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 Features such as height, weight and skin color______ from person to person and from face to face.

A. change                      B. vary                        C. adopt                    D. convey


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Scientists in the United States say plant life has increased on Earth in the past twenty years and that in every area of plant growth the increase is the result of weather conditions.

       Eight scientists from across the United States did the study. The space agency NASA and the Department of Energy paid for it. The findings were published in the magazine Science.

       The researchers spent one and a half years examining weather satellite information. The information was recorded from 1982 to 1999. That period was one of the warmest on record. Researchers found that rainfall generally increased during that time.

       The satellites measured the number of leaves on plants and the amount of sunlight taken in. The scientists used that information to estimate what is called net primary production. This is total amount of carbon stored in land plants.

       The scientists report a 6% increase in stored carbon since 1982. They say gains were high in equatorial areas, especially around the Amazon River in South America. The area alone had a 1% increase in the net primary production.

Ramakrishna Nemani of the University of Montana in Missoula headed the study. He says reduced cloud cover led to growth in Amazon area. He also says the lack of clouds allowed more sunlight to get through. More sunlight meant increases in photosynthesis(光合作用). That is the process by which plants use energy from sunlight to produce the chemicals they need to grow.

       Northern Canada, the north-central United States and northern Europe were second in increased plant growth. Ramakrishna Nemani says a rise in temperature helped plants there.

       All together, the report says 25% of areas of plant life on Earth experienced increases. But the scientists also note increase in the number of people on Earth and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Ranga Myneni of Boston University in Massachusetts, another study scientist says humans use about half the net primary production on Earth. And he notes that the world population grew by 36% during the period of time studied.

Which of the following is in charge of the study?

       A. The space agency NASA of the US.

       B. The Department of Energy of the US.

       C. Ramakrishna Nemani in Missoula.

       D. Ranga Myneni in Massachusetts.

What’s the main cause of the plant growth put forward by the study?

       A. Growth in population.

       B. Regional features.

       C. Seasonal variation.

       D. Weather conditions

Why do scientists believe that reduced cloud cover has led to the plant growth in       the Amazon area?

       A. Because plants could take in more sunlight.

       B. Because plants could get more rainfall.

       C. Because plants could enjoy cooler air.

       D. Because plants suffer less from natural disasters.

Which of the following descriptions about the years from 1982 to 1999 is TRUE?

       A. It was the warmest on record.

       B. Rainfall decreased little by little.

       C. World population grew by 25%.

       D. Stored carbon increased by 6%.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Winners Club

You choose to be a winner!

The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers. It has been made to help you better manage your money. The Winners Club is a transaction account(交易账户)where you receive a key-card so you can get to your money 24/7 – that’s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

It’s a club with impressive features for teenagers:

⊙ No account keeping fees!

You’re no millionaire so we don’t expect you to pay large fees. In fact, there are no account keeping or transaction fees!

⊙ Excellent interest rates!

You want your money to grow. The Winners Club has a good rate of interest which gets even better if you make at least two deposits(储蓄)without taking them out in a month.

⊙ Convenient

Teenagers are busy – we get that. You may never need to come to a bank at all. With the Winners Club you can choose to use handy tellers and to bank from home using the phone and the Internet ???You can have money directly deposited into your Winners Club account. This could be your pocket money or your pay from your part-time job!

⊙ Mega magazine included

Along with your regular report, you will receive a FREE magazine full of good ideas to make even more of your money .There are also fantastic offers and competitions only for Winners Club members.

The Winners Club is a great choice for teenagers. And it is so easy to join. Simply fill in an application form. You will have to get permission from your parent or guardian (So we can organize that cool key card), but it is easy. We can not wait to hear from you. It’s the best way to a winner.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about the Winners Club?

A.Special gifts are ready for parents.

B.The bank opens only on work days.

C.Services are convenient for its members.

D.Fees are necessary for the account keeping.

2.The Winners Club provides magazines which ________.

A.encourage spending

B.are free to all teenagers

C.are full of adventure stories

D.help to make more of your money

3.If you want to be a member of the Club, you must ________.

A.be an Internet user

B.be permitted by your parent

C.have a big sum of money

D.be in your twenties

4.What is the purpose of this text?

A.To set up a club.

B.To provide part-time jobs.

C.To organize key-cards.

D.To introduce a new banking service.



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


  The way people hold to the belief that a fun - filled, pain free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably(不可避免的)brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment (义务), self - improvement.

Ask a bachelor(单身汉)why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.

Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep or a three - day vacation. I don’t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.

Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates(解放) time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.

1. According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because _______ .

A. he finds more fun in dating than in marriage

B. he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single

C. he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities

D. he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement

2. Raising children, in the author’s opinion is ________ .

A. a rewarding task                  B. a thankless job

C. a moral duty                     D. a source of inevitable pain

3. From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems from ________

A. hatred   B. ignorance      C. prejudice   D. misunderstanding

4. To understand what true happiness is one must ________ .

A. have as much fun as possible during one’s lifetime

B. be able to distinguish happiness from fun

C. put up with pain under all circumstances

D. make every effort to liberate oneself from pain

5. What is the author trying to tell us?

A. It is important to make commitments

B. One must know how to attain happiness.

C. Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain.

D. It is pain that leads to happiness.



科目:高中英语 来源:全国通用2010届高考英语考点预测:信息匹配 题型:信息匹配


The people below are all looking for a course on Chinese to study. Read the following information about the six courses. Decide which course would be the most suitable for the people mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. You can choose any letter more than once, and some of the letters may not be chosen.

______1. Mathew majors in media and hopes to understand Chinese broadcasting and TV News and communicate with the Chinese people.

______ 2. Sarah is a Learner of Chinese with a fairly good knowledge of basic Chinese grammar and a vocabulary of 2500, hoping to improve her Chinese ability in speaking, reading and writing.

______ 3. Lois majors in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and hopes to improve her ability in translation.

______ 4. Dennis once has taught himself Chinese and can speak a little Chinese but with poor pronunciation and grammar, hoping to meet the needs of everyday life and study, and understand each other in basic communication through training.

______ 5. Georgia specializes in the Chinese language and culture at the average. He plans to have a tour in China.

A. Comprehensive language skill training

100 lessons in total focusing on pronunciation, grammar and discourse (语段). To enable the learner to master the basic knowledge of the Chinese language, to have the basic ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, so that they are able to communicate with others and to meet the needs of everyday life, study and socialty. This will lay a foundation for further study of Chinese.

B. Intermediate (中等) Chinese Comprehensive Course

40 lessons in all, focusing on the training of the comprehensive skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing of intermediate Chinese. To enable the students to recognize, understand and use the active and less active words, to improve their ability of expressing themselves in paragraphs and discourse, to master the new words, patterns, grammatical structures, paragraphs and discourse and means of connections so as to express the meaning of the texts correctly and fluently in paragraphs and discourse.

C. News Listening

Based on frequently used words, typical sentences and information and concentrating on improving the ability of listening comprehension. To improve the ability of collecting information, to grasp the knowledge and skills they have learned and to understand the broadcasting and TV news of similar themes and relevant level of difficulty with the correctness of 80%. To build up the foundation for further study.

D. Elementary English-Chinese Translation

25 classes in total, including various styles such as poems, popular science, political comments and news, about every aspect of everyday life. The texts vary from easy to difficult and combine theory with practice as well as translation and interpretation. About 185 hours are needed. To familiarize the learner with the equivalent (对应的) Chinese expressions of English. To enable them to know usage of Chinese and English words and sentences, cultural differences and the background knowledge.

E. Elementary Spoken Chinese in Business

24 units in all. Chinese words and expressions in business and trade are introduced in the form of vivid situational dialogues, notes and exercises. To enable the learner to master the words and expressions of elementary spoken business Chinese and to communicate with others in trade and business.

F. Chinese Human Geography

Introduction to geographic environment and cultural phenomena in various parts of China, such as natural features, historical backgrounds, religious sites, ancient battle fields, dramas and arts, traditional products, and special food, etc. Through the introduction to historical and cultural sites and scenery, the learner will have a general view about Chinese geography, history, culture and regional features.

Getting away for a short time always seems like a great idea — until you have to pack. But packing won’t be a problem if you keep in mind one simple rule. Whether you’ll be sleeping overnight at a friend’s house, or visiting a relative for a week, the rule is: pack light. Here are some tips to help you pack.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年浙江省宁波市高考模拟考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

ROME: The legend of Leonardo da Vinci is covered in mystery: How did he die?Are the remains buried in a French castle really those of the master? Was the "Mona Lisa" a self-portrait in disguise (伪装)?

A group of Italian scientists believe the key to solving those puzzles lies with the remains, and they say they are seeking permission to dig up the body to conduct carbon and DNA testing.

If the skull is undamaged, the scientists can go to the heart of a question that has fascinated scholars and the public for centuries: the identity of the "Mona Lisa." Recreating a virtual and then physical reconstruction of Leonardo's face, they can compare it with the smiling face in the painting.

"We don't know what we'll find if the tomb is opened. We could even just find grains and dust," says Giorgio Gruppioni, an anthropologist who is participating in the project. "But if the remains are well kept, they are a biological record of events in a person's life, and sometimes in their death." Silvano Vinceti, the leader of the group, said that he plans to press his case with the French officials in charge of the said burial site at Amboise Castle early next week.

Leonardo moved to France at the invitation of King Francis I, who named him "first painter to the king." He spent the last three years of his life there, and died in 1519 at age 67. The artist's original burial place, the palace church of Saint Florentine, was destroyed during the French Revolution and remains that are believed to be his were eventually reburied in the Saint-Hubert Chapel near the castle.

"The Amboise tomb is a symbolic tomb; it's a big question mark," said Alessandro Vezzosi, the director of a museum dedicated to Leonardo in his hometown of Vinci. Vezzosi said that investigating the tomb could help identify the artist's bones with certainty and solve other questions, such as the cause of his death. He said he asked to open the tomb in 2004 to study the remains, but the Amboise Castle turned him down.

The group of 100 experts involved in the project, called the National Committee for Historical and Artistic Heritage, was created in 2003 with the aim of "solving the great mysteries of the past," said Vinceti, who has written books on art and literature.

Arguably the world's most famous painting, the "Mona Lisa" hangs in the Louvre in Paris, where it drew some 8.5 million visitors last year. Mystery has surrounded the identity of the painting's subject for centuries, with opinions ranging from the wife of a Florentine merchant to Leonardo's own mother.

That Leonardo intended the "Mona Lisa" as a self-portrait in disguise is a possibility that has interested and divided scholars. Theories have existed: Some think that Leonardo's taste for tricks and riddles might have led him to hide his own identity behind that puzzling smile; others have guessed that the painting hid an androgynous lover.

If granted access to the grave site, the Italian experts plan to use a tiny camera and radar to confirm the presence of bones. The scientists would then exhume (挖掘) the remains and attempt to date the bones with carbon testing.

At the heart of the proposed study is the effort to discover whether the remains are actually Leonardo's, including with DNA testing.

Vezzosi questions the DNA comparison, saying he is unaware of any direct descendants (后代) of Leonardo or of tombs that could be attributed with certainty to the artist's close relatives.

Gruppioni said that DNA from the bones could also eventually be compared to DNA found elsewhere. For example, Leonardo is thought to have rubbed colors on the canvas with his thumb, possibly using saliva (唾液), meaning DNA might be found on his paintings.

Even in the absence of DNA testing, other tests could provide useful information, including whether the bones belonged to a man or a woman, and whether the person died young or old.

Even within the committee, experts are divided over the identity of the "Mona Lisa."

Vinceti believes that a tradition of considering the self-portrait to be not just a faithful imitation of one's features but a representation of one's spiritual identity may have resonated (共鸣) with Leonardo.

Vezzosi, the museum director, dismissed as "baseless and senseless" the idea that the "Mona Lisa" could be a self-portrait of Leonardo. He said most researchers believe the woman may have been either a wife of the artist's sponsor, the Florentine nobleman Giuliano de Medici, or Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a rich silk merchant, Francesco del Giocondo. The traditional view is that the name "Mona Lisa" comes from the silk merchant's wife, as well as its Italian name: "La Gioconda."  

1.   Where is this passage most probably taken from?

A.A magazine.

B.A newspaper.

C.A textbook.

D.A research report.

2.   Why does the author ask a couple of questions in the beginning?

A.To arouse the interest of readers.

B.To puzzle Italian scientists.

C.To answer the questions himself.

D.To make fun of French officials.

3.   The best title of this story might be “_____”.

A.What Is the Purpose of an Investigation?

B.How Did Leonardo da Vinci Die in France?

C.Are the Remains Really Those of the Master?

D.Did Leonardo Paint Himself as 'Mona Lisa'?

4.The sentence “he plans to press his case with the French officials” (underlined in Paragraph 4) suggests that Vinceti intends to _____.

A.press the French officials to participate in their project

B.urge the French officials to open the tomb early next week

C.persuade the French officials to allow opening the tomb

D.record events in a person’s life with the French officials

5.   Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.Scholars have the same opinion on DNA testing.

B.Scientists doubt if the remains are those of da Vinci.

C.The identity of “Mona Lisa” has already been proved.

D.Alessandro Vezzosi got permission to open the tomb.

6.   We can infer from the last two paragraphs that _____?

A.“Mona Lisa” is the name of the wife of a silk merchant

B.the “Mona Lisa” is a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci

C.experts divided the committee into several groups

D.opinions differ of the identity of the “Mona Lisa”


