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Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, ______ the behavior of animal depends mainly on instinct(本能).

A. whereas        B. so              C. unless            D. that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

―Is the experiment easy?
― ________ . I’ll just do my bit.
  A. I think so           B. Certainly
  C. Not a little           D. Anything but


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Australia releases more greenhouse gases per person than almost any other country in the world.Its emissions(排放) come mainly from coal burned for electricity.Scientists warn that the Australian continent could suffer more severe dry periods,floods and storms as a result of climate change.

Australia wants to show that existing power stations can be refitted to burn coal in a much cleaner way.A demonstration project will seek to develop new technology over the next four years that makes it easier to capture carbon dioxide(二氧化碳). Carbon dioxide is the main gas that many scientists say helps cause global warming.

In traditional coal-fired power stations,the coal is burned in air in a big furnace(炉子) and the carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. In the new system,the coal is burned in pure oxygen instead of air. The captured carbon dioxide gas is then made into a liquid and buried deep underground.

The operators of the project in the northern state of Queensland say it is the first of its kind in the world. Australian and Japanese companies are supporting the project,and the Australian government is paying for part of it.

Geoff Wilson is the mines and energy minister in Queensland. He says the new system will sharply reduce the amount of carbon released from the coal-fired process and make it easier to store.

The International Energy Agency has said that clean coal technology could help reduce the release of greenhouse gases by one-fourth.But a spokeswoman for the environmental group Friends of the Earth says the technology has very limited promise to cut emissions in the short term. 

Critics(评论家) say the technology is unproven.And they say it will not guarantee that Australia will be able to reduce emissions in the future.

TitleAustralia aims for 76




?Australia releases more greenhouse gases per person than almost any other country

?Australian continent could suffer more sever dry periods,floods and storms as a result of  78.            


Coal is burned in pure oxygen,captured carbon dioxide gas is made into a liquid and 79.             


First of its kind in the world


People or organization



Will sharply reduce the amount of carbon released from the coal-fired process and make it easier to store

The International Energy Agency

Could help reduce 83.    by one-fourth

A spokeswoman for the environmental group Friends of the Earth

84.      to cut emissions in the short term


?The technology is unproven

?Not guarantee Australia will be able to reduce emissions in the future



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  The annual marathon in my town usually occured during a heat wave .My job was to  36  behind the runners in an ambulance  37  any of them ended medical attention. The driver and I were in an air ----conditioned ambulance behind approximately one hundred athletes  38  to hear the sharp crack of the starting gun.
  "We're supposed to stay behind the  39  runner, so take it slowly, "I said to the driver, Doug, as we began to creep forward.
  " Let's  40  hope all the runners are fast ! "he laughed.
  As they began to pace themselves, the front runners started to  41  . It was then that my  42  were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a baggy white T ----shirt.
  "Koug, look !"
  We knew we were already watching our "last runner". Her feet were turned in, yet her left knee was turned out. Her legs were so crippled and  43  that it seemed impossible for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon.
  Doug and I watched in  44  as she slowly moved forward. We didn't say a thing. We would move forward a little bit, then stop and wait for her to  45  some distance. Then we'd slowly move forward a little bit more.
  Finally, she was the  46  runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face as I sat on the edge of my seat and watched with awe, amazement and even reverence(敬意)as she  47 forward with sheer determination through the last miles.
  When the  48 line came into sight, trash(垃圾)lay everywhere and the  49  crowds had long gone home.  50  , standing straight and ever so proud waited a man. He was  51  one end of a ribbon of crepe paper tied to a post.  52  slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering behind her.
  I do not  53  this woman's name, but that day she became a part of my life ----a part I often depend on. For her, it wasn't about  54  the other runners or winning a trophy(奖品), it was about finishing what she had set out to do, no matter  55  . When I think things are too difficult or too time ----consuming, I get those "I ----just ----can't ----do ----it", I think of the last runner. Then I realize how easy the task before me really is.

36.A. interview

B. watch

C. follow

D. fall

37.A. when

B. even if

C. because

D. in case

38.A. searching

B. sitting

C. wishing

D. waiting

39.A. slow

B. last

C. wounded

D. helpless

40.A. just

B. ever

C. still

D. however

41.A. run

B. miss

C. disappear

D. lose

42.A. attention

B. mind

C. sights

D. eyes

43.A. bent

B. hurt

C. soft

D. painful

44.A. happiness

B. silence

C. disappoint me

D. trope

45.A. keep

B. make

C. gain

D. shorten

46.A. single

B. only

C. last

D. careful

47.A. pushed

B. fought

C. pulled

D. jumped

48.A. close

B. end

C. match

D. finish

49.A. seeing

B. cheering

C. standing

D. interesting

50.A. Yet

B. But

C. Thus

D. Therefore

51.A. catching

B. handing

C. holding

D. bringing

52.A. He

B. I

C. they

D. She

53.A. remember

B. know

C. understand

D. forget

54.A. winning

B. competing

C. beating

D. fighting

55.A. what

B. where

C. when

D. why



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Attitudes to industrial espionage(间谍活动)

What do people think about stealing and selling industrial secrets?

A. Sarah J. an industrial chemist

For some years now I have been engaged in highly secret chemical research.Because there is so much industrial espionage now.I have got used to a certain lack of freedom.There is an atmosphere:of suspicion almost everywhere,and I am well aware of the dangers of talking about my work,or even of telling new acquaintances where I work.I know I must keep my work secret.

B. Charles S. an inventor

There was a time.When I was employed as a scientific adviser to a large company,where I thought there was too much secrecy in industry.I have an agent who looks after a part of my business.and she has always  insisted that I take out patents on all of my inventions,however ridiculous they may look.She also insists on my locking away all plans and technical drawings.

C. Peter L. a science teacher

I teach chemistry and physics to young people up to the age of l8 to the best of my ability in the hope that they will go to university and eventually go into industry.I hate the whole business of industrial spying:I know it goes on and l warn my students about getting involved in buying or selling secrets.An old friend of mine is a mechanical engineer and although he says he has no important information,he has had his phonetapped(窃听),and he has been approached by are preventatives of another large company

D. Laura B. an advertising executively

Some follow sales executives and I were discussing the question of industrial espionage in conference recently.While the others felt it only took place in the manufacturing industries,I pointed out that it was just as prevalent in areas like sales.advertising,insurance and other service industries.It’s a fact of life: we all have our secrets that other companies would pay a lot of money to see.

64.Who points out that spying takes place even in service industries?

    A.Laura B.    B.Sarah J.    C.Peter L.    D.Charles S.

65.All the following can be inferred EXCEPT         

    A.Charles S. may not leave his/her work lying around for anyone to see.

    B.Sarah J.seems to have accepted the need for secrecy in his /her work

    C.Laurd B.used not to understand why there was so much secrecy in industry

    D.Peter L.0ften warns his students of industrial espionage

66.Which of the following is the closest to prevalent in meaning?

    A.Common.          B.Important.    C.Different .    D.Attractive

67.You may read this article in            

    A.a science fiction    B.a magazine     C.a poster           D.an advertisement


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I have _____ my money. Would you please lend me some?

A.run out              B.run out of            C.run short     D. run off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Last week,Bill Gates retired from full-time work at the world’s biggest computer software company, Microsoft.He will remain chairman of the company he established with Paul Allen in nineteen seventy-five.

Mister Gates leaves Microsoft at a time of change in the computing industry.Microsoft grew at a time when personal computers,or PCs,were replacing big mainframe computers as the main computing tools.He showed that huge profits could be made in software as PCs increasingly were found “on every desk and in every home.”

Early on,Microsoft understood the importance of the “network effect.” That is, software is the kind of product that increases in value as more people buy and use it.

Now,free Internet software threatens to replace PC-based software.Devices like “smart phones” connect people to the Internet.Google has become a 1eader in Internet Web searching and advertising.Microsoft has struggled to change with the new computer environment.Its efforts to sell music and its latest operating system,Vista,have not been big successes.And an attempt this year to buy Yahoo for over forty-seven billion dollars failed.

In the last several years,Bill Gates has slowly given control of Microsoft to others.In two thousand,he gave the job of chief executive officer to Steve Ballmer, a friend of his since their years at Harvard University.Mister Ballmer has been with Microsoft since nineteen eighty.Still,it is hard to overestimate(过高估计) the influence of Bill Gates on computing.He developed the business model that put the Windows operating system on about ninety percent of the world’s one billion PCs.Microsoft now has almost ninety thousand employees.

At fifty―two years old,Bill Gates is currently the third richest man in the world.He is worth about fifty-eight billion dollars.He remains Microsoft’s biggest shareholder.

Mister Gates will now spend most of his time working at his charity organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.The foundation is the world's largest charity with over thirty-seven billion dollars.It provides money for health, education and other projects,mostly in developing countries.


60.Bill Gates retired from full-time work in Microsoft because           

A.he had earned enough money

B.Google threatened Microsoft’s leading place

C.PCs were out of fashion

D.of a reason that was not mentioned

61.Which of the following statements is true about Bill Gates?

A.Bill Gates set up Microsoft on his own in 1975.

B.Bill Gates failed to buy Yahoo.

C.Bill Gates was the chief executive officer when he retired.

D.Bill Gates is the richest man in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

62.Microsoft grew at a time when              

A.‘smart phones’ connect people to Internet

B.Vista was put into market

C.Personal Computers were on every desk and in every home

D.Computers became the main computing tools

63.Microsoft’s “network effect” probably means                .

A.the more people use PCs,the more software they will buy

B.the more people use Internet,the more money Microsoft can make

C.the better product, the more value

D.the later operating system,the better software


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The man,whose early career was not        great success,has built       business empire after years of hard work.

A.a; a    B.不填;a    C.不填;the  D.a;不填


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The actors were not very happy with my production, ______(部分) because of the scenery.                                          

