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 There ________ no water for 2 days, the travellers were all thirsty.

A. having been      B. had been    C. is        D. was  


科目:高中英语 来源:英语外研必修五设计 外研版 题型:001




M:Oh you’re doing the painting all by yourself.Where is David?

W:He’s so lazy.He doesn’t do anything to help me.

1.What is the woman doing?

A.Cleaning her house.

B.Washing clothes.

C.Painting her rooms.

W:Ow! I’ve burnt myself.

M:How did you do that?

W:I picked up a hot dish.

2.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a kitchen.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a shop.

M:Look! Somebody has spilt milk on the carpet.

W:Well, it wasn’t me.I didn’t do it.

M:I wonder who it was then.

3.What does the man want to know?

A.Who poured the milk into the cup.

B.Who drank the milk in the cupboard.

C.Who spilt milk on the carpet.

M:This food is awful, isn’t it?

W:Yes, it’s disgusting.I’m going to complain.

4.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.At home.

C.In a shop.

W:The weather’s too nice to stay indoors.I’m going to sit in the garden.

M:That’s a good idea.I think I’ll join you.

5.What are they going to do?

A.To go to the garden.

B.To stay indoors.

C.To join a party.




M:Where do you live?

W:In Boston.

M:How long have you lived there?

W:Five years.

M:Where did you live before that?

W:In Chicago.

M:And how long did you live in Chicago?

W:Two years.

6.How long has the woman lived in Boston?

A.Four years.

B.Five years.

C.Six years.

7.How long did the woman live in Chicago?

A.Two years.

B.Four years.

C.Five years.


W:Well, what time shall we meet?

M:Come to the cafe by the station at four o’clock.I’ll be waiting for you when you arrive.I’ll be sitting by the window and I’ll be wearing a bright green sweater.

W:OK.Is Agent 307 coming too?

M:No, she can’t be there.

W:Oh.Shall I bring the documents?

M:Yes.I’ll explain everything when I see you.And don’t be late.

W:OK.I’ll try to be on time.

8.What time will they meet?

A.At four o’clock.

B.At five o’clock.

C.At six o’clock.

9.What can be inferred from their conversation?

A.They are old friends and haven’t seen each other for a long time.

B.They are going to meet another person in the cafe.

C.The two speakers have never seen each other before.

10.What will the woman bring?

A.An umbrella.

B.The documents.

C.A bright green sweater.


M:Do you have any plans for next year?

W:Well, I’d travel if I could afford it.But I don’t have any money.

M:If you found a job abroad, would you take it?

W:If it were somewhere I want to go, I’d certainly consider it carefully.

M:What about working as an “au pair”(家庭打工留学生), living with a family and doing some housework?

W:I’d only consider that if I were sure about the family.If they didn’t treat me well, I’d be very miserable.

M:Yes.You’d have to be sure to use a reputable agency.We have a list in the office.I will get you one if you’re interested.

W:Yes, I am.Um, if I decided to apply, would you give me a reference?

M:Of course.Well, I hope you succeed, whatever you decide to do.

W:Thank you very much.I’ll let you know.

M:Yes, I’d like that.Goodbye.


11.Why does the man suggest that the woman should find a job?

A.Because it is necessary for the woman to have some experience of doing a job.

B.Because the woman needs money for the travel.

C.Because they need the money to support the family.

12.What worries the woman if she works as an “au pair”?

A.Whether she could get used to the life style of the family.

B.Whether the family are friendly to her.

C.Whether she could get as much money as she expects.

13.Which of the following is true?

A.The woman has not decided what to do.

B.The man has given the woman a list of agencies.

C.The woman is not interested in the man’s suggestion.


M:Shall we ask the girl Garlo’s been going out with to the party?

W:Who’s that?

M:Celia’s her name.She works in that cinema where they show all the foreign films.

W:But will she be free on Thursday evening?

M:Yes, it’s her evening off.That’s the reason I suggested Thursday.

W:OK.Who else? What about Nicky and Cherry?

M:Are they the girls you went to France with?

W:Yes.If they bring their boyfriends, that’ll be ten of us.But have you got a room that is big enough? My mother says we can’t use our sitting-room because we made too much mess the last time she let us have a party.

M:It’s all right.We’ve got a basement(地下室)where we store old furniture.If we clean it up, it’ll be fine.

W:Great.Let’s go and have a look at it.

14.Where does Celia work?

A.In a cinema.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a hospital.

15.On what day is Celia free?

A.On Tuesday.

B.On Thursday.

C.On Saturday.

16.How many people will their party?




17.Where will they have their party?

A.In the woman’s house.

B.In the man’s house.

C.A restaurant owner.


W:Hi, Tom.What is your plan for the summer break?

M:I’m going to work on the coast at Nantucket.

W:What are you planning to do on the coast?

M:My uncle owns a restaurant there, so I’ll be working as a waiter at night and then helping him do some accounting(会计, 清算账目)a few days each week.I have to save a lot of money for the next school year.Maybe we can get together and go to the beach this summer since we’ll be living near each other.

W:That sounds good.I’ll be working on a boat during July, and I won’t return to shore for the entire month.But in June and later in August I’ll be working in the lab, and I could drive up and see you in Nantucket.

M:OK.My uncle tells me June is the best time to go there before the town gets too crowded with tourists.Call me before you leave tomorrow, and I’ll give you a phone number where I can be reached this summer.

W:All right.I’ll talk to you later.


18.What is the man’s uncle?

A.A tourist.

B.A waiter.

C.A restaurant owner.

19.Where will the woman be working during July?

A.In the lab.

B.On a boat.

C.On the shore.

20.When is the best time to go to the shore?





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (E=AB  F= AC   G=AD)

M: Welcome back! I didn’t see you in the history class on Friday.

W:  61   . My geography class went on a field trip to look at some of the different rocks.

M: Really?  62   ! Where did you go?

W: A desert. It gets hot during the day, but it cools off very quickly at night.   63   .

M: Well, did you enjoy the trip?

W: Of course I did. Since there are so few plants growing there, it’s very easy to see different


M:   64   . You must call me if you have the chance to go there again.

W: No problem.   65   .

A. I really want to go there

B. That sounds excellent

C. I will be your guide next time

D. It is very dry there after the sun goes down

E. I’m tired of this trip

F. I wasn’t here on Friday


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年河北省高一下学期期中考试英语 题型:填空题

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (E="AB " F=" AC  " G=AD)

M: Welcome back! I didn’t see you in the history class on Friday.

W: 61  . My geography class went on a field trip to look at some of the different rocks.

M: Really?  62  ! Where did you go?

W: A desert. It gets hot during the day, but it cools off very quickly at night.   63  .

M: Well, did you enjoy the trip?

W: Of course I did. Since there are so few plants growing there, it’s very easy to see different


M:   64  . You must call me if you have the chance to go there again.

W: No problem.   65  .

A. I really want to go there

B. That sounds excellent

C. I will be your guide next time

D. It is very dry there after the sun goes down

E. I’m tired of this trip

F. I wasn’t here on Friday



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省模拟题 题型:填空题

短文填词 。
The mobile phone is becoming more and more popular with teenagers.
It shortens the d________ between people. Thanks to the mobile phone,
it is more ________ (方便) for us to contact people. But have you noticed that  
sometimes the mobile phone also b________ embarrassment to us? It's not  
rare to see someone shouting loudly as if there ________ no one else present.
And I'm sure everyone has had some ________ (经历) in which the mobile
phone rings again and again ________ public. People may have various reasons
why they keep the phone w________ all the time, but it interrupts people who
want to concentrate on ________ they're doing. So if you are one of them,
please shut off your mobile phone on formal occasions, e________ when you
are attending class or meetings. It's a respect for both ________ (别人) and  


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省唐山一中2010高考模拟试卷(四) 题型:填空题




M: Welcome back! I didn’t see you in the history class on Friday.

W:  1.. My geography class went on a field trip to look at some of the different rocks.

M: Really? 2.! Where did you go?

W: A desert. It gets hot during the day, but it cools off very quickly at night.  3..

M: Well, did you enjoy the trip?

W: Of course I did. Since there are so few plants growing there, it’s very easy to see different rocks.

M:  4.. You must call me if you have the chance to go there again.

W: No problem.  5..

A. I really want to go there

B. That sounds excellent

C. I will be your guide next time

D. It is very dry there after the sun goes down

E. I’m tired of this trip

F. I wasn’t here on Friday

G. We learnt a lot from this trip


