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Novel is typically written in a narrative (叙事) style and presented as a book. Novels tell stories, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary. The novel has been a part of human culture for over a thousand years, although its origins are somewhat debated. Regardless of how it began, the novel has remained one of the most popular and treasured examples of human culture and writing. It remains an essential part of the literary cultures of nearly all societies around the world.

Novella is classified as “Too short to be a novel,too long to be a short story”. There is no precise definition in terms of word or page count. Literary prizes and publishing houses often have their own arbitrary limits, which vary according to their particular intentions.

A short story is different from novels or novellas in that the plot is usually tied to one single chain of events. Because the reader must identify with a character quickly to become engaged, the tale is often told from the chief character’s point of view.

A drama refers to a play for the theatre,television or radio. It generally consists of chiefly dialogue between characters. It also uses dance to convey their message. Dramas usually aim at dramatic performance rather than at reading. In theater, a drama is presented by actors to an audience.

Good literary works depend on literary techniques. A literary technique can be used by authors in order to improve the written framework of a piece of literature, and produce specific effects.

Literary techniques include a wide range of approaches to crafting a work. The ability to let readers know what might happen in the future in an indirect way is possible through the technique foreshadowing. The practice of representing objects and qualities as human beings in literature is personification. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas.


Definitions of literature

Definitions of literature have kept 1.all the time.

They are connected with 2.

Among them are “books and writing”, “ ‘imaginative’ literature” and “written or spoken material”.

3.▲of literature

Poetry, with rhyme, uses unusual word order in lines, which may be a barrier to see what it 4.

A novel takes the form of a book, talking about what is 5._up by the writer.

The novella, as for length, exists 6.the novel and short story.

A short story tells a comparatively 7.story compared with novels and novellas.

Dramas are performed rather than read, with the ideas expressed either orally or 8..

Literary techniques

Give a warning or sign of a 9.event by using the technique called foreshadowing.

When personification is used, something without 10.is treated as if it were a human being.

Symbolism is the practice of representing things by means of symbols.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市丰台区高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



Bobby was getting cold sitting in his backyard in the snow. His shoes had a few holes and did a poor job of keeping out the______. He had been out for about an hour already, _____ he could not come up with an idea for his mother' s Christmas gift. He had no money to spend.

Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, the family had ______ The small wage of her mother could______ make ends meet.

What the family lacked in _______ they made up for in love. Bobby' s sisters, clever with hands, had already_______ beautiful gifts for their mother by themselves. But Bobby had nothing. Here it was Christmas Eve already.

Standing up, Bobby walked to the street. It wasn't _______ being six without a father, especially when he needed a man to talk to. He walked from shop to shop. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of________.

It was getting dark and Bobby turned to walk home when______ his eyes caught something shining on the ground. He reached down and _________ a shiny dime(a coin of ten cents).

Never before has anyone felt so _______ as Bobby felt at that moment. ________ spread throughout his body.___ __ his new found treasure, he walked into the first store he saw. His ______ quickly turned cold when knowing he could buy nothing with only a dime.

Then he went into a flower shop. Bobby presented the dime and asked ______ he could buy one flower for his mother. Looking at Bobby and his dime, the shopkeeper_____ for a second and asked Bobby to wait there. Then he went in.

Few minutes later, the shopkeeper came out with a bunch of beautiful red roses. Bobby' s heart______ as the shopkeeper placed the roses gently into a beautiful box. He had only a dime !

"That will be ten cents, young man,”the shop owner said._____ __ Bobby moved his hand to give the man his coin.

Could this be true? No one else would give him a thing for his dime!_______ the boy' s mind, the shopkeeper added, "I just happened to have some roses on sale. Would you like them?"

This time Bobby didn't _____ Walking out the door the owner was holding, Bobby heard the shopkeeper say, "Merry Christmas, son. "

1.A. rain B. cold C. dark D. dust

2.A. yet B. so C. or D. thus

3.A. ended B. moved C. struggled D. united

4.A. hardly B. probably C. usually D. totally

5.A. time B. spirit C. money D. education

6.A. bought B. made C. ordered D. exchanged

7.A. safe B. wise C. strange D. easy

8.A. mind B. control C. reach D. sight

9.A. gradually B. suddenly C. hurriedly D. deliberately

10.A. searched B. watched C. placed D. discovered

11.A. popular B. special C. wealthy D. comfortable

12.A.Warmth B.Panic C. Regret D. Ambition

13.A. Choosing B. Holding C. Bringing D. Fetching

14.A.guilt B.patience C. curiosity D. excitement

15.A.what B.why C. if D. when

16.A.paused B.looked C. waited D. prayed

17.A.settled B.sank C. bled D. relieved

18.A.Slowly B.Calmly C. Secretlyd D. Unwillingly

19.A.Changing B. Clearing C. Occupying D. Reading

20.A.refuse B.stop C.insist D. hesitate


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东潍坊中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



FOUND: Cat, 6 months old, black and white marking. Found near Linden and South U.Steve, 800---4661


Own room near campus. Available December 1st. Rent $80 per month until March 1st.$129 there after. Call Jill for details,800—7839.

LOST: Gold wire rim glasses in brown case. Campus area. Reward. Call Gregg 800---2896

NEED PERSON to assume lease for own bedroom in apt. near campus, $92/mo. Starting Jan. 1st. Call 800---6157 after 5:00



MOVING: Must sell. TV b/w2 seconds, $50; AM/FM transistor radio A/c or battery, $15;cassette tape recorder,$10; music records. Call John or Pat, 800—0739 after 5 or weekends.


If you are available a few hours during the day, some evenings and occasional weekends to care for 2 school-age children, please call Gayle Moore days 800—1111, evenings and weekends 800—4964.

USED FUR COATS and JACKETS GOOD CONDITION. $50---¥125. Call 800---0436 after 12 noon.


10 a.m.—2 p.m. or

10:30 a.m.---5 p.m.

Apply in person, 207 s. Mai. Curtis Restaurant.

1. If you want a job of taking care of children, which ad will you answer?


2.You will call____ if you want to buy a radio.

A. 800---0436 B. 800—0739 C.800—4661 D.800—4964

3. If your aunt wants to rent a room from Feb.1st to Apri.1st, how much money should she pay?

A. $160 B. $ 129 C. $ 209 D. $418


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州省高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

American parents generally can choose any name they want for their children.They may choose a name because it honors a family member.Or they may choose a name just because they like it.

A website called Baby Center lists some unusual names given to American babies born last year.Some were named for characters in old stories, such as Hero, Thor and Ulysses.Other people named their babies after kinds of food, like actress Gwyneth Paltrow.She named her daughter Apple.Other people named their babies Banana, Pumpkin and Cookie.

Still some babies were named for places.These included Brazil, India and Rome.Some parents used names of famous people from history such as Newton and Hannibal.Other parents named their babies after flowers or the weather.These babies were named Buttercup, Iris, Sunshine and Thunder.

Recording artists and movie actors influence some parents’ choices of names.Babies were named Beyonce, Charlize, Reda, Pierce, Shajira and Whitney.Movie actors themselves often give their babies unusual names.For example, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt named their baby daughter Shiloh.Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes named their little girl Suri.

Some American parents do not want unusual names.They want their baby’s name to honor their religious faith.Such names include Abraham for boys or Sarah for girls.And many people give their babies the same name as a family member or good friend.

The United States Social Security Administration once published a list of the most popular names for American girls and boys born.Many of the top ten boys, names are from the Jewish and Christian Bibles.

1.How did American parents usually name their children?

A.In a way they please.

B.In a scientific way.

C.In a careless way.

D.In a common way

2.From the second paragraph, we can infer that _______.

A.Ulysses is a main person in an old story book.

B.the meaning of Gwyneth Paltrow is a kind of fruit

C.American parents expect their children to be a hero.

D.a girl was named Apple because she liked eating apples.

3.What can we know from American children’s name?

A.American children’s names express American history.

B.A foreign place may become a name of an American child.

C.American parents’ favorite names are those of famous actors.

D.American parents expect their children to be different from others.

4.If a girl is named Sarah, the name reflects her parents’ _______.






科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广西钦州市高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005.While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work.On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does.After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone.

The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport.Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family.And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货), saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live.

I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story.Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help.One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up.Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job.It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.

People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so.This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity(人性)as a whole.And it has influenced(影响)us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others.No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares.And the results can be everlasting.

1.Why was the bike so important to the couple?

A.The man’s job was bike racing.

B.It was their only possession.

C.It was a nice Kona 18 speed.

D.They used it for work and daily life.

2.We can infer from the text that ____________.

A.the couple worked 60 hours a week.

B.people were busy before Christmas

C.the stranger brought over the bike

D.life was hard for the young family.

3.How did people get to know the couple’s problem?

A.From radio broadcasts.

B.From a newspaper.

C.From TV news.

D.From a stranger.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏省南通市高三第二次调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

I love roller coasters. If I could ride roller coasters every day for the rest of my life I would die a really man. I will stand in line for40minutes just to get on a ride that lasts 30 seconds. Each step that I take brings me closer and closer to my of going on a ride of a lifetime. The has me skipping around like a 4 year old.

But during my first ride there, that kind of thrill turned to absolute when I made it to the front. waiting in line I was now having a second thought. Quietly, I negotiated within myself about my courage to go through with this

From far away it looked but when I was about to get in the driver’s seat I I forgot my license. After some self motivation I finally made the move to my seat.

On my way up I could clearly see the ups and downs me. To me they were not only the route but also challenges. Soon the track was full of such tunnels that I could see only what was behind me but not in front.

there were people around me with both of their hands in the while I, knowing that things were going to get grasped the handle on my seat. I wouldn’t dare celebrate something that me.

Just like roller coasters, is full of ups and downs, darkness and light, and is unpredictable when we go through various situations. The best thing to do when we meet anything is to lift our hands and whatever we do.

1.A. Old B. Happy C. Brave D. unusual

2.A. Tension B. Hardship C. Motivation D. opportunity、

3.A. Excitement B. Expectation C. Pleasure D. anxiety

4.A. Patience B. Anger C. Desire D. fear

5.A. Unless B. Though C. After D. Upon

6.A. Competition B. Commitment C. Debate D. experiment

7.A. Fun B. Small C. Normal D. mysterious

8.A. Regretted B. Realized C. Pretended D. admitted

9.A. Take B. Quit C. Reserve D. change

10.A. Behind B. Beneath C. Beside D. before

11.A. Mental B. Intellectual C. Technical D. environmental

12.A. narrow B. Dark C. Long D. roundabout

13.A. Unluckily B. Oddly C. Nervously D. Disappointingly

14.A. Gloves B. Pockets C. air D. seat

15.A. Vague B. Strange C. Boring D. rough

16.A. Confused B. Astonished C. Annoyed D. terrified

17.A. Life B. Entertainment C. Dream D. ride

18.A. Social B. Unexpected C. Serious D. general

19.A. Uncertain B. Uncomfortable C. Challenging D. exciting

20.A. Evaluate B. complete C . adore D. Enjoy


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏省南通市高三第二次调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I hear a Tibetan student in your school______ and that you’ve raised money for him.

—Well, the doctors are considering a conservative therapy.

A. was operated on B. will be operated on

C. is being operated on D. has been operated on


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南省郑州市高三第二次质量预测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届四川双流中学高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The values of artistic works, according to cultural relativism(相对主义), are simply reflections of local social and economic conditions. Such a view, however, fails to explain the ability of some works of art to excite the human mind across cultures and through centuries.

History has witnessed the endless productions of Shakespearean plays in every major language of the world. It is never rare to find that Mozart packs Japanese concert halls, as Japanese painter Hiroshige does Paris galleries. Unique works of this kind are different from today’s popular art, even if they began as works of popular art. They have set themselves apart in their timeless appeal and will probably be enjoyed for centuries into the future.

In a 1757 essay, the philosopher David Hume argued that because “the general principles of taste are uniform(不变的) in human nature,” the value of some works of art might be essentially permanent. He observed that Homer was still admired after two thousand years. Works of this type, he believed, spoke to deep and unvarying features of human nature and could continue to exist over centuries.

Now researchers are applying scientific methods to the study of the universality of art. For example, evolutionary psychology is being used by literary scholars to explain the long-lasting themes and plot devices in fiction. The structures of musical pieces are now open to experimental analysis as never before. Research findings seem to indicate that the creation by a great artist is as permanent an achievement as the discovery by a great scientist.

1.According to the passage, what do we know about cultural relativism? ________

A. It introduces different cultural values.

B. It relates artistic values to local conditions.

C. It explains the history of artistic works.

D. It excites the human mind throughout the world.

2.In Paragraph 2, the artists are mentioned in order to show that__________.

A. popular arts are hardly distinguishable from great arts

B. history gives art works special appeal to set them apart

C. great works of art can go beyond national boundaries

D. great artists are skilled at combining various cultures

3.According to Hume, some works of art can exist for centuries because__________.

A. they are results of scientific study

B. they appeal to unchanging features of human nature

C. they are created by the world’s greatest artists

D. they establish some general principles of art

4.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage? ________

A. Are Popular Arts Permanent?

B. Are Artistic Values Universal?

C. Is Human Nature Uniform?

D. Is Cultural Relativism Scientific?

