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You are busy filling out the application form for a position you really need; let's assume you once actually completed a couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree. Isn't it tempting to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma(毕业文凭) represents a Harvard degree or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State University?

More and more people are turning to an utter deception(欺骗) like this to land their first jobs or to move ahead in their careers.For personnel officers, like most Americans, value degrees from famous schools. A job applicant may have a good education anyway, but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are better with a diploma from a well­known university.Registrars(注册主任) at most well­known colleges say that they deal with dishonest claims like these at the rate of about one per week.

Personnel officers do check up on degrees listed on application forms. If it turns out that an applicant is lying, most colleges are unwilling to accuse the applicant directly. One Ivy League school refers to them as “special cases”. One well­known West Coast school, in perhaps the most delicate phrase of all, says these claims are made by “no such people”.

To avoid complete lies, some job seekers claim that they “attended” or “were associated with” a college or university.After careful checking, a personnel officer may discover that “attending” means being dismissed after one semester.It may be that “being associated with”a college means that the job seeker visited his younger brother for a football weekend. One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the century—that's when they began keeping records, anyhow.

If you don't want to lie or even stretch the truth, there are companies that will sell you a fake diploma. One company, with offices in New York and on the West Coast, will put your name on a diploma from any number of non­existent colleges.The price begins at around twenty dollars for a diploma from “Smoot State University”.The prices increase rapidly for a degree from the “University of Purdue”.As there is no Smoot State and the real school in Indiana is properly called Purdue University, the prices seem rather high for one sheet of paper.

36.The writer mainly wants to tell us that ________.

A.college degrees can now be purchased easily

B.nowadays it is very hard for people to find jobs

C.lying about college degrees is becoming a widespread problem

D.employers are no longer interested in applicants' actual performances

37.The underlined word “utter” in the second paragraph means ________.

A.thorough  B.careful

C.incomplete  D.spoken

38.Once finding applicants with false diplomas, most colleges would ________.

A.keep the records of them

B.drive them out of college

C.avoid direct conflicts with them

D.accuse them of such behavior

39.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.US employers value their job applicants with a degree from top universities

B.University of Purdue and Purdue University are the same school

C.people with fake diplomas can get their first jobs in the US easily

D.people pay the same price for a fake diploma from different universities


36.C 主旨大意题。从全文内容可知,作者主要向我们介绍了现在有越来越多的大学生对自己的毕业文凭等信息进行造假,故答案选C项。

37.A 词义猜测题。从文章第二段内容可知求职者认为拥有名牌大学的文凭,其被雇用的机会大,而且著名大学平均每周都会接到“造假文凭”这种案件,由此可推断,画线词所在句表示现在有越来越多的人开始了彻头彻尾的欺骗。由此可知utter在此处表示“彻底的,十足的”,同thorough,故选A项。

38.C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“…most colleges are unwilling to accuse the applicant directly”可知,大多数大学都不愿意直截了当地指出这种文凭的欺骗和造假,答案选C项。

39.A 推理判断题。从第二段第二句可知在美国,雇主重视求职者的大学文凭,青睐那些有名牌大学文凭的人,故A项正确。


科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Besides this question of the time given to pronunciation,there are two other requirements for the teacher:the first,knowledge;the second,technique.

  It is important that the teacher should be in possession of the necessary information.This can generally be go form books.It is possible to get from books some idea of the speech;and of what we call general phonetic rules.It is also possible in this way to get a clear mental picture of the relationship between the sounds of different languages,between the speech habits of English people and those,of your students.Unless the teacher has such a picture,any explanations he makes on his students'pronunciation are unlikely to be of much use,and lesson time spent on Pronunciation may well be wasted.

  But it does not follow that you can teach pronunciation successfully as soon as you have read the necessary books.It depends,after that,what use you make of your knowledge;and this is a matter of technique.

  Now the first and most important part of a language teacher's technique is his own performance,his ability to show off the spoken language,in every detail of sound as well as in fluent speaking,so that the student's ability for imitation is given the fullest space and encouragement.The teacher,then,should be as perfect a model in this field as he can make himself.And to make his own performance better,however satisfactory this may be,the modern teacher has in his hand recordings and a radio,to supply the real voices of native speakers,or,if the teacher happens to be a native speaker himself,or speaks just like one,then to change the method of presenting the language material.

  However,the process of showing pronunciation,whether by personal ex-ample or with the help of machines,is only the beginning of teaching pronunciation.The technique of teaching each sound also needs to be considered.

1.How might the teacher find himself wasting lesson time?

[  ]

A.By spending lesson time on pronunciation.

B.Bu making ill-informed explanations upon pronunciation.

C.By not using books on phonetics in the classroom.

D.By not giving students a clear mental picture of the difference between


2.Students have an ability for imitation which is________.

[  ]

A.plain and obvious

B.well developed

C.not yet developed

D.too weak to be useful

3.What is the main point the author makes about imitation of the teacher?

[  ]

A.It is a matter of secondary importance.

B.Students should be given every chance for it.

C.It depends on the student's ability.

D.Teachers are perfect models for students to imitate.

4.TO Someone teaching his own language to foreigners mechanical aids can________.

[  ]

A.improve his own performance

B.replace his own performance

C.provide examples of native speech

D.make his voice louder

5.Showing pronunciation is to be regarded as ________.

[  ]

A.a part of teaching pronunciation

B.an exercise of value in itself

C.an example of the use of mechanical aids

D.a technique for teaching separate sounds


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省苍南县求知中学2008-2009学年高二下学期第一次月考 题型:050


★This Week’s Highlights

  ●Visit the new College of Engineering Alumni Web for career services.

  ●coming events, photo collections, and career services.

  ●Reunion Weekend 2004 is just around the corner, and we invite you back to BU to take part in all the fun.

★BU Breaking News

  □Boston University Professor demands Napping at the Workplace in His Speech.(3/18)

  □Boston University Hosts Discussion on Putin, U.S.-Russian ties for Future.(3/11)

  □BU Physicist Receives Boltzmann Award For Excellent Work In Physics at the Conference.(3/8)


  □Learn more about the Young Alumni Council, serving alumni up to 15 years out of BU.

  □Offer students jobs for earning income to pay their taxes.

★Student Village will be the center of BU life.

  □Four BU students share their home schooling experiences, and the lessons they learned.

  □Scientists at the South End will study the world’s most dangerous microbes(微生物), and develop measures to bioterrorism.

  The Alumni Magazine

  Winter 2003


Which of the following statements is true according to the webpage?

[  ]


Alumni Web cares about BU’s scientific research rather than international situations.


BU provides students with home schooling.


Reunion Weekend 2004 is one of the most important news of this week.


Amumni Web was set up 15 years ago.


The underlined word “around the corner” probably means “________”.

[  ]


in the immediate future


at present


in the distant future


around here


If you are a biology student at BU, what is most probably your first choice after you finish reading the webpage?

[  ]


Watch the video of the Discussion.


Buy the magazine Bostonia.


Watch the video of the Conference.


Book tickets for the Reunion Weekend.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省河间四中2010届高三下学期月考试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

This is the first time your child will be away from home for a period of time. We understand that this can be an exciting and anxious time both for parents and students. In this part,we hope to give you a better idea of what to expect in the areas that matter most to you. If you have any question that we have not answered here, please call us at 618-353-1398 or e-mail us at buhssumr@bu. edu.
Housing and Dining
Housing and dining is provided for all High School Summer Program students. Students should live on campus. The dining room in Warren Towers offers a variety of food options. Summer Program includes 19 meals a week, of which five lunches are included in the program fee. Visit www. bu. edu/housing-dining for more information.
Family Visits
If a parent is in town and would like to spend time with his child, he needs to plan the visit during the student’s free time when there are no activities planned. The parent also needs to send written permission to the Summer Term office forty-eight hours before the student is planning to leave campus. The parent can either e-mail or fax a letter of permission including details to buhssumr@bu. edu or 617-353-5532.
Fitness and Recreation
Students may buy membership cards of the Fitness & Recreation Center as long as they are at least 15 years old and have a Permission Form signed by their parents. We suggest that you fill out the forms even if you do not buy membership cards. We have some planned activities at the Fitness & Rercreation Center and student should have the signed Permission Form. Visit www. bu. edu/fitrec to learn more about it .
45. The passage is most probably taken from________.
A. a newspaper                B. a travel guide
C. a health magazine            D. a school website
46. If you want to know more about Summer Program. You could_______.
A. call 617-353-5532
B. call 618-353-1398
C. visit www. bu. edu/housing-dining
D. visit www. bu. edu/fitrec
47. If a parent wants to spend time with his child, he________.
A. can go to the Summer Term office for permission
B. can email to buhssumr@bu. edu after the student leaves campus
C. has to plan the visit and ask the Summer Term office for permission
D. must call the Summer Tern office at 617-353-5532 ahead of time.
48. If a student goes to the Fitness & Recreation Center, he______.
A. needs a Permission Form signed by his parents
B. must buy a membership card
C. can be of any age.
D. should buy tickets first.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省双鸭山一中2009-2010学年度高二学业考试 题型:阅读理解

Something big is happening to the human race, something that could be called the Great Transformation.
The Transformation consists of all the changes that are occurring in human life due to advancing technology. For thousands of years such progress occurred slowly. Now everything is changing so fast that you may find yourself wondering where all this progress is really leading.
Nobody knows what all these changes will really mean in the long run. But this mysterious Transformation is the biggest story of all times. It is the story of the human race itself.
Some people worry about what will happen when the deposits(蕴藏)of petroleum are gone, but already researchers are finding all kinds of new ways to get energy. Someday, solar power collected by satellites circling the earth or fission(裂变) power produced by mankind may give us all the energy we need for an expanding civilization(文明).Space exploraton promises to open up much new land for human settlement, as well as leading to the harvest of mineral resources.
Like it or not, our advancing technology has made us masters of the earth. We not only control all the other animals, but also reshape the world’s plant life and even its soil and rocks, its waters and surrounding air.
Technology gives us the power to build a great new civilizaion, if we can just agee on what we want it to be, bu today, there is little global agreement on goals and how we should achieve them.
So it remanins to be seen what will happen as a result of our technology. Pessimists(悲观主义者) worry that we will use the technology eventually to blow ourselves up. But they have been saying that for decades, and so far we have escaped. Whether we will continue to do so remains unknown, but we can continue to hope.
68.The Great Transformation is caused by ________.
A. changes in human life    B.the development of science and technology
C. space exploration        D. unknown reasons
69.Today it is impossible for people to build a remarkable new civilization because __________.  A.nobody is optimistic about the future
B.human beings aare unabale to do so
C.people diagree with each other in many ways
D.people are worried too much
70.Advancing technology could possibly make us_______.
A.hesitate    B.decisive      C.powerless      D.mysterious


科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年黑龙江双鸭山一中高二学业考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


                              Something big is happening to the human race, something that could be called the Great Transformation.

The Transformation consists of all the changes that are occurring in human life due to advancing technology. For thousands of years such progress occurred slowly. Now everything is changing so fast that you may find yourself wondering where all this progress is really leading.

Nobody knows what all these changes will really mean in the long run. But this mysterious Transformation is the biggest story of all times. It is the story of the human race itself.

Some people worry about what will happen when the deposits(蕴藏)of petroleum are gone, but already researchers are finding all kinds of new ways to get energy. Someday, solar power collected by satellites circling the earth or fission(裂变) power produced by mankind may give us all the energy we need for an expanding civilization(文明).Space exploraton promises to open up much new land for human settlement, as well as leading to the harvest of mineral resources.

Like it or not, our advancing technology has made us masters of the earth. We not only control all the other animals, but also reshape the world’s plant life and even its soil and rocks, its waters and surrounding air.

Technology gives us the power to build a great new civilizaion, if we can just agee on what we want it to be, bu today, there is little global agreement on goals and how we should achieve them.

So it remanins to be seen what will happen as a result of our technology. Pessimists (悲观主义者) worry that we will use the technology eventually to blow ourselves up. But they have been saying that for decades, and so far we have escaped. Whether we will continue to do so remains unknown, but we can continue to hope.

68.The Great Transformation is caused by ________.

A. changes in human life    B.the development of science and technology

C. space exploration        D. unknown reasons

 69.Today it is impossible for people to build a remarkable new civilization because __________.  A.nobody is optimistic about the future

B.human beings aare unabale to do so

C.people diagree with each other in many ways

D.people are worried too much

 70.Advancing technology could possibly make us_______.

    A.hesitate    B.decisive      C.powerless      D.mysterious


