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  Several times each year the Queen gives afternoon tea parties at which guests are served tiny cakes filled with cream from her own cows. Cakes and sandwiches are brought in by footmen, yet you never see the Queen touch a thing. She simply sits beside a big silver plate, pouring cups of tea for everyone and carefully avoiding the cakes.

  At cocktail parties the Queen moves from group to group, chatting informally, and manages to make one glass of diet(节食)drink to last an entire evening.

  Tours abroad are difficult because hosts(主人)seem to believe the warmth of their welcome must be shown with wonderful state banquets(宴会). But the Queen has perfected the art of appearing to enjoy her meal without actually eating much.

  During one visit to the Pacific islands of Tonga, a specially-prepared dinner was arranged in a hut made of wood and bamboo leaves. Deep holes were dug in the ground, filled with hot stones and baby pigs, and the pigs were slowly baked over several days. The Queen looked uneasily at her plate when she discovered a whole roast pig was her serving.

  Then she became uneasy when a turkey, some meat, bananas and an apple were also carried in for each guest. So she depended on her old favorite trick of talking with her host., King Tupou IV, carrying on a warm conversation. At the same time she pushed her food around her plate and only ate a piece of turkey and some fruit.

  Reporters traveling with her have noted that the Queen will sometimes seem so carried away by a foreign leader’s political chat that she simply never has time to finish a meal before it is time to get up and make her speech. She will lift her fork to swallow a mouthful, then put it down again to make another point, leaving almost all of her meal untouched.

1. The main idea of the passage is about ____.

  A. the Queen’s favorite food

  B. the Queen’s tours abroad

  C. how the Queen keeps her diet during her tours

  D. the Queen’s trouble with a foreign leader

2. The Queen talked with her host and carried on conversation with him. The purpose of doing this is ____.

  A. to show her politeness

  B. not to eat much 

  C. to show her great interest in food

  D. to hide her dislike to the food

3. We can infer from the passage that tours are difficult for the Queen, because ____.

  A. she has to meet with so many important leaders

  B. she has to eat much oily food

  C. she has so many reporters to travel with her

  D. hosts always present wonderful state banquets

4. What probably is the Queen’s art of acting at state dinners?

  A. Appearing to enjoy her meal without actually eating much.

  B. Drinking Malvern water.

  C. Eating a piece of turkey and some fruit.

  D. Eating much without being noticed.


1. 选【C】。文章谈到了食品以及女王的“tours”,但主旨是女王如何“keep her diet”。答案为C。

2. 选【B】。由第五段“uneasy”、“old favorite trick of talking with her host”、“pushed her food around her plate and only ate a piece of turkey and some fruit”可判断答案为B。

3. 选【D】。从第三段第一句话中可推断出答案为D。

4. 选【A】。从第三段第二句话可得到答案A符合题意。



科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈题库练考新课堂 高二英语(上) 题型:050



  Enduring Storms

  Several more rounds of severe storms, tornadoes and flash flooding struck many parts of the American Midwest and Northeast as bad weather continued across the US for a second month.

  Monsoon Storms

  A south-west monsoon has caused havoc in parts of SriLanka. Government meteorologists said that unexpected monsoonal winds blew directly across the country from the Southern Hemisphere at about 100 km/h, producing several rounds of stormy weather. Nearly 250 houses in the capital Colombo were damaged.

For the week ending 3 July 1998

  Mt. Etna Erupts

  Sicily’s Mount Etna volcano erupted shortly after midnight on July 1, shooting“bombs”of lava nearly 1.5 metres in diameter on the eastern side of the mountain. The 30-minute eruption could be seen for several miles, but did not threaten any nearby villages.


  Hurricane Blas lost strength as it moved over cooler waters in the Pacific Ocean to the west of Mexico. Blasformed off southwest Mexico during the previous week, but squalls on the outer fringes of the storm lashed western Michoacan State, killing four people when their wood and cardboard home collapsed.

  Monkey Repellent

  After years of unsuccessful attempts to keep crop-eating monkeys out of Japanese fields, a Tokyo research team believes that it may have finally found a way to prevent the damage caused by the monkeys. Animal raids on crops were successfully prevented by shooting chilli powder into the air, irritating the eyes and noses of monkeys that passed in front of carefully-placed warning sensors.“We’ve tried…all kinds of preventive measures, but the monkeys are smart enough to outwit the tricks,”said Toshiaki Wada, Director of the Tokyo Forestry Experiment Station in western Tokyo.

1.The monsoon is Sri Lanka ________.

[  ]

A.was of average strength

B.destroyed more property than previous monsoons

C.was not typical for that time of the year

D.affected only the outer areas of the nation

2.What aspect of Hurricane Blas does the map show?

[  ]


3.According to the information, which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]

A.The eruption of Mt. Etna lasted thirty days.

B.Hurricane Blas was formed off the coast of Italy.

C.The American Midwest had fine weather throughout July 1998.

D.The eruption of Mt. Etna did not destroy local villages.

4.According to the information, the monkeys in the Japanese fields ________.

[  ]

A.destroy crops

B.kill unsuspecting humans

C.spread eye diseases to humans

D.stop farmers from working

5.Toshiaki Wada, Director of the Tokyo Forestry Experiment Station, would describe the monkeys as ________.

[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 _____ several times, but he still doesn’t know how to do it properly.

A. Being shown          B. Having shown 

C. Having been shown D. I’ve shown him   


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省六校2010届高三第二次联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


  Several years ago I worked in an office, which I had a locust tree growing outside the window. It had grown into a tall tree and must have been there for a long time. The tree blocked the view and made the office seem dull, unfortunately this happened to be the room assigned to me and I was depressed by it for quite some time.

  When the first spring came, everything was green except the locust tree. Secretly, I was very happy because I had thought it had died.

  One morning when I opened the window for fresh air, I unexpectedly smelt a familiar sweet scent floating into my office but I couldn’t name it. Suddenly, I realized it was the locust tree! The tree that I thought dead was blossoming in full glory.

  From then on, I usually came to the office very early to see dew forming on the locust tree blossoms and every year was eager to see spring again.

  During summer, the green leaves provided shade protecting me from the harsh sunlight, but allowing enough light in to make it pleasant. In autumn, the leaves turned into many different colors. Its beauty touched my soul. Many times I thought to take photos but never did. Then I had to leave in a hurry. Later in life it became a great regret that I had not done so.

  Actually, many times in our lives, we think we own something, therefore we don’t cherish it. We don’t feel regretful until we lose it one day! Moreover, sometimes, we have to accept the things we don’t want and need to discover the hidden beauty to find unexpected joy!

59.The author of the passage employed a writing way ________.

A.of holding and releasing            B.that released first, then held

C.that held first, then released         D.that was not holding or releasing

60.What the author wanted to tell us is that ________.

A.not being delighted for what you have got and not feeling pity on the lost

B.think twice before you leap

C.treat everything calmly

D.cherish what you’ve owned

61.The reason the author came to the office early is ________.

A.to enjoy the dew                 B.to finish her work early

C.to do some cleaning              D.to avoid the burning sun

62.The underlined word “so” in the fifth paragraph perhaps refers to ________.

A.that I couldn’t see the tree any longer    B.that I should have taken some photos

C.that I had to leave                   D.that the tree died



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省镇江市2009-2010学年度高二第二学期期中考试英语 题型:阅读理解


Have you ever been to the beautiful country of Holland and its capital Amsterdam? Anyone who has traveled to Amsterdam would probably agree on one thing: Amsterdam’s story is a tale of two cities—one during the day and a completely different one at night.

  During the day, the largest city in Holland sits quietly on the Amstel River. You can rent a bicycle, visit the Van Gogh or Anne Frank museum, or take a water taxi. But when the sun goes down, the partying begins. In the big clubs and in coffee shops, tourists gather to hang out, talk politics and smoke.

  Several areas of the city clearly show the two worlds that rule Amsterdam. And they’re all within a short taxi ride of each other. For example, Dam Square attracts daytime sightseers to its festivals, open markets, concerts and other events. Several beautiful and very popular hotels can be found there. And there’s the Royal Palace and the Magna Plaza shopping mall.

But at night party-seekers come to the square. Hip hop or funk music is heard there. So if you come, be ready to dance. The clubs don’t close down until 4 am.

And while you’re there, check out the various inexpensive ways to tour the city. Don’t worry about getting lost. Although Dutch is the official language, most people in Amsterdam speak English and are happy to help you with directions. And you’ll notice that half the people in the streets are on bicycles they rent.

  Amsterdam also has a well-planned canal system. For about 10 dollars, you can use the canal bus or a water taxi to cruise (巡游) the "Venice of the North".

 The city has a historic past. One impressive place to visit is the Anne Frank House on Nine Streets. It was there that the young Jewish girl wrote her famous diary during World War II. Visitors can view Anne’s original diary and climb behind the bookcase to the room where she and her family hid from the Nazis for two years.

59. The following means of transport are available to visitors in Amsterdam EXCEPT __________.

A. a carriage.                B. a bicycle.                 C. a canal bus.                     D. a water taxi.

60. When getting lost, a visitor can ask natives for directions in           .

A. only Dutch             B. Dutch or English              C. only English          D. Spanish and English

61. What can you learn about by visiting the Anne Frank House?

A. The happy experience of a girl survivor.     B. The glorious past of Amsterdam.

C. The hard life of the Jewish in World WarⅡ.    D. The hobbies of the Dutch.

62. The passage is intended to           .

A. call up people’s memories of World WarⅡ    

B. tell readers what A Tale of Two Cities is about

C. instruct visitors what to do and see in Holland

D. offer readers some information about Amsterdam



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年辽宁省高三上学期10月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

The Atlantic Ocean is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New. For centuries it kept the America from being discovered by the people of Europe.

  The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the pacific, but it is still very large. It is more than 4,000 miles (6,000 km) wide where Columbus crossed it. Even at its narrowest it is about 2,000 miles (3,200 km) wide.

  There is so much water in the Atlantic that it is hard to imagine how much there is. But suppose no more rain fell into and no more water was brought to it by rivers. It would take the ocean about 4,000 years to dry up. On the average the water is a little more than 2 miles (3.2 km) deep, but in some places it is much deeper. The deepest spot is near Puerto Rico. This "deep" measures 30,246 feet --- almost six miles (9.6 km).

  Several hundred miles eastward from Florida there is a part of the ocean called the Sargasso Sea. Here the water is quiet, for there is little wind. Today the Atlantic is a great highway. It is not, however, always a smooth and safe one. Storms sweep across it and pile up great waves. Icebergs float down from the Far North across the paths of ships. We now have such fast ways of travelling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller. Columbus sailed for more than two months to cross it. A fast modern steamship can make the trip in less than four days. Airplanes fly from New York to London in only eight hours and from South America to Africa in four!

1. From the third paragraph, we can learn that ______ .

A. the Atlantic will dry up in 4,000 years' time

B. no river flows into the Atlantic ocean   

C. it's hard to imagine how much water there is in the Atlantic ocean

D. the Ocean floor is rather flat

2.Suppose it's February 27th, 2000. You take a steamship to cross the Atlantic to North America, when will you probably get there?

A. On March 2nd          B. On March 3rd   

C. On February 28th      D. In eight hours' time

3. What can you learn from the last paragraph of the passage ?

A. The Atlantic has grown smaller than it used to be.

B. The Atlantic had grown wider than it used to be.

C. Fast ways of travelling make the ocean grow smaller.

D. Fast ways of travelling make the ocean seem to grow smaller.


