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Hello. I’m Jan from Mrs. Lake’s class. My class wants to work together to help the public. We think we have found a great way to do this. Last month we did a class project on the highways near our town. We learned about the Adopt-a-Highway Program. This program brings people together to pick up litter along the roads. We think it would be a great idea for all students in our school to join the program and adopt a highway.

Adopting a highway is not like adopting a pet. When a highway is adopted, only part of the highway is cared for by a group of people. The group agrees to work every week to keep its part of the highway clean. Each group gets its own sign that has the name of the group printed on it. The sign is put up at the side of the road. This sign lets drivers know who is keeping that area of the road clean.

The Adopt-a-Highway Program is a great way for people to help their environment look nicer. Also, the government does not have to send out as many road workers. This saves money. Finally, people may try harder to keep roads clean if they see people, especially teenagers like us, cleaning them up.

We will need helpers to care for our adopted highway. If you want to feel great and keep our roads clean,please come with your parents to the meeting next week. We will meet in Mrs. Lake’ room on Wednesday at 6:00 P.M. At the meeting, we will talk about which roads are the dirtiest as a result of people's unkind acts. Then we' ll try to pick an area to adopt and clean.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Remember to keep our roads clean!

1.What is the purpose of this speech?

A. To introduce the traffic system.

B. To tell a story about adopting a pet.

C. To show drivers how to drive safely.

D. To encourage students to join the program.

2.What is the Adopt-a-Highway Program about?

A. Giving names to the highways.

B. Picking up litter along the roads.

C. Drawing pictures of highways.

D. Putting up signs near the roads.

3.What should the students do first if they want to join the program?

A. Go to a meeting on Wednesday.

B. Pick a spot to care for.

C. Write a letter to their parents.

D. Call Mrs. Lake next week.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Adopt-a-Pet B. Ways to Protect the Environment

C. Adopt-a-Highway D. Volunteers on Roads


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


I am anything but adventurous. So, when I actually ____ the courage to learn driving and, even more ____, passed the test, I fancied being a free spirit at last.

I mistakenly thought I would ____new roads and drive to the farthest horizons. But, trying new highways was next to ____ for me. The time I tried, I got hopelessly ____ and found myself going around in circles. When I eventually found the way home, I ___ this was the end of the adventurous life. I _____ the known routes. When a friend ____ me to make the most of weekend when the traffic was ____ to make new discoveries, I ___ at her with horror. Was I going to ____ a perfectly good weekend raising my blood pressure or was I going to spend it doing as little as possible? _____, I chose the latter option.

After some years of battling the Sharjah-Dubai ___ , I told myself it wasn’t worth ____ my peace of mind. Now I had the Metro, buses and ____ to choose from. Taking taxi was one of the best ____ I have made from a traffic point of view. There was an unbelievable sense of lightness _____ I jumped into a taxi, taken to my destination without being worried.

All one has to do is give directions. I am good at that. Giving directions, I mean. And I am very _____ when I issue these, with no effect on the part of the person driving. As soon as I sit inside, I start the description of the _____ to be taken in great detail so as to _____ the possibility of being taken for a ride.

1.A.covered B.delivered C.gathering D.removing

2.A.enthusiastically B.surprisingly C.importantly D.typically

3.A.discover B.get C.invent D.purchase

4.A.invisible B.useful C.practical D.impossible

5.A.lost B.amazed C.puzzled D.moved

6.A.refused B.hoped C.replied D. swore

7.A.added to B.stuck to C.got to D.referred to

8.A.suggested B.ordered C.advised D.persuaded

9.A.light B.heavy C.slow D.safe

10.A.glared B.stared C.glanced D.viewed

11.A.use B.spare C.waste D.devote

12.A.Of course B.In short C.In case D.Of all

13.A.system B.atmosphere C.society D.traffic

14.A.weighing B.disturbing C.conducting D. carrying

15.A.cars B.trains C.trucks D.cabs

16.A.dreams B.discoveries C.choices D.challenges

17.A.while B.when C.until D.before

18.A.considerate B.ignorant C.stubborn D.accurate

19.A.route B.map C.design D. course

20.A.increase B.extend C.reduce D.Expand


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东广州执信中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Is this hotel ________ you said we were to stay in your letter?

A. in which B. what C. that D. Where


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西南昌二中高二上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


During a recent Senior Three English lesson, the teacher caught Xiao Di, 1. female student, busily typing messages on her cell-phone. To the teacher’s surprise, Xiao Di wasn’t just texting her friends the latest small talk. She was 2. (actual) blogging about what was being taught in the classroom, sharing her opinions about the information and material 3. her classmates.

The case caused a heated 4. (discuss) among teachers and students city-wide. Miss Li, an English teacher from another nearby school said, “I am amazed at how 5. (create)the students can be when writing on their blogs. To me it’s a great way for students to improve their writing skills while writing about personal feelings and 6. (experience).” 7. other teachers are worried that blog-addiction may disturb their students’ study.

A supporter and classmate of Xiao Di said, “We love her blog! We all read it each day and can’t wait to see 8. she writes about next. Her interesting stories and great suggestions on study really help to encourage us. And it adds a little fun to our stressful life.” Another student blogger admitted that he often works late into the night, writing his blog and responding to comments 9. (post) there. He said, “Sometimes I don’t even have time to finish my homework. I can’t help myself. I really have a lot 10. (say). ”


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西南昌二中高二上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is suggested that Mr. Li his plan.

A. carry out B. can carry out

C. carries out D. has carried out


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西吉安第一中学高二上段考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Black has long been praised for its ability to better women’s figures and suit every occasion. But the color has a side-effect—it ages the face.

While black does give the appearance of a slimmer figure by making the shadows less visible, wearing it next to the face brings out a negative effect. Black clothing can highlight (突出) dark lines under the chin, shadows around the eyes and wrinkles on the face. The effect can be as serious as making women feel exhausted, self-conscious and upset. Wrinkles and sunken areas appear deeper and more pronounced, meaning the effect is more obvious in older women.

Dark scarves, hats and high-collared coats are apparently particularly likely to emphasize aging features of the face. But fear not. The effect can be tempered by a splash of color around the neck—in the form of a scarf or a piece of jewelry—or a low neckline.

Famous actress Joan Collins is among the few who can get away with the side-effect. But those who should consider changing their dresses include many European stars. The majority of women who have what is known as a “warm” skin tone, based on yellow and gold colors, will not look young and healthy with black against their faces. Warm skins do not match well with black against their faces as it takes away all the golden glow that they have as a basic skin tone. Black looks for dark things on the face and highlights them, particularly as women age.

The good news for those who like black dress is that a simple test can help determine whether they can wear black well: Hold the color up against your face, stand in front of the mirror and look for dark lines under the chin, shadows around the eyes or lines on the face that are highlighted. If there are no dark areas or shadows, you can probably wear black close to your face and look great. Otherwise, change your ways.

1.According to the passage, wearing black clothes probably ________________.

A. makes the wearer less energetic

B. gives away the wearer’s age

C. darkens the wearer’s skin tone

D. makes the wearer feel confident

2.The underlined word “tempered” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by _______________.

A. observed B. ignored C. weakened D. measured

3.We can infer from the passage that _______________.

A. high-collared coats are not suitable for warm-skinned women

B. a woman from eastern Asia may not look young with black against her face

C. men with deep wrinkles would look unhealthy in black

D. Joan Collins has a warm skin tone

4.The black dress will be probably suitable for you on condition that there are no ___________.

A. wrinkles on your face

B. dark circles around your eyes

C. sunken areas that are highlighted

D. dark areas or shadows on the face


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西临汾第一中学高一12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a reason, such as your job or your studies? perhaps you’re interested in the , films or music of a different country and you know it will help a lot to have a ________of the language.

Most people learn best using a variety of ________ , but traditional classes are an ideal (理想的) start for many people. They ________ an environment where you can practice under the ________ of someone who’s good at the language. We all lead ________ lives and learning a language takes ________ . You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a ________ . It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but knowing about it takes ________ .

Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “I’m too ________ , ” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more ________ than adults,but research has shown that you can learn a language at any ________ . And learning is good for the health of your brain too. I’ve also heard people ________ about the mistakes they make when ________ . Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes ________ you’re much less likely to make them again.

Learning a new language is never ________. But with some work and devotion, you’ll make progress. And you’ll be ________ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in ________ own language. Good luck!

1.A. practical B. physical C. political D. cultural

2.A. Though B. After C. Or D. So

3.A. agriculture B. literature C. transport D. medicine

4.A. view B. form C. database D. knowledge

5.A. principles B. methods C. paintings D. computers

6.A. respect B. protect C. provide D. change

7.A. command B. guidance C. control D. pressure

8.A. simple B. busy C. normal D. happy

9.A. courage B. energy C. place D. time

10.A. habit B. project C. business D. design

11.A. a lot less B. a lot more C. some notes D. some risks

12.A. weak B. nervous C. tired D. old

13.A. privately B. quietly C. quickly D. closely

14.A. distance B. age C. speed D. school

15.A. quarrel B. think C. worry D. debate

16.A. learning B. bargaining C. singing D. working

17.A. but B. before C. if D. and

18.A. easy B. hard C. tiresome D. interesting

19.A. devoted B. deserved C. amazed D. blamed

20.A. our B. their C. your D. His


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西康杰中学高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There is no exact definition of word “happiness”. People are happy for all sorts of reasons.

A. /; the B. a; the C. the; a D. /; a


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年辽宁东北三省高三第二次联合模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







The Magic Tree House series are among the most popular book series ever writing for children. It tells a story of two kids, Jack and his sister Annie, seem to be very excited about finding a tree house in the woods. A tree house is magic and can transport him to various places and various times in history. It turned out that King Arthur from Camelot needs help. However, Jack’s head librarians, Morgan le Fay, sends him and Annie to help. They end up go to many different places and time periods through history on their adventures, which attract to readers a lot.

The series so far has had over 40 books and is likely to grow.

