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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

This morning when I was surfing the Internet, the photo caught my attention. In the photo, there was a dustmen who was on a drip(打点滴) under a tree by the roadside. It turned out that he insisted working despite illness. Anyone who see this picture would be deeply touched. We must admit that dustmen are doing tired work for long hours and usually get low pay. However, it is all because of our hard work that we can live and work in a clean environment. Therefore, they deserve our respect. Then how can we do in return for their hard work? Actual it is very simple care for our environment and don't leave for rubbish everywhere, especially in public places.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考一轮复习 新人教版必修1名词性从句(1)练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ______.

A. who is he B. who he is

C. who is it D. who it is


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届全国高考英语阅读理解汇编(8)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


With more and more cars on the road,traffic jams are inevitable.Traffic jams can lead to increased accidents as there are more cars,with more people trying to get to their destination,all the while getting worse.Although it's impossible to avoid traffic jams altogether,there are some tips you can follow to reduce the amount of time on the road.

Check for traffic jams before you leave.You can listen to the radio for traffic news,or check on the Internet to get up?to?minute information on traffic.If the route you want to take is heavy with traffic,you can choose another.

Look for a different route permanently.Most traffic jams occur on busy roads.Using country roads could see you avoiding a lot of traffic.Although the distance you may have to travel is further,it can work out quicker.

Set your car radio to receive traffic bulletins.Many new car stereo systems(汽车音响系统)are equipped with a radio system by which you can hear the traffic channel.This way you can get the latest traffic information and change your journey if necessary.

________.Most traffic jams usually occur during rush hour,so try to avoid this time period if possible.Some jobs offer flexible working hours so that you can travel to work outside of rush hour.Some jobs even allow you to work from home so as to avoid commuting altogether.Ask your manager to see what you can do if traffic is a problem for you.

Use public transport alternatives where available.The easiest way to avoid traffic jams is to take buses or the underground instead of driving your own car.Not only will you avoid traffic jams but you will most likely be saving money as the cost of motoring rises.

1.The underlined word“inevitable”in Paragraph 1 probably means________.

A.hard to accept B.impossible to avoid

C.getting less serious D.seen everywhere

2.The author wrote the text in order to________.

A.explain why there are traffic jams

B.tell the negative effects of traffic jams

C.tell us what we can do on the road

D.tell us how to save time on the road

3.To get the latest traffic information,you could do the following except ________.

A.surfing the Internet

B.listening to the radio for traffic news

C.listening to the traffic channel

D.turning to other drivers for information

4.Which of the following can be put in the blank in the text?

A.Choose a job that has flexible working hours

B.Try traveling at different time

C.Make friends with your manager

D.Work from home


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届全国高考英语阅读理解汇编(5)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


“One City One Book” is a generic name (通称) for a community reading program that attempts to get everyone in a city to read and discuss the same book.Popular book picks have been Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird,Ernest Gaines’s A Lesson Before Dying,and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451.

“One City One Book” programs take the idea of a localized book discussion club and expand it to cover a whole city.The first such program was “If All of Seattle Read the Same Book” in 1998,started by Nancy Pearl at Seattle Public Library’s Washington Center for the Book.The book chosen for the program was The Sweet Hereafter by Russell Banks,written in 1991.Other cities copied the idea,and the Library of Congress listed 404 programs occurring in 2007.

Each city’s program has its own goals;these typically include building a sense of community and promoting literacy.Nancy Pearl warns against expecting too much from a program:“Keep in mind that this is a library program,it’s not an exercise in civics,and that it’s not intended to have literature cure the racial divide.This is about a work of literature.”

Programs typically involve more than having everyone read the same book.Some other activities that have been included are:book discussion sessions,scholarly lectures on the book or related topics,a visit by the author,exhibits,related arts programming (especially showing a movie of the book if there is one),and integration into school curricula.In Boston the “One City One Story” program used shorter stories and distributed tens of thousands of free copies of the story over the course of a month.

American Library Association puts out a detailed step?by?step guide on how to organize a local program,including the critical step of picking the one book.The Center for the Book at the Library of Congress tracks all known programs and the books they have used.

1.“One City One Book” programs ________.

A.ask everyone in a city to donate one book

B.can rid a city of racial divide through reading

C.choose short stories for people to read

D.encourage everyone in a city to read and discuss the same book

2.We know from the second paragraph that “One City One Book” programs ________.

A.became popular very quickly

B.have been held more than 400 times in Seattle

C.were sponsored by the Library of Congress

D.reached its peak in 2007

3.We can infer from the third paragraph that Nancy Pearl ________.

A.expects much from the programs

B.didn’t expect that the programs would run so well

C.has a practical attitude towards the programs

D.believes the programs will push forward community building

4.What kind of role does American Library Association play in the programs?

A.It picks out the city which runs the programs well.

B.It gives free books to the host city.

C.It gives a practical guide to the programs.

D.It keeps a record of all known programs.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南省娄底市高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

People often have the impression that Chinese characters are extremely difficult to learn. In fact, if you were to try to learn how to write Chinese characters, you would find that they are not nearly as difficult as you may have imagined. And they certainly qualify as forming one of the most attractive, beautiful, logical(合乎逻辑的), and scientifically constructed(构造) writing systems in the world. Each stroke(笔画) has its own special significance. If you are familiar with the rules of Chinese characters, you will find it very easy to remember even the most complicated looking character, and never miss a stroke.

The earliest known examples of Chinese written characters in their developed form are carved into tortoise shells and ox bones. The majority of these characters are pictographs. Archaeologists of various countries have learned that most early writing systems went through a pictographic stage, as did the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Most writing systems, however, eventually developed a phonetic(表示语音的) alphabet to represent the sounds of spoken language rather than visual images observed in the physical world.

One notable feature of Chinese characters is the "radical." "Radical" in English means "root". For example, the characters yu "language," shuo "talk," i "discuss," "opinion," and lun "discuss" all share the yen radical, which means "language," and gives the reader a clue to the meaning of the character as a whole. The characters hsiu "rotten," shan "cedar," " t'ao "peach," and lin "forest," all contain the mu "wood" or "tree" radical, indicating one of their shared key characteristics. If you know the radical of a character, you can usually get a general idea of the meaning of the character it is a part of. Although there is a theoretical total of almost 50,000 written Chinese characters, only about 5,000 of these are frequently used; and the total number of radicals is only 214. So learning to read and write Chinese is not nearly so formidable a task as it may at first seem.

1.According to the author, Chinese characters are ________.

A. extremely difficult to learn

B. scientifically constructed

C. difficult to remember

D. as difficult as you may have imagined

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. There are rules in forming the Chinese characters.

B. Some strokes are more important than others.

C. All the Chinese characters are pictographs.

D. Some writing systems eventually developed a phonetic alphabet.

3.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. pictographs

B. the strokes of the Chinese characters

C. the Chinese writing system

D. the radical of the Chinese characters


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东省汕头市高二下学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When we’re young and we dream of love and fulfillment, we think perhaps of moon-covered Parisian nights or walks along the beach at sunset. No one tells us that the greatest moments of a lifetime are short, unplanned and nearly always catch us off guard.

Not long ago,as I was reading a bedtime story to my seven-year-old daughter, Annie,I became aware of her focused look. She was staring at me with a faraway, blank expression. Apparently, completing The Tale of Samuel Whiskers was not as important as we first thought.

I asked what she was thinking about. “Mommy,” she whispered, “I just can't stop looking at your pretty face.”I almost dissolved(溶解) on the spot. Little did she know how many trying moments the glow of her sincerely loving statement would carry me through over the following years.

Not long after, I took my four-year-old son to an elegant department store, where the sweet notes of a classic love song drew us toward a tuxedoed(穿晚礼服的) musician playing a grand piano. Sam and I sat down on a marble bench nearby, and he seemed as astonished by the pleasant theme as I was. I didn’t realize that Sam had stood up next to me until he turned, took my face in his little hands and said, “Dance with me.”

If only those women walking under the Paris moon knew the joy of such an invitation made by a round-cheeked boy with baby teeth. Although shoppers openly chuckled(咯咯笑) and pointed at us as we glided and whirled(旋转) around the open space, I would not have traded a dance with such a charming young gentleman if I'd been offered the universe.

1.From the passage we know .

A. Annie knew how important she was to her mother

B. shoppers didn’t notice the author dancing with her son

C. there are bedtime stories in the Tale of Samuel Whiskers

D. Sam was not surprised at the music which was played in the store

2.When the author knew her daughter could not stop looking at her pretty face, she felt .

A. sad B. deeply moved

C. annoyed D. ashamed

3.Why wouldn’t the author trade a dance with her son even if she was given the world?

A. Because she knew she wouldn’t be given the universe.

B. Because her son was the most important person to her.

C. Because she thought she was the happiest one at the moment.

D. Because it was very important for the author to dance with her son.

4.What does the author want to prove by showing two examples of her kids?

A. Her kids love her very much.

B. She enjoys staying with her kids.

C. The greatest moments of a lifetime always come unexpectedly.

D. Those women walking under the moon should enjoy the happiness with kids.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷第一中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

We were a group of people who took a bus to work every day. One of the ___________ was a small old man who took the bus to the health center every morning. He always chose to __________ behind the driver. No one ever paid much _________ to him.

But one July morning he said good morning to the driver and _________ at others. The driver nodded. The rest of us were ___________ as usual.

The next day, the old man got on the bus and said in a loud voice, “A very good __________ to you all!” Some of us looked up, __ _________ , and said, “Good morning!” From then on he said good morning to us every day and we began to ___________ to each other.

One morning he had some flowers in his hand. The driver turned around ___________ and asked, “Are these for me, Charlie?” We never got to know his name was really “Charlie”, __________ he waved(挥动) the flowers and said __________ . People laughed. Every morning after that Charlie always _ _________ a flower.

Until one morning Charlie wasn’t ___________ at his usual stop. And he wasn’t there the next day and the day after that. What might have __________ _ to him? When we came nearer to the health centre, a woman ___________ the driver to wait a moment. We all held our __________ when she went to the door.

She said she knew ___________ we were talking about. The elderly gentleman was sick. They ___________ him back on Monday.

The next Monday when Charlie got on the bus, all of us who he had brought __________ to in that summer sat with a ____________in our hands.

1.A. friendsB. driversC. passengersD. workers

2.A. sitB. hideC. shoutD. sleep

3.A. attentionB. energyC. interestD. expectation

4.A. calledB. laughedC. smiledD. pointed

5.A. upsetB. crazyC. silentD. bored

6.A. tripB. morningC. holidayD. time

7.A. worriedB. surprisedC. movedD. scared

8.A. introduceB. admitC. writeD. talk

9.A. politelyB. proudlyC. carefullyD. smilingly

10.A. becauseB. soC. untilD. but

11.A. sorryB. yesC. thanksD. hello

12.A. boughtB. foundC. woreD. brought

13.A. waitingB. arrivingC. greetingD. walking

14.A. happenedB. sentC. spokenD. regarded

15.A. orderedB. invitedC. askedD. promised

16.A. tearsB. breathC. handsD. flowers

17.A. whereB. whenC. whoD. what

18.A. keptB. expectedC. lookedD. got

19.A. happinessB. luckC. concernD. power

20.A. letterB. ticketC. cardD. flower


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷第一中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Don’t worry. We have ________ food in the fridge now.

A. much B. many C. little


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆库尔勒市高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


Last night I am getting ready for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted (打扰) me. The noise went on and on. It was too loud that I could hardly pay attention to my study any longer. But I went to my neighbor’s house and say to him, “Excuse me, would you please turn down the TV? I’m preparing for tomorrow’s examination.” Hear these words, his face turned to red. And he said, “OK, I will. I’m very sorry to have made so much noise. Just now, the football game was very wonderfully. I was too exciting to control myself. I won’t do that again. Good lucky in your coming examination.” After that, I went on with his study.

