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Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Quite simple because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person has the right to fail.

   Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her child’s hastily made table as “Perfect!” even though it doesn’t stand still. Another way is to shift(转移)blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.

   The trouble with failure prevention is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child who’s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn’t make the honour roll on the baseball team, feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick comfort, prize or say “It doesn’t matter.” because it does. The young should be allowed to experience disappointment and be helped to master it.

Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grownups and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is to ask “Why did it fail? Don’t blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. If someone else can help, don’t be shy about inquiring. Success, which encourages repetition of old behaviour, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure. You can learn from a bad party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a failure that seems definitive can cause fresh thinking, a change of direction. After twelve years of studying ballet, a friend of mine applied for a professional company. She asked. That ballet master shook his head. “You will never be a dancer,” he said,” you haven’t the body for it.”

In such cases, the way to use failure is to take stock bravely asking “What have I left? What else can I do?” My friend put away her shoes and moved into dance treatment center, a field where she’s both able and useful. Failure frees one to take risks because there’s less to lose. Often there is recovery of energy — a way to find new possibilities.

1.The first paragraph tells us ______.

  A. failure is very natural for every person

  B. the reason why we don’t know how to fail

  C. the reason why so many people are afraid of failure

  D. one should be ready to face failure at any time

2.How many preventions may parents use when a child fails according to the passage?

  A. only two  B. no more than three  C. less than three  D. more than three

3. Which statement below does the writer support?

  A. Failure is as good an experience as success.

  B. Failure is the mother of success.

  C. Failure is far from a good teacher like success.

  D. Definitive failure gives us nothing but fresh thinking.

4. We can learn from the last paragraph that _______.

  A. failure is the recovery of energy

  B. failure makes one free to do something dangerous

  C. failure should be forgotten in our life

  D. failure is likely to do us good in life








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Quite simply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person has the right to fail.?

Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her child's hurriedly-made table as “perfect”!Even though it couldn't stand on uneven (not same in height) legs. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails in science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.?

The trouble with failure—prevention methods is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time—and that it's possible to enjoy a game even when you don't win. A child who's not invited to a birthday party, who doesn't make the honor roll or the baseball team feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick comfort prize or say “It doesn't matter”,because it does. The young should be allowed to experience disappointment and be helped to master it.

Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grown-ups and children exactly alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is to ask “Why did I fail?”. Control the natural impulse(冲动) to blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. If someone else can help, don't be shy about asking them.?

This passage mainly tells us about _______.?

A. the reasons why people fail

B. how to fail?

C. the ways to prevent failures

D. the importance of facing failures?

When the writer says “every person has the right to fail”, he means to say _______.

A. the world is full of failures        

B. no one is perfect?

C. failures are quite common in our lives     

D. no one can grow up mentally without failures?

By “protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed”, the writer means that most parents try their best _______.?

A. to let their children know that they won't fail?

B. not to teach their children about knowledge of failure?

C. to provide their children for the knowledge against failure?

D. to keep their children from realizing that they failed?

According to the writer, _______.

A. parents should tell their children to think nothing of not being chosen into a football team?

B. children should be encouraged to get rid of disappointment all by themselves

C. parents should judge what their children have done as it is?

D. children should learn to enjoy a game that they won't win??


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Wong Fuk-wing(黄福荣), a Hong Kong volunteer(志愿者)at an orphanage(孤儿院)in Yushu, was killed in the earthquake when he was trying to save others on April 14, 2010.

Wong managed to run safely out of the building with some children when the first quake happened at 7:50 am on April 14, but he went back inside to rescue three other children and three teachers inside, although he knew the danger of aftershocks(余震).

At 10 am, all the children and one of the teachers were saved. However, Wong was buried under the fallen building and died. The other two teachers were still waiting to be rescued.

46-year-old Wong was a truck driver, who often said he could only give his efforts to charity(慈善)instead of money, as he did not earn a lot. His tragic(悲剧的)end touched the hearts of many people both in Hong Kong and on the mainland.

Wong began volunteering in 2002. In 2003, Wong was told by the doctor he got serious illness, which gave him a great blow. However, the illness did not deter the warm-hearted man. When the earthquake struck Wenchuan is Sichuan Province in 2008, Wong rushed to the disaster area of Shifang to offer his help though his family did not want him to go.

In fact, Qinghai is a place Wong had often visited since 2006. As a volunteer, he gave out medicine and clothing to the orphanage there. No one could expect that Wong would die helping others.

Hong Kong Chief Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen said he had “the highest respect” for the hero who gave his life for others. “What he did has shown the Hong Kong spirit.” The citizens of Hong Kong called him “ the pride of Hong Kong’s people” and people on the mainland have also praised him as “ a true hero”.

Wong died in the earthquake          .

A. after he sent medicine and clothing to the orphanage 

B. when he returned to save the teachers and students

C. because he suffered from his serious illness again 

D. as the first earthquake happened

The underlined word “ deter” in Para. 5 refers to “       ”.

A. prevent         B. refuse            C. beat        D. encourage

What can we know about Wong from the passage?

A. He never visited Qinghai before 2010.    

B. He was supported by his family being a volunteer.

C. He was thought highly of by the Chinese.      

D. He was a taxi driver before he died.

Why are so many people deeply moved by the story of Wong?

   A. He always offered money to the orphanage.     B. He fought against his illness bravely.

   C. He helped the orphanage though being poor.     D. He put other people’s lives above own.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年云南省昆明市高三第二次阶段性检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Movie makers at one time worried that they might be put out of business by television. Recently, however, more and more people have been going to the movies. This may be partly because the economic situation in America has worsened. When at the movies, people forget their troubles, as they get involved in the story on the screen. Also, directors have recently been producing pictures that large numbers of people want to see.

Americans in the millions are returning to their love affair with the movies. Motion picture industry experts see two main factors responsible for this: an increased need by Americans to escape from economic worries and a large number of new movies with broad audience appeal.

Movie makers admit that their rising popularity is partly the result of poor economic conditions, which traditionally bring an increase in theater attendance. “When people are fearful about the future, they look for escape,” comments Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America. “In a shaded theater, with a 65-foot screen, you lose yourself for two and a half hours and people find this beneficial.”

1.What did movie makers worry about before?

   A. That people preferred watching TV to seeing films.

   B. That movies couldn’t be a business any more.

   C. That their movies might be played on television.

   D. That no one would go to the cinema.

2.Why are so many people going to see movies now?

   A. Because people now have much more money.

   B. Because people wanted to escape from real life.

   C. Because people have troubles.

   D. Because watching movies is now much cheaper than watching TV.

3.What does the underlined word “worsened” mean in the first paragraph?

A. become attractive   B. become amazing

C. become bad        D. become popular

4.The main topic of American movies is about          .

   A. economy          B. love             C. tradition        D. not mentioned



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届度广东惠阳高级中学高一第一学期期末英语卷(一) 题型:阅读理解

Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing. Three years ago, few people would go swimming in the icy waters. But now there is a Winter-swimming Enthusiasts’ Club(冬泳爱好者协会)and it has more than 2,000 members. The oldest is 84 years old and the youngest is only 7. The members are from all walks of life. They may be workers, peasants, soldiers, teachers, students…

Though it is now the coldest part of the season and the water temperature in the city’s lakes is around 0℃, many winter-swimmers still swim in the icy waters, even when it is snowing. They enjoy themselves in the lake, while the people by the side of the lake are wearing heavy clothes.

Why are so many people interested in winter-swimming? Because winter-swimming can be good for one’s health.

Bei Sha is a good example. He is 69, and he once suffered from(患……病)heart trouble for 26 years. After ten years of winter-swimming he is now in good health. Scientists are now studying the effects of winter-swimming on health.

1. Among the winter-swimmers the oldest man is_______ years older than the youngest one.

    A. 91           B. 84       C. 77       D. 7

2. Guess what “The members are from all walks of life” means?

    A. The members do different jobs at different places.

    B. They come from all parts of Beijing.

    C. They are persons of different ages.

    D. They are men and women, old and young.

3. The winter-swimmers are able to swim in the icy waters, even on snowy days because       .

    A. they are not afraid of coldness

    B. they often swim in the icy waters

    C. they know that they can benefit(得益)from it

    D. winter-swimming can make people healthy

4. Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing because       .

    A. more and more people like to swim in Beijing

    B. it is more interesting than swimming in summer

    C. winter-swimmers are brave men

    D. winter-swimming does a lot of good to one’s health

5. What’s the best title for this passage?

    A. People in Beijing Like Swimming in Winter

    B. Winter-swimming—A Craze(狂热)in Beijing

    C. People Benefit from Winter-swimming

    D. Winter-swimmers Are Brave Men




科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年湖南省高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:填空题


SECTION C (12 points)

Direction: Complete the following passage by using one word that best fits the context.

Winter swimming has become popular in Beijing. Many years ago,   48   people would go swimming in the city waters. But now there is a winter swimming club,   49   has more than 2,000 members. The oldest is 84 years of age and the youngest is only 7. The members are from all walks of life. They may be workers, peasants, soldiers, teachers and students. Even though it is now the coldest time of the season and the water   50   is around 0℃, many winter swimmers still swim in the icy waters. They enjoy   51   in the lake, while people by the water are wearing   52   clothes.

Why are so many people interested in winter swimming? Because it can do   53   to your health.

Bei Sha is   54   good example, he is 69 years old, and he once suffered from heart trouble for 26 years. After ten years of winter swimming, he is now   55   good health.


