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16.-________busy schoolwork,the children also have to take arts,music and sports classes in their free time.
-I wonder what they will be.(  )
A.In additionB.Due toC.Aside fromD.Except for

分析 除了功课外,孩子们还要在空闲时间上美术、音乐和体育课.

解答 答案:C,考查介词短语的辨析,in addition"另外,除此之外"后接名词时要加to,due to"由于",aside from"除此之外还有…",except for"除此之外没有",根据语境除了功课还有其他课,故答案为C.

点评 考查介词短语的辨析,在平时的学习中要对这些短语进行积累,再根据具体的语境确定答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.There has been a dramatic increase in the number of natural disasters over the past few years,and it is assumed that global warming and climate change could cause even more disasters in the future.Some of the world's leading cities are facing disasters like floods and heat waves.
London's flood defences are getting older.Since 1982,the Thames Barrier(水闸) has protected the city from the threat of flooding,but it was only designed to last until 2030and close once every two or three years.About 21years later the barrier now closes five or six times a year and according to Environment Agency predictions,by 2050the barrier will be closed on almost every tide if the problem is not addressed.
There are 26underground stations,400schools,16hospitals,an airport and 80billion worth of property in London's flood risk area,so large scale flooding would be disastrous.
Over a sixweek period in July and August 2008,more than 11400-mainly elderly people-died in France from dehydration (脱水) and extremely high body temperature in a deadly heat wave.Heat waves of similar intensity (强度) are expected every seven years by 2050,so what can be done to make sure such a disaster does not happen again?
One solution is to have airconditioners installed in elderly care homes.But this is considered a shortterm solution,as the increase in demand for electricity also increases carbon emissions.
In Paris the local authorities are encouraging architects to design new types of buildings such as the building"Flower Tower",which uses a covering of bamboo to act as a natural airconditioner.
Shanghai is the fastest growing city on Earth.It has a population of 18million and is only 4meters above sea level.Sea levels are predicted to rise by 20cm within the next century.
An estimated 250,000people move to Shanghai every year in search of work,placing extra demands on energy consumption.China relies heavily on coalfired power stations,but these emissions increase temperatures and,in turn,warmer seas increase the risk of typhoons. 

56.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Big Cities Facing Big Disasters         
B.Big Disasters in the Future
C.The Increase of Natural Disasters 
D.Solutions to Natural Disasters
57.What problem should be settled now in London?D
A.How to protect the city's property.
B.Where to build its flood defences.
C.How to use the Thames Barrier to protect the city.
D.How to improve the function of the old flood defences.
58.Which of the following measures can't solve the heat wave disaster in Paris?C
A.Putting up new types of buildings with a covering of bamboo.
B.Having airconditioners installed in elderly care homes.
C.Forbidding the city to build"Flower Tower".
D.Encouraging architects to design new types of buildings.
59.The major threats to Shanghai areB.
A.increasing population and coalfired power stations
B.rising sea levels and typhoons
C.extremely high temperature and rising sea levels
D.extra demands on energy consumption and typhoons
60.The purpose of the passage isD.
A.to tell us how to protect the big cities
B.to give advice on how to defend natural disasters
C.to explain what causes flood and heat waves
D.to warn us of the increasing natural disasters in big cities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.I _______a cup of coffee when a new idea occurred to me.(  )
A.drankB.was drinkingC.had drunkD.would drink


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Here is some must-know information from a handbook on how people behave in doing business in some countries.
In Brazil
Brazilians are warm and friendly.They often stand close when talking and it is common for them to touch the person on the shoulder.People often greet each other (particularly women) with light cheek kisses.Schedules tend to be flexible,with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned.But to be safe,be on time.Meals can stretch for hours-there's no such thing as rushing a meal in Brazil.Lunches also can start in the mid to late afternoon.Brazilians are social,preferring face-to-face communication over mails or phone calls.
In Singapore
Singaporeans shake hands when they meet and often also greet each other with a small,polite bow.Business cards should be offered and received with two hands.Arriving late is considered disrespectful.So be on time.Efficiency(效率) is the goal,so meetings and dealings often are fast-paced.Singaporeans are direct in their discussions,even when the subject is about money.Rank is important and authority(权威)is respected.This determines both people interact in meetings.For example,people avoid disagreeing outright with someone with a higher rank.
In the United Arab Emigrates
In the UAE,status is important,so the most senior or oldest should be greeted first with their titles.The handshake seems to be longer than elsewhere.So,do not pull away the handshake.Women should cover themselves when it comes to dress.Men also tend to be covered from neck to elbows(肘部) and down to the knees.People do not avoid entertaining(娱乐 in their homes,but they also hold business meals at restaurants.Touching or passing food or eating with your left hand is to be avoided.When meetings are one-to-one,if your host offers you coffee,you should refuse.It might seem odd,but it is a cultural tradition.Coffee should only be accepted if it is always set out or presented.
In Switzerland
The Swiss tend to be formal and address each other by last name.They also are respectful of private lives.You should be careful not to ask about personal topics.Punctuality (守时) is vital,something that comes from a deep respect for others'time.Arrive at any meeting or event a few minutes early to be safe.They also have clear structure in their companies.Higher-ups make the final decisions,even if others might disagree.Neat,clean dress is expected.The Swiss follow formal table manners.They also keep their hands visible at the table and their elbows off the table.It is polite to finish the food on your plate.

67.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.communication types                      
B.the workplace atmosphere
C.customs and social manners                 
D.living conditions and standards
68.Why do Singaporeans avoid arguing with their boss?D
A.They put efficiency in the first place.
B.They dislike face-to-face communication.
C.They want to finish meetings as quickly as possible.
D.They are supposed to obey the person of a higher rank.
69.In the UAE,when should you refuse the coffee if it is offered?B
A.When greeting seniors.
B.When meeting the host alone.
C.When attending a presentation.
D.When dining with business partners.
70.In which country do people care about where to put their hands at the dinner table?A
A..In Switzerland.
B.In Singapore.
C.In the United Arab Emirate.
D.In Brazil.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Thousands of years ago,people only ate food that was grown near their homes.Some kinds of food were only grown in one place,so people from other places didn't know about them.When Europeans first traveled to Central and South America in the 1500s,they discovered strange kinds of food that they had never seen before.Today,these are grown in a lot of different countries and they're sold in supermarkets all over the world.They don't seem strange any more!
Potatoes were first grown in the Andes in South America.In 1586,they were taken to Europe by explorers (探险家).In 1719,they were taken to North America.Before 1719,nobody in North America had ever seen or eaten a potato.Today each American eats more than 60kilos of potatoes a year.
Tomatoes were also first grown by native (本地的) Americans.When European explorers visited the south of America in 1500,they took tomato seeds (种子) back to Europe.Soon,tomatoes were grown in Europe,but people in England didn't eat them.At that time,a lot of English people thought that tomatoes were poisonous!
Chilies (辣椒) have been eaten in Central and South America for more than 8,000years!In the 1500s,chilies were taken to Europe by explorers.Today,they are grown in hot countries all over the world.
59.How many kinds of food are mentioned in the passage?B
60.People in Central and South America have eaten chilies for more thanC years.
A.1,500     B.1,586C.8,000       D.1719
61.According to the passage,we know thatD.
A.people only ate food grown near their homes after 1719.
B.people in Europe were the first to plant potatoes.
C.Chilies have been eaten in Europe for more than 1000years.
D.the European explorers took chilies to Europe in the 1500s.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.This photo has beenenlarged(扩大).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.In most cases,college graduates don't mind what job they will do so long as it is one ______ they can earn money to support themselves.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.My camera can be _________ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Limit your movements during an earthquake to a nearby safe place.Stay indoors until the shake has stopped and you are sure it is safe to leave.
●If you are indoors:
Drop,Cover,and Hold-Take cover under a strong desk,table,or bench,or against an inside wall.If there is no desk or table near you,cover your face and head with your arms and stay in an inside corner of the building.
Stay away from glass,windows,walls and anything that could fall down,such as lights and furniture.
If you are in bed when the earthquake strikes,stay there.Hold on and protect your head with a pillow,unless you are under a heavy light that could fall down.In that case,move to the nearest safe place.
Stay inside until the shake stops and it is safe to go outside.Most injuries during earthquakes occur when people are hit by falling things while entering or leaving buildings.
Be aware that electricity may go out or that fire alarms may turn on.
Do not use elevators.
●If you are outdoors:
Stay there.
Move away from buildings,trees and streetlights.
●If you are in a moving car:
Stop as quickly as safety permits,pull to the side of the road,and stay in the car.
Avoid stopping near or under buildings,trees,overpasses.
Do not attempt to drive across bridges or overpasses that have been damaged.
Proceed cautiously after the earthquake has stopped,watching for road and bridge damage.
Here we have more good ways for you to escape from an earthquake,and welcome to visit our website www.earthquake.com.
49.According to"If you are indoors",you are most likely to get injuredD.
A.when you are in a tall building
B.when you hide under a desk or table
C.when you are in bed
D.when you enter or leave buildings
50.Which of the following is TRUE when an earthquake happens according to the passage?C
A.If you are in a restaurant,rush out through the door to a safe place.
B.If you are on a bus,get off it right away to find a safe place.
C.If you are playing on the playground,just stay there.
D.If you are reading on the sixth floor in a library,use an elevator to get out as quickly as possible.
51.We can find more ways to survive an earthquakeCaccording to the passage.
A.in some books       B.on TV      C.on the Internet    D.on the radio
52.The passage mainly tells aboutA.
A.how to survive an earthquake
B.how to prevent an earthquake
C.how to protect yourself from falling things
D.what we need to do before an earthquake.

