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Half an hour has been made full ______ of _____ the problem.

A.using; studyingB.use; to studyC.to use; to studyD.use; studying


解析试题分析:考查固定词组和句子结构。固定词组make full use of充分利用,本句是被动语态;第二空的不定式做目的状语。句意:半个小时已经被充分利用了来研究这个问题。故B正确。
点评:固定词组make full use of充分利用,本句是被动语态;第二空的不定式做目的状语。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Lego, the inventor of those colorful bricks that have inspired kids’ imaginations world-wide, has celebrated its 50th anniversary.

On January 28, 1958, a man named Godtfred Kirk Christiansen created the plastic building bricks that can now be found in almost every child’s toy box. The simple building block has become one of the most well-known and popular toys around the world.

"The Lego brick continues to be very attractive, because it allows children, and others, to develop their creativity and imagination," said Charlotte Simonsen, a spokeswoman of the Danish Lego company.

The company’s building brick allows an infinite number of links. With just two bricks there are 24 different links, and with six, there are 915 million possibilities, according to Lego.

A half-century after its creation, more than 400 million children and adults spend five billion hours a year putting the bricks together and pulling them apart. Also, the bricks made today can still interlock with those made in 1958.

Lego bricks are not just child’s play: they also attract the interest of adults. South Korean adventurer, Heo Young-Ho, who climbed Mount Everest in 1987, left a Lego toy behind in the snow during his climb.

After its great success Lego experienced a severe crisis at the end of the 1990s, hit hard by fierce competition from electronic games. This so-called "Toy of the Century" then suffered a dark period that lasted several years.

With great efforts, the company began to prosper again, and in 2006 it earned about 1.5 billion dollars in 130 countries. Seven boxes of Lego are now sold every second around the world, and 19 billion bricks are produced each year: enough to encircle the Earth five times!

The Lego bricks have remained popular in the past 50 years as a result of _______.

  A. attracting many children worldwide  B. brought imagination to the children worldwide

  C. making the children and even adults worldwide creative and imaginative

  D. having infinite links that bring many imagination

The author gave the example of South Korean adventurer Heo Young-Ho in order to prove that ______.

  A. Heo Youn-Ho also loved playing Lego bricks

  B. the Lego bricks made him a mountain climber

  C. the Lego bricks not only interest children but also adults

  D. the Lego bricks are a must when on goes on an adventure

It can be inferred from the text that ______.

  A. there are 915 different links with just 6 bricks

  B. the Lego Bricks Company has made a lot of money from the people worldwide

  C. the Lego Bricks can’t compare with computer games

  D. the bricks made today don’t change much compared with those made in 1958

The underlined word “hit” in the seventh paragraph means _____.

  A. defeated in a fight or a competition

  B. have a crash in an accident or a fight

  C. get known through a song

  D. attack    somebody   in a fight

The main idea of the story is that _____.

  A. Lego bricks: brilliant past and struggling future

  B. Lego bricks: an attraction of both children and adults

  C. Lego bricks: making creativity and imagination

  D. Lego bricks: making billions of money every year


科目:高中英语 来源:0124 月考题 题型:阅读理解


    Cambodia was in many ways similar to Laos, although it has twice the population. At another inn, we
talked with a teacher who told us that half of the people in her country couldn't read or write. Her village
couldn't even afford to build a school, so she had to teach outside under a large tent. When we said goodbye,
we all felt very lucky to have studied in college. Back on the road, we passed between many hills and forests.
Then we came to the plains and entered Phnom Penh (金边), the capital of Cambodia. In many ways it looked
like Vientiane and Ho Chi Minh City; it also had wide streets with trees in rows and old French houses. Unlike
Vientiane, ships could travel the Mekong River here. In the centre of the city we visited the palace and saw a
beautiful white elephant. It can only be seen outside the palace on special days. We ate an early supper and
went to see a great temple with floors made of silver.
    The next morning our group slept late. We were very tired from the long bike ride the day before. Cycling
in the hills had been difficult. Now our cousins had the chance to make jokes about Wang Wei and me. Perhaps,
they said, they were the strong ones! We had lunch at a nice outdoor cafe. then rode out of the city.
    Two days later we crossed the border into Vietnam. We began to see many more people, but I wasn't
surprised. I read in an atlas before our trip that Vietnam has almost seven times the population of Cambodia.
We met a farmer who gave us directions and told us that he grows a new rice crop four times every year so
he can feed more people. He also told us that the northern part of his country has many mountains and it is
much cooler than here in the south, where it is flat. Although the flat delta made it easier for us to cycle, we
got warm very quickly. So we drank lots of water and ate lots of bananas. Soon the delta separated into nine
smaller rivers. Two days later, after we had passed thousands of rice fields, we came to the sea. We were
tired but also in high spirits: our dream to cycle along the Mekong River had finally come true.

1. Why did the author (作者) say they all felt very lucky to have studied in college? Because _____.
[     ]
A. they studied a lot
B. they knew how to cycle down along Mekong River
C. they learnt that half of Cambodians couldn't read or write
D. the teacher they talked with told them
2. Which is the right order of the autor's travel route (路线) according to the passage?
    a. passed thousands of rice field, then came to the sea
    b. talked with a Cambodian teacher at an inn
    c. had lunch at a nice outdoor cafe
    d. entered Phnom Penh
    e. crossed the border into Vietnam
    f. visited the palace and saw a beautiful white elephant
[     ]
A. dbfcea
B. dbfeca
C. bdfaec
D. bdfcea
3. Who gave the author directions when they were in Vietnam?
[     ]
A. hunter.
B. A teacher.
C. A farmer.
D. A fisherman.
4. Suppose Laos has a population of 6.5 million, what's the population of Vietnam?
[     ]
A. 13 million
B. 1.3 million
C. 91 million
D. 9.1 million
5. Which of the following statements about Phnom Penh is true according to the passage?
[     ]
A. It's the capital of Vietnam.
B. It has twice the pobulation of Laos.
C. Ships can't travel the Mekong River here.
D. There is a great temple with floors made of silver.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Lego, the inventor of those colorful bricks that have inspired kids’ imaginations world-wide, has celebrated its 50th anniversary.

       On January 28, 1958, a man named Godtfred Kirk Christiansen created the plastic building bricks that can now be found in almost every child’s toy box.The simple building block has become one of the most well-known and popular toys around the world.

       "The Lego brick continues to be very attractive, because it allows children, and others, to develop their creativity and imagination," said Charlotte Simonsen, a spokeswoman of the Danish Lego company.

       The company’s building brick allows an infinite number of links.With just two bricks there are 24 different links, and with six, there are 915 million possibilities, according to Lego.

       A half-century after its creation, more than 400 million children and adults spend five billion hours a year putting the bricks together and pulling them apart.Also, the bricks made today can still interlock with those made in 1958.

       Lego bricks are not just child’s play: they also attract the interest of adults.South Korean adventurer, Heo Young-Ho, who climbed Mount Everest in 1987, left a Lego toy behind in the snow during his climb.

       After its great success Lego experienced a severe crisis at the end of the 1990s, hit hard by fierce competition from electronic games.This so-called "Toy of the Century" then suffered a dark period that lasted several years.

       With great efforts, the company began to prosper again, and in 2006 it earned about 1.5 billion dollars in 130 countries.Seven boxes of Lego are now sold every second around the world, and 19 billion bricks are produced each year: enough to encircle the Earth five times!

1.The author gave the example of South Korean adventurer Heo Young-Ho in order to prove that ______.

       A.Heo Youn-Ho also loved playing Lego bricks

       B.the Lego bricks made him a mountain climber

       C.the Lego bricks not only interest children but also adults

       D.the Lego bricks are a must when on goes on an adventure

2.It can be inferred from the text that ______.

       A.there are 915 different links with just 6 bricks

       B.the Lego Bricks Company has made a lot of money from the people worldwide

       C.the Lego Bricks can’t compare with computer games

       D.the bricks made today don’t change much compared with those made in 1958

3.The underlined word “hit” in the seventh paragraph means _____.

       A.defeated in a fight or a competition

       B.have a crash in an accident or a fight

       C.get known through a song

       D.attack somebody in a fight

4.The main idea of the story is that _____.

       A.Lego bricks: brilliant past and struggling future

       B.Lego bricks: an attraction of both children and adults

       C.Lego bricks: making creativity and imagination

       D.Lego bricks: making billions of money every year


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Lego, the inventor of those colorful bricks(积木) that have inspired kids’ imaginations world-wide, has celebrated its 50th anniversary.

On January 28, 1958, a man named Godtfred Kirk Christiansen created the plastic building bricks that can now be found in almost every child’s toy box. The simple building block has become one of the most well-known and popular toys around the world.

“The Lego brick continues to be very attractive, because it allows children, and others, to develop their creativity and imagination,” said Charlotte Simonsen, a spokeswoman of the Danish Lego company.

The company’s building bricks allow an endless number of links. With just two bricks there are 24 different links, and with six, there are 915 million possibilities, according to Lego.

A half-century after its creation, more than 400 million children and adults spend five billion hours a year putting the bricks together and pulling them apart. Also, the bricks made today can still interlock with those made in 1958.

Lego bricks are not just child’s play: they also attract the interest of adults. South Korean adventurer, Heo Young-Ho, who climbed Mount Everest in 1987, left a Lego toy behind in the snow during his climb.

After its great success,Lego experienced a severe crisis at the end of the 1990s, hit hard by fierce competition from electronic games. This so-called “Toy of the Century” then suffered a dark period that lasted several years.

With great efforts, the company began to prosper(繁荣、发展) again, and in 2006 it earned about 1.5 billion dollars in 130 countries. Seven boxes of Lego are now sold every second around the world, and 19 billion bricks are produced each year: enough to encircle the Earth five times!

51. The Lego bricks have remained popular in the past 50 years because_______.

A. they are safe for young children

B. they are available to children everywhere in the world

C. they make the children and even adults creative and imaginative

D. people can have unlimited links with two bricks

52. The author gave the example of South Korean adventurer Heo Young-Ho in order to prove that


A. Heo Young-Ho also loved playing Lego bricks

B. the Lego bricks made him a mountain climber

C. the Lego bricks not only interest children but also adults

D. the Lego bricks are a must for people on an adventure

53. It can be inferred from the text that ______.

A. there are 915 different links with just 6 bricks

B. the Lego Bricks Company is making less and less money

C. the Lego Bricks can’t compare with computer games

D. the bricks made today don’t change much compared with those made in 1958

54. The underlined word “hit” in the seventh paragraph means _____.

A. being defeated in a fight or a competition

B. having a crash in an accident or a fight

C. getting known through a song

D. attacking somebody in a fight

55. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Lego bricks: brilliant and struggling

B. Lego bricks: an attraction of children

C. Lego bricks: making creativity and imagination

D. Lego bricks: bringing fun


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Lego, the inventor of those colorful bricks(积木) that have inspired kids’ imaginations world-wide, has celebrated its 50th anniversary.

On January 28, 1958, a man named Godtfred Kirk Christiansen created the plastic building bricks that can now be found in almost every child’s toy box. The simple building block has become one of the most well-known and popular toys around the world.

“The Lego brick continues to be very attractive, because it allows children, and others, to develop their creativity and imagination,” said Charlotte Simonsen, a spokeswoman of the Danish Lego company.

The company’s building bricks allow an endless number of links. With just two bricks there are 24 different links, and with six, there are 915 million possibilities, according to Lego.

A half-century after its creation, more than 400 million children and adults spend five billion hours a year putting the bricks together and pulling them apart. Also, the bricks made today can still interlock with those made in 1958.

Lego bricks are not just child’s play: they also attract the interest of adults. South Korean adventurer, Heo Young-Ho, who climbed Mount Everest in 1987, left a Lego toy behind in the snow during his climb.

After its great success,Lego experienced a severe crisis at the end of the 1990s, hit hard by fierce competition from electronic games. This so-called “Toy of the Century” then suffered a dark period that lasted several years.

With great efforts, the company began to prosper(繁荣、发展) again, and in 2006 it earned about 1.5 billion dollars in 130 countries. Seven boxes of Lego are now sold every second around the world, and 19 billion bricks are produced each year: enough to encircle the Earth five times!

51. The Lego bricks have remained popular in the past 50 years because_______.

 A. they are safe for young children

B. they are available to children everywhere in the world

C. they make the children and even adults creative and imaginative

D. people can have unlimited links with two bricks

52. The author gave the example of South Korean adventurer Heo Young-Ho in order to prove that


A. Heo Young-Ho also loved playing Lego bricks

B. the Lego bricks made him a mountain climber

C. the Lego bricks not only interest children but also adults

D. the Lego bricks are a must for people on an adventure

53. It can be inferred from the text that ______.

A. there are 915 different links with just 6 bricks

B. the Lego Bricks Company is making less and less money

C. the Lego Bricks can’t compare with computer games

D. the bricks made today don’t change much compared with those made in 1958

54. The underlined word “hit” in the seventh paragraph means _____.

A. being defeated in a fight or a competition

B. having a crash in an accident or a fight

C. getting known through a song

D. attacking somebody in a fight

55. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Lego bricks: brilliant and struggling

B. Lego bricks: an attraction of children

C. Lego bricks: making creativity and imagination

D. Lego bricks: bringing fun

