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7.Many people immigrated to America,    (believe) that they would live a better life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

thanks to ,refer to,in fayourof, make a difference, pick up

1.I went to the library to borrow some books to         them for some fig- ures.

2.―How did you         your excellent French?

一I had lived in Paris with my aunt for two years before I came to Eng?land.

3.My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was         it.

4.      my teacher,I'm becoming more and more interested in English.

5. I don't think it         what colour it is.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 My goal for this Back to School Page is to create a resource(资源) that is extremely helpful to new teachers and first-year teachers. I also would like this to be a place where veteran or somewhat experienced teachers can come to find new ideas. Teachers are very generous people,who enjoy sharing their ideas. That is why you will find so much wonderful information here. Some of the things are my ideas,but a number of the ideas come from teachers of different grades and places. I just put them on a pretty page and organize them so that we could refer back to them each year. We have many thanks to the wonderful teachers that have an idea or a comment on one of these pages.

  As you get ready for the new school year,why not write down your ideas or send us something you created? Share with other teachers around the world. New teachers feel free to add an idea. You may have some of the best ideas. I was once in your shoes and was lucky to start my profession working with all veteran teachers. I was the youngest teacher there!They were very willing to listen to yet another idea coming out of my mouth. I can imagine I was pretty annoying then. Some of them even used my ideas and came to me for advice. I know because of that group of people,I am a confident teacher today!They made me confident the first day I was on the job.

  So share your ideas with us. The people that visit this site are just like that group of teachers I started to work with. By the way,I am referring to the staff at Silver Ridge Elementary School in Silverdale Washington. They are far away,but very close to my heart!

  Please send your ideas to smilecdg @ mailexcite. com. Thank you for coming by!

1.What is Back to School Page?

   A.A book with a lot o〖information about teaching.

   B.A website for teachers to share their ideas.

   C.A school where teachers enjoy working.

   D.An e-mail address for you to send your ideas.

2.Most of the ideas in Back to School Page come from_______.

   A.the author himself

   B.young teachers

   C.teachers in different places

   D.experienced teachers in the author's school

3.The author suggested the new teachers         .

   A.feel free to share their ideas

   B.learn from experienced teachers

   C.work hard at teaching

   D.buy some new shoes

4.The underlined word "veteran" in the first paragraph means 

     A. generous   B. green

   C. hard-working   D. experienced

5.Why did the author feel confident when he was a new teacher?

   A.Because experienced teachers respected him and his ideas.

   B.Because all the other teachers were experienced teachers.

   C.Because the other teachers didn' t have good teaching ideas.

   D.Because the other teachers didn' t work hard enough.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6.The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers      (repair) one of the main pipes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.My salary isn't enough for us              (靠........... 生活) .So I am

considering finding a part-time job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2.I don't know much about it,so I don't feel     (qualification) to comment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2.Don't take any notice     others' comments. Just be yourself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1.As was known to us all,many young people go back to their hometown to work after they graduate.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8.He was always     (forget) to do things. And I took the blame.

