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         I’m very busy now. Could I call you back after work?

   — OK. I’ll wait for you.

   A.Probably                            B. Occasionally             C. Frequently         D. Actually


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Susan,

I'm very gladly to hear you are coming to visit me the next Friday. Unfortunately, I won't be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon. You won't find difficult to get to the city center. The airport bus leaves every 30 minute and will take you rightly to the Friendship Hotel. My classes will be over by then or I will pick you up there. I will take you together to a hot pot restaurant for dinner and we'll talk with our plan for the weekend over dinner. Having a pleasant trip and see you Friday.


Zhang Ming


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省唐河三高2009-2010学年高一下学期期末模拟试题(英语) 题型:书面表达


你的朋友李华打算暑假去澳大利亚旅游两周。请你根据下面信息给她写一封信,向她推荐一本书,并简要介绍书中相关内容, 希望能够帮助她更好地了解澳大利亚。


Frommer’s Australia 2009


Lee Mylne




a multi-cultural society

sports: surfing, swimming, cycling and so on

unique animal: kangaroo

sightseeing spot: the Great Barrier Reef and Ayers Rock


原价:  100元              网上折扣::60元

注意:1. 开头和结尾已为你写好。   2. 字数:120字左右。

Dear Li Hua,

How are you going?

I’m very delighted to hear that you are going to have a journey to Australia in the coming Summer Vacation. I have read a good book about it and I want to recommend it to you.


Have a good journey!

Yours,  Li Ming



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年河南省南阳市高二下学期期末考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

Hi guys! I’m Lucy the ladybird and while I’m very much of a lady, I’m not actually a bird but a glowing red bettle(甲虫)with decorative black spots.

I’m a friendly little bug, to be honest, and simply like to be close with my pals as long as they handle me very gently. I don’t bite humans but I do sink my teeth into aphids (蚜虫) which, unlike me, are very harmful to all the plants. I milk the aphids just like people do with cows and I milk them dry of all the sap (汁) they have got from your poor plants. I’m a real gardeners’ friend and love helping out around the place by pollinating (授粉) flowers, tidying up plants’ fallen leaves and helping to turn them into nice rich fertilizer to feed everything both above and below the soil, and naturally, being so attractive to look at, we are perfect living garden decorations.

One thing I can not tolerate is all that poisonous pollution from vehicles, garbage burning and other environmentally unfriendly acts that occur in the cities every single minute of the day and night. Pollution of any kind really chokes me to death, so these days, I only live in clean countryside areas, particularly cool ones where it rains and everything grows fresh and green from spring right through to autumn. In winter, when the weather is too cold for me to bear, then I find a nice place to sleep until the snow has gone and I can come back out to play.

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you that although I am not a bird I do have wings and can fly for short distances. So if you pick me up and let me run up and down your hands and arms, then please don’t frighten me by screaming if I suddenly decide to take off!

1.What makes Lucy the Ladybird suffer most?

A. Heavy rains.                   B. Cold weather.

C. Air pollution.                 D. Aphids.

2. Which aspects about the ladybird are talked about in the passage?

a. its appearance               b. its influence on plantsw8G

c. its habitat                  d. its food

e. the origin of its name

A. a; c      B. a; b; c       C. a; b; d; e       D. a; b; c; d

3.What do we know about the ladybird?

A. It belongs to the insect family.

B. It does harm to all growing plants.

C. It lives on the liquid of plants.

D. It can fly a long distance.

4. This passage is probably _______.

A. a self –introduction by a lady named Lucy

B. description of a ladybird’life

C. letter of praise for a gardener

D. a speech made by a woman on ladybirds



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年贵州省五校高三第五次联考英语题 题型:短文改错

Dear Lihua,

I’m very glad to have received a letter you sent me     1. ______________

two weeks ago. I had been thinking about the question you  2. ______________

asked me. In my opinion, you should come back before     3.______________

you finish your studies abroad. For one reason, which you   4. ______________

are studying is badly needed nowadays in China. That will  5.______________

be pretty easy for you to find a good work. In fact, I know a  6.______________

few big companies in one city is hoping to hire people      7._____________

like you. For other reason, I think it will be more convenient 8. ______________

for you to look after your parents as they are getting old.    9. _______________

Therefore, I think it’s a good idea for you to return back.   10._______________

Best wishes!




科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年江西省高二下学期期中考试英语卷 题型:书面表达






Teenagers          总228(4/2011)期



     I’m a boy of 18. I like arts, especially dancing. I want to attend a hip-hop(街舞) training course on the weekend, but my parents don’t permit me to. I’m very upset and need your advice.





     You are very upset that your parents don’t permit you to attend a hip-hop training course on the weekend.                                                                              







