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About five years ago I started at a new school when my family moved to Iowa. I was just a little ex-cited, but I worried I would never fit in with the other sixth graders.

Lucy, a girl in my class, who I thought was not ready for change, didn’t like me from the start. In fact, I was pretty sure she hated me. I would ask her a question, and I could tell she thought I was a total fool.

My teacher made us sit by each other for the last term. Lucy was horrified (惊骇的). I didn’t wear make-up (化妆品), and I didn’t wear those terrible bell-bottom pants. I didn’t exactly look like the coolest girl. But, I kept smiling at her, though she rolled her eyes, and I kept telling her she looked beautiful, even when she was angry.

Finally, Lucy let me talk to her, even in sight of her “cool” friends. She started telling me how beautiful I looked. I still remember that first time when she smiled at me saying that, and I smiled right back, telling her thanks. Lucy invited me over to her house for a party, and talked to me all the time instead of her other friends. Lucy, the girl who hated me, called me her best friend. After that, we still were good friends a whole year later.

I may have moved to Arizona after that, but I will never forget Lucy. It’s funny — I still remember her birthday. She was a great friend. And to think, she considered me her enemy at first. Though it was hard, and it felt like I was wasting my time, and losing my dignity (尊严), I still smiled at Lucy when she made fun of me. I’m not stupid, I didn’t think she was right in doing those things, but I still put up with it. And we became great friends.

About two weeks ago, I read a sentence by Abraham Lincoln: “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” Immediately, I smiled, thinking of Lucy. That sentence just reminded me how great it was for me to change Lucy into my friend in that state of Iowa five years ago.

1.When the author started at a new school in Iowa, she worried _____.

A. she looked stupid when asking questions

B. she didn’t look like the coolest girl in her class

C. she was not ready for change at all

D. she couldn’t get along well with her classmates

2.How did the author change Lucy’s attitude towards her?

A. By wearing make-up.

B. By keeping smiling at Lucy.

C. By wearing bell-bottom pants.

D. By sitting beside Lucy in class.

3.From Paragraph 5, we know the author thought _____.

A. it was right of her to suffer when making friends

B. it was a waste of time to make friends with Lucy

C. it was a shameful thing to put up with what Lucy did

D. it was foolish of her to smile at Lucy all the time

4. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Patience is important in making friends.

B. Friendship needs to be cared for.

C. Making friends means losing enemies.

D. Kindness can defeat any enemy.







试题分析: 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者结交朋友的一段经历。作者在六年级的时候搬到一个新地方,当时有一个小女孩对她特别不友好,但是后来在她的努力下她成功获得了这个女孩的友谊。正如亚伯拉罕·林肯所说的:化敌为友,不也是消灭敌人的一种办法吗?

1.细节理解题。根据文章首段but I worried I would never fit in with the other sixth graders可知选D。

2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段I kept smiling at her, though she rolled her eyes, and I kept telling her she looked beautiful, even when she was angry.可知作者通过自己对别人的友好获得了友谊,选B。

3.细节理解题。在文章第五段中作者讲述了自己和Lucy结成友谊的不易,但是通过她的努力她最终获得了Lucy的友谊,通过本段中I didn’t think she was right in doing those things, but I still put up with it. And we became great friends.可知作者认为这一切都是值得的,选A。

4.主旨大意题。文章讲述了作者如何获得友谊的一段经历,通过文章最后引用Abraham Lincoln的话Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them,可知选C。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建莆田第八中学高三上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Eight Days from Just ? 299

Departs May October 2005


●Return flights from 8 UK airports to Naples

●Return airport to hotel transport

●Seven nights’ accommodation at the 3 Hotel Nice

●The services of guides

●Government taxes

Join us for a wonderful holiday in one of Europe’s most wonderful comers. Long a favorite with holidaymakers—indeed the ancient Romans called the area “happy land”—this simply attractive coastline of colorful towns, splendid views and the warm Mediterranean Sea is a perfect choice for a truly memorable holiday!

Choose between the peaceful traditional village of Sant’ Agata, set on a hillside six miles from Sorrento, or the more lively and well-known international resort (旅游胜地) town of Sorrento, with wonderful views over the Bay of Naples.

Breathtaking scenery and famous sights everywhere. From the legendary Isle of Capri to the haunting ruins of Pompeii and from the unforgettable “Amalfi Drive” to the delightful resorts of Positano, Sorrento and Ravello, the area is a feast for the eyes! Should you choose to join us, we know that you will not be disappointed!

With a choice of hotels , and optional excursions(可选择的旅游路线) including Capri, Pompeii and the “Amalfi Drive” , this is a truly unmissable holiday.

·Price based on two tourists sharing a twin /double room at the Hotel Nice.

Like to know more? Then telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd on: 0845-226-7766(A11 calls charged at local rates).

1.All the following are included in the price of ?299 EXCEPT____.

A. transport between the airport and the hotel

B. telephone calls made by tourists

C. the services of guides to tourists

D. double rooms for every two tourists

2.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To invite people to take a breath in the Bay of Naples.

B. To advise people to telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd.

C. To persuade people to tour in the area of the Mediterranean Sea.

D. To attract people to go to Sant’ Agata or Sorrento for sightseeing.

3.The underlined part “the area is a feast for the eyes” in the passage means ____.

A. the area is pleasing to the eye

B. the area is really unforgettable

C. the area catches the tourists’ eye

D. the area is crowded with ^tourists

4.After reading the ad, one will probably join in the tour because ____.

A. the sights are attractive and the tour starts in May or October

B. the price is low for those intending to stay at the 3 Hotel Nice

C. the price offered is reasonable and the sights are beautiful

D. good services are offered to those intending to stay in double rooms



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建福州文博中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I’d appreciate ___________ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.

A. you B. this C. one D. it



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高三上学期第二次质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Why does the Lake smell terrible?

---Because large quantities of water .

A. have polluted B. is being polluted

C. has been polluted D. have been polluted



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高三上学期第二次质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

一What do you think of the news related to you on the Internet,Mr Woods?


A. No comment B. Thank you C.With pleasure D. All right



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建清流第一中学高三上第一次阶段英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

--With so much work filling my mind, I almost ______.

A. break in B. break out

C. break down D. break off



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建清流第一中学高三上第一次阶段英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He has attended the Olympics Games three times, so he has the _________ of rich experience.

A. advantage B. use

C. benefit D. interest



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建武平第一中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It sounds like the perfect end to a long, hard day at work. But sitting in front of the TV might make you feel worse _____ better.

A. other than B. less than

C. or rather D. rather than



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建八县(市联考高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Everyone's at it, even my neighbors. I thought I might be the only person left in the world who hadn't done an eBay deal. So I decided to try my hand at online auction.

Buying for beginners: Sign up on www.eBay.co.uk. Most items (e.g. tables, computers, and books) ready for auction will come with a picture and a short description; others may be marked with “Buy It Now” and have a fixed price. You can buy these right away.

If the item is being auctioned, you offer the highest price you are prepared to pay and eBay bids for you.The bid will be increased little by little until it goes beyond your highest bid, then you are emailed and asked if you would like to bid again. Auctions last up to 10 days, and when they finish you get an e­mail telling you whether you have won the item.

How to pay: Sellers decide how they would like to be paid and you need to check this before placing a bid as you might not want to post a cheque or postal orders. The easiest way is through PayPal, an online payment system that takes the money away from your credit card.

Selling made simple: If you plan to sell on eBay, it helps to include a picture of the item.I followed my friends' advice and put up the items I wanted to sell for a 10­-day auction, starting on a Thursday.This way buyers had two weekends to bid.

The big things in life: It's easy to post a small item, but furniture is a big part of eBay and this has to be collected or sent by delivery men.Check the ways of delivery before you bid.

1.The passage suggests that a buyer ________.

A. has more than one chance to bid

B. should make payment immediately

C. can only buy one item

D. must give the credit card to the seller

2.The easiest way of making payment mentioned in the passage is ______.

A. through an online payment system

B. through a local bank system

C. by sending the money to the seller

D. by paying the delivery man directly

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Big items can't be sold on eBay.

B. Including a picture of the item for sale helps make the selling simple.

C. Sellers can only be paid in one way.

D. Most items ready for auction don't have a picture.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to make payment online.

B. Ways of making delivery online.

C. Advantages of an online auction system.

D. How to use an online­ auction system.


