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His inexperience__________ into account, Jeffery shouldn't be charged with such a heavy task.

A.taking       B.being taken     C.to take       D.taken


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     On an―airplane,a spacecraft or a man-made satellite,there is usually an installed device called the “black box ”Made of a special kind of material.it would remain unbroken,even if the entire craft were blown to pieces.The box records some important data,which provide clues as to what changes had occurred before the real thing came along and help to discover the causes of the


    The black box.Therefore, becomes the last piece of evidence left.More often,it reveal a Schocking fact that many aircrafts met their disasters only because of a simple but fatal mistake

Some hadn’t been supplied with sufficient fuel;others crashed due to a bird flying in their paths.In many cases。the pilot had been tired.In 1986,the famous US space siadttle Challenger exploded soon after launch, because a screw on it was a bit loose!

An idea thus occurs to me:if a human being was equipped with a similar device, tracking all the subtle inner Changes that had taken place over time,the results could astonish the world Newspapers carry no few such stories from day to day-cases of graft or bribe-taking(行贿或受贿),how―innocent mail was robbed and killed, and so on.A fatal error, committed by a criminal at a particular point in his life,may have arisen from a small quarrel or out of envy.The number of those who were boom evil and deliberately sent themselves to the” gallows(绞架)”is in fact extremely small.The disappointment towards the last moment of their life is no different from a  struggle against an aircraft crash!  

    Behave properly in small matters and take best care of the soul---this,I insist, is the message from that mysterious box planted deep inside human souls


56.The underlianed phrese”a similar device” in Paragraph 3 refers to       

    A .the mysterious box inside human souls.   B.the causes of the disasters;

    C.The fatal mistake of space shuttles.           D.the function of the black box.

57.The underlined phrase” a similar device” in Paragraph 3refers to       

    A. a useful device                          B.a black box

    C. an installed device                       D.an important instrument

 58.According to the text, which often following is NOT true?

    A Most of us were boom kind,but those evil by nature are not in small numbers.

    B.Many crashes should have been avoided if pilots had been careful.

    C.Some small errors can even cause a long-lasting regret.

    D.Even if the plane blows up,the black box can still function?.

59.The best title for the text is         

    A.The Black Box                                  B.The Black Box and Disasters

    C. The Black Box of the Soul                D.The Black Box and Humans

 60.The purpose of the author is to         

    A. warn us of our safety                  B.tell us to treat others kindly

    C. how us his concerns                   D.remind us of taking good care of our soul



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As the light turned green,l stood for a moment, not____ and asked myself what l was going to do

  A moved    B.moving    C to move D being moved



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Many adults agree that teenagers shouldn’t live alone ________ they have their parents’ permission.

A.if    B.unless    C.in case D.now that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    These days,when about 10.3 million.Americans are jobless and countless mole worry they will be,lovers of yoga(瑜珈)are eager to keep peace by twisting their bodies.

    “People want to do something relaxing and physically active.My experience is that attendance In classes gone significantly up in the past few months,”said yoga instructor David,who turned to teaching yoga when his advertising jobs dried up in the recession(不景气)of  2001.He admitted his private custoIlll~I'8 have fallen off a bit,but “generally,my long―term private clients are financially well-off and eager to recommend me to their friends.”

    “We’ve  added yoga classes,”said Nicole Moke,spokeswoman for the fitness centers.“We add classes every January.”

    And if the attack of hard times should fall upon their weft-heeled member ship?

    “We’ve  added a lot of meditation classes.Our members.seem to be very excited about that”,she added.    

    Callfornia-hased Yoga Works agrees that business is successful.“In our experience attendance is up year over year,”Marketing Director Terri  Seiden  said.

   “We expect to see this trend continue.In difficult times yoga goers are more unwilling than ever to give up their practice,”she said from her office in Santa Monica,California.Seiden said Yoga Works opened a new studio in January and has plans for more.“We are hiring more teachers and studio staff,”she said.   

  So is yoga a recession-proof shelter from the storms of economy?

   “We don’t say yoga is recession-proof but it does work,”Seiden said.“Yoga is one way that people Can take care of multiple needs―it is a complete workout for your mind and body, a form of stress relief,entertainment and there is a sense of community as well.’’


66.From the passage we can see                .

  A.the jobless are eager to practice yoga

  B.people want to hunt for jobs by practicing yoga

  C.those practicing yoga don’t worry about employment

  D.those practicing yoga want to seek peace in the hard times

67.According to the second paragraph,we can learn

  A.David does an advertising job in the Yoga Works

  B.David denies his private customers have fallen off

  C.David’s friends recommend to him the well―off customers

  D.David doesn’t think the storms of economy will affect the business

68.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

  A.Meditation classes have been added to attract customers.

  B.Some yoga instructors will lose their jobs in the hard times.

  C.The well-heeled membership will be affected in the hard times.

  D.People practice yoga because they are afraid of being jobless.

69.According to the last paragraph,practicing yoga_______.

  A.is a way out of stress

  B.gives people a perfect shape

  C.gives people a sense of safety

  D.provides a she her to survive the hard times   


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

―What does the sign over there read?

―No person ___________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette in this area.

A.will         B.shall          C.may          D.must


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The ___________ of surfing the Internet is how you can tell whether the information is true or not.

A.ability        B.competition   C.challenge      D.knowledge


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Trademarks are words,names;or symbols that identify the producer of a product and     it from similar goods of others.   

      A.defend                 B.protect                 C.distinguish              D.break


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

They finally managed to ________ the food supply to the disaster area.

A.protect                   B.acquire            C.secure              D.deposit

