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16.I don't want to be a person that always cries,but today apparently ____.(  )
A.I amB.I willC.I haveD.I did

分析 我不想成为一个总是哭泣的人,但今天显然我是.

解答 答案是A.本题考查省略句.结合语境,作者要表达的是"today apparently I am a person that always cries",故省去与上文在相同的"a person that always cries",所以答案选A.

点评 本题考查省略,省略常常是为了避免重复的省略,所以要在补全被省略的部分的情况下整体理解语境,再做判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.-What's the matter with you?
-My parents won't allow me to go to the ball.But I still_____.(  )
A.hope toB.hope soC.hope notD.hope it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.An African-born British scientist received an environment research prize for show-ing how bees can be used to reduce conflict between people and elephants.Lucy King's work proved that beehive(峰房)"fences"can keep elephants out of African farmers'fields.The animals are scared of bees,which can bite them inside their long noses,and flee when they hear buzzing(蜂鸣声).
Dr King's work offers an intelligent solution to an age-old challenge,while providing further confirmation of the importance of bees to people and a really clever way of preserving the world's largest land animal for current and future generations.Working in Kenya,Dr King and her team showed that more than 90% of elephants will flee when they hear the sounds of buzzing bees.Afterwards,they also found that elephants produce a special sound to warn their fellows of the danger.They used the findings to construct barriers where beehives are woven into a fence,keeping the elephants away from places where people live and grow food.
 A two-year project involving 34 farms showed that elephants trying to go through the fences would shake them,disturbing the bees.Later,the fences were adopted by farming communities in three Kenyan districts--who also made increased amounts of money from selling honey.
As Africa's population grows,competition for space between people and elephants is becoming more serious,and there are fatalities on both sides.The same is true in parts of Asia.Sri Lanka alone sees the deaths of all estimated 60 people and 200 elephants each year from conflict.
Lucy King now wants to see whether the Kenyan technique will work in other parts of Africa--and perhaps,eventually,in Asia.

61.The underlined part in Paragraph 1 means the same asC
A.intelligent solution to an age-old challenge.
B.confirmation of the importance of bees to people
C.competition for space between people and elephants    
D.way of preserving the world's largest land animal
62.Which of the following orders of events correctly shows how Dr King's project works?B
①Beehive fences are built around a Farm.
②Elephants hear the buzzing and run away.
③Bees are disturbed and fly out of the beehives.
④Elephants trying to enter the farm shake the fences.
63.Dr King's solution is described as"intelligent"becauseD.
A.it successfully keeps elephants out of African farmers'fields
B.the fences Were adopted by farming communities in three Kenyan districts
C.more than 90% of elephants flee when they hear the sounds of buzzing bees
D.it protects crops.produces honey and preserves the dephant at the same time
64.The underlined word"fatalities"in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning toA.
A deaths    B.communities    C.population    D.fences
65.Which of the following is true according to the passage?D
A.Dr king was born in Britain.
B.Most elephants scare bees.
C.The technique has proved to work well in Asia,too.
D.Conflicts between people and elephants are rather serious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.TOKYO-Lonely astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) may soon be getting a robot friend from Japan.
Japan's space agency is considering putting a talking humanoid (有人的特点的) robot on the ISS to watch the work while astronauts are asleep,monitor their health and stress levels and communicate to Earth through the micro-blogging site Twitter.
Japan's space agency JAXA announced this week that it is looking at a plan to send a humanoid robot to the space station in 2013 that could communicate with the ground through Twitter-primarily feeding photos,rather than original ideas-and provide astronauts with"comfort and companionship".
Following up on US NASA's"Robonaut"R-2 program,which is set for launch on the Discovery shuttle next week,the Japanese robot would be part of a larger effort to create and refine robots that can be used by the elderly,JAXA said in a statement.
Japan is one of the leading countries in robotics and has a rapidly aging society with one of the world's longest life expectancies.
Improving robot communication capabilities could help elderly people on Earth by providing a nonintrusive (无干扰的) means of monitoring the robot owner's health and vital signs and sending information to emergency responders if there is an abnormality,JAXA said.
"We are thinking in terms of a very human-like robot that would have facial expressions and be able to talk with the astronauts,"said JAXA's Satoshi Sano.
The robot was being developed with the advertising and communications giant Dentsu Inc and a team at Tokyo University.
The NASA project has a human-like head,hands and arms and uses the same tools as station crew members.The"Robonaut"called R-2 is intended to carry out maintenance tasks in the station's Destiny lab.
NASA says it hopes that humanoid robots could one day stand in for astronauts during spacewalks or perform tasks too difficult or dangerous for humans.
For now,the﹩2.5 million NASA robot is limited to activities within the lab.

60.According to the passage,a humanoid robot,put on the ISS,shall carry out the tasks exceptD.
A.take care of the ISS sometimes 
B.keep an eye on the health of the astronauts
C.keep in contact with Earth
D.get a friend for astronauts from Japan
61.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?A
A.The robot program will eventually benefit the elderly.
B.R-2 program is in the charge of Japan's JAXA.
C.NASA is planning to communicate with the space station through Twitter.
D.Japan has the largest number of elderly people.
62.From the passage we can knowB.
A.many Japanese universities joined in the robot program
B.future astronauts will become less lonely and more comfortable with the help of the robot
C.robots could completely take the place of human astronauts in the future
D.the robot program,having cost﹩2.5 million,can carry out all tasks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.___________,I believe,and you will find the student is very outgoing.(  )
A.Given a talk with himB.Have a talk with him
C.Having a talk with himD.If you have a talk with him


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it-,_______,turn it off to save energy.(  )
A.if necessaryB.if everC.if notD.if any


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

8.Recently,I stopped by a convenience store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink.The young woman at the check-out counter said,"That'll be five dollars (36)B please,"She  then (37)C down at the paper I was (38)D and said,"I'm sick and (39)A all this negative (消极的) stuff on the front(40)C.I want to read some (41)B news for a change."She then said,"In fact,I think someone should just (42)D a Good News newspaper-a paper with wonderful,inspirational(43)A about people overcoming difficulty and doing good things for(44)C.I'd buy one every day!"She then (45)B me for coming in and said,"Maybe we'll get some good news,"and she laughed.She made my day.
The following day after my business appointments,I (46)D the  same  store  again  to (47)A bottled water and a piece of newspaper,but a (48)C young lady was behind the counter.As I checked out I said,"Good afternoon"and handed her my (49)B.She said nothing-not a word,not a smile or not a gesture.She just handed me my change and (50)Da negative tone ordered…"Next!"
It hit me right between the eyes:Two people,the same age; (51)A made me feel great,and the other,well,made me feel that I had inconvenienced her by (52)C.
Every morning,you should ask(53)C this important question:"Who do I want to be
today?'The Grouch (不高兴的人)'or'The Good News Girl'"?Your answer will do  great  good  to (54)B the joy and happiness that you will experience in your(55)D.

36.A.at allB.in allC.for allD.all for
39.A.tired ofB.interested inC.concerned aboutD.fond of 
44.A.rewardsB.the othersC.othersD.nothing
46.A.dropped outB.dropped offC.dropped onD.dropped by
47.A.pick upB.take upC.bring upD.carry up 
52.A.moving upB.going awayC.showing upD.showing off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.It is such an interesting book ________ we all like.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

6.Tom,as well as his two sisters like music.

