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 I am extremely ______ at the way he always stares at me in the office.

A. trouble              B. worried          C. annoyed           D. anxious



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省执信中学2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:022


I am ________(extreme)sorry to have troubled you.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届湖北省八校高三第二次联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

There are plenty of creams etc on the market that help you look younger, but today, Dr Oz is going to show how some people are actually living longer.
“We are going to talk about extreme life extension,” he says. “I am talking in details about allowing us to go into our second century of life with the energy that you have when you are a young person.”
Owing to advances in technology and research on how diet affect the aging process, Dr Oz says it might be possible for some people to live to see their 120th birthdays.
There’s one man in Oprah’s audience who Dr Oz says may become the first man in history to live to be 150 years old. Joe Cordell is one of thousands around the world who believe they’ve found the key to an extreme long life --- calorie restriction leads to a longer, healthier life.
At 59 Joe weighs 130 pounds. He may not look like a person who needs to count calories, but as part of his life extension program, he inspects every mouth of food that passes through his system.
Every day for the past seven years, Joe has limited himself to about 1,950 calories.
He believes that by eating less and restricting his caloric intake, he will trigger a genetic switch that slows the aging process.
Joe doesn’t take away himself of food. Instead, the then 52-year-old father filled up on natural fruits, vegetables and lean proteins(瘦蛋白) that were packed with necessary vitamins and nutrients. “Whenever you are thinking about calorie restriction, you should continually think about getting the most nutritional amount per calorie,” Joe says.
In keeping with this principle, Joe starts every morning with three apples…but he only eats the peels. “Most of the fiber is in the peel, and more importantly, most of the nutrients are in the peel,” he says.
“It is important to eat some nuts with breakfast so that you do take in some fat, some healthy fats,” he says. “I think it helps the absorption of the nutrients, and it is very filling.”
For lunch, Joe usually eats a large salad, loaded with vegetables. At dinnertime, he and his family enjoy lean meat or fish and more vegetables.
When Joe started practicing calorie restriction, he weighed 175 pounds. Since then, he has lost 45 pounds, and he says he hasn’t had a cold in seven years. Though he is in his “golden years”, researchers studying Joe say he has the body of a 20-year-old athlete.
【小题1】 According to Joe, the appropriate fat intake may help ______?

A.people lose weight
B.feel always full
C.the absorption of the nutrients
D.people to live longer
【小题2】What can we learn about Joe since he started the calorie restriction program?
A.Joe counts the amount of every meal
B.Joe has never had a cold
C.Joe eats three apples every morning
D.Joe has a large salad with vegetables for dinner
【小题3】The underlined word “trigger” in paragraph 7 can probably be replaced by ______.
A.turn onB.break downC.take upD.cut off
【小题4】According to the passage, the extreme life extension refers to _______.
A.living very long even sick
B.how to make people lead a happy life
C.living long and having a healthy body
D.how to arrange our foods every day


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省深圳高级中学09-10学年度高二下学期第一次月考 题型:阅读理解

III 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
( A )
I’m a 20-year-old boy, and the following is my story.
A month after I graduated from high school in August, 2007, I was coming home from swim practice in the training centre of the city and was involved in a car accident. I was so seriously injured that I was in a coma for more than two months at Prince Georges Hospital.
I suffered a lot from the experience of dying eight times during my coma and I couldn’t open my mouth to talk or to communicate when I eventually came around. At that time, it seemed that walking was never going to happen again due to all the extreme injuries. Just like my body, my dreams were completely destroyed. But I was not going to let my injuries stop me from realizing my dreams.
After receiving a total of 15 operations and 36 blood transfusions, I had to make every great effort to learn to talk, eat, walk, shower, and live on my own again. When I was out of hospital, I still had to go to outpatient therapy in Waldorf, Maryland. After I spent a few months in a wheelchair, I took baby steps to walk on my own. It was a miracle that I was able to walk again, but I still wanted to prove that I could not only walk, but also run. When it came true, I wanted to get back into the pool again. After having a few lung tests, I was able to go in the pool a little bit each week. After a few months of swim training, I began my freshman year at St. Mary’s College of Maryland and then became a proud member of the swim team.
By telling my story, I want to make a positive influence on the world. I am just trying to live each day to the fullest and inspire other people never to give up their dreams no matter how bad a situation is to them. I remember when I was still in my hospital bed, I would have my mom and dad push me round in my wheelchair to the other rooms to see the other patients and chat with them and their family members. I wanted to let them know that everything was going to be okay. Somehow, things would work out for the best.
41. The underlined word “coma” in Paragraph 2 probably has the meaning of “_______”.
A. operation       B. unconsciousness     C. treatment          D. emergency
42. According to Paragraph 3, it can be inferred that the author _______.
A. was unable to talk or communicate        B. was in despair
C. faced physical and mental challenges      D. felt anxious about his state
43. What is the correct order of the following events?
a. went to outpatient therapy
b. received membership of the swim team
c. was pushed around to visit other patients
d. walked like a baby
e. learnt to live all by himself
A. d、a、c、b、e                       B. e、c、d、a、b
C. d、c、a、b、e                       D. e、c、a、d、b
44. In the last paragraph, the author mainly wants to show _______.
A. his positive influence on other patients    B. his meaningful life
C. his purpose of sharing his story          D. his great achievements
45. The best title for the passage would be “_______”.
A. Attitude is everything                  B. Actions speak louder than words
C. Everything happens for a reason        D. A good beginning is half done


科目:高中英语 来源:2010~2011福建省中高二上学期第一学段考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

A man living absolutely alone in a desert or forest is free from other people; but he is not absolutely free. His freedom is limited in several ways. Firstly, by the things around him, such as wild animals or cliffs too steep (陡峭的) to climb. Secondly, by his own needs: he must have sleep, water, food and shelter from extreme heat or cold. Lastly, by his own nature as a man: disease may attack him, and death will certainly come to him sooner or later.
When men live together, on the other hand, protection against wild animals is easier and they can work together to get food and build shelters; but each man has to give up some of his freedom so that he can live happily with the others.
When men become organized into very large groups, and civilization (文明) develops, it is possible to get freedom from hunger, thirst, cold, heat and many diseases, so that each person can live a happier life than he could if he were living alone; but such a society can not work successfully unless the freedom of each human being is to some extent limited so that he is kept from hurting others. I am not free to kill others, nor to steal someone else's property, nor to behave in a way that offends (触犯) against the moral sense of the society in which I live. I have to limit my own freedom myself so that others will not limit it too much: I agree to respect the rights of others, and in return they agree to respect mine.
The advantages of such an agreement are great: one man can become a doctor, knowing that others will grow food, make clothes and build a house for him, in return for the work he does to keep them healthy. If each man had to grow his own food, make his own clothes, build his own house and learn to be his own doctor, he would find it impossible to do any one of these jobs really well. By working together, we make it possible for society to provide us all with food, clothes, shelter and medical care, while leaving each of us with as much freedom as it can.
【小题1】A man living alone in a desert or forest ______.

A.is completely freeB.feels rather lonely
C.has limited freedomD.enjoys no freedom
【小题2】The author suggests that when men live together ______.
A.they will have no freedom and have to help others.
B.they can help each other protect against wild animals.
C.they have to work for their own food and shelters
D.everyone’s happiness is at the expense of other people’s freedom.
【小题3】 According to the passage, to do all his own jobs one would ______.
A.enjoy a complete freedom.
B.find it a happy thing to do everything at his own will
C.find it a very hard job to deal with everything by himself
D.feel quite fantastic and encouraged.
【小题4】We may infer from the passage that the author ____.
A.is against separation from a civilized society.
B.is in favor of a well-organized society.
C.is against freedom gained at others.
D.denies the existence of many-sided people


科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年广东省高一第一学期期末考试 题型:信息匹配


第二节: 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请将答案填写在答题卡标号为76-80的相应位置上.注意:E=AB; F=CD

Molly 信箱是一个报刊栏目,主持人Molly 回答读者提出的各种问题. 第1至第5题是五位读者的来信.请从A、B、C、D、E、F中为每封来信选出合适的答复.

76. Dear Molly,

I have a problem. My parents are always talking to me about studying. They want me to study harder so I can go to a good school. I know studying is very important, but my parents put too much pressure on me. How can I explain to my parents that I need some free time?

          ------ Overworked

77. Dear Molly,

         My best friend Tony is a nice young man, but he has a bad habit. He is always late. No matter where he is going or what he is doing, he is never on time. Once he turned up thirty minutes late for a meeting! What can I do to break him of this bad habit?

                   ------ Worried

78. Dear Molly,

         I have a new roommate named Louis. He is a good friend of mine, but he is driving me crazy because he is very untidy. He leaves his dirty clothes everywhere, and he never makes his bed. I am extremely neat. What can I do?

                                    ---- Unhappy

79. Dear Molly,

         My cousin plays computer games a lot and he keeps on talking to me about various games. I don’t have any interest at all, but I find it difficult to stop him without hurting his feelings. Would you kindly give me some advice?

                                     ----- Shy

80. Dear Molly,

         I’m feeling upset these days because the result of my last English exam was not as good as I had expected. My teacher comforted me, saying “Don’t worry. You can do better next time.” But I’m still feeling bad. I need your help.  


A: Dear xx,

     As I see it, you have three choices. You can find a new flat for yourself, make him find a new one, or have a talk with him and see if you could both be a little less extreme in your attitudes towards housekeeping. I would suggest you start with the third.


B: Dear xx,

     You could try talking to him about the importance of being on time. If it doesn’t work, one trick you can try is to ask him to set his clock 15 minutes ahead. You could also tell him that something starts 15 minutes or more before it really starts.


C: Dear xx,

      This is a common problem for people of your age. Tell your parents how you feel. Let them know you respect them. Maybe you can make a deal with them. For example, ask them for one day off each week to do what you want to do.



D: Dear xx,

   Next time when he begins talking, you might interrupt him with a smile, saying

“That’s interesting, but I hope you understand this is my time to relax. I need to do some reading now.” He may sense your unwillingness and stop talking.


E: Dear xx,

“Be yourself ” is the best solution. If I were you, I’d tell him to leave me alone. At least tell him, “That was hurtful. Please don’t say things like that to me. I’m a football fan and like watching football games. I can make my own decision.”



F: Dear xx,

    Scores are important for students, but you don’t have to care too much about the result of one test. You are learning. Maybe it is more important to find out why you failed to achieve your goal. Try to do better next time.



