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12.Edison is a famousinventor (发明家) all over the world.

分析 爱迪生是世界著名的发明家.

解答 78.inventor  inventor是一个名词,意为"发明家",前面的形容词famous用来修饰名词inventor,故填inventor.

点评 考查名词的词义.在熟知单词词义的基础上要注意名词的数的变化.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Cut out part of a healthy person's liver and transplant it into a sick person--it sounds like a complicated and dangerous operation,not to mention very expensive.But it is sometimes the only possible cure for a seriously ill patient with liver disease.
Until now British scientists have just announced a new stem cell technique,which allows them to grow healthy liver cells outside human bodies.According to the researchers,it could be another five to 10 years before the technique can actually be used to help patients with liver disease.However,they say the method might one day replace liver transplants altogether.The study was led by the University of Cambridge and the Welcome Trust Sanger Institute,a British genomics and genetics research institute.It was published in the journal nature on October 12,2011.
The researchers took skin cells from a patient with a mutation (变异) in a gene called alphal-antitrypsin (a-l抗胰蛋白酶).This gene makes a protein that protects our bodies against inflammation (炎症).People with changed or damaged alphal-antitrypsin are not able to release the protein correctly from the liver,so the protein is trapped there and eventually leads to liver cirrhosis (肝硬化).
Scientists then used an advanced technique to cut away the faulty section of DNA from a stem cell and replace it with a corrected one,according to the journal.The stem cells went on to produce fresh and healthy liver cells with normal protein levels.Scientists put the new liver cells into mice and found that they worked very well.
Stem cells are the life source of all other cells in the body.They could transform medicine,providing treatment for blindness,spinal cord injuries and other serous injuries.They could also be used to produce new cells for damaged organs.
David Lomas,a Cambridge biology professor who worked on the team,said:"If we can use a patient's own skins cells to produce liver cells that we can put back into the patient,we may prevent the future need for transplantation."
71.what is the best title of this passage?D
A.How to transplant liver for patients      
B.A new way to transplant livers for patients 
C.The difficulty in curing liver patients       
D.New life for liver patients
72.The first paragraph is written toC.
A.show how difficult it is to cure liver disease 
B.tell us what a liver transplant involves   
C.introduce a potential cure for liver disease
D.show how serious liver disease can be
73.Why do some people get liver cirrhosis according to the article?C
A.Because their bodies are lacking in alphal-antitrypsin.
B.Because their skin cells are not able to protect against inflammation.
C.Because the alphal-antitrypsin in their bodies is changed or damaged.
D.Because their liver releases too high a level of protein.
74.According to British scientists,liver transplant mightA.
A.become history sooner or later
B.be replaced by a new stem cell technique in five years
C.be the only possible cure liver disease in the future
D.be prevented in the future
75.What can be inferred from the passage?D
A.Stem cells can keep liver cells healthy and fresh.
B.Equaling medicine,stem cells can cure blindness,spinal cord injuries and other serous injuries
C.Stem cells can replace the damaged organs.
D.All other cells in the body can't work well without stem cells.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.逐渐增强,建立,开发build up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.datefrom 起源于.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.Steel and iron areindustrial (工业) products.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.The result of the match wasunpredictable (不可预测)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.If someone helps you out,should you"pay him or her back"?No-the best thing to do it is to"pay forward"by helping others.This is the (36)B I have learned from a movie called just that:pay it Forward.The main character David invites homeless people into his house so that he can pay forward others'love toward him.(37)D by the plot,I decided to donate blood as my own way of"Paying it forward".
One sunny afternoon,I went to a blood donation station in Jining.That afternoon was also my 18th birthday.I thought of what I was doing as a wonderful gift to (38)Cand to others.
There was a long queue of (39)A.I joined it excitedly but became more and more (40)Cas the queue moved forward.Finally,it was my turn.I filled out an application form and had a physical examination.Then I started to give blood.
I sat down (41)Aa large box and extended my left hand."Are you ready?"said the doctor with a warm smile."Yep!"I replied with a confident smile (42)B.The needle was inserted into my vein(静脉)and a stinging(刺痛的)pain hit me.Seeing the red blood flowing,I felt a bit sick and dizzy.
"You should clench(紧握)and release your fist,"the doctor said."Keep doing that
(43)D I tell you to stop."I clenched and released throughout the whole process and(44)Ccalmed down.By the end they had 400ml of my blood.
It means a lot to me that I (45)A the start of my adult life with a blood donation.I showed how I (46)Bpeople in need.Many students think about doing something special or meaningful on their 18th birthday,but only by (47)D can we really make a difference and live a meaningful life.

42.A.in turnB.in returnC.in vainD.in advance
43.A.even ifB.as thoughC.becauseD.until
46.A.worry aboutB.care forC.turn toD.approve of
47.A.giving bloodB.entering collegesC.correcting mistakesD.taking action


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.I think the story is very moved and the acting is wonderful.moved改为moving.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.the acting is soconvincing(令人信服的) that it makes you believe it is a good meal.

