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Not all math skills are learned in the classroom.Some of them come naturally.Consider the split-second calculations  you make when you estimate(估计)the number of empty seats on the school bus or the number of cookies in a cookie jar.

These estimates can often be done without counting.That's because humans are born with the ability to closely guess the number of items in a group.Researchers call this ability a person's "number sense".

To see how a person's inborn number sense might be linked to mathematical performance in the classroom, psychologist Justin Halberda and his colleagues from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, US ran some tests.

The scientists asked 64 14-year-olds to look at images of yellow and blue dots that flashed on a computer screen for a fraction (一小部分) of a second.Each image contained between 10 and 32 dots that varied in size.

Some images contained twice as many blue dots  as yellow dots.In other images, however, the number of blue and yellow dots was nearly equal.For each image, the students were asked to estimate which color had more dots.

The scientists found a wide variation in how well students could pick the color with the most dots.

The scientists then looked at the students' math scores dating back to kindergarten.Children that performed best in the image test also scored the highest in standard math tests.The same finding held true at the other end of the spectrum (范围).Students who didn't score well on the image test received lower math scores.

The study was the first to show a link between a person's inborn number sense and his or her achievement in formal math training.

Does this connection mean that one cannot be good in math if they have a weak number sense? Or that having a strong number sense is a guarantee for good grades in math? The answers are not clear.

While scientists continue looking at the possible links between a person's number sense and math achievement, one thing is certain: Doing lots of math homework will  boost your chances of success.

1.Justin Halberda and his colleagues ran some tests to               .   

       A.look at the students' math scores dating back to kindergarten.

       B.ask the students to estimate the dots

       C.see if a person's inborn number sense has something to do with math learning

       D.decide how to learn math well

2.What is the proper meaning of the underlined word "boost"?   

       A.increase              B.grasp         C.miss                      D.possess

3.According to the passage, the most important thing to learn math well is that             . 

       A.one should have an inborn number sense

       B.one should practice a lot

       C.one should do a lot of tests

       D.one should do a lot of counting

4.What is the result of Justin Halberda's tests?

       A.Students who did well in the tests also did well in math exams.

       B.One cannot be successful in math if he has a well number sense.

       C.One who has a strong number sense can not do math well.

       D.One should do a lot of math homework if he wants to have a number sense.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省十二校2012届高三第一次联考英语试题 题型:050

Directions:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage

  Many of China's post-1980s generation have now become parents.

  "RMB 1, 000 for the nursery and RMB 5, 000 for the kindergarten, ” a post on a popular Internet site says.The author explains that it costs RMB 450, 000 to raise a child through to the sixth grade."A whole family, s monthly income is spent on the child; every minute you have is used earning money for your child? your moods are hugely affected by your child, s; friends, career and fun all belong to your pre-child life; youM sell your house to get your child into a better school.

  And this, according to sina.com, means a generation of "child slaves" has been created.

  With thousands of people blogging in China, s cyber space, a new group of bloggers have made a name for themselves by blogging about raising children.These young parents who regularly blog about their children, s daily lives, exchange tips and post hundreds of cute photos of their toddlers are divided about whether they are slaves to their children.

  Gao Jia, who is about to have a baby, thinks she^s a ‘'slave-to-be, and looks forward to it."It's my responsibility to raise the next generation.”

  Blogger Baobao, on the other hand, thinks she is a "child farmer, rather than a child slave."Pm raising my child like a farmer planting baby trees.

  Wen Ma, who also writes her own child-raising blog, criticizes the popular Chinese saying "everything we do is for the kids".She continues, "We take both that saying and kids too seriously; for our children, s sake, we cannot be child slaves.It makes us weak.

  Huan Zi doesn, t think child slave correctly describes her generation of parents."We can be apartment slaves, because we need an apartment to live in, but it's our own choice to have children, she says."There will come the time when the post-1980s generation finds their own place in life, but being slaves should not be it.


It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that ________.

[  ]


raising children is far more difficult than many of the post-1980s generation expected


raising children is what many of China, s post-1980s generation expected


many of China's post-1980s generation are well prepared to raise children


many of China' s post-1980s generation refuse to perform their duty of raising children


According to the passage "child slaves, , means “________.”

[  ]


people who are willing to raise children


people who employ children as servants


people who lose all the money for their children


people who sacrifice all they have to raise children


The post-1980s parents often blog about these things EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


their children's daily life


exchanging tips on raising kids


making names for their kids


posting cute photos of their kids


is probably willing to be a child slave among the following people.

[  ]






Wen Ma




What can be concluded from the passage?

[  ]


The post-1980s generation finds it interesting to raise children.


The post-1980s generation daren't face the fact that they have to raise children.


Not all the post-1980s generation are complaining about raising children.


Not all the post-1980s generation want to be apartment slaves.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东省汕头市高二下学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Ma Wendi graduated from a veterinary(兽医的) school several years ago. And now she is used to  1  (glance) at curiously when she walks six dogs at the same time. They are not all  2 . The 25-year-old veterinary graduate is a full-time dog walker.

“I have to take care of twelve dogs at most,” said Ma. She charges 500 yuan a month per dog, and most customers leave their dogs at her house for a week. The  3  (busy) time is around the Spring Festival, because many people go back to their hometowns for family reunions  4  go traveling.

“Compared with people who have to be in their offices during the day, I don’t have to get up early to squeeze into the subway carriages in rush hour, and I still make  5  decent(体面的) salary. It seems to give me great 6  (encourage) to go on with my job. ” she said.

“But it’s still a tiring job. Whenever there are dogs at home, I can’t leave them alone. I have to work and caring them is bound to be busy,  7  means that I have no time to enjoy myself. Sometimes I want to go out for a meal or shopping, but I can’t do so because I worry about them, and it really makes me  8 (annoy) ” she said.

Most of the dogs seem to adapt  9  the life there. Ma knows all the dogs’ names, and when she calls one’s name, the dog instantly knows she  10  (refer) to it.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东省高三2月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Ma Wendi is used to curious glances 1.she walks six dogs at the same time. They are not all hers. 2. 25-year-old veterinary graduate is a full-time dog walker.

“I have to take care of twelve dogs at most,” said Ma. She charges 500 yuan a month per dog, and most customers leave their dogs at her house for a week. The  3. (busy) time is around Spring Festival, because many people go back to their hometowns for family reunions 4. go traveling.

“5. (compare) with people who have to be in their offices during the day, I don’t have to get up early 6. (squeeze) into the subway carriages in rush hour, and I still make a decent salary,” she said.

“But it’s a tiring job. I have to work whenever there are dogs at home, and no time to enjoy  7.. Sometimes I want to go out for a meal or shopping, but I can’t do so  8. I worry about them,” she said.

Ma knows 9.  the dogs’ names, and when she calls one’s name, the dog instantly knows she 10.(refer) to it.



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省模拟题 题型:填空题

     Ma Wendi is used to curious glances   1  she walks six dogs at the same time. They are not all hers. 
  2   25-year-old veterinary graduate is a full-time dog walker.
     "I have to take care of twelve dogs at most," said Ma. She charges 500 yuan a month per dog, and
most customers leave their dogs at her house for a week. The    3  (busy) time is around Spring Festival,
because many people go back to their hometowns for family reunions    4    go traveling.
     "  5  (compare) with people who have to be in their offices during the day, I don't have to get up
early   6  (squeeze) into the subway carriages in rush hour, and I still make a decent salary, " she said.
     "But it's a tiring job. I have to work whenever there are dogs at home, and no time to enjoy   7  .
Sometimes I want to go out for a meal or shopping, but I can't do so   8  I worry about them, " she
     Ma knows   9  the dogs' names, and when she calls one's name, the dog instantly knows she  10 
(refer) to it.

