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5.You might learn a great deal in school,but it's uncertain that you'll actually develop as a leader by reading a book or taking a course.The military is right about development based on experience:People grow and become leaders by making a commitment to a cause,and having personal responsibility.
For those of us in civilian life,there are also ways to develop as leaders through experience:through volunteer service.There are various nonprofit missions from which to choose as well as roles and positions in which to get involved.
Nonprofit board service is particularly convincing for business people and professionals seeking to develop as leaders.Business people who bring valuable skills and experience as well as diverse backgrounds and viewpoints are uniquely equipped to help regional,national,and global organizations to achieve success in coping with poverty,education,health care,conservation of natural resources,and other key issues.
Through nonprofit board experience,business people participate with the CEO in foreseeing an organization's greater potential,creating the income model,and achieving success.
Here's the secret to making the most of a service experience:
1.Choose a cause that's meaningful to you,and where you like the people.Determine how you can be useful-whether helping with strategic planning,inviting friends to a fund-raising event or serving on the board.If you'll be serving on the board,be clear about what will be expected of you so that you can fully devote yourself to it.
2.Be open to opportunities to raise your hand and say,"I'll help."When you know it,you could be in charge of a committee,and eventually perhaps serving as a board officer.
3.Do pay attention to potential tutors on the board where you serve and among your friends and colleagues.Talk with other people who serve on boards to share experiences,lessons,and advice.
4.Always remember the mission.It must be what you are always thinking about most as you take part in discussions and make decisions.
5.Be generous with your time and your contributions.
Once involved,you'll be surprised at how aware you will become of who's a thoughtful leader and who's not.And then your personal experience can ensure that books and various readings on leadership development will become more meaningful.
Through my volunteer service since I was 10,I've seen first-hand the power of service in developing leadership.Most of the hundreds of business people I've trained and placed on boards have moved up to board leadership positions; the key has been that the match was right,and the board candidate was committed and ready to say,"I'll help."
Through service,you have tremendous opportunities to develop as a leader,become a more valuable professional where you work,and make a meaningful contribution in improving your community and the world.

分析 短文讲述的是无论在军事方面,还是平民之前,或是商业人士中成为领导人应如何培养此技能,着重讲了通过志愿者服务能提供很多成为领导人的能力,不仅如此还能在工作上变得更专业化,甚至能为社区和世界做出贡献.

解答 71.Development/Acquisition,文章讲的是通过一些志愿者服务来发展个人的领导能力,因此标题为"发展/获得领导技能的方法".
72.responsible,由第一段The military is right about development based on experience:People grow and become leaders by making a commitment to a cause,and having personal responsibility.可知个人要有责任感. 
73.Participating/Joining,由句子there are also ways to develop as leaders through experience:through volunteer service.可知通过参加志愿者服务也可发展领导能力,由前后项可知应使用动名词短语.
74.Involving,由句子There are various nonprofit missions from which to choose as well as roles and positions in which to get involved.可知参与不同的角色或职位也可发展领导能力.
75.way,由句子Determine how you can be useful-whether helping with strategic planning,inviting friends to a fund-raising event or serving on the board.可知要找到你有用的地方,在某一个环节能发挥你作用的地方.
76.willing/ready,由句子Be open to opportunities to raise your hand and say,"I'll help."可知要乐于帮助他人.    
77.potential,由句子Do pay attention to potential tutors on the board 可知答案.
78.mind,由第四点Always remember the mission. 可知要牢记使命,动词remember=keep sth.in mind. 
79.generously,由句子Be generous with your time and your contributions.可知此处应使用副词修饰动词devote.
80.polishing/brushing,由文章最后一句Through service,you have tremendous opportunities to develop as a leader,become a more valuable professional where you work,and make a meaningful contribution in improving your community and the world.可知通过志愿者服务不但可以发展成为领导人的能力,还能改善你的社区和世界,improve=polish/brush up,此处位于介词in后面,要使用动名词形式.

点评 在做表格阅读时,首先需要快速的浏览全文,把握文章的主旨大意;其次要学会带着问题到文中相应的地方,通过细节阅读来寻找或概括答案;最后理清作者的写作思路也非常重要;做此类题时,要多注意一些关键词的提取,以及结构上的搭配.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.When my grandson Max told his mother,Andrea,to donate any cheque she would give him for his 21st birthday to charity,Andrea got an idea.
She handed Max's brother Charlie a video camera.Then she (61)withdrew(withdraw) 21 10notes from the bank and bought 21apples at the supermarket.When they spotted a (62)homeless(home) man,Andrea told him."Today is my son Max's 21st birthday,(63)and/so he asked me to give a gift to someone (64)to help (help) him celebrate."She handed the man a 10note and an apple.The man smiled into the camera and announced(65)shyly (shy),"Happy birthday,Max!"
Soon,they passed out their gifts to men and women (66)waiting (wait) in line at a soup kitchen.(67)In a unified chorus,they wished Max,"Happy birthday!"
At a pizza shop,Andrea (68)left (1eave) 50and told the owners to feed (69)the hungry."Happy birthday,Max!"they shouted.
With one last 10note and apple,they stopped at Andrea's sister's office.Unable to contain her laughter or her (70)tears (tear),she shouted into the camera,"Happy birthday,Max!"


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.This could be the perfect gift for the partner,who embarrasses you on the dance floor.Smart socks,which can teach to dance,may be the answer for anyone with two left feet.
The socks have been developed as a running tool to help runners improve their skills.Thanks to the socks,users can accurately(精确地) record not only know far and fast they run but also how well.It means the user maximizes(最大化)their performance,and reduces damage to body and prevents hurt.The hi-tech socks are made of special fibers(纤维) that watch the movements of your feet.They look,feel and can be washed like normal clothes.
Sensors record each movement and send it by an ankle transmitter (脚踝发射器) to a smart phone.Then a"virtual coach"application shows the information and can tell the user what they are doing wrong,and help to improve skill in any task with feet.
The socks should be useful to athletes and weekend joggers."People think running is so easy and of course everybody can do it but not necessarily safely and well,"Dr Davide Vigano said.A recent study showed that between 60and 80 percent of runners got hurt per year.This is pretty much more than any other human activity.Researchers say the technology can also be developed to teach people how to dance,play sports such golf,or even to help to teach women to walk better in high heels.
Mr.Vigano said,"People could all benefit from the idea.We have had interest from all sorts of sports,like skiing,football,cycling and golf.Anything where you have to use your feet can use it.It could even be put in high heels to help women walk in them safely."
Socks are just the start,and the technology could be used in gloves,hats and boots.The socks,anklet and software package,are expected to be sold for around£120,which will go on sale in March.

33.What does the underlined part"anyone with two left feet"refer to?C
A.People who are disabled.
B.People who invented the socks.
C.People who are not good at dancing.
D.People who are interested in dancing.
34.What's special about fibers that the socks are made of?A
A.They can monitor the movement of feet.
B.They feel much softer than normal clothes.
C.They are expensive to produce.
D.They act as a smart phone for users.
35.According to Dr Vigano,C
A.60to 80 percent of runners would like to buy the smart socks.
B.users can run as fast as they like with the socks.
C.everyone can make good use of the smart socks.
D.no runners will get hurt,thanks to the socks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Young Mr Smith had an idea for his employer.It was an idea for saving money for the company by increasing prices.At the same time,Smith suggested that the company sell goods of less value.If his employer liked the idea,Mr Smith might be given more pay.
Business had been very slow.So Mr Smith's employer thought a few minutes about the idea.But then she shook her head."I am sorry,Mr Smith,"his employer said,"it just will not wash."
Now,the meeting of these English words should be,"It will not get clean."Yet Smith's idea did not have anything to do with making something clean.So why did his employer say"it just will not wash"?
Most word experts agree that"it will not wash"means it will not work.Eric Partridge wrote that the saying probably developed in Britain in the 1800s.charlotte Bronte used it in a story published in 1849.She wrote,"That will not wash,Miss."Miss Bronte seems to have meant that the dyes used to color a piece of clothing were not good.The colors could not be depended on to stay in the material.
In nineteenth century England,the expression came to mean an undependable statement.It was used mainly to describe an idea.But sometimes it was used about a person.
A critic once said of the poet Robert Browning,"He won't wash."The critic did not mean that the poet was not a clean person.he meant that Browning's poems could not be depended on to last.
Today,we know that judgment was wrong.Robert Browning still considered a major poet.But very few people remember the man who said Browning would not wash.

25.When did the saying"It will not wash"probably come into being?B
A.In the 1700s.B.In the 1800s.
C.In the 17th century.D.In the 20th century.
26.What did Mr Smith's employer mean by saying"it just will not wash"?B
A.She thought he didn't express himself clearly.
B.She didn't think his idea was a good one.
C.He needed to look smarter and cleaner at work.
D.The dyes he used to color a piece of clothing did not last.
27.What did the critic probably mean by saying of the poet Robert Browning,"He won't wash."?C
A.Robert Browning was not a clean person.
B.Robert Browning liked to use dirty words.
C.Browning's poems were not good enough.
D.Browning's poems were very good.
28.Which of the following is TRUE about the saying"it just will not wash"?A
A.Now it can be used to describe both an idea and a person.
B.It is related to making something clean.
C.It is used to mean that the colors fade easily.
D.It is used to describe a person who is dirty.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Even when you're extremely busy,you aren't using your time with 100% efficiency.There are gaps in everyone's schedule where they aren't doing anything important.Even if your schedule has no gaps,there is probably lots of time where you aren't working as fast or as effectively as you possibly could.
Why aren't you completely efficient?It's because time isn't the limiting factor.If it were the limiting factor,people could work non-stop without breaks or any unproductive distractions(消遣).Instead,people,even those who are highly productive,need to take breaks,occasionally procrastinate(拖延) and slow down on tasks throughout the day.
The real and most important limiting factor for productivity is your energy levels to pay attention.Energy levels limit your productivity because when you're tired,you can have ample time and still not get everything done.Your attention ability is also limited,because even if there are a million things that need to be done,you can only focus on one or two at a time.
You might not be able to insert another 4-5 hours into your schedule without making some sacrifices.But even extremely busy people can add an hour or two into their schedule without cancelling anything.The reason it's hard to"find time"isn't a lack of time.It's because you don't have enough energy left to focus on something else that needs to fit into your day.
I first suspected time wasn't the real problem during an extremely busy period in my life over a year ago.I was insanely busy,but at that time I still exercised regularly.I had daily to-do lists with over twenty items,and I still found time to exercise.However,after a few weeks off,due to illness,I stopped exercising.I was not busy by any standards,in fact,my schedule was incredibly light.Despite this free time,I found it hard to find time to exercise.It seemed to get pushed later and later into my schedule until it was gone.How can I explain this odd experience?I believe you have known it.
26.If someone can't work with 100% efficiency,the most important limiting factor isD.
A.a schedule without gaps                
B.breaks and distractions
C.the limited time                       
D.the limited energy
27.According to paragraph 4,everyone,including the extremely busy people,canC
A.work without any rest                   
B.focus on many things at a time
C.find some more time in a day           
D.do some exercise regularly
28.After a few weeks off,what was the change of the writer's life?B
A.He had a longer daily to-do lists with over twenty items.
B.He stopped doing exercise because of the lack of energy.
C.He found it hard to find time to exercise because he was busier.
D.He pushed most of the things later and later in his schedule.
29.The writer gives the example of himself in the last paragraph in order toAA.prove what the real limiting factor is                    
B.show us how busily he needs to work
C.explain how important a healthy body is             
D.tell us what an odd experience he has
30.What is the best title of the passage?A
A.Are You Really Lack of Time?
B.How Can You Work Efficiently?
C.What Makes Your Energy Limitedd?
D.When Should You Do Exercise?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10.Recent studies show that only one out of three people have strong and healthy self-confidence.That  (36)B two out of every three people simply don't know the (37)D they already have to be successful when it's  (38)C  there in their hands!(39)A if you want others to believe in you,you have to believe in yourself first.Remember:"No one can make you feel inferior (差的) unless you (40)B  them."A successful businessman says,"You can't push anyone up a ladder  (41)C he knows he can climb himself."
Many of us have an image (42)D,the image(形象)we have of ourselves.(43)A  one guy put it:"You can't win a horse race if you think you look  (44)C  on a horse."To succeed,the first person you have to (45)B is yourself!So stop believing your own lies about yourself.Just  (46)D  your mind and you'll change your life.
One of the most harmful weapons that can kill your success in life is the two little words:"(47)C".You know that people used to  (48)A  that if human beings traveled faster than 30miles an hour it would  (49)D  our circulation(循环)of blood and kill us?Thank goodness a few people didn't believe that  (50)B  thinking,or we wouldn't be riding in cars,buses,and flying in airplanes today.You'll never know until you (51)B.
Roger Bannister was the first human being to run a mile in less than 4minutes.But  (52)A  he did it,most people in the world didn't think it was even  (53)D  Yet only weeks after Bannister did it,suddenly (54)A all over the world began running a mile in less than 4minutes!If we believe something can be done,we'll (55)C  do it.

47.A.I failedB.Not me.C.I can'tD.Can I?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

As I was leaving the grocery store this afternoon,I saw a family-a mother and her four kid sitting in the cold,it brought back memories from when I was a child.The little girl,about 13,told me he liked my Under Armour sweater.I said thank you and I was walking to my car I started feeling sadly.Put the groceries in my car,I suddenly thought the little girl didn't wear a sweater at the school because her mother couldn't afford one.So I drove to the little girl,take my sweater off but gave it to her.I knew she would get much use out of it than me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.It was windy and cold when a store owner was sticking a sign above his door that read"Puppies for Sale."Just as he expected,a little boy soon appeared by the store owner's sign.
"How much are you going to sell the puppies for?"he asked.The store owner replied,"﹩10for each."The little boy reached in his pocket and pulled out some change."I have﹩2.50"he said."May I please look at them?"
The store owner smiled and whistled,taking out five dogs.One puppy was left behind,immediately the little boy singled it out and said,"What's wrong with that little dog?"The store owner explained that the little puppy was disabled.It would always be lame.
The little boy became excited."That is the little puppy that I want to buy."The store owner said"No,you don't want to buy that little dog.If you really want him,I'll just give him to you."
The little boy got quite upset,looked into the store owner's eyes,pointing his finger,and said,"I don't want you to give him to me.That dog is worth event bit as much as all the other dogs and 1'11pay full price.In fact,I'll give you﹩2.50now,and 50cents a month until I have him paid for."
The store owner countered,"You really don't want to buy this little dog.He is never going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies.'
On hearing this,the little boy reached down and rolled up his pant leg to reveal a badly twisted,crippled left leg supported by a big metal brace.He looked up at the store owner and softly replied,"Well,I don't run so well myself and the little puppy will need someone who understands!"

16.Why does the shop owner stick the sign?B
A.To advertise all his goods.
B.To attract little children.
C.To warn about the danger of dogs.
D.To keep the wind out.
17.Why did the boy become excited when he knew the dog was lame'?C
A.Because he could buy it at a low price.
B.Because he didn't have enough money for a good one.
C.Because he had the similar disability.
D.Because he found a partner to share his sadness.
18.If the boy bought the dog,he would pay for itA.
A.in 15months   
B.in 3months    
C.in 1year   
D.at that time
19.The underlined word"countered"can be replaced byD.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.People usually think of fishing as a warm-weather pastime.But some fishers say the activity is best when it is (61)freezing(freeze) outside.Those people are called ice fishermen.When it gets really cold,they are in their element.In parts of the northern United States and all over Canada,ice fishing is a big sport.People wait all year (62)for lakes and rivers in their cities to freeze.They drive trucks and snowmobiles on the ice,cut a hole into the water,and drop a lure.
Here is how it(63)works(work):
First,fishers drill a hole in the ice,drop a line into the water and wander around,(64)waiting(wait).Hopefully,a fish bites the hook at the end of the line.It is just like regular fishing,but it (65)is done(do) in winter.The fishermen wear heavy coats and gloves (66)to stay(stay) warm.Some people build small shelters on the ice around(67)thehole.They leave the shacks (窝棚)on the ice all winter,so they can come and go(68)easily(easy).The shelters provide some (69)protection(protect) from the cold and wind.The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports that by January 5,ice fishing was active.Resorts are busy with those(70)who like to catch fish.

