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我等待滑雪缆车的时候,我看到一个提供滑雪课程的亭子。A. offering 提供;B. declaring 申明;C. creating 创造;D. recording 记录。根据下一句“I considered taking an hour-long lesson”可知,我考虑参加一个长时间的课程。由此可见,我是看到亭子内提供滑雪课程。选项A. offering 提供,符合语境。故选A


考查副词词组辨析。句意:毕竟,你之前滑过一次雪了。A. Above all 首先,尤其是;B. All in all 总而言之;C. In all 总共,合计;D. After all 毕竟。根据前文“I considered taking an hour-long lesson, but then I heard my voice in my head: Nah, you don’t need any help.”可知,我考虑参加一个长时间的课程,但是然后我在大脑中听到我的声音:呐,你不需要任何帮助。由此可见,本句“你之前滑过一次雪了”和前文“我考虑参加一个长时间的课程”一种转折关系。选项D. after all 毕竟,表达转折关系,符合语境。故选D


考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我站在初学者的斜波边缘时,我的自信心退缩了,因为我已经两年没有滑过雪了。A. attention 注意力;B. wisdom 智慧;C. confidence 自信;D. experience 经历。由本句中的“for I hadn’t skied for two years.”可知,因为我已经两年没有滑过雪了。这是对前面“my ___3___ shrank”的原因说明。由此可见,我因为两年没有滑过雪,所以不是很相信自己能否滑好。选项C. confidence 自信,符合语境。故选C


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是足够确信的是,我将能处理好。A. sure 确信的,一定的;B. sad 悲伤的,难过的;C. frank 坦白的,直率的;D. honest 诚实的。由本句中的But可知,本句和前一句“As I stood on the edge of the beginner’s slope (斜坡), my ___3___ shrank, for I hadn’t skied for two years.”表达的“当我站在初学者的斜波边缘时,我的自信心退缩了,因为我已经两年没有滑过雪了。”,两者是对比关系。由此可见,本句应表达的是我相信自己可以滑好。选项A. sure 确信的,符合语境。故选A


考查动词词组辨析。句意:所以我离开并且加速。A. calmed down 平静下来;B. sped up 加速;C. gave in 放弃;D. stood out 站出来,引人注目。由后文“My skis crossed each other. I couldn’t stop or ___7___.”可知,我的滑雪撬在相互交叉。我不能停止或者转弯。由此可见,我滑动雪橇离开,然后是加速滑雪,滑雪撬才会交叉并且无法停止下来。选项B. sped up 加速,符合语境。故选B


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我就像一个穿着溜冰鞋发狂的驼鹿。A. wild 野生的,狂热的;B. quiet 安静的;C. anxious 焦虑的;D. gentle 温和的。由后两句“My skis crossed each other. I couldn’t stop or ___7___.”可知,我的滑雪撬在相互交叉。我不能停止或者转弯。由此可见,我的滑雪行为就像个发狂奔走的驼鹿。选项A. wild 野生的,狂热的,符合语境。故选A


考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不能停止或者转弯。A. sign 签名;B. turn 转弯,转动;C. wave 挥舞;D. shake 摇动。由后一句“I fell about eight times on that beginner’s slope ___8___ I finally came to a stop by hitting a small tree.”可知,在我撞上一颗小树最终停下来之前,我在初学者的斜坡上摔倒了8次。由此可见,我不会停下和转弯这些滑雪的动作,一直让自己摔倒。选项B. turn 转弯,符合语境。故选B


考查连词词义辨析。句意:在我撞上一颗小树最终停下来之前,我在初学者的斜坡上摔倒了8次。A. after ……之后;B. unless 直到……才;C. before ……之前;D. when ……时。分析本句可知,前半部分“我在初学者的斜坡上摔倒了8次”和后半部分“我撞上一颗小树最终停下来”之间的动作是先后关系,“我在初学者的斜坡上摔倒了8次”发生在“我撞上一颗小树最终停下来”之前。选项C. before ……之前,符合语境。故选C


考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二次滑下来,我只摔倒了4次,所以我认为我正在变的更好。A. doubted 疑惑;B. feared 害怕;C. hoped 希望;D. figured 认为。由本句中的so可知,前半部分“第二次滑下来,我只摔倒了4次”和后半部分“后半部分“我正在变得更好”之间是因果关系。由此可见,我因为自己第二次只摔倒了4次,所以认为我是在变得更好。选项D. figured 认为,符合语境。故选D


考查名词词义辨析。句意:我认为你应该参加课程。A. break 休息;B. ride 旅程;C. risk 风险;D. lesson 课程。由最后一段最后一句“I swallowed my ___15___ and marched up to the ski lessons booth.”可知,我收起我得骄傲,然后冲向教滑雪课程的亭子。由此可见,作者应该去参加滑雪课程。选项D. lesson 课程,符合语境。故选D


考查动词词义辨析。句意:伴随着脑海中的尖叫,我往山下飞去。A. flew 飞;B. walked 步行;C. rolled 滚动;D. danced 跳舞。由后文“Near the bottom, my left ski rocketed out from under me. My upper body threw ___12___. My entire weight ___13___ on my face.”可知,在接近山底的时候,我左边的滑雪撬从我底下冲出。我的上半身向前一倾我整个重量飞落到我的脸上。由此可见,作者是在往山下滑行,如同飞出去一般。选项A. flew 飞,符合语境。故选A


考查副词词义辨析。句意:我的上半身向前一倾。A. across 横穿;B. aside 在旁边;C. forward 向前地;D. backward 向后地。由后一句“My entire weight ___13___ on my face.”可知,我整个重量飞落到我的脸上。由此可见,我的上半身向前一倾,整个人翻转落地。选项C. forward 向前地,符合语境。故选C


考查动词词义辨析。句意:我整个重量飞落到我的脸上。A. leaned 倾斜;B. landed 着落; C. slid 滑落;D. stuck 粘贴。由前两句“Near the bottom, my left ski rocketed out from under me. My upper body threw ___12___.”可知,在接近山底的时候,我左边的滑雪撬从我底下冲出。我上半身向前扔出去。由此可见,这是对我摔倒的具体描述,我的上半身向前一倾,接着是脸部落地的动作。选项B. landed 着落,符合语境。故选B


考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我的头连续受到重击,我的脸开始肿胀的时候,我最后承认我需要帮助。A. agreed 同意;B. denied 否认;C. admitted 承认;D. regretted 后悔。由第一段的第三句后半部分“but then I heard my voice in my head: Nah, you don’t need any help.”和第五段的第一句“I don’t need help!”可知,但是我听到我大脑中的声音:呐,你不需要任何帮助。我不需要帮助!由此可见,我一直都认为自己是不需要帮助的,但是经过自己头连续重击,脸开始肿胀,最后承认需要帮助。选项C. admitted 承认,符合语境。故选C


考查名词词义辨析。句意:我收起我的骄傲,然后冲向滑雪课程的亭子。A. anger 愤怒;B. pride 骄傲;C. panic 恐慌;D. energy 能量。由第二段“As I stood on the edge of the beginner’s slope (斜坡), my ___3___ shrank, for I hadn’t skied for two years. But ___4___ enough, I’d be able to figure it out.”可知,当我站在初学者的斜波边缘时,我的自信心退缩了,因为我已经两年没有滑过雪了。但是足够确信,我将能解决掉它。由此可见,我一开始对自己足够自信,认为自己有能力解决滑雪问题,不需要任何帮助。这是对自己能力的绝对自信和骄傲。选项B. pride 骄傲,符合语境。故选B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Lake District Attractions Guide

Dalemain Mansion & Historic Gardens

History, Culture & Landscape(景观). Discover and enjoy 4 centuries of history, 5 acres of celebrated and award-winning gardens with parkland walk. Owned by the Hasell family since 1679, home to the International Marmalade Festival. Gifts and antiques, plant sales, museums & Mediaeval Hall Tearoom.

Open:29 Mar-29 OctSun to Thurs.

TearoomGardens & Gift Shop:10.30-17.00(16.00 in Oct).

House:11.15-16.00(15.00 in Oct)

Town: Pooley Bridge & Penrith

Abbot Hall art Gallery & Museum

Those viewing the quality of Abbot Hall’s temporary exhibitions may be forgiven for thinking they are in a city gallery. The impressive permanent collection includes Turners and Romneys and the temporary exhibition programme has Canaletto and the artists from St Ives.

Open: Mon to Sat and Summer Sundays. 10.30 -17.00 Sumner.10.30 -16.00 Winter.


Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

Discover, explore and enjoy award-winning Tullie House, where historic collections, contemporary art and family fun are brought together in one impressive museum and art gallery. There are four fantastic galleries to visit from fine art to interactive fun, so there’s something for everyone!

Open: High Season 1 Apr – 31 Oct: Mon to Sat 10.00 – 17.00, Sun 11.00 – 17.00.

Low Season 1 Nov – 31 Mar: Mon to Sat 10.00 – 16.30, Sun 12.00 – 16.30.

Town: Carlisle

Dove Cottage & The wordsworth Museum

Discover William Wordsworth’s inspirational home. Take a tour of his Lakeland cottage, walk through his hillside garden and explore the riches of the collection in the Museum. Visit the shop and relax in the café. Exhibitions, events and family activities throughout the year.

Open: Daily, 09.30 – 17.30 (last admission 17.00).

Town: Grasmere

1When is the House at Dalemain Mansion & Historic Gardens open on Sundays in July?


2What can visitors do at Abbot Hall Art Gallery & Museum?

A.Enjoy Ronney’s works.

B.Have some interactive fun.

C.Attend a famous festival.

D.Learn the history of a family

3Where should visitors go if they want to explore Wordsworth’s life?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Do you like watching movies? The following movies are coming on soon. Please check and find the one you like. Click the name of each movie to get more information.

Brahms: The Boy II

Horror | Mystery |Thriller

Soon after a family moves into the Heelshire Mansion, their only son makes friends with a life-like doll called Brahms.

Director: William Brent Bell

Stars: Katie Holmes, Ralph Ineson, Owain Yeoman, Christopher Convery

Little Joe

Drama | Sci-Fi

Alice, a single mother, is a devoted senior plant breeder at a corporation engaged in developing new species. Against the company policy, she takes one plant home as a gift for her teenage son, Joe. The plant was created by genetic engineering and anyone touching it will become strange. Director: Jessica Hausner:

Stars: Emily Beecham, Ben Whishaw, Kerry Fox, Kit Conor

The Aeronauts

Action | Adventure I Biography | Romance

Pilot Amelia Wren (Felicity Jones) and scientist James Glaisher (Eddie Redmayne) find themselves in a hard fight for survival while attempting to make discoveries in a gas balloon. Director: Tom Harper

Stars: Felicity Jones, Eddie Redmayne, Himesh Patel, Phoebe Fox


Horror | Adventure

A group of young people, guided by an APP that connects the living with the dead, find themselves at an abandoned castle, a place with a horrific history tied to each of them, for reasons they’ll soon discover.

Director: Waymon Boone

Stars: Mena Suvari, Kevin Pollak, Megan West, Jon Abrahams

1What can we learn about Brahms: The Boy II?

A.William Brent Bell is in charge of it.

B.Brahms can live a life as a man does.

C.The audience may be amused by the movie.

D.The story was created by William Brent Bell.

2Which movie will be favored by a science fiction lover?

A.Brahms; The Boy II.B.The Aeronauts.

C.Apparition.D.Little Joe.

3What do Brahms: The Boy II and Apparition have in common?

A.They are liked by teenagers.

B.Their plots are both horrible.

C.They are played by young actors.

D.Their characters all behave strangely.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I peered over my grandma’s shoulder as she sewed pieces of cloth together. The two pieces became one faster than I’d imagined. The colors, however, looked ugly when put together and none of the patterns matched. All the patches (补丁) on this blanket seemed to disagree.

“Grandma that’s the ugliest quilt (棉被) I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, sweetie, it’s warm and beautiful,” said Grandma, pointing to a pile of crazy patterned shirts and suits. “I can take these old clothes that Grandpa and I will never wear again and turn them into something useful and good. It’s not the quilts appearance but the love that sews it together that makes it beautiful. This quilt will keep you warm on a cold night like tonight. And I know that for a fact.” Grandma put her hand on my shoulder, “Not everyone is as lucky as we are. Here, put on your coat. We’ll get a second opinion about how ugly my quilts are.”

Grandma folded a finished quilt and tucked it into a shopping bag. Afterwards, we got in the car and drove downtown. The white snow turned grayer as we got to the city. Eventually, Grandma pulled up at a dark alley (胡同) and we got out of the car. The terrible smell of rotting garbage made me feel sick and pinch my nose shut. Grandma took my hand and led me to the street lamp. I could see the snow shimmering (发出微光) in the light.

Grandma paused. “There’s usually somebody down this alley. It’s quiet and out of the wind--a good place to stay on cold nights. A nice warm quilt might make it even better.”

The dark engulfed (吞没) Grandma and I as we stepped deep into the alley. The pavement was cracked and missing in spots. Chicken bones and stained boxes littered their way. And Grandma’s shoes made a loud sound with each step. Feeling frightened, I squeezed Grandma’s hand. Grandma squeezed my hand back. “Its OK.” she smiled.

“Who’s there?” shouted a voice out of the darkness.

Paragraph 1:

“I have a nice warm quilt, if you want it,” said Grandma.


Paragraph 2:

Back home, I found a worn-out quilt by accident in a cupboard.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 你对此事的看法;

2. 给出几点建议(如:学汉语,了解中国文化等)并说明理由;

3. 表达祝愿。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇: 一带一路the Belt and Road; 合作战略cooperative strategy



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why did Fagin come to the speaker?

A.To rent her house.B.To buy her house.C.To decorate her house.

2Why was the speaker hesitant about Fagin’s offer?

A.She disliked him.

B.The money was not much.

C.They’d damage some of her belongings.

3How long did it take to prepare the house for he film

A.Four days.B.A month.C.Two months.

4What did the speaker do when the crew left?

A.She watched a film.B.She visited her relatives.C.She repainted the living room.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge is one of the most challenging constructions of its kind as well as the world’s 1long) sea-crossing bridge. Its life span 2(set) at 120 years. It3 (reported) can stand magnitude-8 earthquake, scale-16 typhoon as well as the collision with 4300,000-ton ship. The bridge is the national key project featured with strategic significance, large involvement, highly difficult level of construction, long construction time, high 5 (require) on technical design and environmental protection, many participant parties, complex management and coordination. Due to the long distances6the cities, the project is actually a series of bridges and tunnels,7(connect) by artificial islands. British newspaper “The Guardian” named the mega-structure one of 8 (it) “seven wonders of the modern world.”

It will be the first new land transport link between the east and west coasts of the Pearl River. The bridge will benefit the economic development of the whole of the Delta and create a regional transport network,9(improve) upon 10is considered to be a weak land transport network currently in place.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Many mental health professionals viewed the pursuit of happiness as a foolish mistake until quite recently. Most of them used to concentrate their energy and attention on individuals suffering from diseases like depression and anxiety, or on relieving despair rather than promoting well-being. But that’s all beginning to change. Supporters of “positive psychology” think that happiness is a goal that people can—and should—work toward. They believe that it’s not only possible but crucially important. Health means not just the absence of disease but a positive sense of involvement and engagement in life. Unless you know how to enjoy life, your life is not really happy. This doesn’t mean that finding happiness is easy—a variety of obstacles stands in the way. The first, perhaps the biggest, is genetics.

Happiness, it seems, is decided—at least in part—by personality features that are largely passed on from their parents. In a study published in 2018, researchers at the University of Edinburgh examined personality and happiness data on more than 900 pairs of twins. They found a close genetic relationship between happiness and positive personalities such as openness and agreeableness. Identical twins (同卵双胞胎) were more likely to share these positive features than non-identical twins; they were also more likely to report similar levels of well-being.

Major life events as well as social and economic factors can also stand in the way of happiness. More often than not, however, people get in their own way by looking for happiness in all the wrong places. They aren’t particularly good at recognizing what will bring them lasting joy: Although money tops many people’s wish lists, study after study has found that once basic needs are met, additional wealth doesn’t add much to people’s sense of well-being and contentment.

Experts in the field of positive psychology still believe it’s possible for people to push their happiness upward—not just temporarily but over the long term.

1What’s the shift in mental health study?

A.Health means the absence of disease.

B.Emphasis is placed on the pursuit of happiness.

C.Well-being is found to be something one was born with.

D.More attention is paid to anxiety and depression.

2Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Different obstacles are in the way of finding happiness.

B.Happiness is largely dictated by one’s personality.

C.Identical twins are more likely to be on the same level of well-being than non-identical twins.

D.Wealth always plays an important role in people’s sense of happiness and contentment.

3The obstacles standing in the way of happiness include all of the following elements EXCEPT .

A.emotive factorsB.genetics

C.social factorsD.economic factors

4According to the experts of positive psychology, what’s the essential point of the pursuit of happiness?

A.Material prosperity.B.Freedom.

C.Long-term efforts.D.The avoidance of stress.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Can you tell the time on an analog clock? 1 (hope), you can! It’s the only way for you to know the time when 2 (take) exams.

However, some high schools in the UK will remove analog clocks 3 exam halls and use digital.4 instead. The reason is that 5 (teenage) are unable to read the correct time on analog clocks. They are used to seeing the time on the phone, 6 on the computer. Nearly everything they’ve got is digital.

Teachers want their students to feel as 7 (relax) as possible during exams. However, having a 8(tradition) clock in the room could make students feel stressed out during an exam Many of them might raise their hands to ask 9 time it is.

The schools are trying to make everything as easy and straightforward as possible for students during the exams. Another advantage of using digital clocks 10 (be) that students are less likely to get the time wrong.

