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Mencius'father died when he was young,and hewas raised/brought upby his mother.

分析 Mencius'father died when he was young,and he was raised/brought up by his mother

解答 根据汉语"孟子很小的时候父亲就去世了,他的母亲把他抚养成人."可知此句需用一般过去时的被动语态,再结合短语bring up 抚养长大 可换单词raise.可得出翻译:Mencius'father died when he was young,and he was raised/brought up by his mother

点评 句子翻译要注意这几点:单词的准确性(指那些地道的专门的单词翻译),语法问题(包括习惯用语 固定搭配),句子的结构合理.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

1.61.Daniel,a young computer programmer,has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax in winter.He likes to get close to nature and enjoy water sports.C
62.Henry and Ann and their two teenage sons,hope to take their holiday outdoors.They would like to find a place where they can play games,such as looking for treasure.A
63.Philip,a high school student,wants to travel on weekends,and would like to learn about materials to use when building a setting for the train set.D
64.Teresa,a primary school teacher,plans to take the whole class of 20 students for a holiday.The students will graduate this year,so she'd like to organize an activity without charge but it is instructive.B
65.Tony,a young engineer in a modern car factory,enjoys an adventure journey once a year.This time,he would like to have journeys to the countryside,where he can try to learn about driving a horse and carriage.E

A.Brightwood Park
Take you up to Westfield's natural preserve for a short hike or to practice skipping stones in the large pond.You can look for deer and other woodland animals or go on a nature treasure hunt.

B.Jewark Airport
The airport offers free tours covering the history of the airport,terminal operations,and emergency vehicles and equipment for groups of 15 to 30 persons.The tours are intended for students in grades three and above.See also Newark International Airport.

C.Cheesequake State Park
The Cheesequake State Park features 1,284 acres of open fields,a hardwood forest,a variety of wildlife and about 200 species of birds.Activities include hiking,boating,canoeing,swimming and a variety of winter sports.An interpretive Center provides live wildlife exhibits and environmental education programs,including nature walks.

D.The Model Railroad Club
The Model Railroad Club is an activity of the Union County Park System.The Club is open to visitors every Saturday afternoon for viewing the model train displays.Every fall,the Club sponsors a Light and Sound Show that will delight the model train lovers.

E.Fosterfields Living Historical Farm
Learn about farming as it was done 100 years ago at Fosterfields Living Historical Farm.There are weekend demonstrations on planting and harvesting crops as well as special programs held throughout the year.Some of these include wool cutting and carriage driving.

F.Deutsch Museum
Germany's leading museum of science,engineering,and transportation has everything from steam engines to space exhibits--some of which are closed for remodeling until May,2003.Don't miss the Forum der Technik,which has a world-class planetarium and an IMAX theatre.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.The Shanghai Disneylandto be opened( open) soon,the authorities are struggling to devise some feasible measures to guarantee its operation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.CCuriosity(好奇心) drove Wang Peng inside.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

May I have you attention please?I have a little things to tell you.When you have a class here in the language lab,please be here a little early.Change your shoes before enter the lab.Don't bring anything here except your textbooks.When you are into,please don't touch these machine without permission.Always do as the teacher tell you to.In class you should only speak the English,not Chinese.
Recorders can be used make a copy of the listening materials.When class over,turn off your machines and leave the lab one by one.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.-Is it my age ______ the boss minds?
-I'm afraid so.He will consider _____ necessary to have an experienced assistant.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Whoever they are,Americans don't like to call each other by their family name,for it sounds too formal..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Dear Sir/Madam,
I live next to your school in Grasmere Road and I am writing regarding the very bad behavior of some of your younger students.In addition to this,I should like to bring to your attention to the irresponsibility of certain members of your staff when supervising (监督) students,evening activities.
Firstly,concerning the students'behavior,I should like you to make it very clear to those students walking along Grasmere Road towards the station that my front garden is not a place where people are allowed to leave their rubbish.When they leave school in the afternoons,they pass my house and throw empty cans,waste paper and even cigarette packets (although most of them are below the age for smoking) on my grass.
Could you also please ask your students not to shout and use bad language in the street,as this is harmful to the reputation of both your school and the area?
Regarding certain members of your staff,you are perhaps unaware of the fact that their evening activities sometimes continue well beyond ten and the noise is too loud.Last Thursday night the noise did not stop until 10:30pm.Surely the members of staff supervising these activities could bring the events to a close at a suitable moment.
I know that I am speaking for many families in the area when I ask you to speak to your students and staff about these matters.
Should they continue to be so inconsiderate,I shall be forced to take matters further and shall have no choice but to write to the council(地方议会).
Yours faithfully,
Mrs.J Barker
29.The text is a letter ofC.
30.Which of the following is destroying the area's reputation in Mrs.J Barker's eyes?D
A.Throwing rubbish.
B.Smoking cigarettes.
C.Making too much noise.
D.Shouting and using bad language.
31.What is Mrs.J Barker going to do if these matters are not solved?A
A.Take further action.
B.Turn to a lawyer.
C.Keep an eye on them.
D.Continue to write to the school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Many people believe that they will be happy once they arrive at some specific goal they set for themselves.However,more often than not,once you arrive"there"you will still feel dissatisfied,and move your"there"vision to yet another point in the future.By always chasing (追寻) after another"there",you are never really appreciating what you already have right"here".It is important for human beings to keep sober-minded(头脑清醒的) about the age-old drive to look beyond the place where you now stand.On one hand,your life is developed by your dreams and aspirations (抱负).On the other hand,these drives can pull you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now.
To be grateful means you are thankful for what you have right now.Gratitude (感激) fills your heart with the joyful feeling and allows you to fully appreciate everything that arises on your path.As you try hard to keep your focus on the present moment,you can experience the full wonder of"here".
There are many ways to develop gratitude.Here are just a few suggestions you may wish to try:
•Imagine what your life would be like if you lost all that you had.This will most surely remind you of how much you do appreciate it.
•Make a list each day of all that you are grateful for,so that you can stay conscious (有意识的) daily of your blessings.Do this especially when you are feeling as though you have nothing to feel grateful for.Or spend a few minutes before you go to sleep giving thanks for all that you have.
•Spend time offering assistance (帮助) to those who are less fortunate than you,so that you may gain a new perspective (观点).
What really matters is that you create a space in your consciousness for appreciation for all that you have right now,so that you may live more happily in your present moment.
24.According to the first paragraph we knowB.
A.many people feel satisfied with what they have right now
B.aspirations can pull a person farther from his present life
C.none can be sober-minded about his dreams and aspirations
D.we should be busy with chasing one after another"there"
25.Gratitude can NOTD.
A.fill your heart with happy feelings
B.allow you to fully appreciate your"here"
C.make people experience the wonder of"here"
D.drive people to give up their future
26.If we want to develop gratitude,we should better NOTA.
A.check out what we lose everyday
B.give thanks for all that we have before sleeping
C.help others who are less fortunate than us
D.make a list each day of all that we should thank for.

