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    The tick in food photography is to show the food looking fresh, so many dishes have stand - ins, just as movie stars do. When I get my lights and camera set up, I remove the stand- in and put in the real thing. explains Ray Webber, who photographs food for magazine advertisements. Something I have to brush the meat with its juices because it may have dried out a bit. And when I’m shooting (拍照) something like tomatoes, I always carry water to spray them with dew just before I shoot.

    Shooting food outdoors has special problem. I’m always worrying about flies or worms crawling () up a glass. Webber explains. My worry is that someday a dog will come up from behind and run off with the food. Once Webber was shooting a piece of cheese outdoors and needed something to make its color beautiful. Finally he found it: a weed (杂草) with lively blue flowers. When the shot appeared, several people were horrified—the weed was deadly night-shade!

1. Foods probably look best in photographs if they have been ________

Aprepared recently

Bkept warm

Csalted properly

Dcooked thoroughly

2. Just before being photographed, some meats and vegetables are




Dmade wet

3. The second paragraph deals mostly with the

Adifferences between indoor and outdoor photography

Bproblems of outdoor food photography

Cways of keeping food fresh outdoors

Dcombinations of colors outdoors

4. Webber is afraid dogs might ________.

Abark while he is shooting

Bget into his picture

Csteal the food

Dupset his camera

5. From the article we can conclude that deadly night- shade is probably a kind of plant that is ________.




Dboth A and B



1.       只有不停地将食物保持在刚刚做好的状态才能拍到最好的照片。

2.       I have to brush the meat with its juices because it may have dried out a bit.从这お句话可以看出,肉有时会变干,这时就需要刷上一点汤汁

3.       第二段第一句话就说到了,户外摄影的麻烦

4.       My worry is that someday a dog will come up from behind and run off with the food.引用他文中的话,他担心有狗突然窜上来把食物叼走

5.       要寻找一样东西能使照片的颜色更好看,那么这种草必定也是有着漂亮的颜色的。而且文中用deadly来形容,可以致死的,所以选择AB



科目:高中英语 来源:2011届江西省师大附中、临川一中高三上学期两校联考英语卷 题型:完型填空

Tick, tock, tick, tock. I’m sitting here, watching the movements of my existence pass slowly away. My house has been  36 for such a long time,and I’m lonely and forgotten. Sitting here, by myself, all that I can do is   37   and think about my past. I could tell you stories that only  38  would know. But walls can’t speak.
I came to this place many years ago,along with an old man….  39  , he was with me for on1y three short years before he passed on….
For a time, I was left alone, while people came and  40  the house….  Then, one day a nice couple moved in with a young son.   41 , their son Danny liked to stay with me, and I was completely  42  with him. He always looked as if he loved the stories I told, most of which began with. ‘‘Back in my day…” and ‘‘When I was  43  .…” I sometimes had the kind of idea that he didn’t really understand what I was saying, but it felt good to be  44 .  When Danny went off to college,my heart broke. Soon afterward,   45  sold the house.…
New owners came and  46 . Then, One day it so happened that I was in when a new family was moving into the house. You can’t even imagine my  47  when, unexpectedly, Danny walked through the front door. He had a  48  and kids now. I was so overjoyed when I saw him that I put all my  49  into my daily activities. ... I spent the next twenty years watching his kids grow up, with a mixture of pride and  50  about what would happen next.
The kids finally became  51   and Danny sold the house. That was about five years ago…. Some of the local kids have started the rumor that the house is haunted(闹鬼的)--- and, in a way, it is. It is haunted by   52 of all the people who have lived in it. Every second has  53  me so much. I have been   54 them all day and they are almost up for me.... I hope that someday somebody will  55  me, and drop in on me again. Maybe then I’ll get a new home and an opportunity for a whole new set of memories.

A.crowded B.emptyC.paintedD.sold
A.look back B.enjoy foodC.have a dreamD.chat with friends
A.looked atB.settled inC.bought inD.sold out
A.At lastB.At one timeC.In the endD.From the beginning
【小题10】A .Danny              B. I                       C. his parents         D. the old man
A.pity B.prideC.surpriseD.sadness
A.familiesB.furniture C.housesD.memories
A.impressed B.surprised C.encouragedD.inspired


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省2010届高考冲刺预测英语试题 题型:完形填空


第二节  完型填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分。满分30分)[来源:]


I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.

What I   36   most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we   37   ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to   38  his family as cold. When we got into the   39   to go home, his father suddenly appeared. 40   , he began to wash his son’s windscreen. I could feel he is a caring man through the glass.

I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often  41   me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant  42  or inquiry about my life ,just financial instructions. This manner of his  43  me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his  44    morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I  45   him.

When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I’ve often felt   46  . For example, I always return phone calls   47   and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the   48   : She wasn’t a good friend! My anger   49    as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I   50  and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was   51    at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be   52   . Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.

Far too often, I ignored their   53    expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my   54   .Over the years, however, I’ve learned to   55    other persons, love signs.

36. A. remember      B. enjoy           C. value          D. admire

37. A. excitedly       B. nervously       C. silently         D. instantly

38. A. regard         B. treat            C. take           D. think

39. A. bus           B. train            C. car             D. plane

40. A. Punctually     B. Carefully        C. Proudly         D. Coldly

41. A. visited        B. interrupted       C. warned          D. telephoned

42. A. greeting       B. meeting          C. apology         D. explanation

43. A. interested      B. angered          C. encouraged      D. surprised

44. A. long          B. short            C. warm           D. polite

45. A. praised       B. remembered       C. blamed         D. thanked

46. A. content       B. guilty            C. curious         D. disappointed

47. A. in order      B. in turn            C. without delay    D. without difficulty

48. A. feeling       B. suggestion        C. judgment        D. belief

49. A. disappeared   B. grew             C. helped          D. declined

50. A. opened       B. refused          C. hosted           D. invited

51. A. depressed    B. upset            C. fascinated         D. shocked

52. A. uncaring     B. dishonest         C. unhappy          D. uncooperative

53. A. unique       B. common         C. pleasant          D. familiar

54. A. opinion      B. way              C. mind           D. life

55. A. send         B. read             C. give            D. express



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省高三10月月考英语题 题型:完型填空

I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.

What I   36   most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we   37   ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to   38  his family as cold. When we got into the   39   to go home, his father suddenly appeared. 40   , he began to wash his son’s windscreen. I could feel he was a caring man through the glass.

I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often  41   me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant  42  or inquiry about my life, just financial instructions. This manner of his  43  me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his  44    morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I  45   him.

When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I’ve often felt   46  . For example, I always return phone calls   47   and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the   48   : She wasn’t a good friend! My anger   49    as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I   50  and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was   51    at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be   52   . Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.

Far too often, I ignored their   53    expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my   54  . Over the years, however, I’ve learned to   55   other persons, love signs.

1.A. remember      B. enjoy         C. value            D. admire

2.A. excitedly       B. nervously    C. silently           D. instantly

3. A. regard         B. treat         C. take             D. think

4. A. bus            B. train           C. car                  D. plane

5.A. Punctually     B. Carefully        C. Proudly              D. Coldly

6. A. visited            B. interrupted   C. warned          D. telephoned

7.A. greeting       B. meeting      C. apology         D. explanation

8.A. interested     B. angered      C. encouraged      D. surprised

9.A. long          B. short         C. warm           D. polite

10.A. praised           B. remembered  C. blamed           D. thanked

11.A. content           B. guilty           C. curious          D. disappointed

12.A. in order          B. in turn          C. without delay     D. without difficulty

13.A. feeling           B. suggestion       C. judgment         D. belief

14.A. disappeared       B. grew        C. helped           D. declined

15.A. opened       B. refused          C. hosted               D. invited

16.A. depressed    B. upset            C. fascinated        D. shocked

17.A. uncaring     B. dishonest        C. unhappy          D. uncooperative

18.A. unique       B. common      C. pleasant          D. familiar

19. A. opinion          B. way              C. mind             D. life

20.A. send         B. read        C. give            D. express



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省高三上学期阶段测试英语试题 题型:完型填空

I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.

What I   36   most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we   37   ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to   38  his family as cold. When we got into the   39   to go home, his father suddenly appeared. 40   , he began to wash his son’s windscreen. I could feel he was a caring man through the glass.

I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often  41   me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant  42  or inquiry about my life, just financial instructions. This manner of his  43  me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his  44    morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I  45   him.

When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I’ve often felt   46  . For example, I always return phone calls   47   and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the   48   : She wasn’t a good friend! My anger   49    as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I   50  and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was   51    at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be   52   . Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.

Far too often, I ignored their   53    expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my   54  . Over the years, however, I’ve learned to   55   other persons, love signs.

1.A. remember       B. enjoy        C. value        D. admire

2.A. excitedly          B. nervously     C. silently    D. instantly

3.A. regard             B. treat         C. take    D. think

4.A. bus           B. train        C. car      D. plane

5.A. Punctually         B. Carefully     C. Proudly         D. Coldly

6.A. visited            B. interrupted  C. warned       D. telephoned

7.A. greeting           B. meeting      C. apology      D. explanation

8.A. interested    B. angered       C. encouraged   D. surprised

9.A. long          B. short         C. warm       D. polite

10.A. praised           B. remembered  C. blamed           D. thanked

11.A. content           B. guilty       C. curious      D. disappointed

12.A. in order      B. in turn     C. without delay   D. without difficulty

13.A. feeling           B. suggestion    C. judgment       D. belief

14.A. disappeared       B. grew        C. helped           D. declined

15.A. opened       B. refused          C. hosted           D. invited

16.A. depressed    B. upset            C. fascinated      D. shocked

17.A. uncaring     B. dishonest        C. unhappy    D. uncooperative

18.A. unique       B. common      C. pleasant         D. familiar

19.A. opinion      B. way              C. mind         D. life

20.A. send         B. read        C. give         D. express



科目:高中英语 来源:2009年全国各省市高考命题动态信息卷(辽宁专用)英语(五) 题型:书面表达


题目要求:假设你是李平,你参与了你所在学校学生会组织的一次“What is a good teacher?”的讨论。请根据以下你自己所填写的表格中提供的信息,向校刊编辑部写一封信,表明你对优秀教师应具备的标准的看法。此信要求在100-130词之间,信的开头与结尾已写好,你只需要继续写下去。

Criteria of a Good Teacher




rich in knowledge


strict and unsmiling



like to give students a lot of teasts



love to talk to sudents


amusing and interesting


have favorite students



modest and open - minded


care about the students


try to be one of us


tend to be angry when we make mistakes



kind and patient


Dear Editor,

  I am Li Ping.All my classmates and I are interested in the discussion about "What is a good teacher?" organized by the students' union. In my opinion,the criteria of a good teacher include



  By the way,I like this activity very much. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ping


