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A lot of questions have _____ at the meeting.

  A. come to   B. come round   C. come up   D. come out

答案:C.解析: come to 谈及,涉及;come round 改变主意;come up 出现;被提出来;come out结果是。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


71. According to the sales manager’s report, a large q____________ of milk has been sold.

72. As to traditional Chinese table manners, parents are the best persons to teach their children to

 b____________ well in social occasions.

73. A pedestrian should walk on the p_____________ not in the road.

74. On a____________, we received ten junk e-mails every day.

75. A f____________ is used to carry people, vehicles and goods across the river or a narrow part of the


76. He must take the ____________ (后果) of his own deeds.

77. You should take action to settle the ____________ (争议)

78. An ____________ (大使) is an important representatives from foreign countries.

79. When Tom’s classmates were talking about Jay Chou, a pop star, he felt a____________, for he had

never listened to any of his songs.

80.Today Yao Ming is ____________ (钦佩) by a lot of young people as an outstanding basketball player.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届黑龙江省哈九中高三第二次模拟考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

In a six-week study, experts found people who played online games designed to improve their cognitive(认知的) skills didn't get any smarter.
More than 8,600 people aged 18 to 60 were asked to play online brain games designed by the researchers to improve their memory, reasoning and other skills for at least 10 minutes a day, three times a week. They were compared to more than 2,700 people who didn't play any brain games, but spent a similar amount of time surfing the Internet and answering general knowledge questions. All participants were given a sort of I.Q test before and after the experiment.
Researchers said the people who did the brain training didn't do any better on the test after six weeks than people who had simply been on the Internet. On some sections of the test, the people who surfed the Net scored higher than those playing the games.
"If you're (playing these games) because they're fun, that's absolutely fine," said Adrian Owen, the study's lead author. "But if you're expecting (these games) to improve your I.Q., our data suggests this isn't the case," he said during a press briefing on Tuesday.
One maker of brain games said the company's games have been proven to boost brain power.
"Their conclusion would be like saying, 'I cannot run a mile in under 4 minutes and therefore it is impossible to do so," Aldrich said in a statement.
"There is precious little evidence to suggest the skills used in these games transfer to the real world," said Art Kramer, who was not linked to the study and has no ties to any companies that make brain training games.
Instead of playing brain games, Kramer said people would be better off getting some exercise. He said physical activity can spark(激发) new connections between nerves and produce new brain cells. "Fitness changes the building blocks of the brain's structure," he said.
【小题1】. It can be inferred that the online brain games mentioned in the text are_____________.

【小题2】. Which of the following statements is true about the experiment in the second paragraph?
A.The experiment lasted for a week.
B.Age didn’t affect the result of the research.
C.Every person played online brain games three times a day.
D.People who didn’t play online brain games did better in I.Q test
【小题3】. What can we learn from the text?
A.Playing games which are fun can improve your I.Q.
B.There is a lot of evidence to suggest skills can transfer to the real world.
C.Do physical activity can boost your brain power.
D.Playing online games can spark new brain cells
【小题4】The underlined sentence suggests that ___________.
A.The research was not linked to the study
B.Those playing the games can score higher in the test
C.playing the games can spark new connections between nerves
D.This isn’t the case that these games can improve your I.Q.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江临海白云高级中学高二下学期第二次段考英语卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】With exams approaching, I am under a lot of s___________.
【小题2】You must make a f____________ plan in case anything happens.
【小题3】People can easily become____________ (智力上) addicted to drugs when they start taking them.
【小题4】She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and ____________ (最后) work for The Times.
【小题5】An _______(合适) method must be found to deal with such situation.
【小题6】Good news! The medicine has a good e______________ on patients.
【小题7】My father has q____________ smoking due to its being harmful
【小题8】The doors opened____________ (自动地) as we approached.
【小题9】He should feel a_____________ of his impolite behavior.
【小题10】At the end of each game, players traditionally____________ (交换) shirts with each other.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届内蒙古巴市高一12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Canada has two __________ (官方的) languages: English and French.

2.The f______ toys have attracted a lot of children.

3.If he gets that _________(职位),I think he can do it well.

4.Though he e_________ from the big fire, his skin was severely burned.

5.Jane ________ (忽视) his invitation to the party by not giving him a reply.

6.In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really e________ to men.

7.This kind of washing powder is of good q_______. It doesn’t harm our hands.

8.If you can’t show us any ________(证据), we will not be able to believe you.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年福建省高三上学期期中考试英语题 题型:单词拼写


Sometimes you can learn more about what a person is trying to

say just by watching instead of l    . You might be talking to someone


about an idea you have. He might say that he’s interested     your idea.


Just watch his face. Is he l      at you or are his eyes moving around,


just tired of w    you’re saying ? It’s important to watch other’s body


language carefully because it provides a lot of useful       (信息).


Sometimes a person will be speaking too q     or use words that you 


don’t understand. If you pay attention to the     (信号)he is giving,


maybe you can still follow him, even    you’re not sure of the meaning


of the words. This is especially     (有必要的)when watching TV or


in other situations        you can’t ask the speaker to slow down.  



