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9.     (tire) of the long     (bore) film,they went out of the theatre.

9. Tired;boring表示"对.. 厌倦"可以用be tired of/be bored with,表示"令人厌倦的"应该用boring。

题目来源:2015年全品作业本高中英语必修1外研版 > Module 1 My first Day at Senior High


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 One of the greatest runners of the 20th century,Emil Zatopek reigned long-distance running from 1948 until 1954 when he won a remarkable 38 consecutive (连续的) 10,000-metre race. He set 18 world records over various distances including every record from 5K to 30K, and won four Olympic gold medals and one silver.

  Emil Zatopek was born in Koprivnice,Czechoslo?vakiaon September 19, 1922. At age 16 he began working at the Bata shoe factory in Zlin. In 1940 Bata sponsored(赞助) a 1,500m race,and he was persuaded to enter even though he had no training. It turned out that Emil finished second and he began to take a serious interest in sports.

  Emil made his Olympic debut (首次亮相) at the 1948 London Games. Though with little international racing experience,he won the 10,000m and was second in the 5,000m.

  Emil married Dana Ingrova,fellow Czech team member shortly after the Olympics. Dana and Emil shared the same birthday,September 19th,and they married on that day in 1948.

  In 1952 at the Helsinki Olympics Emil achieved the impossible. Despite a doctor's warning that he shouldn't compete because of a serious infection two months before,he won the 5,000m,the 10,000m and the marathon,all within only eight days! He set a new Olympic record in all these events,and he had never,run a marathon before ! On the same day as his 5, 000-metre victory,his wife,Dana,won the Olympic javelin (标枪) contest.

  In 1998 Emil was awarded the Order of the White Lion,a national honour presented to him by Czech President Vaclav Havel.

1. The underlined word " reigned" in the first para- graph means " ________”.

   A.became fond of

   B.began to take part in

   C.received hard training for

   D.had a controlling position in

2. We can learn from the second paragraph that Emil________

   A.loved long-distance racing before he worked

   B.trained hard for the race sponsored by his factory

   C.showed his great sport talent quite by accident

   D. expected the good result of his first race in 1940

3. At the 1952 Olympic Games,Emil__________ .

   A.won four gold medals

   B.won the javelin contest

   C.suffered a serious disease

   D.set three new Olympic records

4.Emil and his wife Dana ________.

   A.were both born on September 19, 1922

   B.were awarded the Order of the White Lion

   C.got married during the 1948 Olympic Games

   D.both made great achievements in sports

5.What's the main idea of the passage?

   A.A great runner Emil and his wife,Dana.

   B.A great runner Emil and his achievements.

   C.A great runner Emil's life.

   D.A great runner Emil in the Olympic Games.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 近来中国很多地方都在建主题公园,这引起人们的议论。你和同学们也有自己的观点,并且进行了讨论。现在你以李华的名义给某英语报社写一篇报道,  简单介邵讨论的情况和 结果,并表明自己的观点。词数120左右。要点如下:



1. 不应该建主题公园

2. 占用太多的土地和钱,是一种浪费

3. 很多主题公园不好玩,不能吸引游客

1. 可以建

2. 能为人们提供娱乐休闲的场所

3. 是保护文化遗产的一种方式


entertainment娱乐leisure休闲cultural heritage文化遗产preserve保护

 写作支招―) 写作定性

此为正反观点对比型文章。要写出"discussion",至少要有三处观点对比,六处细节。一般采用一般现在时。表述"你校同学"观点时用第三人称,表达自己的意见用第一人称。文章可分为四段。第一段点题:讨论的话题。第二、三段正文:报告两派的不同观点。第三段收尾:"我"的观点。二) 难点突破


divide, be against, be for,a waste of,cover, tourism resorts, preserve, cultural relics, scenery,local,a place of interest


点出讨论的话题:运用most of及while表明两种观点相互对立。

Recently we had a discussion about the topic ... Most of them think that it is a good idea to ...,while some of them don't...


There are/ seem to be three reasons for this. First, ...Second, ...Third, 


The reason why they don't think it is a good idea to study abroad at an early age is that these students can't get used to the foreign environment quickly and easily.

They also believe that spending too much time on PC games will do great harm to their health.


Fm on the side of the first group/second group. The reasons are as follow.


When it comes to ...当说到 ............

Opinions are divided on...关于..... 的意见不尽相同。

The issue has caused wide public concern.这个问题巳经引起了广泛的关注。For my part,I agree with the former/latter opinion for the following reasons...


No one can deny the fact that...没有人可以否认.....

There is no denying that...没有人可以否认.....

There is no doubt that...毫无疑问的是……

The reason why I ... is that.................... 的原因是……

An investigation shows that...一项调查显示....

In fact,we have to admit that...事实上,我们不得不承认......

There is a general discussion/debate these days over...当前关于...... 有大量讨论/争论。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. We're really looking forward to     (see) you again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. I don't believe he has finished his homework,    


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. The story he told us was very     (move) and we were     (move) deeply.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 学校是原来学校的两倍大;

2. 每个教室都配有电脑和白板 (whiteboard) ;

3. 老师都很热情,同学们也都很友好;

4. 英语课上老师让我们用英语做自我介绍,还介绍了学习方法;

5. 对高中生活充满了信心。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 你是否认识一位叫作杰克的外籍教师? 

Do you know a foreign teacher     Jack?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. I     (leave) for New York tomorrow. I have found a job there.

