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 The overseas Chinese have _____great love for______ their motherland.
  A. a; the         B. an; /      C. the; /        D. a; /


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Are you thinking of writhing someone a letter? Call instead. It isn’t that expensive, especially when you call during the evening, night, or weekend hours. In fact, you can made a ten-minute call anywhere in the continental United States for just $2.60.

For even greater saving, always dial direct ,that is ,without an operator’s help .Rates on direct, that is ,without an operator’s help. Rates on direct calls are lower after five o’ clock in the evening and lowest after, and pay phone calls than direct calls.

Need to call out of the country? Now calls to many overseas places may be dialed direct. Check your telephone direction for overseas area codes.

Next time you have good news, or you just want to stay in touch, remember, a phone call means so much more than a letter. This has been a message from Southern Bell Telephone Company.

According go this passage, when is a dial telephone call cheapest?

A. During weekend hours .               B. After 5 in the evening

C. during working hours.                D. After 11 at night

What type of call requires less money?

A. A direct dial call           B. A collect call   

C. A person-to –person call     D. A call from a pay phone .

What should one do in order to made an overseas call?

A. Dial the operator.            

B. Call the Southern Bell Telephone Company

C. Check the phone book for the overseas operator’s number so that he can help you

D. Check the phone book for overseas area codes so that you can dial direct.

This passage is      

A. an article    B. a letter         C. a talk         D. a dialogue


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年吉林省北师大宁江附中高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk(收缩). It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communication’s equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.
Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic(国内的) business efforts.
Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive(行政的) ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superior will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more common.
Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.
English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate(候选人) the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.
The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients(客户) over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.
【小题1】What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?

【小题2】With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, business people_________.
A.have to get familiar with modern technology
B.are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations
C.are placing more importance on their overseas business
D.are eager to work overseas
【小题3】 In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Para. 3) probably means _________.
A.being unable to think properly for lack of insight
B.being totally out of touch with business at home
C.missing opportunities for promotion when abroad
D.leaving all care and worry behind
【小题4】According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?
A.Connections with businesses overseas.B.Ability to speak the client’s language.
C.Technical know-how.D.Business experience.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届上海市松江区高三英语5月模拟测试 题型:阅读理解

Japan will hand out its first “Nobel Prize of Manga (国际漫画奖)” for artists in the comic book field abroad. This is another step in Japan’s efforts to show the power of pop culture diplomacy.
The International Manga Award, which was compared by manga lover Foreign Minister Taro Aso to a “Nobel Prize” when he first proposed it, will be given to an artist working abroad whose work best contributes to the spread of the manga form worldwide.
Manga, a name used for Japanese style comic books, often combines stories with drawing styles that differ from the overseas superhero comics and cartoon, particularly in their frequent emphasis on cuteness.
The winner will receive a certificate and a cup at an award ceremony, and will spend 10 days in Japan meeting with local comic book artists and publishers.
“Manga has been spreading overseas and are selling quite well,” Aso said when announcing the award to the public. “I want to further improve the communicative power of these so-called ‘pieces of pop culture’.”
Aso has argued that warm feelings for Japanese comics and cartoon can translate into warm feelings for Japanese foreign policy.
He has proposed sending cartoon artists overseas as cultural ambassadors and the government has named some officials to advise ways to promote Japanese cartoon and culture to foreign audiences.
The award committee, consisting of manga artists and publishers, is expected to make its selections quite soon.
According to a ministry official Nobuyuki Watanabe, the prize carries no money reward. The cup’s design has yet to be finished, but it will be something “appropriate”.
【小题1】 The International Manga Award will be presented to ____________.

A.a Japanese who has achieved a lot in creating new methods of drawing
B.an artist who makes contributions to introducing manga to the other foreign countries
C.the person who is expert at comics and cartoon
D.a foreign artist who has contributed to the development of manga
【小题2】 Which statement is NOT true about manga?
A.Manga is different from the overseas comic books.
B.Manga is popular not only in Japan but also overseas.
C.Manga refers to international comics and cartoon.
D.There are stories and pictures in manga.[来源:学_科_网]
【小题3】What has the Japanese government done to show its support?
A.To propose “Nobel Prize of Manga”.
B.To name officials to advise ways of spreading manga overseas.
C.To hand out its first “Nobel Prize of Manga”.
D.To send cartoon artists overseas as cultural ambassadors.
【小题4】The passage is mainly about ____________.
A.Nobel Prize of MangaB.the characteristics of manga
C.a brief introduction of mangaD.the development of manga


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省四地六校2009-2010学年高二下学期第二次联考英语试题 题型:阅读理解


Chinese mainland's star-making reality TV show "Happy Boy" will not be open to male applicants from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau or other foreign cities, said the country's top TV industry committee yesterday.

Happy Boy is the male version of Super Girl, which is regarded as the Chinese version of American Idol. The girl's event, operated by central China's Hunan TV, drew an audience of 400 million for the final match in 2005. The country's State Administration of Radio, Film and Television approved the male version earlier this month. However, the regulation that only mainland's male applicants are allowed to register was released just days before the application procedure began on Wednesday in Changsha, one of the five mainland cities to hold the contest. The other four includes Chengdu and three undecided cities.

The regulation spoiled Hunan TV's ambition to extend the series to the overseas market, an official with the TV station told the Hunan-based Xiaoxiang Morning yesterday. "My Hero," another star-making reality show by Shanghai's SMG Dragon TV, said it was not informed of the regulation, and it is still receiving foreign applicants, said an official with Dragon TV. A previous regulation by the administration has made clear that televised talent shows can't run for more than six weeks at a time. While the first "Happy Boy" may last for five months, according to a previous report.

Last year there were about 10 influential star-making TV shows across the country, among which those from CCTV, Hunan Satellite TV and SMG's Dragon TV, were the most popular. "Super Girl" ran for almost five months and "My Hero" lasted four months. While the shows have proven popular, they have also earned many complaints from people who say they are crude and not satisfactory.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. Male applicants from Hong Kong won’t be accepted to attend Happy Boy show.

B. It was Hunan TV that made the regulation that they couldn’t accept foreign applicants.

C. American Idol was started earlier than Super Girl.

D. Audience love American Idol better than Happy Boy.

2. Which of the following may best explain the underlined word spoiled in paragraph 3?

A. prevented         B. gave         C. encouraged          D. affected

3. We can safely draw the conclusion that ________.

A. Hunan TV will obey the regulations issued by the administration.

B. not all of the audience think highly of the shows.

C. there were about 10 popular TV shows across the country.

D. Dragon TV broke the regulations on purpose.

4. The relationship between State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and Hunan TV is possibly close to _______.

A. teacher and student                      B. coach and sportsmen

C. father and son                                D. police and criminal



科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年河南省高一上学期第一次考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk(收缩). It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communication’s equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.

Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic(国内的) business efforts.

Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive(行政的) ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superior will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more common.

Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.

English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate(候选人) the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.

The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients(客户) over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.

65. What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?

A. Critical.                   B. Indifferent.               C. Negative.                 D. Positive.

66. With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, business people_________.

A. have to get familiar with modern technology

B. are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations

C. are placing more importance on their overseas business

D. are eager to work overseas

67. In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Para. 3) probably means _________.

A. being unable to think properly for lack of insight

B. being totally out of touch with business at home

C. missing opportunities for promotion when abroad

D. leaving all care and worry behind

68. According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?

A. Connections with businesses overseas.     B. Ability to speak the client’s language.

C. Technical know-how.                                   D. Business experience.


