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________ out first in the swimming competition?

A. Whom do you think came        B. Who you think did come

C. Who do you think came           D. Who did you think come



come out first“获第一名”,do you think是插入语。



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省新泰市汶城中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. A father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.
After the shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: “No matter what happened, I’ll always be there for you!” And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his promise to his son.
Remembering his son’s classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started digging.
Other parents tried to pull him off the ruins, saying: “It’s too late! They’re all dead! You can’t help!” He replied, “Are you going to help me now?” The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school’s ruins saying, “Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You’re in danger. We’ll take care of it. Go home.” This loving, caring American father asked, “Are you going to help me now?”
The police came and said, “You’re, anxious and it’s over. Go home. We’ll handle it!” He replied, “Are you going to help me now?” No one helped.
Courageously he went on alone. He dug for eight hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he heard his son’s voice. He screamed his son’s name, “ARMAND!” He heard back, “Dad! It’s me, Dad! You promised no matter what happened, you would always be there for me! You did it, Dad!” “What’s going on in there? How is it?” the father asked.
“There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. ”
“Come out, boy!”
“No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, because I know you’ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you’ll always be there for me!”
【小题1】Why did the father keep digging?

A.Because he promised his wife he would take care of their son.
B.Because others persuaded him to do so.
C.Because he promised his son that he would be with him whatever happened.
D.Because his son was his only child.
【小题2】Many people came up and tried to persuade the father to stop digging except ______.
A.the policeB.the fire chief
C.some kind parentsD.the medical officer
【小题3】Which of the following best describes the son?
A.Calm, hopeful and strong-minded.
B.Careful, helpful and absent-minded.
C.Frightened, hopeless and thankful.
D.Cold-hearted, honest and faithful.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “they” in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A.those parentsB. the students
C.the teachersD.The fire officers
【小题5】We can learn from the passage that ______.
A.sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand
B.you cannot go on well in life until you forget your past failures
C.love can set us free from all fear and overcome the difficulties
D.we have enough happiness to make us sweet and enough sorrow to keep us human


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届湖南凤凰华鑫中学高二下学期月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

2008 will be remembered by us Chinese people as a year of sadness and happiness. May of the year sadly saw the Great Sichuan Earthquake, the worst earthquake in China over 30 years. It killed around 70,000 people. Tens of thousands were injured or went missing.

However, to our delight, China also hosted its first Olympic games that summer in Beijing. It was a very successful games with a great opening ceremony. 43 new world records and 132 new Olympic records were made. And China came out first with 51 gold medals.

1.When did the Great Sichuan Earthquake happen?

A.In 2005.          B.In 2006.           C.In 2007.           D.In 2008.

2.About 70,000 people ______ in the earthquake.

A.were killed                            B.were injured

C.went missing                           D.went hungry

3.How many gold medals did China win at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?

A.175.             B.132.              C.51.              D.43.

4.We Chinese people were ______ in 2008.

A.sad              B.happy            C.neither sad nor happy D.both sad and happy



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年山东省高三上学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Psychiatrists(精神病专家),who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset(资产) in child raising----older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with children. But raising kids takes money and energy, many older parents find themselves balancing their limited financial resources, declining energy and failing health against the growing demands of an active child. Dying and leaving young children is probably the older parents’ biggest and often unspoken fear. Having late-life children, says an economics professor, often means parents, particularly fathers, “end up retiring much later.” For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream.

Henry Metcalf, a 54-year-old journalist, knows it takes money to raise kids. But he’s  also worried that his energy will give out first. Sure, he can still ride bikes with his athletic fifth grader, but he’s learned that, young at heart doesn’t mean young. Lately he’s been taking afternoon naps to keep up his energy.” My body is aging,” says Metcalf, “You can’t get away from that.”

Often, older parents hear the ticking of another kind of biological clock. Therapists who work with middle-aged and older parents say fears about aging are nothing to laugh at. “They worry they’ll be mistaken for grandparents, or that they’ll need help getting up out of those little chairs in nursery school.” Says Joann Galst, a New York psychologist .But at the core of those little fears there is often a much bigger one. “that they will not be alive long enough to support and protect their child, ” she says .

Many late-life parents, though, say their children came at just the right time. After marrying late and undergoing years of fertility(受孕) treatment, Marilyn Nolen and her husband, Randy, had twins. “We both wanted children,” says Marilyn, who was 55 when she gave birth. The twins have given the couple what they desired for years, “a sense of family.”

Kids of older dads are often smarter, happier and more sociable because their fathers are more involved in their lives. “The dads are older, more mature,” says Dr. Silber, “and more ready to focus on parenting.”

1.Why do psychiatrists regard maturity as an asset in child raising?

A Older parents can better balance their resources against children’s demands.

B Older parents are usually more experienced in bringing up their children.

C Older parents are often better prepared financially.

D Older parents can take better care of their children.

2.What does the author mean by saying “For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream”

A They have to go on working beyond their retirement age.

B They can’t get full pension unless they work some extra years.

C They can’t obtain the retirement benefits they have dreamed of.

D They are unwilling to retire when they reach their retirement age

3.The author gives the examples of Henry Metcalf to show that______.

A many people are young in spirit despite their advanced age

B taking afternoon naps is a good way to maintain energy

C older parents tend to be concerned about their aging bodies

D older parents should exercise more to keep up with their athletic children

4.What’s the biggest fear of older parents according to New York psychologist Joann Galst?

A Being laughed at by other people           B Slowing down of their pace of life

C Being mistaken for grandparents           D Approaching of death

5.What do we learn about Marilyn and Randy Nolen?

A They thought they were an example of successful fertility treatment

B Not until they had the twins did they feel had formed a family

C They believe that children born of older parents would be smarter.

D Not until they reached middle age did they think of having children.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省高二上学期期中考试英语题 题型:单项填空

—Jack is very clever and he studies hard as well.

   —No ________ he always comes out first in the exams.

A. answer        B. question        C. wonder       D. problem



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011福建省福州八县(市)协作校高二下期末联考英语试题 题型:填空题


         We may be very pleased with the rapid progress we

have made in every field of study. But we have almost done

nothing to        (改善)our present examination systems                                    1.        

which focus on testing the students’ m         instead of                                     2.        

their ability. As      as a child begins school, he enters                                          3.        

a world of examination,        will decide his future of job.                                   4.        

In fact a good examination system should      (鼓励)                                             5.        

students to think for themselves.      the examination                                          6.        

now does anything except that. It f       the students to                                      7.        

remember what is taught to get      marks. Thus the students                           8.        

who come out first in the exam often may be the b                                             9.        

in their studies.       addition, such an examination system                                 10.        

often drives teachers to take up all the time and forces them

to train students what to do with the coming examination.

I hope there must be a better way to test a student’s true

ability as well.


