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31.-Sleep well last night ?

  -Far from that ! My next door neighbour_________________ (放音乐) pretty loud. (play)

32. If you want to do the experiment again, you'd better be more careful _________________ (你犯过错误的地方) . (where)

33._________________(困在) in the collapsed coal mine for more than 70 hours, the workers survived by eating newspapers. (trap)

34.He_________________ (一定完成了) his work; otherwise he wouldn't be enjoying himself by the seaside.  (complete)

35.The boy dived into the water and after_________________ (好像很长时间), he came up again. (what; seem)

36.Last year, Liu Xiang succeeded _________________ (创造世界记录). ( set )

37._________________(尽管他很聪明), he needs others' help to overcome the difficulties. ( as )

38.The green house is said _________________(装上了节水设备)with water-saving systems recently. (equip)

39.We tried to comfort her, but she would rather we_________________(别管她).(leave)

40.The party meeting made a promise _________________(中国将构建和谐社会) a harmonius society. (create)

31.was playing music                   32.where you made mistakes

33.Having been trapped               34.must have completed

35.what seemed a long time                 36.in setting the world record

37.Clever as he is                        38. to have been equipped

39.left her alone                          40. that China will create


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(四) 题型:其他题



31.Tom________________(被人控告行窃)in the supermarket and was sent to the prison.(accuse)

32.Henry,________________ (由姑妈抚养长大), turned out to be a great scientist.  (bring)

33.________________(被称作)as the Heaven in China is Hangzhou City. (refer)

34.________________ (已经失败了很多次) , the young scientists still kept on making his experiments in chemistry.  (fail)

35.________________(尽管天气很恶劣), the soldiers insisted on training every day.  (as)

36.________________(究竟是什么) Joe can't find in the bathroom?  (that)

37.If he________________(没有忙于做) with his experiment, he would have helped me with my English. (busy)

38.Water, ________________ (看似简单), makes life possible. (seem)

39.Polluted water is not allowed to be piped into rivers ________________(未经处理). (deal)

40.________________ (他一回来), he went straightly to the boss and beat him black and white.




科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(十) 题型:其他题



31.I'm afaid I won't be able to attend the meeting at 3:00 pm next Monday.I____________________(已经坐飞机到) New York long before then.(fly)

32. They found themselves on the back of the monster,_______________(这结果却是) a blue whale.(which)

33.____________________(我多么地感谢)for my teacher's priceless advice!(owe)

34.The judge ordered that___________________(他还我钱) within five days after the trial.(pay)

35.____________________(坐在一张椅子上),he was completely lost in a magazine.(seat)

36.Please__________________(保持房子的原样)now,because I like it this way and I will buy it tomorrow.(leave,as)

37.____________________(虽然你所说的话给我留下深刻印象),it fades next to what you have done in the struggle against SARS. ( as)

38.He spoke with me with ___________________(眼睛盯着另一位女孩)。(fix)

39.The new bridge is___________________(是老桥的5倍长) (length)

40.The students still can't understand what he said. He______________________ (可能没有表达清楚他的话) (get)



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(八) 题型:完成句子




31.____________________ (没必要) for you to come if you don't want to. (need)

32.The CCTV Tower, ____________________ (它的底层是一家电器设备商店), is frequently visited by travelers. (base, electrical)

33.How I wish I____________________(更小心一些). (careful)

34.In my mind,____________________(上那所名校) will be the only way to become a world-class writer.(attend)

35.He sent me the e-mail, ____________________(希望还获得一些信息) for his research. (further)

36.____________________(我决没有想到) he had failed in the exam. (occur)

37.____________________(为自己准备)with a higher education, more and more people begin to have an advantage over others in the tight job market. (equip)

38.Distant education is playing a more and more important role,_________________(使之成为可能) for people to be educated whatever they do. (it)

39.Messages which ____________________(我们不知道的)are usually the most powerful. (aware)

40.Just over 200 years ago,Kooris ____________________(占据人口的百分之百) (make)



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(三) 题型:完成句子




31._____________________ (不管谁是犯罪者) must have a stain on his or her clothes. (whoever)

32.The boy pretended____________________ (用功学习)when the teacher came in.(work)

33.By the time Jane gets home, her uncle_____________________ (已经动身去伦敦)to attend a meeting.(leave)

34.Only by keeping learning_____________________ (我们才能跟上)the advancement of modern science.(keep)

35.It was for this reason ____________________ (他才在那个村庄定居下来).(settle down)

36.Having seen a horrible film,the little girl,full of fear,went to bed _____________ (让灯开着).(on)

37.The young man_____________________  (冒着被撞倒的危险)to take the child on the busy road to safety.(risk)

38.There are many things we need to_____________________ (充分考虑)before we buy an expensive product.(consideration )

39.She is always doing everything for her son,which is_____________________ (她错误所在).(go )

40.Yesterday my friend_____________________ (遭遇扒手掏兜了)on her way to see her friend.




科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(一) 题型:其他题



31.Hardly ___________________(他一下火车)when he was met and surrounded by his fans.(get)

32.But for the warning message, more lives___________________(会失去) in the flood.(lose)

33.The telephone is considered___________________(发明) by Bell.(invent)

34.This is the explanation ___________________(提出的) by him.(put)

35.Betty___________________(明确表示) she would support Amy.(clear)

36.__________________(最令我惊讶的是) that he has ended up designing the whole car and putting it into production.( surprise)

37.All too often, global development means that rich people get richer ,___________________(而穷人更穷).(while)

38.We are said ___________________(正生活在)the Information Age, a time for great discoveries and changes.(live)

39.You have no idea ___________________(对我们来说有多重要)to take every chance to live life to the fullest.(how)

40. ___________________ (用完了所有的钱),they had no chance of surviving.(run)


