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The collapse of the World Trade Center has put US economy in a difficult ________.

A. occasion

B. case

C. situation

D. background







科目:高中英语 来源:上海市向明中学2010届高三上学期摸底考试 题型:阅读理解

The eruption of a volcano in the Canary Islands could trigger a “mega-tsunami”(巨大海啸)that would hit Atlantic coastlines with waves as high as 330 feet, scientists said on Wednesday. They said an eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma, part of the Spanish island chain off West Africa, was likely to cause a massive chunk(大块)of rock to break off, crashing into the sea and kicking up huge walls of water higher than any other in recorded history. The tsunami would be capable of traveling huge distances at up to 500 miles an hour, the scientists said in a research paper to be published soon.
Simon Day, of the Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre at the University College of London, said that as the volcano was not erupting at present, the short-term and medium-term risks were “negligible”. But Cumbre Vieja should be monitored closely for any signs of activity so that emergency services could plan an effective response, he said. “Eruptions of Cumbre Vieja occur at intervals of decades to a century or so and there may be a number of eruptions before its collapse(倒塌),” said Day, who cooperated on the research with Steven Ward of the University of California. “Although the year-to-year probability of a collapse is therefore low, the resulting tsunami would be a major disaster with indirect effects around the world.”
The effects would spread north, west and south of the Canaries, with the west Sahara bearing the worst of the wave’s energy. The energy released by the collapse would be equal to the electricity consumption of the entire United States in half a year.
Immediately after the landslide(山崩),a huge wave of water 93,000 feet high and tens of miles wide would form. As the landslide rocks moved deeper under water, a tsunami would develop. Within 10 minutes, the tsunami would have moved a distance of almost 155 miles. On the west Saharan shore, waves would probably reach heights of 330 feet.
Florida and the Caribbean, the final north Atlantic destinations to be affected by the tsunami, would have to brace themselves for 165-foot waves some eight to nine hours after the landslide. Wave heights toward Europe would be smaller, but substantial waves would hit the coasts of Britain, Spain Portugal and France. The research paper estimated water would penetrate several miles inland and that the devastation would cause trillions of dollars in damage.
76. What would be the result of a big chunk rock falling into the sea?
A. Waves would be very high.                                         B. The volcano would stop.
C. Walls of water would kick up a storm.                          D. An earthquake would take place.
77. The word “negligible”(Line 3, Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to ______.
A. unimportant                    B. small                              C. predictable               D. avoidable
78. From the passage we may learn that the volcano erupts ______.
A. every year                                                                 B. every 5 to 9 years
C. every 10 to 100 years                                                        D. every 5 to 10 months
79. All of the following are true EXCEPT ______.
A future eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano may experience a massive collapse
Waves generated by the landslide could even reach the coasts of the United States
The landslide-released energy is equal to half a year’s electricity consumption in the US
American scientists have managed to utilize the volcanic energy for civil purposes


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届重庆市南开中学高三上学期1月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

US bees operation keeping groups have been attacked seriously by so called Colony (群体)Collapse Disorder.Almost 1/2 of their worker bees have vanished during the past season.This disorder has also been reported in Israel, Europe and South America.Bees fly away from the hive and never return.Sometimes they are found dead; other times they are never found.Many crops and trees depend  on pollination^^}) by bees to help them grow. 
A new report says a virus may be at least partly responsible for the disorder in honey bee colonies in the United States.This virus is called Israeli acute paralysis virus.It was first found in Israel in 2004.lan Lipkin at Columbia University in New York and a team reported the new findings in Science Magazine.Doctor Lipkin says the virus may not be the only cause.He says it may work with other causes to produce the collapse disorder.
The team found the virus in colonies with the help of a map of honey bee genes that was published last year.They examined thirty colonies affected by the disorder.They found evidence of the virus in twenty-five of them, and in one healthy colony.The next step is further testing of healthy hives.
The researchers suggested that the United States may have imported the disorder in bees from Australia.They say the bees may carry the virus but not be affected.
The idea is that unlike many American bees, the ability of Australian bees to fight disease has not been hurt by the varroa mite.This insect attacks honey bees, which could make the disorder more likely to affect a hive.Australian bee producers object to these suspicions.
And some researchers suspect that bee production in the United States is down mainly because of the weather.Honey bees gather nectar from flowers and trees.The sweet liquid gives them food and material to make honey.But cold weather this spring in the Midwest reduced the flow of nectar in many flowers.Many bees may have starved.Dry weather in areas of the country could also be playing apart.
Wayne Esaias is a NASA space agency scientist who keeps bees in his free time.He lives in central Maryland, where he has found that flowers are blooming a month earlier than they did in 1970, which may be partly responsible for the disorder. Wayne Esaias is organizing a group of beekeepers to document nectar flow around the country.
【小题1】What is the author’s attitude toward the cause of this disorder?

【小题2】The researchers found the virus sharply by            .
A.studying the published Science Magazine
B.researching the causes of bee death
C.examining some affected colony
D.exploring a connected chart
【小题3】The passage is mainly developed by             .
A.presenting the effect and analyzing its causes
B.making comparisons between two countries
C.providing data and examples
D.following the time order
【小题4】How many possibilities may be involved in the bee disorder according to the passage?
【小题5】From the passage we can infer that            .
A.American bees are more likely to defend themselves against hurt from other insects than Australian ones
B.A collection of plants production in U.S ay be influenced by the bee disorder
C.Israeli acute paralysis virus should be responsible for the disorder
D.The solution to the disorder will be found eventually


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届广东省高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The 2012 London Olympics had enough problems to worry about. But one more has just been added -- a communications blackout caused by solar storms.

  After a period of calm within the Sun, scientists have detected the signs of a flesh cycle of sunspots that could peak in 2012, just in time for the arrival of the Olympic torch in London.

  Now scientists believe that this peak could result in vast solar explosions that could throw billions of tons of charged matter towards the Earth, causing strong solar storms that could jam the telecommunications satellites and interact links sending five Olympic broadcast from London.

  "The Sun's activity has a strong influence on the Earth. The Olympics could be in the middle of the next solar maximum which could affect the functions of communications satellites," said Professor Richard Harrison, head of space physics at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire.

  At the peak of the cycle, violent outbursts called coronal mass ejections (日冕物质抛射) occur in the Sun's atmosphere, throwing out great quantities of electrically-charged matter. "A coronal mass ejection can carry a billion tons of solar material into space at over a million kilometres per hour. Such events can expose astronauts to a deadly amount, can disable satellites, cause power failures on Earth and disturb communications," Professor Harrison added. The risk is the greatest during a solar maximum when there is the greatest number of sunspots.

  Next week in America, NASA is scheduled to launch a satellite for monitoring solar activity called the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which will take images of the Sun that are 10 times clearer than the most advanced televisions available.

  The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory helped to make the high-tech cameras that will capture images of the solar flares (太阳耀斑) and explosions as they occur.

  Professor Richard Harrison, the lab's director, said that the SDO should be able to provide early warning of a solar flare or explosion big enough to affect satellite communications on Earth "If we have advanced warning, we'll be able to reduce the damage. What you don't want is things switching off for a week with no idea of what's caused the problem," he said.

1.The phrase "communications blackout" in paragraph 1 most probably refers to____________ during the 2012 Olympics.

A.the extinguishing of the Olympic torch

B.the collapse of broadcasting systems

C.the transportation breakdown in London

D.the destruction of weather satellites

2.According to the passage, scientists are convinced that __________.

A.the sun’s activities have little to do with the earth

B.the London Olympic broadcasting will be possibly influenced by the 2012 peak of sunspots

C.the 2012 Olympic Games are during the solar maximum of throwing out greatest number of sunspots

D.solar explosion will cause strong storms on the earth

3.What can be inferred about the solar activity described in the passage?

A.The most fatal matter from the corona falls onto Earth.

B.The solar storm peak occurs in the middle of each cycle.

C.It takes several seconds for the charged matter to reach Earth.

D.The number of sunspots declines after coronal mass ejections.

4.According to the passage, NASA will launch a satellite to _________.

A.take images of the solar system

B.provide early warning of thunderstorms

C.keep track of solar activities

D.improve the communications on Earth

5.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.Solar Storms: An Invisible Killer

B.Solar Storms: Earth Environment in Danger

C.Solar Storms: Threatening the Human Race

D.Solar Storms: Human Activities to Be Troubled



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届度江苏省高二第一学期期中考试英语题 题型:单项填空

That could set off a “credit event,” ______ world financial markets into turmoil(混乱), much as the collapse(倒闭) of Lehman Brothers ______ in the fall of 2008.

A. threw;did       B. throwing;did        C. threw;had       D. throwing;had



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山东济宁汶上一中高二12月月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

The campaign is over. The celebrations have ended. And the work for US president-elect Barack Obama has begun.

The 47-year-old politician rose to the highest post because of his stand against the war in Iraq and his plans to fix a weak economy. But what will the first 47-year-old African-American president do for race relations?

Obama’s victory appears to have given blacks and other minorities a true national role model. For years, many looked to athletes and musicians for inspiration. As Darius Turner, an African-American high school student in Los Angeles, told the Los Angeles Times, “Kobe doesn’t have to be everybody’s role model anymore.”

Recent polls(民意测验)also suggest that Obama’s victory has given Americans new optimism about race relations. For example, a USA Today poll found that two-thirds of Americans believe relations between blacks and whites “will finally be worked out”. This is the most hopeful response since the question was first asked during the civil rights revolution in 1963.

However, it’s still too early to tell whether Obama’s presidency will begin to solve many of the social problems facing low-income black communities.

Although blacks make up only 13 percent of the US population, 55 percent of all prisoners are African-American. Such numbers can be blamed on any number of factors on America’s racist past, a failure of government policy and the collapse(瓦解)of the family unit in black communities.

It is unlikely that Obama will be able to reverse (扭转) such trends overnight. However, Bill Bank, an expert of African-American Studies, says that eventually young blacks need to find role models in their own communities. “That’s not Martin Luther King, and not Barack Obama,” he told the Los Angeles Times. “It’s actually the people closest to them. Barack only has so much influence.”

In the opinion of black British politician Trevor Phillips, Obama’s rise will contribute more to multiculturalism than to race relations in the US.

“When the G8 meets, the four most important people in the room will be the president of China, the prime minister of India, the prime minister of Japan and Barak Obama,” he told London’s The Times newspaper. “It will be the first time we’ve seen that on our television screens. That will be a huge psychological shift (心理转变) for both the white people and the colored ones in the world.”

1.For years, before Obama was elected president of the US, __________.

A.Kobe was the only role model for all the blacks

B.blacks could only find role models on the basketball court

C.minorities in America couldn’t find role models in their real life

D.American blacks had no role model who was successful in political area

2.According to Bill Bank, ____________.

A.it’s better for young blacks to find role models in those who are close to them

B.young blacks should not be so much influenced by Obama

C.blacks should find other role models because Obama is far from their reality

D.Obama is not the proper role model for African-Americans

3.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.The First African-American President

B.America’s New Role Model

C.Obama-- A Successful Black .

D.Choosing a Right Role Model

4.What will be the huge psychological shift Trevor mentioned at the end of the passage?

A.The other three leaders all support Obama.

B.Obama is an African-American president.

C.None of the four leaders is white.

D.The other three leaders except Obama are from Asian countries.


