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Now that American education has entered the era of the MOOC—the Massive Open Online Course-the opportunity for cheating appears greater than ever. The all-knowing Google search engine is never more than a few keystrokes away. So how can a teacher manage such a large number of examinees so far away, let alone searching out cheaters taking tests across the Internet?

Using technology, of course. While special services via webcam(摄像头)and cheating detecting software have been developed now, Mettl, an online company, has developed advanced techniques for netting cheaters, which the company claims are even more reliable and easier to use. Whatever small attempt to cheat, he or she will be found out.

Mettl has adopted a handful of technologies on its test—taking platform, creating a mini monitoring state in an exam. Here’s how it works:A test-taker signs on to Mettl and selects his/her exam from the site’s library of pre—loaded tests. Facial and keystroke recognition technology confirm the person that has signed in is the very person, and the system records both the test—taker(through the webcam)and the test—taker’s screen throughout the test.

Mettl’s technology uses the test—taker’s webcam to detect how many people are using the computer. Soon, it will track eye movement well enough to sense whether the test-taker is looking away from the screen, perhaps to Consult a smart phone or a friend in secret. Mettl also monitors the test-taker’s screen and can detect when the test-taker has changed a computer or moved from the test. The system will soon be able to record sound, thus detecting whether the test-taker is talking or being talked to.

If any irregularities are detected, the system flags the incident and reports it back to the test’s administrator. This can bring any number of things, depending on the test-giver’s wishes:a complete shutdown of the exam, a warning message that appears on the test-taker’s screen, even human instructions from the control center.

Mettl is hoping its technology will help it break into the country’s big MOOC markets.

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Advantages of Massive Open Online Courses

B. Using technology to fight against cheating online

C. A new Test system serving the online students

D. How Americans help increase educational opportunity

2.From the first paragraph we can infer that

A. MOOC has replaced the traditional form of education

B. Teachers should be more strict in dealing with cheating

C. Google is a software designed for cheating

D. Preventing online cheating is a tougher job

3.How can Mettl help to get rid of cheating online?

A. By equipping teachers with cameras.

B. By asking test-takers to sign in.

C. By providing different tests at the same time.

D. By recording the test-takers’ behaviors.

4.Which part of a newspaper does the article come from?

A. Health B. Education C.Entertainment D. Culture


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江佳木斯重点中学高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。

Dear American guests,

On behalf for our school, I would like to express our warmly welcome to you. We are lucky to have us here in the middle of our English Week activities.

As scheduled, we had English Talent Show today. The purpose of this programme is develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and spoken. The programme consists of the following activities: recitation, singing, word spelling, story told and so on. The Show will begin at two o’clock this afternoon at the Student Center. Dear guests, you are welcome to take a part in our activities. I hope we students will benefit great from your presence.

I sincerely hope you a pleasant time with us.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年海南省高三5月模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


At first glance, there is little in Horton to attract people. The other nearby towns have much more to offer: Bradfield has its river and historic buildings, while Newtown has shops and entertainment. The buildings of Horton look dirty and unloved. For shops, there is a small supermarket, a few bargain shops, a bakery which, strangely, does not sell bread and a florist which has one stand of sad-looking flowers. Even so, Horton has several advantages over its neighbouring towns.

Firstly, it has a country park. Four thousand years ago, this was an important fort. There are no historic remains here now, but there are wonderful views over the countryside. On sunny weekends you can often see kids out with their parents, kicking balls or flying kites.

There aren’t many job opportunities in Horton, and the roads to nearby cities aren’t really fast, but there are excellent rail links. You can be in London in an hour and a half, and other cities are less than an hour away. That means that parents can earn a good salary and still get home in time to spend the evenings with their families. Houses in Horton aren’t pretty, but they’re functional and cheap. The streets are quiet and safe, and there are plenty of parks and playgrounds. It has a library, three primary schools and a secondary school, St. Mark’s. It is friendly and offers a wide range of subjects and activities to children of all abilities and backgrounds. The town also has a swimming and a sports centre, and the community halls hold regular clubs and events for people of all ages.

1.What is the writer’s main purpose?

A. To explain what tourists can do in Horton.

B. To explain why Horton is a good place to live in.

C. To explain why Horton is not as pleasant as other towns.

D. To describe the history of Horton.

2.Which part of Horton does the writer find disappointing?

A. the shops B. country park

C. transport links D. the schools

3.Which of the following is NOT the advantage of Horton?

A. plenty of parks and playgrounds

B. historical buildings

C. the quiet and safe streets

D. functional and cheap houses

4.What advantages does Horton bring to workers?

A. There are plenty of jobs available in the town.

B. You can drive to nearby cities in a short time.

C. You can get to several cities quickly by train.

D. Working conditions are better here than in other towns.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届陕西西安中学高三上学期第四次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Walt Disney is credited for creating such wonderful things as Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. However, he cannot take the credit for creating other well-loved characters, such as Cinderella and Snow White. They are almost automatically associated with Disney because Disney turned old fables (寓言) into cartoon movies.

The original Cinderella varies very much from the Disney version we know today. It started off with the girl mourning her mother’s death and going to her tomb three times a day. In addition, there were only birds that helped Cinderella; there was no such thing as a fairy godmother or helpful mice, nor was there mention of a horse and carriage.

The stepsisters were cruel: they always threw Cinderella’s food into the ashes of the fire and made her sleep on the ashes on the floor, hence (因此) her name.

In the original story, the king’s ball actually lasted for three days. With the help of the birds, the girl, beautifully dressed, danced with the prince on all three nights and the prince fell in love with her. However, she broke away from him to rush back home each night. On the last night, the prince placed something sticky on the stairs; as Cinderella made her escape, a shoe got stuck on it.

Here now is where the story becomes unpleasant: when the prince went to the house looking for the girl whose foot fit the shoe, the wicked (邪恶的) stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe. The daughter did as told. So the prince took her away to be his bride. But when they passed the tomb of Cinderella’s mother, the birds called out to the prince,

“Turn and peep, there’s blood in the shoe;

The shoe is too small, the true bride waits for you.”

Realizing he had been tricked, the prince returned the daughter to her mother. The other then had to cut off part of her heel in order to fit into the shoe, with the same result. Only Cinderella’s foot fit perfectly and so the prince chose to marry her. The story ends with the wedding day: as Cinderella’s two stepsisters followed her, pretending to be devoted to her so that they could enjoy the king’s riches, two birds flew by and plucked (啄) out their eyes. Because of their wickedness and falsehood, they had to spend the rest of their days blind.

The original Cinderella is so different from the Disney version. Thank goodness Disney made such changes; it indeed was a wise move.

1.What does the underlined word “They” in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Such wonderful things.

B. Other well-loved characters.

C. Old fables.

D. Cartoon movies.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the original story?

A. Helpful mice got Cinderella a beautiful dress.

B. The ball was held to celebrate the prince’s wedding.

C. Cinderella left her shoe on the stairs on purpose.

D. The birds told the prince that he had been cheated.

3.The moral of the original story is that ____________.

A. a wicked person cannot escape punishment.

B. a devoted person certainly deserves respect.

C. a well-behaved child earns a great reward.

D. a dishonest child cannot get mother love.

4.What does the author think of the Disney version?

A. Excellent. B. Ordinary C. Dull. D. Ridiculous.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届辽宁沈阳东北育才学校高三上学期模拟3英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



All of us can give others a hand as long as we are willing to do so. Actually, there are some people doing kind things all the time. Spreading kindness, one good deed at a time, is Karla Gibson’s mission. “I wish everyone could join me. There are so many _______ things going on in the world; I mean every day,” said Karla.

Karla had the ____and sense of duty in December of 2013. The single mother of three said she tended to get down around the holidays, so she ______ to do something to cheer others up. She started a Facebook page and____ her good deeds each day, from feeding the homeless to giving Easter gifts to the incarcerated (囚犯). She hoped to ____ others.

“We have to do something. Our ____ can make a difference in someone’s day. You ________ know when someone might be having their worst day, and then something like buying them a coffee can change their whole attitude,” Karla ______.

Karla’s greatest ____so far had to do with coffee. On September 27th, Karla’s birthday, she went to her local Starbucks and gave the _______ $127 to pay for other people’s drinks. She sat at the end of the drive-thru holding a _______ that read, “Have a great day.” She ended up _______ about 23 customers. “It was really fun. It was _______ one of the best birthdays ever,” she said. Her kindness that day didn’t go _______. One couple was so grateful that they surprised her with flowers and balloons to show their _____.

Karla’s acts of kindness have become a _______ affair. Her two sons are always ______ others. “Sometimes I’ll ask Kyle, ‘So, did you do anything extra nice today?’ and he’s like ‘Somebody ______ something in the hallway and I picked it up’ or ‘I held the door for someone’, that kind of thing,” said Karla.

It’s because of Mom that the boys think it’s _______ to give a hand to others. “I think it’s a great idea of hers. It’s always nice to help someone out ______ they really need it,” said Karla’s 15-year-old son Chad.

1.A. good B. bad C. new D. casual

2.A. commitment B. appointment C. preference D. success

3.A. managed B. agreed C. hesitated D. decided

4.A. did B. mentioned C. shared D. missed

5.A. greet B. inspire C. introduce D. remember

6.A. kindness B. happiness C. stories D. sadness

7.A. still B. often C. never D. even

8.A. whispered B. explained C. reported D. replied

9.A. surprise B. challenge C. concern D. moment

10.A. cashier B. customer C. beggar D. secretary

11.A. mark B. sign C. symbol D. flag

12.A. paying for B. picking up C. paying off D. picking out

13.A. occasionally B. usually C. probably D. hardly

14.A. unoccupied B. unnoticed C. unorganized D. unquestioned

15.A. wisdom B. existence C. generosity D. appreciation

16.A. society B. love C. holiday D. family

17.A. encouraging B. inviting C. helping D. affecting

18.A. dropped B. bought C. found D. fell

19.A. strange B. lucky C. cool D. funny

20.A. after B. though C. unless D. when


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江绍兴第一中学高三下学期开学回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

China Merchants Bank Co Ltd has teamed up with ride-hailing major Didi Kuaidi to provide automobile financing and expand its reach in China's booming mobile payment industry.

The two have inked a comprehensive partnership, which includes a strategic investment by the former in the latter. Under the partnership, CMB will become the first bricks-and-mortar bank that can offer in-app credit card payments to Didi users. At present, users of Didi can only choose third-party payment solutions like WeChat Payment and Alipay to pay cab fares.

Zhao Ju, vice-president of CMB, said the cooperation with Didi was an important step in its mobile Internet finance strategy. “CMB's mobile payment is going to enter a new chapter by leveraging Didi Kuaidi's vast user base," he said.

According to a report by China Internet Network Information Center earlier this month, Didi holds 87.2 percent of China's private car hailing market. The company said it has received 1.43 billion car-hailing requests on its platforms in 2015, which means 1.43 billion payments were made via smartphones.

CMB is expected to use Didi to reach the core users of China's mobile payment market. Jean Liu, president of Didi, said many of the expats prefer payment by credit card rather than Alipay or WeChat. "The new partnership will help improve service quality and customer loyalty," she said. The investment makes CMB part of Didi's existing investors, including Tencent Holdings Ltd, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and China Investment Corporation. Both of the companies declined to reveal the actual amount of the investment.

Liu, who showed up on Tuesday for the first time in public after her treatment for breast cancer, said the cooperation with CMB is for the long run and "the capital investment is only part of it".

Under the partnership, CMB and Didi will cooperate on a wide range of initiatives on financial services and online-to-offline cooperation. Apart from the in-app credit card payments, the two companies are going to launch joint credit cards in late February and automobile financing services for Didi's car owners. CMB's branches across China are expected to help Didi recruit more drivers.

"There is a lot of room for imagination in our partnership," Li said, adding in future people may use their CMB credit card reward points to pay for the ride on Didi.

Li Chao, an analyst with iResearch Consulting Group, said the partnership may not significantly boost CMB's mobile payment business. "Didi has educated the market for three years and its customers have formed the habit of paying by WeChat or Alipay. So I think CMB can only turn a very smart proportion of Didi users into its payment customer," he said. "But the move shows that China's traditional banking industry is finally thinking out of the box and looking for outside partners in Internet finance competition," he said.

Statistics from Big-Data Research showed that more than 90 percent of China's 9.3 trillion yuan ($1.41 trillion) worth of third party mobile payment market is donated by Alibaba and Tencent.

1.Which of the following sentences is true about Didi Kuaidi ?

A. The users of Didi can pay cab fare in cash.

B. At present, Didi holds the largest market of China's private car hailing business.

C. With several years of development, the users of Didi have abandoned the third-party payment.

D. CMB will become the most important investor of Didi.

2.Which of the following is not the purpose of CMB’s cooperation with Didi? .

A. CMB is expected to use Didi to reach the core users of China's mobile payment market.

B. Through the cooperation with Didi, CMB will help improve service quality and customer loyalty.

C. CMB will launch joint credit cards with Didi to expand its service.

D. CMB will turn a very large proportion of Didi users into its payment customer.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. CMB's mobile payment is going to enter a new chapter.

B. China's traditional banking industry is facing fierce Internet finance competition.

C. CMB and Didi will have a online-to-offline cooperation.

D. Mobile payment market is donated by Alibaba and Tencent.

4.What’s Li Chao’ attitude towards the partnership between CMB and Didi?

A. cautious B. positive

C. indifferent D. disapproving

5.The main idea of this passage is that ___________.?

A. CMB develops partnership with Didi Kuaidi.

B. CMB is looking for outside partners in Internet finance competition.

C. Didi Kuaidi is going to enter a new chapter.

D. Alibaba and Tencent dominate the mobile payment market.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江绍兴第一中学高三下学期开学回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The boy tried to stretch the shoes, but still his feet didn’t ___ them.

A. fit into B. go for

C. take on D. make from


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北沙中学高三下学期第一次半月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



内容包括:1. 春节的重要性;

2. 主要庆祝活动和风俗习惯;

3. 邀请她来中国体验春节。


参考词汇:对联couplet 压岁钱lucky money

Dear Susan,


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川双流中学高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


I was blessed ___1.__ a happy childhood, one that most people would want to have. Our neighbours had a son ___2.___(name) Danny, and we grew up together. We spent long summer evenings ___3.____(dig) up worms for fishing. It was in the pine forests ___4.___ I discovered that I was allergic to the tiny flies. On ___5.__(wind) days, we’d slide down the stony slopes and feel the spray of the sea in our face. Danny was a good carpenter too, and we made brooms out of ___6.___(branch), which we tried to sell in the village shop. We __7.___(build) a tree house, ___8.____ we smoked our first cigar, and I was sick. Once I slipped on some damp leaves, ___9.___(fall) out, scratched my arms, and cut the heel of my foot, so he washed my wounds in the stream. He was a very ___10.___(consider) boy for someone so young.

