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1. 五一节由3天调整为1天.

2. 清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day )、端午节(Dragon Boat Festival )、中秋节增设为国家法定节假日(legal holidays).


75% 学生支持




2. 每个传统节日都有着它的特定的含义。如每年农历五月初五端午节之际,人们以包粽子、赛龙舟的方式纪念古代大诗人屈原。清明节,人们以不同方式祭祖或向已故亲人好友和英雄寄托哀思、表达崇敬之情。




今天是6月8日,正好是端午节, 你的美国笔友Jack想了解有关中国节假日方面的情况,请根据以上内容,用英语给他写一封完整的英文信,向他介绍我国节假日的调整情况及你们班学生对此的不同意见,并就此调整谈谈你自己的看法.(至少两点)

参考词汇: 粽子: zongzi; 黄金周: golden week;取消:cancellation  n.


Class 8, Senior 3 , Yucai High School

                                                  Nanjing ,Jiangsu China

                                                    June 8,2008

Dear Jack,

  I’m writing to tell you something about the adjustment of our legal holidays .

The new holiday plan cuts May Day holiday from three days to one day and for the first time adds a day each ---the Tomb-sweeping Day , the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival to the list of legal holidays.

Recently our class has held a heated discussion about the adjustment .

Three quarters of the students are in favour of it . Their reasons are as follows. Firstly , as an ancient country with a history of over 5,000 years, traditional festivals represent part of the Chinese nation’s culture heritage. Secondly , every traditional festival has its special meaning. Take Dragon Boat Festival for example , people show great honor and respect for our ancient poet, Quyuan, in forms of wrapping and eating zongzi and holding dragon boat races. Another traditional festival ,Tomb-sweeping Day also provides people with a chance to show mourning or respect to their ancestors ,late friends, relatives or heroes .

However , one fifth of the students in our class don’t think it necessary to make such an arrangement . In their opinion, the cancel of May Day Golden Week has made them unable to take a long travel . And people especially young people can’t enjoy themselves thoroughly in the short three-day holiday.  Besides , the tourism industry has suffered a great loss as a result of the cancellation of the golden week.

As far as I’m concerned , the first adjustment is necessary . Although long holidays can contribute to the development of tourism , it causes all kinds of problems such as traffic jam and pollution. This new plan may solve these problems perfectly.

For my part , the second adjustment is much more meaningful than the first one. The three holidays are not only some traditions but also an important part of ancient Chinese cultures ,therefore, making these traditional festivals legal holidays will help protect folk customs and contribute to keeping them alive in the modern society where they are always forgotten.

Best wishes !

                                                              Yours ,

                                                        Wang Ping


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

附加题:第四部分 写作

第一节: 基础写作

你校学生会将接待来访的西班牙朋友并举行一个英语晚会(English evening),要在学校广播中宣布此事,并欢迎大家参加。

[写作内容]     请根据下表用英语写一篇广播通知。










参观校园、 植物园、 校办工厂; 学生代表发言; 音乐、跳舞、 唱歌、游戏、交换礼物(请包装好并写上几个祝愿词);


自带乐器; 用英语交谈; 对客人友好礼貌因为你不但代表学校而且代表中国

[写作要求]           1. 只能用5个句子表达全部的内容;

                    2. 开头和结尾已为你写好, 不计入句数。

Boys and girls,

May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you. Hope you have a good time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—Does he work hard at his lessons?  —Yes, he __ no efforts, I dare say.

A. spends                  B. shares                 C. spares                   D. wastes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    When _______ America and Britain , this famous writer said that the same language _____ the two people.

A. talking of; separates   B. talked of; separated 

 C. talking; separates   D. talks; separates


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Guo taiming , in    company a number of workers committed suicide, made an apology to the public at the end of May.

A. which                            B. whose                 C. who                       D. that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The small mountain village ______we spent our holiday last month lies in ______is now part of Hubei.

A.which;where  B.where;what   C.that;which       D.when;which                         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

______ helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.

   A. Who             B. The one         C. Whoever         D. Anyone


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Students are encouraged to _________ the design competition for robots at the university.

A. take part            B. operate          C. join to      D. participate in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

--- I'm sorry.I'm afraid I was mistaken.

        --- ________.

     A.All right               B.Excuse me          C.That's all            D.Don't worry about it

