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1What do we know about the film?

A.It’s a children’s film.B.It’s about nature.

C.It has won an international prize.

2When does the museum close?

A.At 5:00 pm.B.At 6:00 pm.C.At 7:00 pm.

3What can children do at the basement?

A.Draw pictures on computers.

B.Watch a working steam engine.

C.See a life-sized model of a spaceship.

4How will the listeners get free tickets?

A.By letter.B.By email.C.By phone.








M: Next on the program, we’re offering free tickets to go and see a film called A Year in Greenland. The film, which tells you all about the plants and animals in that wonderful country, has won a prize at the national film festival. It’s well worth seeing.

The film can only be seen at a new cinema inside the Science Museum. It’s showing this Sunday with performances every hour from midday onwards, with the last showing at 5 o’clock, two hours before the museum closes.

So why not take the whole family to the museum this Sunday? There’s lots to do. Children will want to head straight down to the basement where the computers are kept. I promise you’ll come away with all sorts of exciting pictures they’ve created. Moving to the first floor, a working steam engine and a life-sized model of a spaceship are among the favorite exhibits.

Entrance to the museum is free on Sundays, but it would normally cost $3.25 to go and see the film. To get your free tickets, you should email this program by midday on Friday. We’ve only got a limited number of tickets, so the earlier you email us, the more likely you are to get one.

So have a pencil and paper ready after this song.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1.写信目的; 2.时间地点; 3.活动内容。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,你班外教Ms. King任教期满即将回国。作为班长,你将代表班级在告别会上发言致谢,并赠送纪念品。内容包括:







Hi, everybody,

On this special occasion, I feel much honored


Thank you very much!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Looking at Rosa Ferrigno's new suit, you could swear it was knitted() with regular yarn(毛线).It’s only when you touch it and hear the characteristic rustling(沙沙声 )of plastic that you realize there's something special about it.In fact, the suit is made out of over 300 plastic grocery bags.

Ferrigno, who once worked as a tailor before starting a family, got the idea for her unique hand-made suit last August.She was at a family picnic and saw on of the other guests carrying a purse made from re-purposed plastic bags.It attracted her, so she and her daughter searched for instructions on how to make one on You Tube.The 75 -year-old ended up making a purse from colorful plastic bags.But that was only the beginning.After finishing her second plastic bag purse, Ferrigno realized she needed something to match it with, so last November she told her daughter she was going to make a skirt and jacket suit out of plastic bags, as a winter project.

Rosa started by cutting up the plastic bags into strips(A.)and then tying them together to make longer, yarn- like strips that could be knitted.But to knit the plastic yarn, she needed that didn't exist on the market so she made them on her own.

The suit took Rosa two months to complete.The jacket was made out of 170 plastic bags, and the skirt required another 140.Although she didn’t even use a pattern when knitting the impressive suit, it ended up fitting her perfectly, and when she finally showed it off at the supermarket earlier this month, everyone went crazy.

“We love it when our customers reuse or recycle grocery bags, but never have we seen a work of art like Rosa's! It's really fantastic "Jo Natale, the supermarket chains vice president of media relations, said.

1What makes Rosa Ferrigno,s new suit special?

A.Its unique way of knitting.B.Its unusual knitting material.

C.Its being knitted by an old lady.D.Its being able to sing when touched

2How did Rosa learn to make purses out of plastic bags?

A.By modelling a guest.B.By consulting her daughter.

C.By watching You Tube videos.D.By asking a tailor for instructions.

3What do Jo Natale's words in the last paragraph suggest?

A.She thinks highly of Rosa’s behavior.

B.Rosa's work of art will become popular.

C.The potential of grocery bags needs further developing.

D.She thinks all customers should follow Rosa’s footsteps.

4What can be inferred about Rosa from the text?

A.She is quite able and patient.

B.She is good at matching clothes.

C.She does nothing without careful planning.

D.She likes showing off her knitting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】He started early _______he could get there before nine

A. in order that  B. because    C. so as to   D. in order to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 How can you change negative(消极的) thoughts? Many people suggest changing your attitude by thinking of something bright and happy.

However, scientists from Queen’s University in Canada said that there might be another way: by walking like a happy person.

“It is not surprising that our mood and the way we feel affects how we walk, but we want to see whether the way we move also affects how we feel,” explained Nikolaus Troje, the lead scientist, to The Independent.

Scientists believed that the way we remember emotional messages is affected by our mood. Those who suffer from depression (抑郁) remember negative information far more easily than active messages, especially when the information is about them.

In order to prove this, Troje and his team used cameras to observe 47 people walking on the treadmill (跑步机). Half of the people were encouraged to mimic (模仿) a depressive walking style, while the other half moved like a happy person. Walking speed was kept equal for both groups.

During the time on the treadmill, the scientists read out a list of active and negative words, asking people to decide whether or not each word described them well. Afterwards, people were asked to recite as many of the words as they could remember.

As expected, those who had been mimicking a depressed walk remembered more negative words than those that had been walking in a happy manner.

This finding means that our walk influences the way we treat information. And the scientists believe that using a happy walking style could help with treatment for depression.

1What new way did scientists from Queen’s University possibly find to change negative thoughts?

A.Doing something happy.B.Thinking of something bright.

C.Walking like a happy person.D.Thinking about being a happy person.

2Which of the following is NOT true about Troje’s test?

A.The 47 people walked on the treadmill.

B.Half of the people walked in a depressive walking style.

C.Another half walked in a happy walking style.

D.The two groups walked at different speeds.

3In the test, those who walked in a happy manner ______.

A.remembered more negative wordsB.remembered more positive words

C.lived a happier lifeD.lived a harder life

4According to the story, the finding can help ______.

A.treat patients with depressionB.improve one’s acting skills

C.deal with people’s memory lossD.change a person’s exercise habit


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 It was a little before nine o'clock on Tuesday night. 1 “Do you need a second helping of pudding?"a waitress asked. Antonio, who had already finished a plate of pasta,a Fish Stew and a slice of cake, couldn't answer it right away. The question might be common for most diners, but for him, it was entirely novel because he was homeless and was having the meal for free. 2 .He had no preparation for it.

3But at night, it transforms itself into a pioneering place where homeless people such as Antonio can dine free of charge, at tables set with flowers, metal cutlery(餐具)and proper glasses.

The restaurant is the latest initiative(初步行动)from the charity Mensajeros de la Paz.It was founded 54 years ago by Father Angel Garcia Rodriguez. Its business model – using breakfast and lunch takings from paying customers to fund free evening meals for the homeless - is simple enough. 4 “The inspiration came from Pope Francis, who's spoken again and again about the importance of giving people dignity, whether it's through bread or through work," said Father Angel. “ 5People with nothing can come and eat in the restaurant and get the same treatment as everyone else. It's just common sense."

A.By day, the Robin Hood restaurant, which sits on a side street near the center of Madrid,is a typical Spanish bar.

B.So we thought, why not open a restaurant with tablecloths, proper cutlery and waiters?

C.They plan to extend the scheme and hopes it will attract famous chefs to come to cook.

D.It was the first time that he had been asked such a question.

E.The homeless are treated with respect at the restaurant.

F.Antonio found himself facing a welcome dilemma.

G.Its aim, however, is a little ambitious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Anotherreasontotakeonlycarry-oncarriage—besidesavoidingbaggagefees—isthatthelessyouhavetocarryaround,themorequicklyyoucanmove,ifnecessary.Youshouldalwayshaveafreehand.Besides,youwon’tbeexhaustedfromdraggingallthosebagsaround. 2


Leaveyourhotelwithonlywhatyouneedandlockuptherest.Takealockforyourluggagejustincaseyourhoteldoesn’tofferasafe. 3Ifyoudon’tneedallyourcashandcards,don’ttakethemallwithyouwhenyougooutforadayofsightseeingorshopping.Also,leaveyourpassportinthehotel.MakephotocopiesofallyourimportantdocumentsandleavethehotelwithacopyofyourpassportplusaonephotoI.D.Why? 4Ifallofyouridentificationisinit,imaginethetroubleyouhavetogothroughtoreplaceitall.


Alwayskeepinmindthat,whenyoutravelabroad,youareinaplaceyoudon’tknowwellandyoucanalwaysbeatarget.Trustyoursenses. 5Afteryourarrival,askthehotelstaffandlocalsabouttheareasyouarethinkingofvisiting,especiallyatnight.Andyoushouldwalkinwell-litareasatnightandknowhowtocontactthelocalpolicewithyourcellphoneorapayphoneinaoreigncountry,ifnecessary.









科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


We are looking for a person to fill in the position of Sales Manager.


College graduate majoring in Marketing Management.

Some experience in the marketing field.

Outgoing personality.

Able to communicate with people of different levels and communication skills in both English and Chinese.

Good knowledge in PC operation.

Interested in it, please contact Mr.Johnson at Johnson @sina.com.




Dear Mr.Johnson,









Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

