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One day my 5-year-old daughter, Mini, ran to the window crying: "A Cabuliwallah(喀布尔商贩)!A Cabuliwallah!" In the street below was Rahmun,a Cabuliwallah passing slowly along. Mini called him  21   ,but when he looked at her she ran away scared.    As time went by, they got to know each other and started to    22   together,

laughing and talking all the way. Rahmun would give her grapes and strawberries,spending the Iittle money he had 23   her. The two often enjoyed jokng together.Rahmun   24   say: "Well, little one, when are you going to the father-in-law's house?"Mini did not understand this and was   25    .

One morning,l saw Rahmun being led away by the police. There was some blood on his clothes .I   26 a neighbor had owed Rahmun money but denied it,and that in the course of the   27   Rahmun had struck him. On a charge of murderous attack, Rahmunwas   28   to prison.

Time passed. Mini grew up and we were making arrangements,for her  29    .I was sitting in my study   30   someone entered. It was Rahmun, his face pale and dirty and I could   31  recognize him! He said all those years ago Mini -had reminded him of his own daughter in Kabul. It was his belief that Mini was   32  the same. He  had   once   33   Mini running to him calling 66 A Cabuliwallah!" and pictured them laughing and talking together.

The two were now reunited. But when he made   34  once more, Mini's face turned red. They could not recover their old  35   .When Rahmun left,  l gave  him a bank note,   36  : "Go back to your own daughter, and may the happiness of your meeting bring good  37   to my child!"

Having made this  present,I had to  38   the electric lights and the music band  I had intended for the wedding and the ladies in the house were   39   .But to me the wedding was all the   40   for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met again with his child.

1.                A.loudly          B.proudly         C.seriously  D.firmly


2.                A.work out        B.run out         C.hang out  D.stand out


3.                A.in             B.on             C.to   D.at


4.                A.would          B.should          C.must D.could


5.                A.concerned      B.frightened       C.puzzled   D.ashamed


6.                A.insisted         B.doubted        C.announced    D.heard


7.                A.escape         B.quarrel         C.communication D.bargain


8.                A.punished       B.admitted        C.dropped  D.sentenced


9.                A.wedding        B.birthday        C.graduation D.promotion


10.               A.while          B.after           C.unless D.when


11.               A.nearly         B.actually         C.hardly D.simply


12.               A.even          B.still            C.just   D.yet


13.               A.caught         B.imagined       C.avoided   D.kept


14.               A.jokes          B.comments      C.suggestions D.requests


15.               A.belief          B.impression      C.friendship D.energy


16.               A.reading        B.writing         C.telling D.saying


17.               A.fortune        B.treasure        C.support   D.comfort


18.               A.put off         B.give up         C.turn to    D.care about


19.               A.moved         B.delighted       C.worried   D.disappointed


20.               A.clearer         B.easier          C.brighter   D.quieter


























1.A 副词辨析。A大声地B骄傲地C严肃地D坚定地;根据第一行crying说明Mini是在大喊大叫。故A正确。

2.C 动词短语。A制定出B用完C闲逛D突出,显眼;他们相互了解了,经常一起出去闲逛。

3.B 考查固定结构。Spend…on sth在…上花费时间。Rahmun经常花钱买一些小东西给我的女儿。

4.A 情态动词用法。Would过去常常;指Rahmun经常问我的女儿什么时候出嫁?

5.C 上下文串联。根据上句的did not understand说明女儿不理解他的意思而高级很困惑。

6.D 动词辨析。A坚持B怀疑C宣布D听说;我听说有一个邻居欠Rahmun钱,却不承认。

7.B 名词辨析。A逃脱B争吵C交流D讨价还价;指在争吵中,Rahmun打了对方。

8.D 动词辨析。Sentence sb to…判处…罪行;本句是被动语态,Rahmun被判处入狱。

9.A 上下文串联。根据下文39空前的for the wedding说明我们在准备女儿的婚礼。

10.D 固定结构。Be doing sth when…正在做某事在这时…(发生了意料之外的事情);我们正在准备女儿的婚礼,在这时Rahmun出现了。

11.C 副词辨析。A几乎B实际上C几乎不D仅仅;他的脸很苍白很脏,我几乎不能认出他来。

12.B 副词辨析。A甚至B仍然C只是D然而;Rahmun认为我的女儿仍然是一样的。

13.B 动词辨析。A抓住B想象C避免D保持;他曾经想象过女儿跑向他叫他Cabuliwallah。

14.A 名词辨析。A玩笑B评论C建议D请求;他们两个人重聚了,他又一次开起了玩笑。

15.C 上下文串联。女儿很久没有见到他,还没有想起以前的友谊。

16.D 动词辨析。A读B写C告诉D说;我给他一张支票,并对他说:回去找自己的女儿,也许能给我的女儿带来好运。

17.A 名词辨析。A运气B珍宝C支持D安慰;我给他一张支票,并对他说:回去找自己的女儿,也许能给我的女儿带来好运。

18.B 动词短语辨析。A推迟B放弃C求助,转向D关心;因为我把女儿办婚礼的钱给了他,所以我没有钱来买electric lights和请乐队来演出了。

19.D 形容词辨析。我没有钱来买electric lights和请乐队来演出了,那些参加婚礼的人很失望。

20.C 形容词辨析。A更清楚B更早C更棒,更精彩D安静;对我来说虽然没有electric lights没有乐队,但是这个婚礼更棒,是因为在远处,一个父亲又一次和他的孩子相遇了。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Love Is Just a Thread

Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the  ? 36 ? tuition for my brother and me. They don't ? 37 ? in the romantic ways that I read in books or  I see on TV. My father has a bad temper; it's easy for him to lose his temper.?

One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I ? 38 ? sat down beside her and looked at her.

“Is there any ? 39 ? between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very low voice.

My mother stopped her work and raised her head with ? 40 ? in her eyes. She didn't answer immediately. Then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt.

? 41 ? at last I heard my mother say the following words:?

“Susan,” she said ? 42 ?.“Look at this thread. Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and durable(耐用的).If life is a

? 43 ?,then love should be a thread. It can ? 44 ? be seen anywhere or ?anytime, but it's really there. Love is ? 45 ?.”?

I listened carefully but I couldn't understand her until the next ? 46 ?.At that time, my father suddenly got sick seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. After they were ? 47 ?,every day in the morning and dusk(黄昏),my mother helped my father walk ? 48 ? on the country road. My father had never been so ? 49 ?.Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. The sun gently shone through the leaves. All of these ? 50 ? the most beautiful picture in the world. The doctor had said my father would ? 51 ? in two months. But after two months he still couldn't walk alone. We were all worried.?

“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.?

“Susan,”he said gently.“To tell you the truth, I just like ? 52 ? with your mom. I like this kind of life.” ? 53 ? from his eyes, I knew he loved my mother deeply.

Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this ? 54 ?,I understand that love is just a ? 55 ? in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.

36. A. expensive    B. low     C. cheap  D. high

37. A. play     B. talk     C. act      D. perform

38. A. silently B. carefully    C. certainly     D. happily

39. A. money  B. love    C. time    D. distance

40. A. surprise       B. pride   C. disappointment  D. satisfaction

41. A. So       B. But     C. And    D. For

42. A. sadly    B. excitedly    C. regretfully  D. thoughtfully

43. A. trouble B. pleasure     C. quilt   D. cloth

44. A. hardly  B. often   C. always       D. ever?

45. A. valuable      B. inside  C. true    D. priceless

46. A. winter  B. autumn      C. summer      D. spring

47. A. free      B. back   C. fine    D. ready?

48. A. continuously       B. worriedly   C. constantly   D. slowly?

49. A. gently  B. perfect       C. pleased       D. thankful

50. A. put up  B. took up      C. made up     D. set up?

51. A. run      B. recover      C. Stand  D. work

52. A. walking       B. living  C. sitting D. chatting?

53. A. Examining   B. Seeing       C. Noticing     D. Reading

54. A. practice       B. observation C. experience  D. activity?

55. A. thread  B. thing   C. jewel  D. light


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西省赣州市十一县(市)高三上学期期中联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

One day my math teacher asked me to help him save back-up copies of his work in the computer. I then realized I was able to   1  the grades for all of his classes. I showed him how to copy files from one disk to another and he   2  me.
A few days later he asked me to help him again, because he   3  how to do it. When I began to show this to him, some students in my class   4  and began to talk among themselves   6 . Later that day, at lunch time, I was   5  by several of them.
“Hey, could you help us change our grades in math? We’ll   7  you…”
I could not believe what I was hearing.I could get paid for something very   8 ." All right.I'll do it." The next day my math teacher   9  me to help him out.When he was not paying attention, I began to change their grades from F’s to A’s.
I soon became very   10  among my friends. They began to treat me like a god with a magical   11 . I began to change the grades of students.Word    12  quickly and I became very rich.
Everything was going fine    13  I was called into the headmaster's office.When I got there, my teacher was mad, and the headmaster had an angry   14   in his eyes.  "I have known you for three years now.I don't want to   15   what your teacher said, but I'm afraid that I must.He has too much   16  , " he said." Do you have anything to say   17  yourself?" he asked.
"No." I said finally.I did not realize how serious my actions had been.I had violated the   18  of my teacher, and the headmaster.And there was no way   19 .I was forced to leave my school.
That was a good   20   for me.

A.assessB. accessC.markD.change


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年辽宁省实验中学分校高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

One day, my whole family went to climb the big hill. My father and mother told my elder
sister and I that the first one to get to the top of the hill would be give a toy. Hear this, we
began to run up. At first I kept ahead, but a few minute later my sister was ahead me.
However, I didn’t give up. I reached the top firstly in the end. We enjoy the beautiful
scenery and had a picnic on the top of the hill. I was the most happiest one all the time,
because I not only won a toy and also learnt that one shouldn’t give up easily.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届四川成都南片区六校联考高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

In 1970, at the age of 35, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. There was not much      done at that time and my father had to rely on the medication and treatment that were      at that time. But one thing was      , my father was not a quitter. He was a teacher who       children with special educational needs in Chicago Public High School. Every day we would hear      about “his kids”. These “kids” did not usually      my sister and I.

One day, my father arrived at his school and walked up the     for his first period. He was having a very       day because the disease was really taking everything out of him. He       once and bruised (擦伤) his knee but he still kept going.       did he know that someone was watching.

As the day      his steps began to get a little lighter. At the end of the day, he was about to leave      a young girl entered his office. He had met her in the hallway but she was not one of his      . He asked what he could do for her and she said, “I just wanted to thank you for     my life.”

He looked at her and couldn’t       what he had done. She then went on      . “When I got up this morning, I felt as if I was at the end of my      and ready to kill myself. But when I saw you trying to go up the stairs and then you fell, I felt    and the feeling of sadness just kept getting     . And now you are walking as      as ever. It’s really true that everything will get better as the days go on.”

1.A. information                      B. research                            C. knowledge             D. experience

2.A. favorable                     B. believable                        C. reasonable            D. available

3.A. obvious                       B. special                         C. natural              D. strange

4.A. abandoned              B. followed                           C. taught              D. attended

5.A. stories                              B. jokes                 C. songs                       D. humors

6.A. connect                      B. change                     C. mean                       D. defeat

7.A. mountains                B. stairs                                 C. ladders        D. streets

8.A. normal                   B. pleasant                           C. simple              D. difficult

9.A. fell                            B. stood               C. happened         D. appeared

10.A. Few                          B. Little              C. Seldom             D. Never

11.A. arrived                          B. progressed         C. broke               D. stopped

12.A. until                                 B. before                C. when                      D. while

13.A. students                             B. friends             C. teachers               D. workers

14.A. losing                     B. giving               C. passing     D. saving

15.A. write down                 B. figure out                         C. cut off               D. put up

16.A. responding             B. admitting                          C. explaining           D. complaining

17.A. rope                B. wall               C. road                 D. work

18.A. sorry                B. bad               C. lucky                 D. proud

19.A. lower                  B. weaker           C. higher             D. stronger

20.A. carefully             B. quickly           C. lightly              D. slowly



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年河北省高一下学期3月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Five years ago, I was sent to a better middle school. For me, everything there was new and strange. After I had been there for two months, there was an important test in the middle of the term. It covered all my courses. In that test, I didn’t get a good grade, but most of my classmates got an A or A’.

   It made me upset for a long time. I felt everything in the world was changing. I thought my classmates were all better than me. During those days I was very unhappy.

   One day, my aunt, after talking with my teachers, talked to me. She told me to think about what I had done in the past and what I should do in the future. I was shocked by her words. I thought about what I had done during the past months, and I found I had done nothing to improve my grades. I thought I should work harder.

    After that, I paid more attention to the teachers’ talking in the classes, and I asked my teachers or my classmates when I didn’t understand something. I studied very late at night when I met with difficult problems. Most of all, I came to understand the importance of taking notes in class. As a result, I did better in some tests.

    About three months later, the most important test came at the end of the term. This time, I stood out not only in my class but also in the grade. From then on, I have tried to do my best when I do something because I know if I want something, I should work hard for it.

1.Why did the writer fall behind in the new middle school?

A. Because the teachers didn’t treat him well enough.

  B. Because the subjects were becoming more difficult.

C. Because he hated the life in the new school.       

D. Because he didn’t put his heart into study.

2.What did the writer’s aunt do to help him out?

A. She punished him for not working hard.

B. She helped him find out the reasons for his poor performance.

C. She forced him to work harder.

D. She asked his teachers to talk with him about his problems.

3. Which of the following studying methods helped the writer most?

A. Asking teachers for help when in difficulty.       B. Working deep into the night every day.

C. Making notes in class.                        D. Listening to every word his teachers said.

4.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A. The writer failed again in the exam.              B. The writer did very well in the exam.

C. The writer became the cleverest in the class.       D. The writer was very proud of his progress.



