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阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


            If you and I met at a party,you would probably ask me what I do for a living,what town I live in — the kind of questions that would help you to build a picture of who I am. I might ask the same of you,but I probably wouldnt be listening. It's more likely i’d be looking at the label on your jeans,glancing at your shoes,and eyeing up your mobile phone. These are the things that really tell me who you are. In fact,I sincerely hope you would notice the same things about me. Well,that's the way it was a year ago.

            I began to behave like this at a very early age. I remember the first day of junior school,standing alone in the playground,desperately wanting to make friends. I headed straight for what seemed be the most promising group of boys. They were talking to girls,trading football cards,eating green sweets 一all the things I wanted to do. As I attempted to talk with them,one boy asked me, “Do you support Manchester United Football Club?” Another asked, “Are you into Michael Jackson?” I answered yes to them all,even though the truthful answer was no.

            Things seemed to be going well until one of the boys caught sight of my trainers. I'd  never thought too much about them before. They were just plain blue sports shoes that Mum had bought,for playing in the back garden. At once,the group laughed very loudly, ^Where did you get those from? A charitable organization?”

             Looking at the boys in bewilderment I noticed for the first time that they all had similar shapes on the sides of their trainers,like the ones on footballers’ boots on television. It wasnt just their shoes: crocodiles,eagles and tigers sat on the breasts of their T-shirts,and every single boy seemed to have the same school bag,a blue plastic bag with a leaping puma in silver on the side. I walked away quietly,depressed. From that day on,I was determined to be like them,if not more so.

21. What was the author like one year ago?

   A. He was very interested in figure paintings.

   B. He was crazy about holding different parties.

   C. He used to judge others by their appearances.

   D. He had some difficulty communicating with others.

22. How did the author react when asked about his favorite football team?

   A. He told a lie.

   B. He kept silent.

   C. He replied proudly.

   D. He refused to answer.

23. Why did the group suddenly burst out laughing?

   A. Because they played a joke on the author.

   B. Because they were attracted by the author.

   C. Because they welcomed the author warmly.

   D. Because they looked down upon the author.

24. After the first day of junior school,the author began to

   A. be addicted to television

   B. concern himself with animals

   C. follow faixious football players

   D. spend more money on branded goods

21. C 22. A 23. D 24. D



21. C. 推理判断题。由第一段的I'd be looking at the label on your jeans,glancing at your shoes,and eyeing up your mobile phone. These are the things that really tell me who you are 可知,一年前的作者喜以貌取人。

22. A. 细节理解题。由第二k的I answered yes to them all,even though the truthfiil answer was no 可知,当作者 被问到喜欢的球队和明星时,他撒了 谎。

23. D. 推理判断题。由第三、四段可知,作者穿的是一双普通的蓝色球鞋,而那些穿着名牌球鞋的男孩取笑他的鞋是从慈善机构得到的,由此推测这些男孩是因看不起他而大笑起来。

24. D. 推理判断题。由最后一段作者看到其他男孩所穿戴的服饰后感到十分沮 丧,再结合第一段作者与他人交流时所关注的事物可知,从那时起,作者开始花大量的钱买品牌货。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第39期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Dear Editor,

          Please publish more articles about women scientists. Women scientists have made outstanding contributions to the world. These women make excellent role models. More young women may choose science as a profession if women read featured articles on female scientists like Marie Curie and Rachel -Carson. Both women were encouraged to study science,and they both accomplished great things.

          With her fathers encouragement,Marie Curie made the world a better place through her scientific accomplishments. She studied the emission(放射) gf rays from uranium(铀) ,a feature she called “radioactivity(放射性) .” Later,Curie and her husband,also a scientist,processed the mineral pitchblende before separating two radioactive elements(元素). With this discovery,Marie Curie earned her doctorate,and shortly thereafter,both she and her husband were awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics. In 1911 Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her work with the newly discovered elements; this work laid the foundation for X-rays and atomic physics.

           When Rachel Carson was young,her mother encouraged her to study nature. As an adult,she became known as the mother of the modem environmental movement. After studying marine biology and zoology in college,Carson worked as2.government scientist End wrote several books on how all living things relate to each other. In 1951 her book The Sea Around Us made scientific knowledge about the sea accessible to the general reader and remained on the best-seller list for eighty-six weeks. In 1962 Carson wrote Silent Spring,a book that helped lead to improvements in the use of chemical pesticides (农药) .

           Humans have benefited greatly from the work of Marie Curie and Rachel Carson. What if these women had not been encouraged to become scientists? I believe that we need to encourage young women to enter the field of science. With that goal in mind,I sincerely hope your magazine can publish more articles about the contributions that women make to science.


                               Annie Bastien,Grade 7

                               Capistrano Middle School

24.According to the text,Marie Curie.

   A. achieved success with her fathers help

   B. separated two radioactive elements alone

   C. made contributions to the study of X-rays

   D. won the Nobel Prize twice with her husband

25.What can we learn about Rachel Carson?

   A. She was a physicist and chemist.

   B. Her books had a great influence on the public.

   C. She was inspired by her father to become a scientist.

   D. Her role as an environmentalist was rarely known by people.

26.What can we infer about the author?

   A. She aims to become a scientist.

   B. She likes reading and writing stories.

   C. She has a great interest in women scientists.

   D. She wants to publish articles in the magazine.

27.The letter was written to .

   A. introduce some women role models

   B. praise women scientists’ contributions

   C. offer the magazine editor some suggestions

   D. provide information about women scientists


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                            ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

                 Production of bottled water has grown over the past thirty years from nothing into a $16 billion-per-year business. 41,more and more people have been against bottled water use,and environmentalists are 42 people to go back to the tap(水龙头) .

                 The first reason why you should seriously think about 43 bottled water,they say,is that it's bad for the 44 . Producing plastic bottles 45 vast quantities of oil. 46 ,factories create poisonous waste and send it into the environment. What is more,the vast majority of plastic water bottles aren’t 47 . In almost every part of the world,unwanted water bottles take up landfills(垃圾填埋地) and send 48 gases into air and water when they are burned. In other words,bottled water is a major 49 to global warming.

                 Secondly,the 50 of bottled water requires a lot of fuel. In the USA alone,one billion bottles of water are moved around each week in trucks,51 polluting gases and wearing down the roads. In fact,some high-priced water is 52 from one side of the planet to the other.

                 Finally,bottled water isnt even better for your 53 . Tap water rules in many countries are far 54 than those for bottled water. Furthermore,tap water 55  fluoride, which is added to help build 56 teeth and prevent tooth decay (龋齿) . Consequently,as the use of bottled water has 57 ,tooth decay has become more serious.

                 To sum up,by stopping the use of 58 water,and encouraging others to 59 so,you will be doing the planet an enormous favour and 60 your own health as well.

41. A. Besides   B. Moreover   C. However   D. Therefore

42. A. allowing   B. training   C. urging   D. commanding

43. A. giving up  B. turning to  C. preparing for  D. believing in

44. A. business   B. industry   C. price   D. environment

45. A. creates   B. attracts   C. requires   D. shares

46. A. By all means      B. In the wild  

    C. On the contrary   D. As a result

47. A. sold   B. recycled   C. found   D. limited

48. A. harmless   B. dangerous   C. natural   D. clean

49. A. answer   B. solution   C. contributor   D. service

50. A. test   B. design   C. competition   D. distribution

51. A. absorbing   B. preventing   C. giving off   D. turning off

52. A. shipped   B. wasted   C. developed   D. collected

53. A. safety   B. future   C. health   D. country

54. A. older   B. fewer   C. stricter   D. simpler

55. A. lacks   B. avoids  C. produces   D. contains

56. A. big   B. strong   C. white   D. straight

57. A. dropped   B. changed   C. increased   D. disappeared

58. A. polluted   B. cold   C. bottled   D. boiled

59. A. do   B. talk   C. report   D. donate

60. A. damaging   B. benefiting   C. challenging   D. respecting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task II. Read the text and find the reasons for the facts.


1. Xie Lei felt nervous.

2. Most foreign students will complete the preparation course.

3. Xie Lei made a great effort to get used to the new way of life in the beginning.

4. Xie Lei did not understand the people there completely.

5. Xie Lei had the chance to learn more about the new culture.

6. Xie Lei went to her tutor to ask the reason.

7. Xie Lei had no time for social activities.


   A. Studying in Britain is quite different from that in their own countries.

   B. They were different from the listening tapes.

   C. She got an E for her first e^say.

   D. She did not know what the future would hold.

   E. She was living with students from other colleges.

   F. She had to learn almost everything again.

   G. She was much too busy with her work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

              On Monday,I was riding my bicycle to school. I was worried I'd be late for school because the heavy traffic. Suddenly,a car came towards me and passes very close to me at high speed. This caused me to lose my balance,that resulted in me fall off the bicycle. As a result,I injured in my ankle quite badly. I didn't know a speed at which the vehicle was traveling but obvious it appeared to me that it passed by me very quickly.

              As I was falling onto the grounds,I saw the car crash into a white car. Therefore,the driver didn't stop and check what he had done. He just drove away. I really hope the driver could realize her fault and shoulder his responsibilities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. ,it was one of the worst books I've ever read.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词) 。

1. Last year he d$1,000 to cancer research.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The UN is seeking a(n) (politics) solution rather than a military one. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. It was freezing cold in the cave. His fingers were beginning to turn n.

