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Mr.Smith was quite satisfied with his new flat ________ beside the West Lake Park and decided to settle down there.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    to locate
  4. D.

科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修五英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are host and guest.

B.They are waiter and customer.

C.They are husband and wife.

2.Where did this conversation take place?

A.At the hospital.

B.At the airport.

C.At the post office.

3.Why will the woman go to London?

A.To have a look at London.

B.To go with her friend.

C.To spend the weekend.

4.What’s the woman’s job?

A.She is a saleswoman.

B.She is a waitress.

C.She is a hotel clerk.

5.How is the weather now?

A.It’s snowing.

B.It’s raining.

C.It’s clear.

听力原文:(Text 1)

W:I think I’ll have the duck, please.

M:I’m very sorry, Madam.I’m afraid there isn’t any left.

(Text 2)

W:Excuse me, visiting hours are over.It’s time for you to leave.

M:I’m sorry, I didn’t know the time or I would have left earlier.

(Text 3)

M:Are you going to London next weekend?

W:Yes, I will visit a friend of mine while I am there.

(Text 4)

M:I want a single room with a bath, what’s the rate?

W:It’s $25 a day.Your room number is 213.It is on the second floor.Here is your key.

(Text 5)

M:You’d better take your coat with you.It looks like it’s going to snow.

W:You may be right.Thank you for mentioning this.




6.Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a night club.

C.In a super -market.

7.What kind of snack does the woman have?




8.How much does the woman pay for the things she asked?

A.75 pence.

B.1.30 pounds.

C.2.05 pounds.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:Good morning, sir.What would you like?

M:I’d like a red wine, please.

W:Anything else?

M:What snacks have you got?

W:The menu is on the board over there.There’s pancake, Greek salad, steak and chips…

M:I’ll try the Greek salad, please.Do I pay now?

W:Oh, yes, if you would.That’s 75 cents for the wine and $1.30 for the salad.


9.Which age group do the two speakers most likely belong to?




10.Which part of the body is probably OK with the woman?

A.Her leg.

B.Her back.

C.Her eyes.

11.Why can’t the man do gardening a lot?

A.Because of his back trouble.

B.Because of his leg trouble.

C.Because of his arm trouble.

听力原文:(Text 7)

M:Hello.How are you today?

W:Not so good.My leg’s playing me up, awful pains in my leg and my toothache!

M:Oh, dear! I’ve got toothache too and the dentist says he simply can’t see me before next week.But what gets me is my headache.

W:I know what you mean, but at least you can do the garden.I can’t even do that with my back-the doctor says I mustn’t lift or bend.

M:You poor thing.There’s nothing worse than back trouble.But I don’t do much in the garden now because I’ve hurt my arm.It’s really painful.

W:Like my ankle.It’s all swollen up.


12.How does the man feel?




13.What’s wrong with the man?

A.He was knocked down by a car.

B.He had an accident when he was walking along the street.

C.He had an accident in the car.

14.Why did it happen?

A.Because there’s something wrong with the driving mirror.

B.Because there’s something wrong with the roadside mirror.

C.Because the other driver drove too fast.

听力原文:(Text 8)

W:Hi, David, you look awful.What’s the trouble?

M:Well, believe it or not, I had an accident in the car this morning.Someone drove into the back of my car.

W:No!How did it happen?

M:I was just turning into my drive when another car came round the corner and drove into the back of mine.

W:Didn’t you see him?

M:No, I didn’t.I looked in my driving mirror and there was no one coming.Not only that, I also looked in the big mirror on the other side of the road.

W:So he must have been coming very fast if you didn’t see him.

M:That’s right.And he went straight into me.


15.Where is Miss Smith?

A.She is at home.

B.She is taking a break.

C.She is attending a meeting.

16.When should Miss Smith call today whether she will attend the meeting or not?

A.On Thursday.


C.The day after tomorrow.

17.What number should Miss Smith call?

A.802 8714-246.

B.802 9714-246.

C.902 8741-426.

听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Good morning, Miss Smith’s secretary.

M:Good morning, may I speak to Miss Smith, please?

W:I’m sorry.She’s in conference at the moment.Do you want to leave a message?

M:Yes, all right.Could you tell her that Mr.Johnson called? And tell her that the meeting about the Trade Fair is on Thursday 12th at 2 p.m.

W:Fine, is there anything else?

M:Yes.Could she phone to confirm that she can come before tomorrow?

W:Yes, and what number is it?

M:802 9714 Extension 246.

W:Fine, I’ve got that.I’ll get the message to her as soon as possible.

M:Thank you very much.Goodbye.



18.Why couldn’t the speaker meet with Mr.Smith as soon as he arrived?

A.He missed the appointment.

B.He arrived late.

C.He was sick.

19.Why did he give up making a new appointment with Mr.Smith?

A.He couldn’t reach Mr.Smith’s office.

B.He didn’t want to see Mr.Smith any more.

C.He didn’t want to take the trouble making it.

20.Whom did he meet on the street one day?

A.A stranger.


C.Mr.Smith’s secretary.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

  I flew to New York to take care of some business with Mr.Smith.But as soon as I arrived, I got sick, and could not meet with him.I had to call our appointment off.Then when I felt better I thought about visiting him at his home, but he lived too far away.I tried to telephone him during office hours, but he was busy.His secretary said that Mr.Smith would call me back, but he didn’t.I gave up trying to make a new appointment because it would take more time and efforts than I wanted to spend.

  A few days later, I saw a man on the street who looked like Mr.Smith, and I called out to him.It was someone else.When I returned to my hotel that day, I found a message which said that Mr.Smith had gone out of town on some sudden unexpected business.I was sorry that I had missed seeing him, but I was really enjoying my sightseeing in New York.


科目:高中英语 来源:选修导学英语译林8 译林版 题型:030


W:Can I have a talk with you now, Mr.Smith?

M:Sure, what is it?

W:Well, I feel so(1)l________.How I wish I(2)h_______ a good friend! Could you give me some advice?

M:Sit here, please.Take it easy.

W:I spend most of my time studying.I(3)h_______ talk to my classmates.

M:I see.Your problem is a common one(4)a_______ middle school students.First of all, believe in(5)y________.You just(6)l_______ self-confidence.The first thing you must do is to smile at your classmates.Your smile will show that you are friendly to them.

W:But I do want to talk.I just don’t know what to talk about and how to begin a(7)c_______.

M:You may try talking with a student who is as shy as yourself or who(8)s________ the same interests as you.You can ask a classmate about your studies, and you can also talk about the(9)h_______ you have in common with him or her.If a classmate is in trouble in life or study, you should be ready to help.(10)O_______ you have more confidence, you can make as many friends as you can.

W:I’m feeling much better now.Thank you very much, Mr.Smith.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省徐州二中2007-2008学年度高三月考(一)、英语 题型:030


Student:Can I have a t________ with you, now, Mr.Smith?

Mr.Smith:S________, what is it?

Student:Well, I feel so lonely.How I w________ I had a good friend!

Could you give me some advice?

Mr.Smith:I see.Your problem is a common one a________ middle school students.First of all, believe in yourself.You just l________ self-confidence.

The first thing you must do is to smile at your classmates.Your smile will show that you are f________ to them.You may try talking with a student w________is as shy as yourself.You can ask a classmate about your studies, and you can also talk about the h________ that you’re having in common with him or her.If a classmate is in trouble in life or study, you should be ready to help.O________ you have more confidence, you can make as friends as you can.

Student:I’m feeling much b________ now.Thank you very much, Mr.Smith.














科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省天水一中2011-2012学年高二第二次学业水平测试英语试题 题型:030



M:Mr.Smith, have you ever been to the Great Wall?

W:No, actually I've never been there   1  

M:Would you like to go to the Great Wall?

W:  2   I've been waiting for long.I'd be more than glad to.

M:All right.We'll go by car.Can you get ready by eight?

W:  3   I'll try to make it.Do you think I should ask the hotel to pack me a lunch?

M:  4   I'll take care of that.There's a good restaurant there.Oh, it is likely to be windy on the wall at this time of year.

W:  5   Shall I take a coat with me?

M:Yes, you'd better take a coat or a sweat.Well, I'll be off now.I've got to see about the plan.See you tomorrow.

W:See you.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年河北省高三上学期第三次月考英语卷 题型:其他题


M:Mr Smith, have you ever been to the Great Wall?

W:No, actually I’ve never been there.   1.  

M:Would you like to go to the Great Wall?

W: 2.  I’ve been waiting for long. I’d be more than glad to.

M:All right. We’ll go by car. Can you get ready by eight?

W:  3.   I’ll try to make it. Do you think I should ask the hotel to pack me a lunch?

M: 4.  I’ll take care of that. There’s a good restaurant there. Oh, it is likely to be windy on the wall at this time of year.

W: 5.  Shall I take a coat with me?

M:Yes, you’d better take a coat or a sweater. Well, I’ll be off now. I’ve got to see about the arrangements. See you tomorrow.

W:Till then.

A.No, I think there’s no need.

B.Sorry, but I am terribly busy.

C.Yes, I think that’s a good idea.

D.That’ll be fine.

E.Is that so?

F.Of course I’ve heard much about that.

G.I don’t think so


