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【题目】假定你是学生会主席李华,你校以“弘扬中国文化,促进校际交流”为宗旨,将于 5 月 25—30 日在天津海河举行龙舟赛 。请根据以下内容,给姐妹学校剑桥中学

(Cambridge High School)校长写一封信,邀请他们的龙舟队参加比赛。



(2)活动时间、地点和意义 (3)回复时间:2017 年 5 月 10 日前 注意:

1.词数 100 左右;

2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;


参考词汇:Dragon Boat Race 龙舟赛 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节









【答案】Dear principal,

I am Li Hua, chaiman of the Student Union. I’m writing to invite your school to take part in our school’s upcoming Dragon Boat Race from May 25th to 30th on Haihe River in Tianjin.

The event is a fantastic opportunity for our schools to develop closer ties and to promote cultural exchange. The annual Dragon Boat Festival is one of China’s most important cultural events, in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, who drowned himself after being falsely accused of corruption. It will provide students the chance to learn from each other, improve their boating skills and promote friendship.

We know that Cambridge High School has an outstanding boating team and would love you to take part. We’d appreciate hearing from your reply before May 10th.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


亮点:本文中使用了复合句如:The annual Dragon Boat Festival is one of China’s most important cultural events, in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, who drowned himself after being falsely accused of corruption.,

在省略句中使用了非谓语…in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, who drowned himself after being falsely accused of corruption.

文中大量使用了动词不定式。如用不定式表目的的I’m writing to invite your school to take part in our school’s upcoming Dragon Boat RaceThe event is a fantastic opportunity for our schools to develop closer ties and to promote cultural exchange

用不定式作定语的,如It will provide students the chance to learn from each other

同时文章中使用了许多高级词汇。如a fantastic opportunity for our schools to develop closer ties and to promote cultural exchange;be falsely accused of corruption;provide students the chance to learn from each other;would love you to take part;would love you to take part。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Sleep position is often a matter of comfort, but in some cases your sleeping position may be important to your health.

When Side-Sleeping( Right or Left)Is Helpful

1Back sleeping is associated with snoring because while you are on your back, your tongue moves back into your throat. For this reason, sleeping on your side(either right or left)or on your stomach is recommended to prevent snoring.

Neck and back pain are very common problems that could be affected by sleep position.

2Pillows or other sleep aids might be used to keep the back in a more natural position while sleeping.

When Sleeping On the Left Is Not Recommended

You may have chronic heart failure or have had a heart attack.3Sleeping on your right side may lower your heart rate and your blood pressure. Sleeping on your left side may have a negative effect on sympathetic nervous activity.4

Important Points to Remember About Left-Sided Sleeping

Sleep position is often a matter of comfort, and most people change positions while sleeping and find themselves waking in a different position than the one in which they fell asleep.5Then you can try sleeping with a pillow behind your back to prevent you from rolling over.

A. It includes heart rate and blood pressure.

B. The heart is slightly to the left in your chest.

C. Choose the sleep position that is most comfortable for you.

D. Snoring is a common problem that can occur for many reasons.

E. Sleeping on your right side may be recommended by your physician.

F. You may be recommended to sleep on your left side for medical reasons.

G. Sleeping on the side or on the back may help reduce back and neck pain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We are naturally drawn to friends and colleagues with familiar voices, scientists have found. People prefer those who have a similar accent, intonation and tone of voice to themselves, they discovered.
Previous research has focused on how male or female a voice sounds. Men with deeper voices and women with slightly higher voices were thought to sound more attractive, because they suggest a bigger or a smaller body.
But the new study, published by a linguistics expert in Canada, suggests there is a more complex mechanism (机制) at play. Dr Molly Babel, from the University of British Columbia in Canada, said, “The voice is an amazingly flexible tool that we use to construct our identity. Very few things in our voices are changeless, so we felt that our preferences had to be about more than a person's shape and size.”
She recorded 30 volunteers' voices and asked each to rate the others' attractiveness on a range from one to nine. Each participant was from western America, with similar accents. The people we assessed were all in the same dialect group, but they showed that dialect to different degrees.
“We seem to like people who sound like we sound, and we like people who fit within what we know,” Dr Babel said. She also found that breathy voices in women—typified by the famous American actress Marilyn Monroe-were seen as more attractive.
The breathy tone, caused by younger and thinner vocal cords (声带), implied youthfulness and health. A creaky (咯吱作响的) voice, suggesting a person has a cold, is tired or smokes, was seen as unattractive. The participants preferred men who spoke with a shorter average word length and deeper voices.
(1)The main purpose of the text is to .
A.compare male voices with female voices
B.inform readers of the new findings of voices
C.argue against women's voices of speaking
D.encourage men to use deeper voices to speak
(2)Dr Molly Babel mentions Marilyn Monroe in order to .
A.explain a breathy voice
B.introduce a creaky voice
C.challenge previous research
D.promote her reputation
(3)In terms of voice preferences, the new findings stress .
A.body size and shape
B.shorter word length
C.thicker vocal cords
D.the same social groups
(4)Whose voice may be unattractive according to the text?
A.A young lady with a thin voice.
B.An old lady with a silvery voice.
C.A deep-voiced man with a dry throat.
D.A little man with a quiet and gentle voice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Are you concerned about the effect of the haze(雾霾) in Singapore on the health of your children? Then you should read the following passage.

"Young children, especially those with lung or heart illness, should avoid outdoor activity at PSI(Pollution Standards Index used in Singapore) levels above 100," says Dr Biju Thomas.

The immune system(免疫系统) of children is not mature. 1 Exposure to the haze can result in symptoms such as a blocked nose, dry throat, breathing difficulty, and so on.

Children who are exposed to the haze and experience any of these symptoms which are not serious should recover on their own in time if they limit their exposure to the haze. 2

To keep children safe during the haze in Singapore, parents should keep doors and windows closed at home. Ensure children drink plenty of pure water every day.

3 The answer is that there aren’t any N95 masks designed for use by children. That’s because these masks are made to create a seal(密封) around the mouth and nose of the adult user so particles(颗粒) can not get in. 4 Surgical masks may not offer enough protection from the harmful particles in the haze, which is very small (2.5 microns or less). There is usually some gap between the surgical mask and the face, through which the haze particles may easily get in. 5 However, if it is necessary to take children outdoors during a haze, parents may wish to offer children’s surgical mask to their children, if it brings them comfort, such as filtering out the smell from the haze.

A. So during a haze, children are especially at risk.

B. Are N95 masks and surgical masks suitable for children?

C. The available N95 masks may not fit tightly on the face of a child.

D. Allow children to make regular travels from one building to another.

E. However, if the symptoms continue, they should ask a doctor for help.

F. So you can use a conditioner instead of opening the windows regularly.

G. So it is best to keep children indoors to protect them from the haze when the PSI is high.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1). 营养均衡的膳食; 2). 经常参加体育锻炼; 3). 乐观的人生态度。
All of us want to live a healthy life. The following are some useful tips.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1) 今年20岁,即将毕业于职业院校。主修经济管理。
2) 学习英语超过八年了,熟悉电脑操作;在过去曾任学生报的编辑,有写作和编辑经验;在校成绩优秀。
3) 性格外向,交际能力强。
要求:1) 内容要连贯、完整。
2) 叙述必须用第一人称。
3) 字数:100左右。
参考词汇:职业院校vocational school;主修 major in 经验experience 操作
经济管理 business management
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing in response to your advertisement for the position as a secretary in the newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Glacier Bay is one of the most famous parks in America, located in the state of Alaska. This park in the southeastern part of the state covers more than 1 million hectares of Alaskan wilderness. It includes mountains, glaciers (冰川), bays, and even rainforests. Glacier Bay supports hundreds of kinds of animals, including many species of birds, fish, bears, whales and sea lions.

As its name suggests, much of Glacier Bay National Park is covered by glaciers. A glacier is a large area of ice that moves slowly down a slope (斜坡) or valley, or over a wide area of land. Glaciers cover more than 5,000 square kilometers of the park.

Glacial ice has shaped the land over the last seven million years. The glaciers found in the park today are what remains from an ice advance known as the Little Ice Age. That period began about 4,000 years ago.

During the Little Ice Age, the cold weather caused the ice to grow and advance. That situation continued until about 1,700s, when the climate began to warm. The higher temperatures caused the ice to start melting. That melting led the huge glacier to separate into more than 1,000 different glaciers.

The extremely tall and jagged (参差不齐的) mountains seen in Glacier Bay National Park were formed by the ice advancing and then melting over time. The melting of the ice also created water that filled in and created the many fjords (峡湾) within the park. Fjords are narrow parts of the ocean that sit between cliffs or mountains.

The huge amount of water from the melted ice killed off many kinds of plants. Vegetation returned to the area over the next 200 years. The regrowth in plants also brought back many animals to the land. This return of life to Glacier Bay is why it is sometimes called “a land reborn” by people.

1What is mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A. The function of Glacier Bay.

B. The climate of Glacier Bay.

C. The area of Alaskan wilderness.

D. The number of animals in Glacier Bay.

2What happened to Glacier Bay during the Little Ice Age?

A. Many slopes or valleys came into being.

B. The glaciers grew and advanced.

C. Different glaciers became a whole one.

D. The fjords became narrow.

3What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?

A. How the water killed off the plants.

B. When vegetation returned to Glacier Bay.

C. What the relationship between plants and animals is.

D. Why Glacier Bay is sometimes called “a land reborn”.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics is shared by three scientists, the Royal Academy of Sciences announced in Stockholm on Tuesday. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 was divided, with one half awarded to David J. Thouless, the other half to F. Duncan M. Haldane and J. Michael Kosterlitz “for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter(物质拓扑相变和拓扑相).”

Haldane said he was “very surprised” at the news, adding that he was glad that their discoveries found something previously unnoticed by many, and that they revealed “more possibilities for looking for new materials.” He particularly pointed out that a lot of work was still ongoing.

The year’s prize amount is 8 million Swedish krona(0.93 million US dollars), and will be split properly between the three winners.

The winners are given a sum of money when they receive their prizes, in the form of a document confirming the amount awarded. The amount of prize money depends upon how much money the Nobel Foundation can award each year. The purse has increased since the 1980s, when the prize money was 880,000 SEK per prize. In 2009, the monetary award was 10 million SEK (US$1.4 million; 950,000). In June 2012, it was lowered to 8 million SEK.

If there are two winners of a particular prize, the award money is divided equally between the winners. If there are three, the awarding committee can choose to divide the money equally, or award one-half to one winner and one-quarter to each of the others. It is common for winners to donate prize money to benefit scientific, cultural, or charities.

1How much price money does Thouless get?

A. 8 million Swedish krona.

B. 6 million Swedish krona.

C. 4 million Swedish krona.

D. 2 million Swedish krona.

2According to the passage, Haldane thought that his work_________

A. was far from ending

B. was based on many previous studies

C. had perfectly been completed

D. had surprised the whole world

3The amount of prize money _________. .

A. has been ever increasing since the 1980s

B. has been ever decreasing since the 1980s

C. remains 880,000 SEK each year after 2012

D. differs according to the Nobel Foundation’s affordability

4What does the last paragraph talk about?

A. The purpose of the award money.

B. How the award money is dealt with.

C. How the laureates are selected.

D. The number of laureates per prize.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Option 2:
假设你是红星中学高一学生李华,请你以“My Ideal Library”为题,描述你理想中的图书 馆并投稿参加以“创意无限”为主题的英语写作大赛。内容包括:
1). 基本信息(位置、大小、环境等);
2). 功能分区和内部装饰布置等;
3). 最具创意之处及设计理念。
注意:词数不少于 50。 提示词:功能分区 functional sections

