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The following article is to tell you how to behave better in an IELTS oral English test. Everyone will make necessary preparations for some possible topics in order to increase your performance in the interview. 1. What would you do if you were asked in an interview to talk about how you feel about your hometown if in fact you really dislike living there?

Some people might think that being truthful in this situation and giving a negative answer, they would not do the right thing. 2. Talk about how they love living there and give a positive answer which sounds more attractive.

3. And giving a negative opinion of something is not important, either. 4. If you have more to say by being truthful, even if it is to express a negative opinion, then that is what you should talk about.

5. And follow it up with your reasons for disliking it instead of saying “I like my hometown… ” and then struggle to find something to say.

We should consider how to deal with this situation in the best way.

A.Actually, truthfulness is not important in such an interview.

B.What is your true feeling about your hometown?

C.It would be much better to say “Actually I don’t really like my hometown...”

D.However, sometimes, you will be asked to talk about something that you don’t really like or don’t really want to talk about.

E.No one should have a negative feeling about their hometown.

F.The important thing is that you have something to express.

G.Instead, they try to hide their true feelings.








1.小题1】根据下一句What would you do if you were asked in an interview to talk about how you feel about your hometown if in fact you really dislike living there?如果被问到你对不喜欢的家乡有什么感受,你应该如何做?得知前面在说:然而有时你会被问到一些不喜欢的话题。选D。




5.小题5】根据下一句说出不喜欢的理由。说明前面是先直接表明自己的立场。选 C。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽宿州高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It ____ that all the students were having lessons in the teaching buildings when the earthquake occurred.

A. happens B. was happened

C. was happening D. happened


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东实验中学高三阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


The elephant and the fly

An elephant was standing and picking leaves from a tree. A small fly came,flying and buzzing (嗡嗡叫) near his ear. The elephant waved it away with his long ears. Then the fly came again, and the elephant waved it away once more.

This was repeated several times. Then the elephant asked the fly, “Why are you so restless and noisy? Why can’t you stay for a while in one place? ”

The fly answered, “I am attracted to whatever I see, hear or smell. My five senses pull me constantly in all directions and I cannot resist them.What is your secret? How can you stay so calm and still?”

The elephant stopped eating and said, “My five senses do not rule my attention. Whatever I do, I get involved in it. Now that I am eating, I am completely absorbed in eating. In this way I can enjoy my food and chew it better. I rule and control my attention, and not the other way around. So when you are in charge of your five senses and attention, your mind will become calm too.”



2. 然后以约120个词就“专注”这一主题发表你的看法,并包括以下要点:














科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东实验中学高三阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Modern teaching equipment as well as tens of computers _______ to the village school last week.

A. were sent B. was sent

C. has sent D. had been sent


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃天水市高三上第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

假如你是李华,下星期六是你的生日,你准备在家开一个生日晚会,并邀请部分同学和外国朋友参加,晚会7:30开始。你家住在民族街(Minzhu Street)656号,乘21路或26路公共汽车在三中站下车。你家就在车站的对面。房子是红色的。门是白色的,很容易找到。请根据所给信息,给你的好友Jack写一封邀请信。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。

656 Minzhu Street

November 2, 2014

Dear Jack,

Next Saturday will be my birthday.




科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建厦门第二中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假定你是我校的高三学生李华, 学校将要为高一新生举办主题为“What to learn in senior high school?”的英语沙龙活动, 特邀请你结合自身经历谈谈自己的体会。请根据以下提纲准备一份英语发言稿。词数120左右;发言稿开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


2. 学会做人:真诚、友善等;

3. 其他方面:考生自拟。

Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinion on what to learn in senior high school.







Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建厦门第二中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Four years ago my sweet mom went to be with her Lord. She did it her way.

I got the call at work, and I headed home quickly. Mom and Dad lived on a small farm that they had owned since I was seven. I hated going there every weekend. There was nothing for a young girl to do but watch the one station on the old TV set, if the weather allowed reception.

My mom, on the other hand, loved the peace and quiet of the land. The place was rustic, with no indoor plumbing or heat. We had a big wood stove in the kitchen that did its best to heat the little farmhouse, but it always seemed cold and too quiet to me.

In the evenings, my mom and I would sit for hours singing in the little kitchen. I sang the melody and Mom harmonized. Her favorite song was "Moon River" and we sang it over and over. Mom told me stories about how when I was a little girl, I could sing before I could talk.

As time passed, I had my own children and went to visit them every week or two. The kids loved the farm and the tractor rides with my dad. Me, well, I still hated the silence of the farm. While my mom loved to sit at her kitchen table and look out at her garden and flowers and retell all the old stories, I missed the hustle and bustle(喧闹)of my life at home. But I sat there listening quietly as she reminisced.

Now, I sat back in the silence and the silence was deafening so I finally leaned over to turn on an old radio. Music always comforted me.

My heart skipped a beat. "Moon River" was playing on the radio. I sat there stunned, with a tear running down my cheek, as I listened to every familiar note.

1. From the first paragraph, we know that the writer’s mother ________.

A. left the small farm with Lord

B. passed away four years ago

C. left for Lord to live her own way

D. preferred to be with Lord

2. The underlined word reminisced in the fifth paragraph probably means ________.

A. shouted B. comforted

C. recalled D. sighed

3.The writer didn’t like staying in the farm for the following reasons except that ________.

A. she could only sing one song in the small farm

B. it was too cold and quiet

C. there was nothing more that could make her excited

D. the place was rustic, with no indoor plumbing or heat

4.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? _______

A. Cherish(珍惜) life B. My happy childhood

C. Our small farmhouse D. Mom’s music


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州第八中学高三第四次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达





注意:词数不少于120词。 (请把首句抄到答卷!!!)

During the 15 days from New Year’s Eve to Lantern Festival.








科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江台州书生中学高一上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Since this is the first time you have broken the law, you may be given a light _________.

A. judge B. prison

C. sentence D. blame

