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Surtsey was born in 1963. It was a 1 event for 2 . They were 3 enough to see the 4 of this volcanic(火山的) island. It 5 at 7:30 am on 14th November. A fishing boat 6 near Iceland. The boat 7 a strange smell. He saw some 8 smoke. A volcano was erupting(爆发). The bottom of the grey Atlantic was 9 . Red-hot rocks, flames and smoke were 10 up from a split(裂口) in the sea-bed. The island grew 11 . It was 10 metres high the next day and 60 metres high on 18th November. Scientists flew to Reylejavik to 12 . It was very 13 . Smoke and flames were still rushing up. Pieces of red-hot rock were 14 into the air and falling into the sea. The sea was 15 and there was a strange light in the sky. Surtsey grew and grew. 16 it stopped in June 1967. It was 175 metres 17 and 2 kilometres long. And life was already coming to Surtsey. Seeds 18 over the sea. Plants grew. Birds came. Some scientists 19 . They want to 20 this young island.


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B.had sailed
C.would sail
D.was sailing


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A.put down
B.put out


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A.came home
B.paid a visit
C.built a house
D.worked out


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A.live on
B.keep out
C.learn about
D.hear of

  1D  该题考查文章的整体理解,从下文描述火山爆发、形成一个新的岛屿的事实,应用great(伟大的)

  2A  下文scientists flew…,提示应用A

  3B  该题考查对整体文章的理解,对于任何人来说,能看到一个新岛屿的诞生都是幸运的事。

  4A  文章第一句was born,及最后一句this young island都给予了提示。

  5A  从下文grew and grewit stopped可看出,该句是叙述火山爆发开始的时间。

  6D  A fishing boat必然是在火山爆发时经过,才有下文两句话的继续。

  7D  该句考查4个动词辨析,因有smell,只能用noticed,注意到一股陌生的味道。

  8A  常识题。

  9B  下文from a split已给提示。

  10B  rise up是起义的意思,下文中也给了提示flames were still rushing up

  11C  从文章描述中可得出结论,10 metres60 metres-175 metres

  12C  该题考查动词辨析:watch观察;put down镇压,记下,放下;put out扑灭;control控制,均与上下文情景不符。

  13B  从上下文分析,有幸能看到火山爆发的情景,应用exciting令人兴奋不已。

  14D  飞向空中。

  15C  上文flames火焰,可推断出海水在沸腾。

  16C  then表示出活动发展的前后顺序,必然的结果。

  17A  下文long暗示,应用high

  18B  从上句coming暗示应用came

  19C  从下句learn about了解,判断应用built a house

  20C  该句考查动词短语辨析:live on居住在岛上;keep out把……挡在外面;learn about对……进行了解;hear of听别人说。从scientists的身份来说,应用C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


“Hey, Dad, are you going to come to my award ceremony tonight? ”I   36   asked my father. “I have to work late tonight. I doubt whether I’ll be able to   37   it on time. I am just too busy right now, ”he replied.

My mind could not   38   the idea that he would be too busy working late. He was also too busy to   39   my horse show, football games and the 15th birthday party. He always used the same   40  . Why had I even bothered to ask?   41  , there was always a slight hope that tonight would be    42  .

As my mother and I arrived at school, two friends   43   me. “Jill, meet my dad. Dad, this is my friend Jill. ”I shook the hand of a tall man. Camera flashes lit up the room, and claps filled the   44   as students accepted their awards. My name was finally called,   45   three others. I followed my classmates to the   46  . When I reached out my hand to shake the   47  , a big smile lit up her face. The blinding flash from my mother’s camera   48   my eyes and I knew my dad wasn’t there. I walked back to my seat   49  .

Back at home, seeing my dad’s car in the garage, I told myself he would not be   50  this time . But as usual the strong smell of alcohol hit me as soon as I  51  inside, and I could feel my tears   52  . I followed the sound of his drunken words and saw him   53   on the couch.

  54   did father lie to me? I threw my award on the floor, walked to my bedroom, and shut the door. Tears rolled down my face. I wondered if I would ever be more   55   than his whiskey bottle.

36. A. confidently     B. eagerly     C. proudly             D. fearfully

37. A. reach           B. keep         C. take            D. make

38. A. create          B. support     C. appreciate        D. accept

39. A. watch           B. avoid         C. attend            D. speed

40. A. excuse         B. reply         C. promise         D. trick

41. A. Besides       B. Thus           C. Otherwise       D. However

42. A. active          B. formal       C. different              D. serious

43. A. recognized      B. greeted     C. encouraged       D. showed

44. A. air               B. audience      C. school           D. playground

45. A. apart from      B. other than    C. except for              D. along with

46. A. stage           B. position              C. office                      D. exit

47. A. Jill’s            B. teacher’s             C. mother’s         D. father’s

48. A. fixed           B. touched        C. hurt              D. overlooked

49. A. successfully     B. disappointedly     C. delightedly     D. hopefully

50. A. drunk          B. woken          C. forgiven         D. hidden

51. A. stepped        B. noticed         C. examined       D. glanced

52. A. getting off       B. falling down      C. building up      D. turning around

53. A. leaning         B. lying           C. putting            D. carrying

54. A. How             B. Where            C. Why            D. Whether

55. A. perfect          B. comfortable           C. fortunate         D. important


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省光华侨联合中学2010届高三下学期5月月考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Several years ago, while attending a communication course, I experienced a most unusual process.The instructor asked us to list   36  in our past that we felt   37    of, regretted, or incomplete about and read our lists aloud.
This seemed like a very  38  process, but there' s always some   39 soul in the crowd who will volunteer.The instructor then   40  that we find ways to   41  people, or take some action to right any wrong doings.I was seriously wondering how this could ever  42   my communication.
Then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story: “Making my   43  , I remembered an incident from high school.I grew up in a small town.There was a Sheriff   44  of us kids liked.One night, my two buddies(伙伴) and I decided to play a   45   on him.
After drinking a few beers, we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town, and wrote on the tank in bright red paint: Sheriff Brown is a s.o.b.(畜生).The next day, almost the whole town saw our glorious   46 .Within two hours, Sheriff Brown had us in his office.My friends told the truth but I   47 .No one ever found out.
Nearly 20 years later.Sheriff Brown's name   48   on my list.I didn't even know if he was still   49 .Last weekend, I dialed the information in my hometown and found there was a Roger Brown still listed.I tried his number.After a few   50 , 1 heard, "Hello?" I said, "Sheriff Brown?" Paused."Yes." "Well, this is Jimmy Calkins."
“And I want you to know that I did it?” Paused.“I knew it!” he yelled back.We had a good laugh and a   51  discussion.His closing words were: “Jimmy, I always felt bad for you   52  your buddies got it off their chest, but you were carrying it   53  all these years.I want to thank you for calling me for your sake.”
Jimmy inspired me to   54   all the items on my list within two years, and I always remember what I learned from the course: It's never too late to   55  the past wrongdoings.
36.A.everything       B.anything      C.somebody D.anybody
37.A.ashamed      B.afraid          C.sure          D.proud
38.A.private        B.mysterious       C.interesting D.funny
39.A.foolish        B.polite          C.simple         D.brave
40.A.expected      B.suggested     C.ordered        D.hoped
41.A.connect with    B.depend on C.apologize to     D.get along with
42.A.improve      B.continue      C.realize         D.keep
43.A.notes     B.list           C.plan         D.stories
44.A.any          B.most         C.none         D.all
45.A.part          B.game         C.trick         D.record
46.A.view         B.sign          C.attention         D.signal
47.A.lay           B.laid          C.lain          D.lied
48.A.appeared      B.considered       C.presented  D.remembered
49.A.angry          B.happy          C.doubtful      D.alive
50.A.words          B.rings         C.repeats         D.calls
51.A.cold         B.plain         C.nervous       D.lively
52.A.in case         B.so long as     C.unless          D.because
53.A.around        B.out           C.off           D.away
54.A.build up      B.make up      C.clear up       D.give up
55.A.regret          B.forgive        C.right         D.punish


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省大同五中2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试卷(英语) 题型:完型填空

第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
John Henry was a young man, and he was one of the best steel-drivers in the country,He cjould work for hours without missing a beat, People said he worked so fast that his  36    moved
Like lightening
One day,a salesman came to the work area with a new   37    machine by powered steam, He said it could drill holes    38   than twelve men working together, The railroad company  39 to buy the machine if it worked as well as the salesman said.
The supervisor(监工头) said,”I have the best steel-driver in the   40     , He can beat more than twenty men working together,”The salesman   41    the statements. He said the company could have the machine without cost   42    he was faster, The supervisor told John about it and said “How about a   43    ?” John Henry looked at the machine and saw   44    of the future, He saw machines taking   45    of America’s best laborers, He saw himself and friends   46   and standing by a road ,asking for food, He saw men losing their families and their    47    as human beings , John Henry told the supervisor he would never let the machine take his job, His friends all cheered.
The competition began, John Henry  48   his hammer and started working. At first, the steam-powered drill worked two times faster than he did,    49     he started working with a hammer in each hand. He worked faster and faster. In the mountain , the dust was so    50   that most men would have had trouble   51    . After a while , the machine was pulled from the tunnel , It had broken down, . But John Henry   52    working faster and faster. At last he became weak ,and his heart    53    . John Henry fell to the ground .”I beat them,” Then he took his 54    breath.
Soon, the steam drill and other machines replaced the steel-drivers ,.Many   55   left their families, looking for work, They took the only jobs they could find, As they worked, some sang about John Henry,
36.A  broom,           B  hammer          C hand         D sleeve
37.A washing            B drilling             C sewing        D flying
38. A quickly            B slower              C faster         D fast
39. A managed         B allowed             C refused       D planned
40 A family             B class               C film           D country
41. A doubted          B hated               C disagreed      D decided
42. A when             B if                   C unless          D despite
43. A lesson             B race                C unless         D despite
44.A images            B faces                C plans          D signs
45. A the place         B the room             C the space       D the air
46. A excited         B unemployed          C moved         D encouraged
47. A food             B rights              C wages       D houses
48.A touched           B kicked              C kissed        D stamped
49. A Otherwise         B But               C Then          D However
50. A thin               B big               C high          D thick
51. A laughing          B talking             C breathing      D singing
52.A stopped           B kept                C enjoyed       D suggested
53. A burst              B worked            C ran           D lived
54.A  own              B deep              C best          D last
55. A laborers          B women             C villagers       D salesmen


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省成都树德协进中学2010届高三下学期第八次模拟考试试卷(英语) 题型:完型填空

Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents . The next day she drove her old car home along the road .    21     she found she got a flat tire. The 22-year-old student    22     to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk . No     23   tire .
At this time , a car    24     . Paul and Diane told Clay to    25     them to a service station near their     26    . They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to    27     with her car . “Follow us home,” said Paul .
The couple called around to find a tire , no   28      . They decided to let her use their own car . “Here ,” Paul said , handing Clay a    29     of keys , “Take our car . We    30     be using it over the holiday .”
Clay was    31      . “But I’m going all the way to South Carolina , and I’ll be gone for two weeks ,” she     32     them .
“We know,” Paul said . “We’ll be     33     when you get back . Here’s our number if you need to     34     us .”
Unable to believe her eyes , Clay watched as the     35     put her luggage into their car and then    36      her off . Two weeks later she     37     to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio      38    .
“Thank you so much ,” she said . “How much do I     39     you ?” “Oh, no,” Paul said , “we don’t want any money . It’s  our     40     .” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure , it was now her duty to pass on their “do unto others” spirit .
21.A.Suddenly        B.Finally     C.Immediately    D.Fortunately
22.A.afforded     B.wanted     C.allowed        D.managed
23.A.spare          B.free       C.full           D.empty
24.A.passed        B.stopped    C.paused         D.started
25.A.help               B.push        C.take          D.follow
26.A.garage        B.house       C.shop            D.hotel
27.A.agree          B.match      C.go            D.deal
28.A.way         B.message   C.success         D.luck
29.A.set           B.number    C.pair          D.chain
30.A.can’t          B.shouldn’t        C.mustn’t        D.won’t
31.A.satisfied      B.worried    C.astonished       D.disturbed
32.A.persuaded       B.advised    C.reminded            D.promised
33.A.happy         B.here      C.away           D.busy
34.A.get in touch with           B.keep in touch with
C.be in touch with             D.put in touch with
35.A.repairmen       B.cleaners   C.friends         D.couple
36.A.sent         B.shook      C.watched       D.drove
37.A.shocked      B.happened        C.returned       D.came
38.A.loaded        B.fixed       C.tied          D.rebuilt
39.A.owe         B.lend     C.give          D.offer
40.A.wish           B.job      C.duty                D.pleasure

