精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


 [l]Before applying to colleges,many students wonder,what’s the point of it all? This is an important question to ask yourself. College is a huge investment,no only of money,but also of 2-4 years of your life. No one should attend college without a very good reason.

[2] Some people go to college to earn more money. On average,people who obtain a Bachelor’s degree will earn more than l million dollars more over the course of their lifetimes than people who don’t attend college. Those who go for Master’s, Doctor’s, and professional degrees do even better. Holders of these degrees are suited to many high paying jobs while               .

[3] Some go for the experiences. College is an amazing life experience. Students not only receive a traditional classroom education, but also learn a large amount about the ways of the world. For many students,college is the first time they live away from home. This creates a great opportunity to meet different types of people and have many brand new experiences that can make you a much wiser and worldly person.

[4]Some others seek after a dream. For many people college is great way to start the next step towards achieving a dream. It can help you break into a new career path or achieve expert status in your chosen field.

[5] However,there’re also some people going to college because “my parents and family expect me to”or “I don’t know what I want to do with my life”. If your main reason for going to college is one of these, you should reconsider your motivations seriously. If you go without a true purpose,you can end up finding what you spend on it might never be worth it.

76. How does the author further explain his point of view? (no more than l0 words)


77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)


78. How could experiences mentioned in Paragraph 3 change people? (no more than 8 words)


79. Why could going to college help the students seek after their dreams? (no more than 20 words)


80. What is the main idea of Paragraph 5? (no more than l0 words)



76.By comparing some good reasons with some bad ones

77.non-degree holders/those without degrees are not/seldom

78.By making people much wiser and worldly

79.Because that could help them head for a new career or make great achievements in your chosen field.

80.People should go to college with a true reason.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


[1]One Friday night in May 2010, Oliver and Ione Kleven heard angry shouts coming from their front lawn(草坪). Ione, 65, stepped onto the porch(门廊) and saw two men in dark clothes struggling with something on the ground—right where she and her grandson had planted a flower bed the weekend before.

[2] “Go fight somewhere else!” she shouted, worried her plants would get damaged. At the sound of her voice, the face of a boy appeared from beneath the two men. He looked 14. “They’re trying to kill me!” the boy screamed. Ione ran toward them and, without hesitation, caught the boy’s arm, pulling him out.

[3] “Leave him alone!” she shouted. When the men stood up, Ione saw what looked like a sharp object in one man’s hand. When she turned back toward the boy, he was moaning(呻吟) in pain and holding his stomach. The attackers began to move in on the boy again when Ione’s husband shouted: “Get lost!” The two men walked quickly and quietly across the street and drove off in a dark car.

[4]“I have to get to the hospital!” the boy cried. He lifted his shirt, and Ione could see a bloody wound on his stomach. Oliver hugged the trembling(发抖的) boy while Ione caught her cell phone and car keys inside the house. She handed the phone to Oliver. “Call 911,” she told him. “I’m going after them.” Ione took off but was unable to find the car.

[5]The Klevens then learned what had happened . Earlier that night, as the boy waited for his parents to pick him up from the high school across the street from the Klevens’ house, two men approached and demanded his wallet. When he refused, one of the men hit him in the face. The boy ran across the street. The men caught up with him, and one hurt him in the back and stomach with a sharp knife. That’s when Ione stepped in.

56. When was Ione born? (within 2 words)


57. Why did Ione shout at the two struggling men? (within 8 words)


58. Whom does the underlined word “him” (in Para.3) probably refer to? (within 3 words)


59. Why did Ione hand the phone to Oliver? (within 8 words.)


60. What was the boy doing when the two men approached him? (within 10 words.)


