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I first met Steve Jobs years ago at a yard pool party. I was 1.excited and embarrassed by the chance to meet him in person that I could hardly whisper my name when we 2.(introduce). I watched as he swam in the pool with his son, like a regular guy, a good dad 3.(have) fun with his kids.

The second time I met him was when our children started going to school together. He was sitting in the classroom while 4.rest of us were pretending that having Steve Jobs in the room was 5. (total) normal. It was one Halloween when I realized he actually knew my name, 6. made me a little surprised. 7.(dress) like a monster, he was decorating a scary house with his wife. As I walked by with my son, Steve smiled and said, “Hi, Lisen”, My son thought I was the 8.(cool)mom in town when he realized Steve Jobs knew me.

9. then on, when I saw him holding his meetings in our neighborhood, I didn’t hesitate to smile and say hi. Steve always 10. (return) the greetings, proving that while he may have been a genius, he was also a good neighbor.


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省遵义市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

What would work be like if you had no boss?Imagine you could make all your own decisions and no one told you what to do.

A Swedish software company,Crisp,decided to get rid of their CEO.First,they needed to find out what a CEO actually did.Then they shared those duties among staff and board members,which is exactly what they did.And the employees believes it's been a good change.An employee named Heinrik Kniberg says the company can now act faster,"If you want to get something done,you stand up and start driving that.Workers are also more active and satisfied."And any big decisions are made during the all-member meetings several times a year.

So,if it's working well for Crisp,could this model become more widespread? Online retailer(零售商)Zappos tried out a similar plan but had unpleasant results.Almost a fifth of its staff decided to leave,and CEO Tony Hsieh admitted that "self-management is not for everyone".Mr Houston,founder of file-sharing service Drew Dropbox,says that total freedom doesn't always feel good,because you no longer know what you're supposed to do,what is important and you're bumping up against other people."

Would you like to work somewhere with no boss?

1.Why can the software company Crisp act faster now?

A. Because workers feel more satisfied.

B. Because workers can get things done directly.

C. Because things are decided by all members.

D. Because workers share CEO's duties.

2.The passage mainly talks about .

A. whether a company can go without a boss

B. whether workers can work independently

C. whether people can accept a no-boss company

D. whether people can enjoy total freedom

3.What's the author's attitude towards the no-boss model?

A. Positive. B. Negative.

C. Objective D. Subjective.


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达










注意:1.词数 120 左右。开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。



At present, when senior high school students get weekends off, many of my classmates spend all day












科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2016-2017学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

If you frequently travel for business, Stay bridge Suites offer you a range of home comforts. Four recent visitors to Staybridge Suites explain why they booked, what they enjoyed and what made them want to return.

Claire Metcalf

“The concept is great, but the staff are the ones who really make it. ”she says. “It takes a lot of discipline to always be friendly, but the staff at Staybridge Suites do that. They genuinely care about you.”

Andrew Roberts

“One of the best things is having my own kitchen. I often end up working late and I don’t fancy eating in a restaurant on my own, so cooking for myself is a big drawcard. ”

“The main thing for me is being able to cook and have my own little flat. The staff are amazing. It is great to be recognized by them, ”he says.

Pauline Robinson

“What I love about it is the way that you are treated by the staff,” she says. “Some of the staff have been there all that time and they do look after you well. As a woman staying on my own, it is reassuring that they look out for you, and recently when I was poorly they even brought things I needed to my room. ”

Ryan Ruckledge

“The fully-equipped kitchen is great. I always have a one-bed apartment so I have a separate kitchen and dining room and I’m able to relax and cook some meals. Eating out can feel a bit much when you do it day in and day out—it makes you hate what you do—and I don’t want that.

1.What attracts visitors to Staybridge Suites?

A. A separate dining room. B. A one—bed apartment.

C. A home from home. D. A lot of discipline.

2.Who think highly of the kitchen of Staybridge Suites?

A. Pauline Robinson and Ryan Ruckledge.

B. Ryan Ruckledge and Claire Metcalf.

C. Andrew Roberts and Ryan Ruckledge.

D. Pauline Robinson and Claire Metcalf.

3.What does the underlined  word “drawcard” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. barrier. B. attraction.

C. honour. D. difficulty.

4.Why does the author write the article?

A. To advertise Staybridge Suites.

B. To introduce four recent visitors.

C. To inform us of a new service.

D. To sing high praise for the staff.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省福州市八县(市)协作校2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

It’s cold and dark outside, and your bed is so warm and comfortable. Going for a run seems like such a bad idea. But before you hide your running shoes, it might be worth giving that crazy idea a go.

According to The Huffington Post, an outdoor run in winter, as opposed to one on a treadmill(跑步机), burns more calories because the body is working hard to adjust its core temperature. Furthermore, research shows that race times are faster in cold weather than in warmer temperatures and quicker runs burn more calories. Similarly, cold weather also makes the heart work harder to distribute blood through the body, making that vital muscle even stronger.

Outdoor exercise also turns up your energy and rids you of the stress and depression that build up every day. The heat and humidity in the summer can drag you down and tire you faster, but cold weather is refreshing. It adjusts you to your surroundings, making you feel alive.

Of course, the threat of smog in some built-up areas is a further hurdle to winter exercise. Heart attacks, stroke, lung cancer and asthma are all dangers of running in smog. The combination of air pollution and exercise increases the potential problems. If you do choose to run outside on smoggy days, take a path in a park or residential area to avoid car exhaust(尾气), and go early in the morning before rush hour. But staying inside on smoggy days and waiting for the next clear day to run is best.

1.How does cold weather benefit runners, compared with warm weather?

A. They can run more slowly.

B. They can take in more calories.

C. Their hearts can function harder.

D. Their body temperature can get lower.

2.How does summer affect runners?

A. It builds up their energy quickly.

B. It makes runners tired easily.

C. It lessens runners’ stress.

D. It causes heart attack.

3.What are the runners supposed to do on smoggy days?

A. Stop driving cars.

B. Do more exercise.

C. Avoid outdoor exercise.

D. Run late in the morning.


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省天水市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末(第三次)考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

People who have lost the ability to understand or use words due to brain damage are called aphasics(失语症患者).Such patients can be extremely good at something else.From the changing expressions on speakers' faces and the tones of their voices,they can tell lies from truths.

Doctors studying the human brain have given a number of examples of this amazing power of aphasics.Some have even compared this power to that of a dog with an ability to find out the drugs hidden in the baggage.

Recently,scientists carried out tests to see if all that was said about aphasics was true.They studied a mixed group of people.Some were normal;others were aphasics.It was proved that the aphasics were far ahead of the normal people in recognizing false speeches—in most cases,the normal people were fooled by words,but the aphasics were not.

Some years ago,Dr.Oliver Sacks wrote in his book about his experiences with aphasics.He mentioned a particular case in a hospital.Some aphasics were watching the president giving a speech on TV.Since the president had been an actor earlier,making a good speech was no problem for him.He was trying to put his feelings into every word of his speech.

But his way of speaking had the opposite effect on the patients.They didn't seem to believe him.Instead,they burst into laughter.The aphasics knew that the president did not mean a word of what he was saying.He was lying!

Many doctors see aphasics as people who are not completely normal because they lack the ability to understand words.However,according to Dr.Sacks,they are more gifted than normal people.Normal people may get carried away by words.Aphasics seem to understand human expressions better,though they cannot understand words.

1.What is so surprising about aphasics?

A. They can fool other people.

B. They can tell whether people are lying.

C. They can understand language better.

D. They can find out the hidden drugs.

2.How did the scientists study aphasics?

A. By asking them to watch TV together.

B. By organizing them into acting groups.

C. By comparing them with normal people.

D. By giving them chances to speak on TV.

3.What do we learn from this text?

A. What ones says reflects how one feels.

B. Aphasics have richer feelings than others.

C. Normal people often tell lies in their speeches.

D. People poor at one thing can be good at another.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There was a time when a trip to the supermarket in the United States often ended with a seemingly simple question from the cashier: “Paper or plastic?” Well, which type of bag would you choose?

While all types of bags have some influence on the environment, it has long been supposed that paper bags are kinder. They are made from a renewable source, break down easily, burn without giving off thick smoke and can be recycled. However, the producing process behind paper bags uses more energy than that of plastic ones. How can this be true?

Studies show that paper bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher. Besides, the influence on forests is very serious. It takes about fourteen million trees to produce ten billion paper bags, which happens to be the number of bags used in the United States yearly. In terms of recycling, the idea that paper bags are more environment-friendly than plastic ones can be quickly discarded. Research shows it requires about 98% less energy to recycle plastic than it does paper.

Even though paper bags might be more harmful than plastic ones, plastic still seems to be considered by governments as the more harmful of the two. In Ireland, for example, a tax has been introduced to discourage the use of plastic bags. People have to pay 22 cents for every plastic bag, and as a result, their use has dropped quickly.

There’s no doubt that it makes more sense to reuse these bags. However, we don’t seem to be doing that at present. That may be because they fall apart quickly. If so, cloth bags are a better choice, but still, their production also has a bad influence on the environment. So what to do? How should we answer the question of “Paper or plastic?” It seems that we first need to ask ourselves one more general question: “What can I do to help the environment?”

1.The questions in Paragraph 1 are used to ________.

A. express the author’s doubts

B. tell readers how to save money

C. introduce points for discussion

D. show the kindness of the cashier

2.Compared with plastic bags, paper bags ________.

A. need more water to produce

B. require less energy to recycle

C. take more time to break down

D. have less influence on forests

3.The underlined word “discarded” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

A. shared

B. given up

C. discussed

D. put forward

4.Which question does the author probably hope the cashier will ask?

A. Paper or cloth?

B. Paper or plastic?

C. A small bag or big one?

D. A new bag or your own one?


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省广州市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中英语试卷 题型:短文填空

What do Richard Branson, Jack Dorsey, and Michelle Obama all have in common? Besides being 1. (extreme) successful, each of them is known for 2. (wake) up very early. The three famous persons’ examples tell us how this habit can make a 3. (different) in life,4.can help you ,too.

Early rising is helpful in more than one way. To begin with, it helps us to have good health. The air is never 5. fresh as early in the morning. Early rising gives you time to take exercise. Besides, early rising helps us in our studies. In the morning we learn more quickly and find 6. Easy to learn something by heart. At last, early rising makes people able 7. (plan) the work for the day. We can’t work well 8. a good plan. Just as a year’s plan starts with spring, the plan for the day ought to 9. (make) in the morning. Therefore, if you want to 10. (success),it’s a good idea to jump out of bed earlier.


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试A英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

April 23 marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death. Organizations in Britain have planned numerous events to honor him.

In Stratford-upon-Avon, his birthplace, the tourism organization has a great number of free events, including performances of Shakespeare’s plays, and a dazzling fireworks display. And the BBC is broadcasting a live show from Stratfore-upon-Avon, celebrating Shakespeare’s widespread influence on the world. In England’s capital, the London Shakespeare Centre is holding a series of public performances, exhibitions and activities. It isn’t just England that honors the anniversary of the death of this extraordinary writer. In Washington, D.C., the Folger Shakespeare Library, which houses the world’s largest collection of documents relating to William Shakespeare, is displaying a series of exhibitions.

Shakespeare is probably one of the most famous authors and is considered a genius. He wrote around 37 plays and 154 sonnets(十四行诗), and his work has been translated into over one hundred languages! He penned beautiful metaphors(暗喻), serious dramas and amusing tales.

Shakespeare also invented many new terms and phrases. If someone’s behavior suggested they were not being honest and should not be trusted, Shakespeare called their actions suspicious. If someone was being silly and perhaps looking like a fool, Shakespeare found their actions laughable. And Shakespeare called people who offered their opinions on the quality of something critics. Today, for instance, food critics and film critics give audiences their opinions of foods and films. The familiar phrase “break the ice” comes from Shakespeare’s play The Taming of the Shrew. “The ice is broken” when a difficult conversation or meeting is calmed by some basic introduction, such as a simple game. More common words coined by Shakespeare include road, gossip, lonely, bump and hurry.

Four hundred years after his death, Shakespeare surely lives on,in everyday speech, as the most famous writer of all time!

1.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death

B. the influence Shakespeare has on written English

C. the friends of William Shakespeare

D. Shakespeare’s colorful and fruitful life

2.Shakespeare is honored in the following ways except ______.

A. a great number of free events in Stratford-upon-Avon

B. a series of activities in the London Shakespeare Centre

C. a series of exhibitions in the Folger Shakespeare Library

D. a live show of Shakespeare in Washington, D.C.

3.According to the text, a simple game to make a difficult conversation easy is called ______.

A. an ice-breaker B. a suspicious man

C. a critic D. a laughable man

