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【题目】Growing up in one of the poorest communities with most crimes in Los Angeles, US, being raised by a poorly-educated single mother and attending the worst-quality public school, not many people expected much of me, so I chose to expect something of myself.

On my 12th birthday, I bought a poster of Harvard University to hang in my room. Being at Harvard became my dream: I saw myself attending class in Sanders Theater, studying in Widener Library and eating in Annenberg Hall. Driven by this dream, I kept studying hard. I’d begin my day by asking myself these two questions: “What do I want in my life?” and “Are the things I am doing today going to get me closer to that life?”

Asking myself the questions gave me the courage to ask over 50 Harvard, students for advice on my application essays; it gave me the energy to study just one more hour on my SATs when others were asleep; and it gave me the determination to apply for just one more scholarship when already refused many times. Moreover, reminding myself of my goal each day made it easy to say no to the same choices my friends made, because they would never get me closer to my goal. I found that even being poor could not take away my power to decide what I choose to do with my life.

Every day I could feel myself getting closer and closer to my goal as my writing got better, my SAT score increased, and my scholarship offers started coming in. On March 31st, 2011, an email arrived from Harvard. The first word was “Congratulations!”. Tears of joy filled my eyes.

Who you are today is the result of the decisions you made yesterday, and who you will be tomorrow will be the result of the choices you make today. Who do you want to be tomorrow?

1What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?

A. It describes the author’s early living conditions.

B. It proves that the author once lived an unhappy life.

C. It shows how many people treated the author badly.

D. It shares the author’s dreams with readers.

2How did the author push himself to get closer to his goal?

A. By hanging a poster of Harvard in his room.

B. By making the same choices with his friends.

C. By asking himself the questions each day.

D. By increasing his scores and getting scholarships.

3What is the author’s attitude to the hardship?

A. Disappointed. B. Positive.

C. Thankful. D. Sorrowful.

4What did the author want to tell us most?

A. A famous university, a successful life.

B. The earlier you set yourself a goal, the better.

C. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

D. Your choices determine who you are.






【解析】 作者虽早年生活于一个很差的环境,在12岁时有了一个哈佛梦。从此在这个梦的驱使下,一直不断地努力学习,最终达到了自己的目标。作者要告诉我们的是即使贫穷也无法剥夺我们决定人一生选择的权力。你的选择决定了你是谁。




细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Being at Harvard became my dream:…Driven by this dream, I kept studying hard. I’d begin my day by asking myself these two questions:”由此可知是通过每天问自己的两个问题来鼓励自己不断努力实现自己的目标的,故选C.




主旨大意。作者虽早年生活于一个很差的环境,在12岁时有了一个哈佛梦。从此在这个梦的驱使下,一直不断地努力学习,最终达到了自己的目标。作者要告诉我们的是即使贫穷也无法剥夺我们决定人一生选择的权力。以及最后一段中的 “Who you are today is the result of the decisions you made yesterday, and who you will be tomorrow will be the result of the choices you make today.”你今天是谁,是你昨天做出的决定的结果,明天你将是谁,这将是你今天做出的选择的结果。通过分析可知D你的决定了你是谁。故选D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Question: I have recently got a senior position within my company.One of my new tasks is to make monthly progress reports on my department in front of other senior officials. During my first meeting, I presented and then opened the floor to questions. My first reaction was to answer defensively(防卫地;戒备地).Later, I realized that I shouldn't have felt that way.But how can I keep cool and effectively answer questions in this type of settings?
Answer: Congratulations on your new position! Presenting in front of your peers (同事) is a hard task in itself and it becomes much more difficult when a question-and-answer period is required! Question-and-answer periods are a great way to clarify (使……清楚) the message and strengthen key points.

When a person is asking a question, show interest and a desire to understand the question by listening and asking for clarification.
● Buy time
When facing a hard question, most people can't give an answer immediately.Buy time by repeating the question in your own words. These techniques allow you to quickly organize your thoughts as well as to make sure you will be correctly answering the question.
● Suggest a private meeting.
A one-to-one meeting is a calmer setting than speaking in front of your peers.
A.Show your true interest.
B.Restate the question with respect.
C.Some ideas can be quite concrete.
D.There were many difficult questions.
E.It can also be more effective in exchanging ideas.
F.You may also ask for clarification on the question.
G.Here are some ideas that can help prepare for your next meeting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Many people travel during the holiday season but do not make sure that their houses and homes (protect). Crime goes up (rapid) during the winter and summer holiday seasons. Here are some things that you should keep in mind when you go on a holiday.
Always give (strange) the feeling that you are at home. Have the snow (clean) off your stairs or out of your driveway during the winter season. You might ask someone to park car in your driveway.
Tell your newspaper deliverer that you are not at home. (have) a pile of newspapers and other mail on your doorsteps tells people that are not at home, so you could also have a neighbor a relative get your mail every day.
Fix a timer in some of your rooms turns lights on and during different time of the day. Some TVs also comes with a timer that you could set to be turned on during certain time. Have a sensitive light outside your house that (keep) thieves away when you are not at home.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Many Americans spend more time in cars these days than in the kitchen. But as lives grow busier—and waistlines grow larger—a number of health experts are calling for Americans to reduce their risk of cancer and other diseases by cooking at home more and eating out less.
“When dining out, people are likely to gravitate towards all the wrong thing,” says Rachel Brandeis of the American Dietetic Association. “People take in 50% more fat and sodium when they eat out than when they cook at home. And they often miss out on fruits, vegetables and other vitamin-rich ‘powerhouse foods' that may reduce the risk of cancer.”
Nutritionists know it's not easy to break old habits. Many people say they hardly have time to exercise, let alone fix dinner.
Brandeis says her secret is organization. She cooks six nights a week, even though she and her husband both work. She spends 20 minutes thinking about a week's worth of menus and writing a list. She shops just once a week. Brandeis says she chooses easy cooking methods, too. Since she is not quite good at cooking.
The American Institute for Cancer Research has produced a guide filled with tips like “Homemade for Health”. Melanie Polk, the institute's director of nutrition education, says cooking at home has many advantages. It teaches children about nutrition as well as the importance of sharing housework.
The 39-year-old homemaker Kirstin Kristinus of Washington, D.C. says cooking at home brings her family together. She also tries to reduce her family's cancer risk by preparing every meal with many different kinds of food.
“The only way to know that you are getting all the good things is to expose yourself to a wide variety of food,” says Steven Shiff, a doctor in New Jersey. “If you eat out at a restaurant, it's a lot easier to choose unhealthful things.”
However, “families don't have to give up restaurants,” Shiff says. “It is possible to eat healthfully if you eat outside the home. But it takes probably the same sort of planning that you would have to do to prepare meals at home.”
(1)What is worrying health experts?
A.Americans are having a too busy life.
B.Americans are getting fatter and fatter.
C.Americans are eating out more and more.
D.Americans are in greater danger of getting cancer.
(2)What does the underlined part “gravitate towards” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Care about.
B.Forget about.
C.Be afraid of.
D.Be attracted to.
(3)What is Melanie's attitude towards cooking at home?
(4)What can infer from Shiff that_____.
A.eating out can be as healthy as at home
B.People should stop going to restaurants
C.Restaurants usually serve unhealthy food
D.Preparing meals at home is more meaningful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

On a Sunday morning, I was driving down a road and saw something I couldn't believe. A little girl, less than two, was pushing her stroller (婴儿车) across the road. It was Sunday morning and traffic was not heavy.
I stopped my car at once and ran toward her. This little girl knew enough to run from a stranger. I tried to catch her in order that I could get her out of the road.
Suddenly her father came running down a hill across the road from where I had parked my car. He ran right to her and caught her up, saying “bad girl” to her. I picked up the stroller and gave it to him. The father grabbed the stroller and walked toward where he came from without a word.
I went back and sat in my car for a few minutes with my son. My hands were shaking and tears were about to run out of my eyes. “Do you feel cold, Mom?” asked my son. I just shook my head.
After this happened, I thought about how thankful I am. Even though the father didn't say thank you, I feel that I did something good. Doing something for someone else is pleasing, even when it's only a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
I didn't really “save” her, but I feel like it was important that I happened to be there. It is sad that I was the only one who stopped. It really made me a little disappointed that no one else stopped to help.
(1)When the author saw the little girl, ________.
A.the girl had lost her way
B.she was driving to work in a hurry
C.the girl feared to go across the road
D.there weren't many cars on the road
(2)The little girl ran away from the author because ________.
A.she wanted to stay on the road
B.she didn't know the author at all
C.she wanted to look for her father
D.she needed to catch her stroller
(3)The author thought that her help was ________.
A.really necessary
B.worth praising
C.not welcome
D.not useful
(4)What can we learn from the passage?
A.The girl's father didn't like the girl at all.
B.The girl's father had wanted to thank the author.
C.The author shared her experience with her son.
D.The author felt sad that no one else helped the girl.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When you’re depressed (抑郁的), it ofen feels like nothing in the world can make you feel better. 1 . By treating it like any other physical disease and taking correct actions, you can conquest your depression. Here are simple steps to help.

Be active

2. You may feel exhausted and unwilling to take part in activities, but it’s been proved that activities fight depression. Exercising releases some chemicals in your brain, which help lift your mood. Even the activity of just going out for a walk, or a trip to the gym is an effective method of improving the way you feel.


Feeling embarrassed or self-hating over your depression will only increase your symptoms. It also discourages you from seeking help. It’s important to have sympathy for yourself at those difficult times. 4. That is a much more appropriate attitude. Remember, depression is a very common and highly treatable, disease. It is just a matter of recognizing you’re feeling bad and finding the treatment that works for you.

Seek professional help

Talking is a powerful way of beating your depression. If you feel bad, don’t let anyone tell you it’s no big deal or that you'll just get it over. There is nothing shameful about recognizing you have a problem that you alone cannot solve and seeking the help of an expert. Asking for help is a brave act. 5.

A. Don’t punish yourself for feeling bad

B. Put yourself in a social atmosphere to lift your spirits

C. Be curious, open, accepting and loving toward yourself

D. Depression will drop your energy levels and make you passived highly treatable disorder

F. Speaking to an expert is a healthy, productive and beneficial attempt

G. Anything that makes you laugh can help convince your brain you are happy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy. They are in close contact with nature. They make friends with trees and stones. They can own dogs. They breathe fresh air. They fight with strong winds. They listen to the songs of birds.
This contact with nature is good for health. There are many diseases that are common in the city. but are not to be found in the country. For example, near-sightedness is almost unknown to country people.
Because of the absence of cars, one can walk more freely in the country than in the city. There are no rules of the road, nor traffic signs to obey.
People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fresh milk. And they get them at lower prices than in the city.
Country life is economical in other ways, too. There are practically no temptations(诱惑)to waste money.
Country people are mostly honest. They say what they mean, and make and keep promises with sincerity(诚意). They do not put on air. They do not pretend to have those ridiculous(荒谬的)manners which are necessary in what we call polite society.
(1)What can't country people often enjoy?
A.Musical concerts.
B.Fresh air.
C.Song of birds.
D.Close contact with nature.
(2)What is probably more expensive in country than in the city?
(3)What is NOT true of country life?
A.The traffic accident rate is very high in the country.
B.Living in the country saves one a lot of money.
C.Country people enjoy better health than the city people.
D.Country people are honest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

In today's world, English is the most wildly used language. It is our duty to learn English in the new situation of the reform and opening to the outside world. How can we master the English language? I'd like to give you some good advice.
First, get interested in it. I enjoy listening to foreign friends talking when I was a child. At the same time I watched the English program Follow Me on TV. From then on, I kept on learning English. The more I learned, the more progress I made.
Second, practice makes perfect. Many people study English very hard, but they are very shy to speak it in public, for they are afraid of making mistakes. Remember you have to make a mistake before you can correct it. A native English speaker makes mistakes sometimes, too.
Third, the beginners should be encouraged to pay attention to idioms. The English language has many idioms. For example, you should say “ He is as strong as a cow.”
(1)The writer wants to tell us ____________.
A.the importance of learning English
B.the new situation of the reform and opening to the outside world
C.some good ideas on how to master English
D.the wide use of the English language
(2)If we want to learn English, we must first __________.
A.show interest in it
B.enjoy listening to it
C.watch English program on TV
D.practice speaking it
(3)When we are learning English, ____________.
A.remember the mistakes and correct them
B.try not to make any mistakes
C.avoid mistakes before making them
D.don't be afraid of making mistakes
(4)The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means “_______________.”
A.Remember to make a mistake before you can correct it
B.You are sure to make a mistake before you can correct it
C.Remember you have to make a mistake and then correct it
D.You'll make a mistake after you can correct it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How exciting it is to visit China! China can offer what 1 (appeal) to every visitor, but the crowds can be an issue.

Before getting on the plane, train, or bus, learn from these mistakes to avoid the crowds and make the 2 (much) of your holiday.

There are certain dates throughout the year when the entire country takes a vacation at the same time. If you travel in China during one of these “golden weeks”, you 3 expect never-ending lines, 4 (pack) public transportation, and seas of strangers appearing in the background of your photos. So it is important lo gel familiar with the dales 5 (minimize) your travel stress.

Of course, any trip to China wouldn’t be complete without seeing major cultural landmarks, 6 the Great Wall, or the Forbidden City. However, there are so many worthwhile places lo experience, 7 may not be listed in your tour book.

Also, with a family to travel together, 8 (wake) up early can be a challenge. Do your best to wake up early and take your breakfast to go; it’s worth it. Getting to an 9 (attract) early will allow you to experience it 10 (full) without the inconvenience of a large crowd.

