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讨论话题 我校是否要成立"起床俱乐部"
 时间 上周一
 地点 学校会议室
 讨论范围 高一、高二学生代表120人
参考词汇:起床俱乐部  Getting Up Club.
Recently,more and moreschools have set up special organizations called"Waking Up Club"to encouragestudents to get up early in the morning.A discussion concerning setting up asimilar association in our school was organized by the Student Union in themeeting room last Monday.120 students from Senior One and Senior Twoparticipated in it,of whom 67 approve of it because they believe it will getthem to develop good habits and make full use of the morning time.However,48students don't think it a good idea for the reason that whether to get up earlydepends on one's habit and there is no need to force them to do so.As for therest of the students,they insist that everyone should follow their own wishesand their own lifestyles..

分析 本文采用了"表格+提纲类"形式,根据文章所给提示信息写一篇报道,介绍学生就"学校成立‘起床俱乐部'协会来鼓励学生早起床"进行讨论的情况.写作要点:1.讨论话题;2.时间;3.地点;4.讨论范围,5.讨论结果. 既是提纲作文又是图表类作文.
重要短语:set up (建立),encourage sb to do sth(鼓励某人做某事),participate in (参加),approve of (赞成),develop good habits (培养好习惯),depend on (取决于),force sb to do(迫使某人做某事),as for(至于,关于).
1.120 students from Senior One and Senior Two participated in it,of whom 67 approve of it because they believe it will get them to develop good habits and make full use of the morning time.
2.48 students don't think ①it a good idea for the reason ②that whether to get up early depends on one's habit and there is no need to force them to do so.
①这里是宾语从句省略了连接词that,动词 think的宾语为it a good idea for the reason that whether to get up early depends on one's habit.
②这里是that引导的同位语从句,从句中的主语为whether to get up early,从句中的谓语动词为depends on,宾语为one's habit."There is no need to do sth"意为没有必要做某事.

解答 Recently,more and moreschools have set up special organizations called"Waking Up Club"to encouragestudents to get up early in the morning.A discussion concerning setting up asimilar association in our school was organized by the Student Union in themeeting room last Monday.(讨论话题、时间、地点)120 students fromSenior One and Senior Two participated in it,(讨论范围) of whom 67 approveof it because they believe it will get them to develop good habits and makefull use of the morning time.【高分句型】However,48 students don'tthink it a good idea for the reason that whether to get up early depends onone's habit and there is no need to force them to do so.【高分句型】As for the rest ofthe students,they insist that everyone should follow their own wishes andtheir own lifestyles.【高分句型】( 讨论结果)

点评 写好这类图表及提纲式作文的关键是认真分析所给提示信息,灵活运用英语知识,采用不同的表达方式将要点完整地表述出来,并认真看图,围绕主题,提炼要点,发挥想象,语言力求准确、简洁.选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性.同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,最后还要认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Half a year before graduation from college,my son David began to seek a job.Due to the financial crisis,the competition was ever-fierce.My son targeted a company that was located in a coastal city.It was intended to employ only one person among more than twenty candidates,I said to David,"You should not harbor too much hope for fear that you would feel terribly disappointed when you fail."He said to me,"I am not afraid of disappointment.As long as I try,there will always be hope!"
Three young men could enter the final round,which would later decide one person to be employed.Everything seemed to go quite well and David entered the final round in a week.
Unexpectedly,the interview was unbelievably simple,during which the interviewer only chatted with them for a while.The interview strategies my son prepared were not useful at all.The interviewer said the company would inform them of the result in 3days.On the morning of the third day,David received the text from the company that he was not employed.David felt disappointed.
In nightfall that day,David suddenly told me excitedly on phone that he had been employed.Greatly surprised,I asked him,"What's the whole matter?"David told me that he received another text saying that he was employed.David felt very confused about it.Later he found out the first text sent to him was also part of the test in the interview.Three men received the same text this morning and only David's reply was satisfying to the company.I asked my son,"How did all of you reply?"My son said,"One did not reply.The other said"goodbye"and I said"thank you"."
Only then did I know that my son's"hope"came in that way.That is,when you feel disappointed,do not forget to say"Thank you"to the one who disappoints you.Actually,it is a piece of cake to say"Thank you".Saying"Thank you"shows respect for others'work and demonstrates your grand generosity.Therefore,while under the same condition,you will get the upper hand in terms of opportunities compared with others!

26.What can we learn about David from the passage?D
A.Being short of money,David was eager to find a job.
B.He wanted to work for a company in the local city.
C.He was not hopeful of getting the job.
D.He took a positive attitude towards failure.
27.Which of the following is True about David's final round interview?B
A.David was nervous because the competition was really fierce.
B.David's preparations for the interview were not used.
C.The three young men performed equally well.
D.The result was announced on the spot.
28.When David got the job offer,he feltB at first.
29.What can be inferred from the passage?A
A.The author believed it's beneficial to say thank you.
B.The author was confident that his son would get the job.
C.The author was disappointed when his son was not employed.
D.The author thought it's not easy to say thank you.
30.What can be the best title of the passage?C
A.Sunshine Always Appears After Storm
B.Never Give Up Hope
C.The Magic Power of"Thank You"
D.A Young Man And His Hope.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.My father called me yesterday,asking me      I was getting along with the exam.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Many people were killed in this earthquake,but Iowe it to youthat I can still talk with you now.
许多人在这次地震中死了,但 多亏有你我还现在还能和你交谈.(owe)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.If you find yourself ______ no one will help you,please call me.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.We hope the new machine will work faster,______ reducing our costs.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.______ Stephon Marbury is an American,he has become a role model among Beijing
basketball fans.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.   In Silicon Valley,it's never too early to become an entrepreneur.Just ask 13-year-old David Moore.The eighth-grader has launched a company last October to develop low-cost machines to print Braille (布莱叶盲文).David built a Braille printer with a Lego Mindstorms EV3kit as a school science fair project last year after he asked his parents a simple question:How do blind people read?"Google it,"they told him.David then did some online research and was shocked to learn that Braille printers cost at least 2,000dollars-too expensive for most blind readers.
"I just thought that price should not be there.I know that there is a simpler way to do this,"said David,who demonstrated how his printer works at the kitchen table where he spent many late nights building it.David wants to improve the"Braigo"-a name that combines Braille and Lego-and develop a desktop Braille printer that costs around 350dollars and weighs just a few pounds,compared with current models that can weigh more than 20pounds."My end goal would probably be having most of the blind people…using my Braille printer,"said David,who lives in the Silicon Valley suburb of Santa Clara,just minutes away from Intel headquarters.
 After the Braigo won numerous awards and enthusiastic support from the blind community,David started Braigo Labs last summer with an initial 35,000dollars investment from his dad."We as parents started to get involved more,thinking that he's on to something and this new way process has to continue,"said his father,Matthew Moore,an engineer who works for Intel.
Intel officials were so impressed with David's printer that in November they invested an undisclosed sum in his start-up.They believe he's the youngest entrepreneur to receive venture capital money invested in exchange for a financial stake in the company."He's solving a real problem,and he wants to go off and challenge an existing industry,"said Edward Ross,director of Inventor Platforms at Intel.Now the company is using the money to hire professional engineers and advisers to help design and build Braille printers based on David's ideas.It aims to have a prototype (样机) ready for blind organizations to test this summer and have a Braigo printer on the market later this year.

66.Which of the followings is Not the description of Braigo?C
A.The name"Braigo"comes from Braille and Lego.
B.The blind are in favor of the new type of printer.
C.It costs less money and weighs just a few pounds.
D.David planned to improve Braigo and make it lighter but easier to use.
67.Which of the following words can best describe David's personalities?D
A.Adventurous and enthusiastic.
B.Trustworthy and active.
C.Childish and outgoing.
D.Creative and independent.
68.Which of the following is the correct order?A
①.Intel officials invested money in David's start-up.
②.David launched a company.
③.David got an initia l35,000dollars investment from his dad.
④.David created a new Braille printer model called Braigo.
⑤.Braigo Labs hired professional engineers and advisers to help design and build Braille
69.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A
A.Intel didn't announce the amount of money it invested.
B.No one else has ever received venture capital from Intel.
C.Intel purchased David's ideas to design and build Braille printers.
D.Braigo printers have been on the market and proved a great success.
70.The passage is most probably taken from.B
A.a sports section    
B.a science section   
C.a culture section  
D.an entertainment section.

